Twelve Hours with Joan Ch. 01

The Wednesday after Thanksgiving… Cold, wet, and dark with heavy clouds…

8:25 AM

Eddie found himself staring at the clock, wondering for the thousands time whether or not this woman with the very strange story and very bizarre request was going to show up. He had a side bet with himself that she would not.

That hadn’t stopped him from preparing though. Eddie had already been up since 6:00 AM. He had prepared his toys, making sure that he had easy access and that they were cleaned and ready. He had checked and rechecked that all the recording equipment was in place and in working order, most of the cameras invisible to the casual eye.

In addition to time, Eddie had already spent over $2000 on this encounter. A large piece of the money had been spent on this room; four days in a two level Two bedroom suite in an extended stay hotel. He had been worried about the noise and hosted a moderately loud party the evening before. Based on the lack of complaint bysurrounding tenants or the management Eddie felt that a woman’s muffled screams wouldn’t cause any more comment than the raucous, screaming laughter of the party.

He took a long look around. The hotel provided a very comfortable sleeper sofa and chair with an ottoman. There was also a very interesting block style table that promised entertainment value if his volunteer victim actually arrived at 9:00 AM as she promised. He turned on the TV in the living room and turned it to see the weather for the day.

The local forecast was coming on, with what Eddie thought of as the international symbols of clouds, rain and sleeve.

“Current temperature, 29 degrees,” was the monotone announcement. “Winds from North to Northwest at 15 to 20 miles an hour. Heavy clouds throughout the day with a 70 percent chance of precipitation. Early sleeve turning to rain later in the day. High of 39 degrees.”

The sound and picture was abruptly silenced as he clicked the TV off again.

8:29 AM

Eddie got up from the easy chair and picked up his glass of orange juice, too early for alcohol, and wandered into the bedroom. All of his e-mail and instant message correspondence with the woman who called herself Joan was there, printed out, along with 8×10 copies of all the photos she had sent. A few of the photos she claimed to be her and he would know soon enough. The rest of the pictures were the ‘evidence’ she said was the reason she wanted to go through what Eddie was going to spend several hours doing to her. He smiled at the thought of his plans.

He had a Plan B of course. If this woman, Joan, didn’t show up then he would call his occasional girlfriend Lisa to come over. He would have to put away the more extreme toys that he had on the bed, and also make a special trip to remove the surprise in the upstairs bedroom. Lisa would never go for that idea. But at least his expenses would not be a complete waste.

Eddie briefly looked over all the items on the king size bed. There was a selection of gags, restraints, whips and crops and a number of other items. Every item that Joan had agreed to allow to be used on her was there, as well as a couple more thrown in for Eddie’s own pleasure. He was sure that by the time the two of them got to the part of the fantasy where these items would be used Joan would no longer be sure exactly what it was she had agreed to. Picking up two of the butt plugs, he got that small smile of pure pleasure when he thought about that list. She had agreed to some very generalized descriptions.

He took his juice back through the living room area and took the three steps to the kitchenette. Mentally running through his inventory he rechecked the refrigerator. A dozen bottles of water, a large plastic container each of strawberries and grapes, a box of white zinfandel, a box of chocolate covered eclers, and some mixed raw vegetables. Eddie reached into the door and picked up a bottle of hot sauce, still debating with himself over its potential use.

He put it back in the door and closed the refrigerator. Looking back at the clock in the living room he saw it was 8:35 now. Shaking his head at his own impatience he took the stairs that led up from the kitchenette to the upstairs area. At the top of the stairs stood a closet, the bedroom to the left and the upstairs bathroom to the right. The door of the closet had a mirror and Eddie checked his appearance once again to be sure he made the presentation he wanted.

Eddie looked into the mirror and saw himself staring back, a 28 year old medium toned black man with close cropped hair wearing black slacks with a white turtleneck sweater and a black sports coat. He thought about the fact that Joan claimed to stand the same 5’9″ that he did, but she would be wearing heels and would stand taller than he would. He would make that mutual image work to his advantage. He worked out several times a week and was a muscle 180 lbs. If she wasas slim as she said at 135 lbs they should make an interesting looking couple.

The sports coat made the hotel suite comfortable for Eddie. Of course he had just seen that the weather outside was going to be miserable all day. He had set the heater inside for 66 degrees. A bit cool for most people and it should make a naked woman’s nipples stand out very nicely.

‘Keep her shivering’, Eddie thought to himself, looking to the left to look over the second bedroom.

Eddie dressed to look like a moderately successful upper middle class businessman. What he was really, was a computer geek.

“A technology,” he corrected to himself, looking back in the mirror.

He had gotten lucky right out of school, getting a job as the computer guru with a small manufacturing company that had grown quickly with a couple of large government contracts. The owner of the company now trusted Eddie completely with the cyber security and technology of the firm. The company was due for security upgrades over the winter holidays and two days ago Eddie had installed 12 of the new security cameras throughout the suite for ‘testing’. One laptop in the upstairs bedroom and two more in the closet were set up to record almost everything that went on over the next 12 hours. A very visible digital camcorder and digital camera were on the table in the living room. If the lady wanted to assume that those were the only recording devices…

He finished his orange juice and went back downstairs to put the glass in the kitchen. He glanced at the clock again. 8:45 AM.

Eddie nearly jumped when he heard the knock at the front door of the suite.

His heart beating a bit faster with excitement he went to the door and peered through the spy hole. She was actually here!

He watched to see if she remembered her instruction. It also gave him a few moments to look her over and contains the grin he knew was showing on his face. She obviously remembered what she was supposedto do. She stepped back away from the door so she could be seen.

This woman’s hair color was closer to brown than the pale blonde from her pictures, and styled very differently, but it was obviously the same person who was in the photos he had been sent. She had put down a piece of luckage and a laptop case where they were visible. She looked towards the bottom of the door. As she had said she would, she was Wearing a calm length blue trench coat and a pair of shoes that matched the color of the coat almost perfectly. Eddie had expected a large purse but instead she appeared to be holding a small clutch in both hands, held in front of her at the waist. The color of the clutch was identical to the 3 inch heels.

Eddie was impressed with the outfit. Her makeup was as meticulous as her dress. Just a touch of blush on her pale cheeses, a trace of lipstick and well defined eyesbrows that suggested careful plucking and coloring. He especially liked the whose red fingerprintnail poison.Very nice indeed. Time to get better acquainted.

He opened the door, his expression carefully neutral.

“Joan”, he asked.

She glanced up at Eddie and quickly lowered her eyes again. “Yes, Sir,” she admitted.

“Whe did you park?”

“I took a cab, Sir. The driver dropped me off near the front office and I walked over here after he left the parking lot. I have arranged for a cab to pick me up at the same spot at 9:00 PM, Sir.”

“So you took me up on my suggestion, Joan?”

“Yes, Sir. I’m not sure I will be in any condition to drive tonight.”

“Very good,” said Eddie, although he had mixed emotions about the cab idea. While it means that her car was nowhere near the hotel it added the potential problem of a witness who know where she had been dropped off.

Eddie took a step back and reached around for the digital camera. “Are you ready to begin,” he asked.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m ready.”

“Then open up your coat,” commanded Eddie, raising the camera to his eye.

Joan opened up her coat, to show that she was wearing white thong panties and a red bustier. She obviously shivered, but Eddie wasn’t sure if it was from the cold or from nervousness.

He quickly lowered the camera. “Not quite what I thought the outfit would look like,” he said, obviously disappointed. “But it IS what I told you to Wear.”

“It’s not exactly Wonder Woman,” she replied, “but I tried my best to wear a nice outfit.”

He could see that her A cup breasts just didn’t show off as well as he had hoped with this outfit. Eddie bit his lip as he considered. “Do you have some paperwork for me?”

“Yes, I do,” she answered. She let the coat drop back down and started to open her clutch.


She stopped and looked up, quickly looking down again.

“Just hand me the pursuit and hold your coat open again!”

Eddie saw her bite her own lip in consideration and then handed him the clutch, then opened her coat again.

He opened the small purse and looked through it. There was a folded piece of paper which he took out and held between his fingers while he looked at the rest of the contents. He saw a very expensive cell phone, two twenty dollar bills, and a drivers license. Smiling, he read her full name and her address.

“Joan L. Gibson? What does the L stand for?”

“Laura, Sir.” She was looking down at the ground again, still holding the coat open to the cold breeze flowing past the building. Eddie could see her nipples standing out very hard against the thin fabric of the bustier. He glanced down at her legs and could see the goose bumps forming.

“Come inside Joan Laura Gibson,” he relented. “I’ll get your bags.”

As she stepped past him he reached up to the back of her coat collar and pulled it down. Realizing what he wanted she let go of the laptops and allowed him to strip the coat from her arms. He tossed the coat inside the doorway to the left where if fall onto thetable next to the sofa. Joan moved to the center of the living area, the sofa to her right and the easy chair directly in front of her. She started to cross her arms, but then dropped them to her side and stood with her head down.

Eddie, still holding the pursuit, paper, and ID with one hand, pulled the suitcase into the room. Then he went back out and picked up the laptop case. Setting it down inside more carefully he closed the door behind him.

“Kneel!” he commanded. He walked to the easy chair and sat down, watching her knee in front of him. He placed the pursuit with the money and cell phone still inside it on the small round table next to the chair, on Joan’s left. Looking again at her ID and then back at her, he asked. “So tell me, are your other plans for the day going as you expect?”

“Yes, Sir,” Joan replied. “My attorney assured me my husband will be served with diploma papers between 3:00 and 4:00 this afternoon. I expect he will be trying to call me immediatelyy after that.”

“Well then,” smiled Eddie. “We’ll just have to make sure you are, umm, fully occupied? And unable to take any calls!”

First he placed the ID on the table, then he unfolded the piece of paper he had in his hand and began to read. He raised one eyebrow in surprise. He’d seen several early drafts of this document in e-mails, but was surprised a bit at the final document. He looked down at this woman on her knees in front of him. It was time to find out if she was really willing to go as far as he planned on taking her.

“Read this out loud,” he commanded her, holding out the piece of paper.

Joan looked up and took the paper from him. Eddie watched the paper shake in her hand for a moment, decided it was still just the cold, and waited for her to begin.

“The intent,” she began.

“Stop!” Eddie had raised his voice a bit. “Read the entire document.”

“Contractual Declaration of Consent,” Joan started over. “The intent of this Declarationis to state in a legal way, that I Joan Laura Gibson, hereafter known in this document as the ‘submissive’ or ‘sub’, willfully enter into a contract with a man of my knowledge hereafter known in this document as the ‘Dominant’ or ‘Dom’” She paused to swallow a bit and to take a breath.

“The identity of this person shall remain anonymous as neither his identity nor his signature are required on this document.”

At this point Eddie leaned back into his chair, but keep his eyes directly on the woman’s face. He wanted to watch her expression as she read, and to see if she would be so foolish as to look up.

“The purpose of this contract is to define the scope and limits of a sexual encounter in which the submissive will submit to the will and demands of the Dominant for a period of 12 hours.”

“Stop!” Eddie interrupted again. “Is this the only copy of this contract you made Joan?”

“No, Sir,” she replied.

“Hold on right there for a minute.” Eddie got up fromHis chair and went over to the table by the front door. He took a moment to pick up her coat and hung it up in the closet on the other side of the door. Then he picked up the camcorder that was on the table. He knew that 4 other cameras were recording this, but he wanted her to know that she was being recorded. From there he went to the closet and took out a tripod. He mounted the camera to the tripod and took it over to the entrance of the kitchen and set it up. He checked that the wide angle lens was capable of recording everything that went on in the living room. Fiddling with the controls for a bit he was finally sure that it would catch everything he wanted it to, and gave a small grunt of satisfaction.

He went back to the easy chair and sat down again, leaning forward this time.

“So, Joan Laura Gibson,” he said, watching her flinch a bit at the use of her full name. “What were we discussing before I started recording this conversation?”

“Umm, I, Uh…” She wasobviously nervous and caught off guard.

“The name of the document?” Eddie provided.

She cleared her throat as she looked at the piece of paper. “My Contractual Declaration of Consent,” she offered.

“And what does it say,” he asked

She took a deep breath and began again. “Intent. The intent of this…”

“No!” Eddie insisted. “I don’t want you to read it to me This time. I want you to tell me what that first section means.”

She took a moment, and finally he saw a bit of decisiveness in her. He also noticed that the heater in the suite was bringing to temperature back up to a comfortable level.

She straightened her shoulders and spoke clearly. “It means that I came here of my own volunteer today, Sir. And while I may admit to what I am doing today, I don’t have to tell anyone who I am doing it with.” She looked directly into the camera as she spoke the last few words.

“Okay,” Eddie began. “You say in this statement that you intend this Declaration to be a legal contract, and you have also admitted that this is not the only copy, correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said confidently. “That is what it says.”

“So, since this is a legal declaration, you must have left a copy with your lawyer?”

Joan paled at the thought. “Oh my god no, Sir. I don’t want her to know about this!”

“Then who else has a copy?”

“I told you that in our IM’s Sir. I left a copy of this for my husband to find when he gets home.”

Eddie smiled back down at her. “So this is really more of a Declaration of Independence then, isn’t it?

She thought about that for a few moments, and then smiled herself. “Yes, Sir, I guess it is.”

“And where did you leave the copy of This document for you husband?”

“On the coffee table in our living room, Sir. He won’t be able to miss it when he walks in.”

“Very well then. Get ready to read the next part of this document you have written. Actually, go ahead and start. I’m going toget your luck open and your clothes out while you talk about them.”

Eddie got up again and went to open Joan’s luck as she began to speak.

“Dress. At the start of this encounter the sub will wear an outfit specified by the Dom consisting of the following: A heavy ankle length coat, underneath which the submissive will wear a red bustier top, white thong panties, and blue high heeled shoes.”

As she paused Eddie interrupted again. “I guess that look worked better in my imagination than it did in person. Stop right there for a minute and stand up.”

Joan did as she was told. The suite was warming up quickly, and while still chilly she was starting to feel more comfortable. As she stood she took advantage of a look around and saw Eddie going through the clothes she had brought and was laying them out across the couch. He seemed to be sorting her various shoes in front of each outfit. She quickly looked away again.

Eddie had caught her quick glance and decided to deal with it carefully. He didn’t want her to back out now.

As he looked over her clothes he said, “Take off your top.” He carefully didn’t look at her until he had counted slowly to ten. When he finally looked in her direction the bustier was being pulled over the top of her head and off.

“Just throw it over by the television.”

She turned to her left and tossed the garment on the floor in front of the television.

He turned back to her clothes and continued sorting as he said, “Now do the same with your panties.”

Recent he gave himself a slow count to ten, and when he turned to look he saw her panties already on the floor and Joan standing still with her eyes gazing down at the base of the ottoman..

“Just stand there while you continue reading,” he commanded.

“The sub will provide 3 additional outfits to be hurt during the encounter as directed by the Dom,” she read. “The first of these outfits will be a business style skirt suit in graywith a white pinstripe. This outfit will be killed with an appropriate white blouse.

“Pause right there.”

Eddie picked up the outfit she described, still encased in clear plastic with the logo of a high end dry cleaning company. He carried it over and started to hold it up in front of her. Then he held it to the side and gave her naked body a thorough looking over.

Accurating to her ID she was 42, and while she looked it, she had taken very good care of herself. Her stomach was taut, her breasts small but firm with inch wide dark aureoles and very hard nipples. She had obviously taken the time to shake her public hair completely off very recently, probably within the last few hours.

He noticed that she was still looking down, but was aware of his inspection and was biting her lips nervously. He wasn’t about to reassure her now. He held the outfit in front of her and silently approved.

“What shoes go with this outfit?”

“The gray pumps, Sir.”

Of course he’d already figured that out. He walked back over to the couch and picked up the pumps. He walked behind her and around to the door of the bedroom that was about 6 feet to her left and just in front of her. Hanging the outfit carefully on the door handle and placing the shoes on the floor her turned back to her.


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