Katey’s Cootchie
Twelve Months – Friday December 31, 10:30 p.m.
“I’m in love,” Katey announced.
Mitch glanced at the other three members of their little New Years Eve party. He didn’t see any indication from the two women of knowledge as to what she was talking about. But his long-time friend Zander looked uncomfortable. “And?” he ventured.
He Assumed his girlfriend of just over one year wasn’t talking about her love for himself, or she would have phrased it differently. Or, at least, she would have preceded the remark with some kind of physical contact, sitting beside him as she was. So there had to be something more to her semi-drunken comment. The multiple recent encounters between her and his own best friend, which he had decided to tolerate in the interest of tranquility, seemed the likeliest scenario.
“No ands, baby,” she replied. “It just seems like you have a plan for midnight, like you did last year. I thought I’d better say something first.”
Zander spoke up at last. “You sure you want to bring this up now?”
Katey gave him a look from across the coffee table. It wasn’t withering contempt, exactly, but not warmth either. She looked next, beside him, at Zander’s girlfriend of several years. “I’m not talking about him,” she assured the redhead.
“So just says it,” Mitch said, relieved. “A boy band?”
Diminutive Katey scooted away from him and cuddled in closer with the much heavier woman seated next to her on the couch. “I’m in love with Lana,” she said.
Mitch relaxed a little more. “Well, yeah,” he said with a bit of a smile. “Aren’t we all?”
Big-titted Svetlana put her heavily tattooed left arm around the younger woman’s shoulder. “Don’t take this the wrong way,” she said to the younger woman, “but everything I do with you, is because he tells me to.” She put her other hand squarely onto Katey’s t-shirt, directly on her left breast, giving it a gentle squeeze for an awkwardly long moment.
“I know,” bleach-blonde Katey said, doing nothing to impede the contact, “but I can’t help it. It’s two months now. I’ve developed feelings.”
Lana scoffed. “Yeah. And I’ve got feelings for your boyfriend, too. I’m on the right path now, for the first time since, well, ever. And he’s why. But I don’t go around, you know, messing up a good thing, saying dumb stuff.” It was true that, in the two months she’d been living under the same roof with the two of them, she had learned to dial back on her unfiltered comments. Mostly. And it was also true that for the past month, she had followed Katey’s lead and completely given up on anything stronger, or less legal, than alcohol. She no longer complained about wanting to move out or to have a different arrangement. She even was open to discussion about reuniting with her son, who was in foster care — at least, eventually.
“Hold on, hold on,” Zander said to Katey. “Feelings? What about me? For you? Didn’t we just talk about that?”
It was his tall girlfriend’s turn to protest. “Zander? I know you haven’t been yourself lately. But shouldn’t you come to me – talk to *me* – first?”
“I tried. You don’t listen.”
“You know I love you. Are you talking about moving out? We can still make this work.”
Mitch, nominally the host of this party, held up a hand. “Wait. Am I hearing this right? Robyne, I know you love the Z-man. Of course. But Z, are you saying you’re in love with my Katey? I mean, actual Love kind of love, with a capital L?”
“You sort of pushed us together, man. And now that I’ve gotten to know her, well, you know.” He left off the completion of his thought.
Mitch made a small wave of conciliation then put his hand back down. “I’m not angry, man. Jealous, I mean. Or anything. Really, I’m not. I mean, I’ve known all along you and she were singing around behind my back, but it was my own fault, what with the Bad Boys and everything. Mixed signals, mixed messages. At least it was out in the open, now, this past month. But I thought it was just physical, between you two.”
“Sneaking around? You didn’t tell me either? While it was happening? And who’s the Bad Boys?” Robyne demanded of Mitch. “Zander, are you mixed up with, well, I don’t even know who they are? Whoever they are, it doesn’t sound good.”
Mitch didn’t answer that and addressed his girlfriend. “Katydid, are you saying more than I think you’re saying? Are you thinking of moving out?”
“With Zander? No. I just said. I’m in love with Lana, not him. She’s here, I’m here. But I have feelings for you too. I just, I don’t know. I decided it was time to be totally honest with you.” She took the woman’s hand out of her lap and held it. “Honest with you both,” she said to her. “I love you. I never thought I would. But something just clicked.”
Lana looked over at Mitch. “I didn’t know about this, I swear. If I’m in love with anyone, it’s you. Not that I believe in love. I told you from the start, I’m not lesbian, but I do things when the circumstances say to. So maybe she’s got the wrong idea. I’m a changed woman, or at least I’m changing, and you’re the reason. Maybe that’s love.”
Mitch started to smile but suppressed it, only partially successfully. “I’m not sure love is the right word, either, is it? I mean, I bought you from that guy, but that’s just because he’s a sleazebag.”
“And I’m glad you didn’t sell me right away, when I asked.” Lana looked over at the redhead and added, “no offense. You’re really nice. But I was afraid of him at first, being all dominant and shit just like the others. I see now how wrong I was.”
“It was just talk that first night, honey,” Robyne reassure her. “I got over-enthused. Once I had time to think it over, it didn’t make sense, on several levels. He’s got the funds to do that kind of thing. I don’t. You’re better with him.” She was still quite embarrassed about asking him to get her high a month earlier, settinga precedent for intimacy that she found it difficult to modulate now, all with the purpose of convincing him to sell Lana to her. At least, as far as she knew.
Mitch interrupted. “I’m glad you like it here, Lana. But just because I’m going to pay to have braces for you and her both – I mean, what else is money for? – it doesn’t mean you love me. Love? Really?”
“I’ve dropped little hints, right? It’s not just the things you pay for. Don’t worry, I’m not talking about marriage. I mean, come on. I don’t expect diamond rings out of life. I’m not the type who’s ever gonna get that. But I never was with someone who says what he means, and then means what he says. I don’t even usually use the word love. I said *if*. But if I did,” she said, and then stopped.
Mitch looked at Robyne. “Well, this is a mess, isn’t it?”
“Maybe we should just go,” Zander’s girlfriend agreed.
“No, no, don’t. I don’t mean that. We’re all friends, right? We can talk this out.”
“I’veheard of triangles, but this is five sided. A love pentagon? Next thing, you’re going to tell us you’re in love with me.”
Mitch gave her a smile. “Well, actually,” he began, then paused and grinned.
“Oh, no. No, no, no. Don’t you say it.”
He continued, “after the last time we all got together, before the three of us went to Cabo for Christmas, I just couldn’t help thinking…” His pumpish smile was difficult to interpret.
“Oh shut UP,” Robyne said, more in embarrassment than in denial. “It’s just sex, and that’s all it’s been, since that night a month ago. You said so, yourself. You promised. Good lord, I knew it was a mistake. I said so too, remember?”
“So suck my cock,” he invited, still with an impish look on his face.
“I’m not doing that tonight. I told you at the start. It always seems to come down to that, anymore.”
“Keep an open mind, Bird. I mean, if you do that, then I won’t need to ask Lana for do it. Then she’ll have to turn to Katey, who just said she wants what she’s got to offer. That leaves the Z man to come back to you.”
“Oh good Lord. You are impossible.”
Mitch laughed outright, and then apologized. “Sorry. I know how to push your buttons. But let me get this straight. You love Zander. But Zander loves Katey. And Katey’s in love with Lana.”
“Don’t make fun of me,” Katey said. “I’m just being honest.”
“I’m not making fun. So,” Mitch continued, “Katey loves Lana, but Lana’s in love with me, then me, I might just be in — “
“Stop it,” Robyne warned again.
Lana didn’t let him finish either. “No, I don’t believe in love. No such thing. Not for me.”
“But you just said. If you did, you’d be in love with me. And I just might be in love with Bird.”
The redhead snorted seriously. “That’s one quick way to kill any feelings I might have, with that damned nickname.”
“Robyne Rose Sein. Robin red breast. What else would I call you?”
“How many times do you keep making that joke? My family’s Hungarian, not French. And that’s not what the French call the bird anyway. Pink breast is nonsense.”
“What do you mean, nonsense? I’ve seen your nipples.” Pink indeed was a valid description of the redhead’s intimate features.
“So are we talking about *you* moving out?” she asked her boyfriend.
Zander answered in a serious tone filled with uncertainty. “Because, maybe? My job’s secure now, finally, and I’ve been thinking I’d like to move closer. I know you’ve got the life you want, up here. If Katey wants to be in La Mierda too, well, you know?” His voice trailed off, particularly, hopefully.
Katey looked at her part-time lover. “Look, I’m sorry if I let you think things, Zander. I don’t want to move. I just let you play in my cootchie sometimes. We both like that.”
Robyne rolled her eyes and let out a big sight but didn’t say anything.
“So,” Zander continued, “at least, we could try it. Why not? Let’s find a place downthe hill a bit. I’m not talking about somewhere shitty. I can afford something nice. For us.”
“You’re making this confusing,” Katey said. “I like Mitch in my cootchie too. But mostly I just want to be with Lana.”
“Lana could be with us,” Zander offered.
“How convenient for you,” Katey sniffed.
“You know, this is really hard to listen to,” Robyne pointed out.
“No offense,” Svetlana said to Zander but with a quick side-eye to Robyne, “but I like it here at the Lakes just fine.”
“And that’s where I want to be too. I love Lana,” Katey said. “And the three of us here are making it work.”
Robyne witnessed again. “You told me you love me, Alexander. What changed?”
“Nothing’s changed,” her boyfriend said. “I, uh, say things during sex. You know? I can’t just say nothing. Not when you say it. But you know it’s been getting more difficult. You’re so critical of everything, lately. No, actually, since the beginning. Took me until now to realize that. You don’t build me up. Katey does. I don’t feel like I can always play second fiddle. Not anymore.”
“We can talk about it, can’t we? I can fix what’s wrong.”
“That’s just it. It’s always you thinking you can fix things. Taking charge. I never understand, before Katey, that you spend all your time dominating me. And now that I tried it with her, well, I kinda like it.”
“But you’re not my Dom,” Katey pointed out. “He is. And Lana now.”
Lana was clearly bothered by the discord. “Here’s a thought. Why don’t you both just move in here? With Mitch. He has, what, about twenty bedrooms in this house? Plenty of space. Then, whoever wants to fuck, can fuck.”
“I love my house,” Robyne countered. “And it’s more than just about sex.”
“Is it?” Lana asked. “You just heard your boyfriend. Everyone’s in love, during sex.”
“Girl’s got a point,” Mitch smiled.
“I’m going to give you credit,” Robyne said to him. “I said some pretty rude things a year ago. About you and her, Katey I mean, not being a good match. I was completely wrong. She has changed so much, and for the better. You brought things out of her I couldn’t see. So much more self-confidence. I think maybe I can see the same things happening with Svetlana, too. As a start.”
Mitch nodded in acknowledgement. “As long as we’re being so honest tonight, I’ll just say that you maybe were right, too. Katey’s gotten so much better, in so many ways, I’m not sure she needs me anymore, and that does change things. It’s not just from going to a better hair stylist and manicurist. She looks fantastic but that’s just superficial. But she’s a great cook now, and she’s lost, what, 30 pounds, from getting active outdoors, and eating healthier, and everything. It’s ironic. She’s more perfect for me than before, and now I’m not even sure I can keep her.”
Katey didn’t reply to the obvious opportunity to reassure him, and instead clutched Lana’s hand again, tightly.
Lana stood up.”It’s almost eleven. That’s midnight somewhere, right?” She peeled off her tank top, so that she was down to her 44H bra. “This conversation got way too heavy.”
Mitch perked up. “Say it,” he commanded.
Lana smiled. “Sure, Boss man. Cock. Place your prick in my mouth. Screw me. Oh shit. Fuck. Mayonnaise. Orchid. I’m your secretary.”
Robyne could not stifle a guffaw at this. “What the hell was that?” she demanded after regaining her composition.
“It’s from a movie they both like,” he said simply.
“Take your clothes off,” Lana said to the beauty seated across from her, “and I’ll go down on you, or give you whatever you want.”
“Huh? Where did that come from? That a movie too?”
“Supposed to be a party, Mistress. And I’m horny. Aren’t you?” She reached behind and undid the heavy clasp of her bra. It slip down her arms and dropped to the floor, putting her dark, oversized areolas and erect nipples in plain view.
“I don’t know,” Robyne replied, undisturbed by the display but unpersuaded either. “And don’t call me that. I’m out of the mood all of a sudden. Wonder what caused that?”
“Forget your troubles. What, you’re gonna leave me hanging? Heh.” She motioned at her own low-beam tits in case anyone missed the joke, and added, “the only one with her top off?”
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“I could use a good nurse, is what I’m saying.” Lana turned to the elfin one. “Hella full of milk. Here, I know I don’t have to ask you twice, Sugar Lips. Strip for us, and then I’ll give you what I’ve got.”
Katey stood up and lifted her t-shirt. “Whatever you say, Mistress.” Wearing no bra, nor panties underneath her unseasonable hot pants, and already barefoot, she was stark naked within seconds, her pert C-cup boobies looking fine and her shaken pussy leaving nothing to the imagination. “Your turn,” she told the 36-year-old.
“See?” Lana chimed in. “I don’t mind when *she* calls me that. It’s just for fun. *Mistress*.”
Robyne remained unmoved. “I didn’t ask for this either. You’re just getting Alexander all hot and bothered. Gonna try and suck his cock right in front of me?” A trace of bitter jealousy had at last crept into her voice — she rarely used the same crude slang terms for body parts the others did.
“Not unless *she* tells me to,” Katey said.
Lana shrugged. “Here, I know. Boss man, you got any E to give the lady?”
“I don’t have any of that on hand anymore,” Mitch told the sag-titted one. “You know that.” He hadn’t visited the mysterious Mr. Jones for any supplies in more than four weeks now, ever since Katey had told him she wanted to stay clean of everything stronger than alcohol from now on.
“Yeah, and I don’t want any,” Robyne said. “I think I should just leave.”
Topless Lana went over and sat on her lap uninvited. “It’s New Year’s Eve. Nobody should spend New Year’s Eve alone. Especially someone as beautiful as you. You’re with friends. Maybe you’re mad at the others, but no reason to be mad at me, right? Come on, let me make you happy.”
“Except you fucked my boyfriend behind my back, too. Get off me.”
Lana stood up but remained within reach. “Yeah, but we’ve all been honest about it since, well, since a while now. I thought you were okay with it all, by now. Let me make you feel good, like last time. And the time before. We both know you like it.”
“Hold on, hold on,” Mitch said. “I was thinking, we should all try to save up, and have our orgasms, all of us, exactly at midnight.”
“Because, New Year’s Eve? Duh? Three, two, one?”
“Like last year?” Katey asked.
“That’s an hour away,” Lana restated. “I don’t wanna wait.”
“Unless I tell you to wait,” Mitch said provocatively.
Lana hesitated. “Well, that’s different, Boss man. What have you got in mind?” She moved next to his end of the couch and ground her pussy, still clad in her denim jeans, against the wooden armrest.
“I was thinking, if Katey’s in love with you, and Z-man’s in love with Katey, and so on, maybe everyone should take turns and,” Mitch began, but then stopped and stood up. “Hold on.” Brushing past the topless woman, he went over to the liquor cabinet and got out a bottle.
“Your good whiskey?” naked Katey asked, in the midst of striking a series of seductive poses for Lana’s viewing pleasure. “See? I KNEW you had something planned.”
“The only problem is not enough of it.” He poured a healthy amount into each of the glasses around the room. Normally he would be more fastidious about using clean glasses for the good stuff, but these were special circumstances. After urging each person to knock it back, he completed his idea.
“Everyone should take turns and give the one they love a little present, to ring in the New Year. No, wait. I said that wrong. Other way around. Everyone pleases the one who loves them.”
“You’re saying, uh, she goes down on me?” Katey asked.
“See? I knew you’d be on board. Wait, I know, and to get what you want, you have to tell the person you love them. Z-man tells you he loves you, then you suck his cock.”
“At midnight, you’re saying,” Katey clarified.
“Right. While Lana does you.” Mitch thought a second. “We’ve got an hour. Plenty of time for foreplay. Then at midnight, I mean just before midnight, we form a circle. No orgasms before then. When it’s time, you lie down on your back, and right at midnight Lana brings you over the edge with her tongue. Meanwhile Z is on top of you, and you bring him over the edge with your mouth too. We get ready and start the final buildup, oh, five minutes before. Unless you don’t think you can last that long.”
“No,” Katey said, “other way around. Zander tries to go too deep. I need to be the one on top.”
“Fine,” Mitch said. “Lana on her back, you sit on top of her, and Z gets on his back, and you do him. And then Z has to eat Bird.” The tall woman cleared herthroat, and Mitch amended, “he eats Robyne,” not wishing to cloud the discussion with another dispute over naming.
“You’re a total perv, Mitchell,” she told him, with enough of a smile to reveal that she wasn’t deeply offended. She’d seen everyone naked before, after all. “You know that, don’t you?” Last to pick up her glass, she downed half of the amount she’d been given.
“Beats going home alone, doesn’t it?”
“Still undecided. You might be the most perverted man I know.”
“And that’s what you find irresistible. Go on, tell me you love me. I already said I love you.”
“I love you too, Mitchell,” she mimicked, and then suddenly paused. “Wait. No, That’s all backward. Because you’re expecting a blow job from me out of this, aren’t you? Left out that little detail, didn’t you? Typical. He does she, she does he, and all of a sudden I’m spitting out a mouth full of semen. Not this time. No. I thought I made that clear. What about just intercourse? Like last time? That worked out fine.”
“You’re not thinking it through,” Mitch said. “P in V, that’s pleasing each other. You with me, Zander with Katey. And that means someone gets left out. Lana.”
“Nuh uh,” Lana contradicted. “Katey does it on the horse.” That was the nickname she had for the wooden structure at the far corner of the great room, a device Katey frequently sat on for masturbation purposes.
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