I’m Seb McGrath a just started engineer at Tesla Manufacturing in Fremont CA, I’m 22 and proud to be geeky engineer but it leaves me ill at ease with the dating scene, I’m not a virgin but I might as well be for all I remember of that one drunken foray.
I’m meeting college friends, male of course, in Las Vegas for a long weekend’s fun at the Vegas Park Speedway, something we’ve done a few times. Great thing about these trips we’re all similar guys, no-one wanting to go and find other ‘entertainment’ which only embarrasses the life out of me.
No money of course, so lonely 12 hours 10 minutes Fixbus ride from W Oakland BART to Vegas but at least there’s WiFi to keep me entertained especially if the bus is quiet and I can get a discreet seat where I can watch porn, see I’m not immune to the pleasures of the flesh just incapable of creating the link to warm female flesh.
Getting on the bus it’s obvious it’s pretty full already but there’s an empty pair of seats towardsthe back. I do the human thing of putting my rucksack on the window seat and sitting in the aisle seat, it should discourage any weirdo from sitting there.
Just 5 minutes to go and my seating plan is working, several people have got on board and not hinted at taking my seat despite the bus being virtually full, I’m very relieved. You can tell I’m not great at the pleasant company stuff especially for 12 hours.
The driver closes the door and all’s well when I see a woman rushing towards the bus, the doors opening for her, please don’t let her want to sit by me.
But of course she does, ‘oh goody, thanks for saving me a window seat’ picking up my rucksack and putting it overhead. What do I say? Absolutely nothing of course.
She settles down and the bus pulls away now how can I Really say nothing for 12 hours? I start to put my buds in. But the answer comes quickly, I might want to say nothing but she definitely does!
I have my tablet on,
‘I bet I’m stopping you watching porn aren’t I? But don’t mind me I understand the basic needs of you men, it pays my bills after all!’
I gasped, well choked really!
‘You what, how does it pay your bills’. I can’t help myself!
‘Well I’m a porn star, in the business as it were, so maybe I can do a bit of customer research!’
Oh shit.
Going beet red in the face I can only stutter.
‘What!!’ my worst nightmares starting.
‘Don’t worry; let me take the lead, this is going to be fun!’ Oh no it’s not, it really, really isn’t. I want to just melt away to somewhere else. I’ve never felt so crap in all my existence, why couldn’t she have been in nursesing or something.
‘So, how often do you watch porn?’
‘Utter rubbish I don’t believe you’
‘At least when you need a wank presumably?’
‘Maybe needs a wank or maybe wank to porn’
Please let a hole appears and swallow me up.
‘Err maybe both’
‘Okay this isn’t working; hang on, let’s slow this down and introduce ourselves properly maybe that’ll help you relax, I didn’t intend to scare you. I’m Maddy, Masochista professionally and you are?’
This is a bit easier:
‘Me, I’m Seb’
She puts her hand out to shake mine.
‘Pleased to meet you Seb’. Dainty hands with simply painted nails nothing flashy, odd for my preconceived idea of a porn star.
‘Now what do you like to wank to………sorry, sorry easier stuff first and what does Seb do when he’s not watching porn?’
‘Well I’m an EV Battery Research Technician at Tesla Motors’
‘Oh, brains then….’
‘Don’t you want to talk to me?’
‘Well, it’s not that simple, I’m a bit geeky I suppose, not had much to do with girls, no sisters no Mom for that matter’
‘But you like wanking to girls rather than boys I assume?’
Too quickly I rushed into:
‘Oh god yes’. Bright red again.
‘I’m not trying to get you to hateme, you know, I just think you’re cute and admit I am teasing you but I don’t meet many guys that are intimidated by me. It’ll be fun, but only if you have fun too. Ask me something that’s fun for you’.
‘Well I guess the obvious thing is why are you a pornstar, and why on a bus, surely you have lots of money?’
‘Good questions, last one first: I have time to kill and sometimes it’s just more relaxing on the bus, you meet nicer people too somehow.’
Looking at me and smiling.
Again I think she doesn’t fit my expectation of a pornstar but I can’t put my finger on it somehow, she’s not so brassy and false somehow. Never met any pornstars of course but you know judging from what you hear in interviews and read about them.
‘Why a pornstar is both an easy and a difficult question. Easy stuff first: I didn’t take to school, my Mom never made much money so we were always short, I was a bit of a rebel, but people say I’m pretty. I met a photographer, Jo, early on what to do.o wanted me to model for him. Just portraits he said, but then it was show a bit of cleavage, show a leg; the excitement I felt was utterly addictive; nude was easy, much more money too; he did a portfolio of me; more work, more money. Then a man took me in a very specific direction. What kind of porn do you like Seb?’
‘Well the usual I suppose: girls doing stuff they shouldn’t, but more about you please!’
‘Well I’m 22; live with girlfriends in Fremont;, I’m very single guys can’t cope with dating pornstars it seems; sort of love what I do because it accesses the kind of sex I fanaticise about lots; I’d like to be thought about as an actress rather than a pornstar; I’m confident with what I do but I know I’d like to put sex in one part of my life and acting in Another if I’m really honest, though I’ve never quite thought about it in quite that way actually. Seb you’re getting me thinking!’
‘Is it that your acting pays the bills?’
‘Of course, but there’s much more to it than that. Ordinary acting is a challenging career that I’m not properly qualified for and the sex I’m involved in is rather more than just earning money.’
‘Don’t follow you.’
‘Well, the clue is in my pornstar name — Masochista. As I said the guy who asked me to model for him opened a Pandora’s box of feelings, emotions and exploration for me that I never expected or intended. It’s as though fate intervened, grabbed me and took me into a new world.’
‘Still don’t follow.’
‘No reason why you should! You’re causing me to think about my past in a way I don’t do. Where to start? I’m enjoying this and I do feel like I can trust you, I hope so. Let me explain but don’t judge me please.’ I’m a sucker for puppy dog eyes.
‘No reason to yet and anyway in 12 hours’ time we’ll part company and never speak again I guess!’
‘As I started modelling, Jo began to encourage me to properly show off, at first it was just undo a button or two on my blouse, then take my blouse off I quickly realized as each suggestion ratcheted up the sexiness I became exponentially aroused. In minutes I knew my pussy was leaking, and I started to guess that my panties and jeans would be showing a damp patch anytime soon. I should have been embarrassed but somehow I wasn’t somehow I wanted to intimidate him, I can’t properly explain, it was as if I wanted him to demand more of me.’
‘So, next time I modelled for him, as he started to suggest I might consider being topless I simply striped off and he snapped away as I striped completely; smiling, willing the camera to consume me, by then juices were running down my leg! Instead of being embarrassed I simply scooped up my juices and sucked them from my fingers, he carried on snapping away. Me wanking for him was a simple next step and the resulting orgasm produced some stunning pics. I was utterly hooked; he was impressed and paid me double.’
‘I bet he wanked himself stupid once you’d gone!’
‘You would have done, wouldn’t you?’
Without thinking I said
‘God yes!’
She smiled, she did have a sexy smile. Perhaps this chatting wasn’t so bad….
‘Well that’s only the start of the story really. I’d watched a bit of porn, I don’t think it works quite the same way for girls as guys, but I realized that guys loved girls doing things to themselves; you know pulling their nipples and pussy lips, stuff like that. I’d not really tried that much on my own but after the photo session I wondered whether Jo would like me to do those kind of things so I tried a few things on myself and that’s how my sexuality exposed itself, if you know what I mean!’
‘I bet I’ve given you stiffy haven’t you, lets feel!’ She moved too quickly for me to stop her as she fondled my crotch.
‘Oh!’ I fidgeted and she removed her hand.
‘Goodness, that’s a nice sized cock, I’d love that to abuse me!’
‘What do you mean?’ My heart beat even faster.
‘Letme explain more’
‘So, in the privacy of my own room but in front of a large mirror I started caresing my nipples directly, found I loved it, it sent direct wake-up messages to my pussy, so I squeezed a little harder and the messages were stronger so I scratched them with my fingernails, stronger still, God I was well on the way to coming; looking round my room I noticed a coathanger and thought I Wonder what the pinchy bits might do; answer — even better feelings but when I hooked onto a convenient door handle and let the hanger stretch my nipples and tits I went dizzy with lust so I just pulled and pulled. The pain soared but was utterly exhaust, so I kept pulling and relaxing slightly changing the degree of pain; it was as if I was entering a different world of feelings utterly bewildering lust mixed with exhaustively delicious pain; the more I abused my poor tits the more I loved it I’d no idea how deep I could explore. Inevitably I was rubbing my pussy hard and roughly inConcert it wasn’t long before I came hard and long. Goodness only knows what I’d started but it was utterly addictive.’
‘So with Jo next time I simply stripped down and straight away started to pull my nipples him snapping away; I asked him if he’d like me to play a little more he looked quizzical and I produced a set of nipple clamps I’d bought and fastened them on and started pulling on my tits he said nothing just let me go where my lust took me.’
‘A few days later, I wondered whether my pussy might respond the same way. I’ve never told anyone else else any of this, but the look on your face is priceless!’
‘I’ve never had a conversation like this before’. God was I hard!
‘I pulled my pussy lips, good but different. I pinched my lips with the nipple clamp bits and that was good too, but… then I decided to try clamping my clipty, the thought of that got my heart thumbing in my chest, I started gently and it wasJust painful. Maybe I wasn’t sexed up enough? So, I revved myself up with the coathanger on my nipples and pulling away via the door handle I reclamped on my clipty. Shit that worked, it was seriously painful and really got me panting but God it was wonderful it sent me deeper and deeper into dizzy pain/pleasure space so I tightened the clamp on my clipty even more and pulled on my tits even harder to the point where my tits were supporting my weight as I laid back and I fucked myself with my fingers and came and came and came. I was hooked!’
Next time with Jo, he asked if he could introduce me to a good friend who was very interested in what Jo had told him about how I liked to pleasure myself, how outrageous I was, and I thought why not and said yes!’
Maddy stopped talking and turned to look at Seb, he’d stopped looking at her and seemed to have gone into himself.
‘Are you okay, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost?’
‘I’m finding this all very awkward, I never talk to girls, I design batteries, and you’re describing sexy things that both excite me and terrify me; perhaps we should try to get a bit of sleep.’
‘Why? I’m not tired; you don’t look tired either, I’m enjoying talking to you, you may not have ever had a conversation with a girl like this before but I’ve never had a conversation like this with a guy before, so we’re equal aren’t we?’
‘I’m not going to rap you here there’s too many people around; sorry that’s a cheap joke. You seemed interested until I talked about my being masochistic, then that seemed to trouble you, why?’
‘I don’t want to talk about it.’
‘About what, my masochism?’
A thought suddenly clicked in her mind!
‘Oh, do you recognize masochistic ideas in your own sex play?’
‘I’m not telling you, change the subject.’
‘There’s nothing ever wrong with what we do to ourselves in our own private lives, sexually or anything else for that matter, don’t clamp up on me, I’d love to kNow more about you, I haven’t had anyone like you to talk to for ever. Please don’t shut me out. You’re not going to believe yourself in my eyes whatever you say, quite the reverse I’ll be honoured to share secrets with you. Please?
‘I don’t know, I’ve never talked about these things, they are too private’
She lenent in to kiss him and her kiss lingered much longer this time, it was a lovely kiss he had to admit, her lips soft and consuming, her tongue entered the kiss, he returned his, the kiss carried on and they both moaned……..
‘Tell me please?’
‘Well the thing is what you’ve described’ he hesitated, ‘I can’t say it”, I can’t’
He fell into her pleading eyes.
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