She and her husband were still glowing and bubbled, AnnI had her birthday party at Club Drake and either fucked, sucked, and/or fondled to orgasm her husband Phineas and a score of other loving, lovely men. They had tried many elaborate types of sex thanks to their club, and in their post birthday glow AnnI revealed to her husband a kink she might want to revisit, on the other end of the implements.
“Phineas, would you find it sexy, being alternatively whipped and coddled? I put up with it when one of the other regulars suggested i try, but honestly it didn’t get the sex much hotter, being covered in singing welts. I did keep the pictures, though…”
“I don’t know, sweetie,” Phineas almost blushed, “if it’s you whipping me I’d probably get off that you’re into it, but I’m not naturally masochistic…”
AnnI pouted for a pretty long moment, thinking over her dilemma, then she peeked up at husband with tenative hope in her eyes, “Well do you think Qiqi is a little masochistic? She’s been hinting at hopes and fansies for something she could join us in at Club Drake, this could be it. i think we should ask Slut to tie her to the ceiling at Drake for fun, hurting, and sex. “
“She’ll love this. Let’s go ask her. Us going?” and they started down the hall to where Qiqi bunked with her wife, Sorrah. They didn’t knock, the ladies were dressed up in some sort of cosplay, Making out. Phineas went right ahead and spoke.
“Slut,” a name Qiqi had known and tasted for a long, long time, “we’ve decided we wanted to beat the shit out of you… you game?”
Qiqi broke her kiss with her wife and turned around with her browser and nose furrowed in confusion, it was adorable, “why? What did i do?”
“Oh, you’re really perfect, Qiqi. We’re so lucky to have you in the household. I just thought… if you’d like to… I’ve been feeling a little switchy, and I’d like you to do a scene with us at Drake. Specifically I want to chain you to the ceiling and hois you up, beat you with whips and occasionally reward you with cock and orgasms…”
“You finally want me to meet your sex friends at the club?”
“The scene will just be us, but we film it to show later, and I personally plan to walk your pink ass around to pose with whoever is there for photos. What do you think, Slut?” Phineas presented as kind but firm, and loving.
Qiqi was fast to answer, “I’m so wet, AnnI, let’s do it, whip me!” She turned back to her wife, “we were about to fuck, weren’t we? Set it up soon, my loves, meanwhile I’ve got to get my tongue wet. Excuse us.” And excuse them they did. AnnI was on the phone to reserve the room by the time they got back to their bedroom. For now they didn’t screw, they planned safe words and a menu they eventually concluded their Slut would gush for.
The room was ready for them two nights later. They led Qiqi in blindfolded, put her in the center of the room, and removed the mask. The first thing she noticed was the writing on the blindfold, ‘slut walking’ now she understands the smile sounding chuckles she heard being led to this… dungeon. She scanned the room.
Littered all over the floor were dozens of similar but diverse cats of nine tails. As she observed these she noticed among them one long thick pink dildo which she was sure was there to impale her during the scene. She thought to look up, and hanging through a wheel in the ceiling there was a chain with a hook dangling, she followed the links from the end above her through the wheel to a hooked peg board on the wall that could set its length. The one detail she had missed was picked up from before her feet by husband, thick linked leather cuffs, with a ring to hang her from the chain.
Qiqi was getting wetter and wetter as Phineas attached the cuffs behind her back, and AnnI unhooked the chain to lower it to her forearms.
Phineas had one hand on her arm and the chain in his other, and he spoke so everyone, especially Qiqi, heard, “Remember, when the sex includes an aspect of torture, it’s critical to have safe words. Qiqi, if anyone’s getting into something that rubs you the wrong way, say raspberry. If it’s getting nuts and you’re just done, you want out, say submarine, and we’ll let you down as swiftly as we safely can. On the other hand, if you dig what we’re doing and you want us to amp it up or you want more of it, simply say strawberry. Finally, if you really dig it and you want it a lot crazier, the word is helicopter. If your mouth is full, you can clap you tights together, three times, yes? We have to treat this like submarine. Got it? Raspberry to slow down, strawberry picks it up, submarine shuts it down, helicopter to dive deep and go wild. And Qiqi, be careful, helicopter means it’s definitely going to hurt.” AnnI picked up one of the cats of tails and spun its tassels like a helicopter, making engine noise and repeatedly striving the chain on its way from her hand to the ceiling to justAbout on her wrists. Qiqi had a light pre orgasm from anticipation as she nodded, “Strawberry,” she said.
Phineas attached the leading hook to her menacles, and directed her, “let this move you, but be very still otherwise” Qiqi nodded, and AnnI slowly dragged the chain higher, bringing her arms up and tipping her torso forward. AnnI stopped pulling and hooked to the peg board to hold her there as soon as she had to stand on her toes not to swing there like that.
Qiqi slipped up a little, and did dangle for a moment, she tried to get back to standing by kicking her legs and finding her way centered, back on her toes. She winced a little, though, when AnnI cracked her lash and shouted, “Moving! Penalty!”
Phineas left Slut winning and began to search through the lashes straight about the floor. Finally he found the one he wanted, and approached her standing just in her peripheral vision. Qiqi was good this time, she didn’t move. Phineas spoke.
“Slut, this is the meanest lady the club has, named Gabrielle. She has sharp waxed tips, and she can draw blood if swung fiercely. You understand what you did, and you’re clearly sorry, so I’ll be somewhat gentler, this time…” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him rear back and swat her, fair bit harder than he had led her to expect. Gabrielle was like needs on her ass, and a couple threads struck her left tigh. Her pussy started to soak that thigh, and her sister, as she processed the endorphins from the strike against her very bare flesh.
Anni picked up another lash from near her, “was that a fitting punishment, Slut? Did you enjoy it?” Qiqi murmured and nodded, “speak up, bitch,” punctuated by a hard lash on the other side, it grazed her pussy and she was on fire.
They hadn’t coached their pet how to address them while she was submitting, “Oh yes…. mistress? I needed and thoroughly enjoyed my punishment, I know whatever you choose for me is for the best…”
“Good. This ladyHere is named petunia, she’s the softest nicest whip we have in here, it’s not all pain,” she slowly dragged the soft suede leather strings up the center of Qiqi’s back, twirling it to ticket her spine. Then she swiftly rolled back and whipped Slut’s labia, “but even the mildest of us can make it hurt when it should.” AnnI looked over their pet, “Are you ready to get fucked, Slut??”, “O, yes!”
Their husband Phineas came up behind her, following his cue. Before she felt anything touch her nethers, she bucked as he hit her twice with the lash, on her shoulder and lifted arm, thankfully he had switched Gabrielle for a less pointy implementation. AnnI called her out for moving, and struck her with Petunia, hard enough to leave marks on her back. It was right after that she got fucked for the first time that night, starting a little startlingly.
Without further foreplay or preamble, Phineas rapidly fed the handle of the lash in his hand deep into her asshole. It was so deep it couldOnly be retrieved by pulling it out by Qiqi’s nine new tails. Phineas gave her a full thirty count to appreciate this fucking and to let her think it was all she was going to get for now. because she didn’t complain, Phineas stood on his own toes a little to reach her lifted cunt and fill her up with his very hard and eager cock passing through her tail and straight to her core, which immediately provoked a whole body whimpering orgasm in the suspended Slut. AnnI had come to her front and started beating her tits with a lash in her strong hand while they fucked. She covered Qiqi’s chest in welts, which contributed to faster and firmer orgasms as Phineas paced himself to be able to fuck their pet, Slut, for a good long time.
AnnI was having a good fun time with it by the time husband came and flopped out of their gorgeous Slut. She clutched her favorite whip tight and dragged a nearby bench in front of Qiqi’s bound body so she could stand on it, she lewdly spread the lips above her quim and wagged her clip in Qiqi’s face, “Lick,” was her only command, she brought down the whip on her back to hasten compliance, and thus did Qiqi begin to lick. “Good Slut, Phineas, the dildo.
While Qiqi licked clip, and AnnI slowly started mewling from her ministers, Phineas picked up the enormous pink dildo Qiqi had spotted earlier, Qiqi figured the monster would go where she I wanted it so badly, since her asshole was still stuffed by her tail.
“Lick faster, Slut!” down came the lash. Phineas worked an enormous head past her soaking wet lips, the rest was slightly narrower, and much to her relief she was so horny the monster bottomed her out without any uncomfortable stretching. She was extremely stimulated, and she involuntarily began moaning at an excellent pitch to bring AnnI over the edge to orgasm. AnnI took the soft bristles of Petunia and stroked her back in appreciation.
Phineas was gentle with the dildo, as he formally introduced them, “Qiqi, this is David the Dong. He’s pretty well traveled, but keep quite clean, and he had this funny way of ending up in strange places. Sweetie, let’s switch.” He vacated Qiqi of the dong and brought it around to her face. AnnI brought her benchmark around back and adjusted it so she could lay under Qiqi and lick her folds and button. Qiqi saw it coming, what was going to happen at her mouth hole, but there was no time to completely prepare for it. The pink giant David the Dong pushed past her teeth, with husband coaching, “suck, suck, swallow.”
Qiqi compiled, and he fed her the dong so deep she couldn’t breathe. Which felt awesome. Qiqi had a thing for choking, one of the biggest signs AnnI had had that she’d be in to this scene. As long as they were careful, she would see stars and come buckets While AnnI licked her and Phineas fed her throat a deep dicking. This time was similar, Qiqi was in ecstasy and streaming cum into AnnI’s agile mouth, Phineas drew the dong back several times to give her a little air, then at least four times it went back down her gullet for another round of breathlessness. When they finished working her, AnnI kissing her twat and standing, Phineas easing David the Dong out her face and dropping him to the floor to kiss Qiqi on the forehead and match her radiant smile.
“submarine.” uttered Qiqi. At the sound of the ultimate safe word the two almost panicked, thinking they had hurt her, not for play but potentially injured. But Qiqi continued, “I’m not mad, nothing’s wrong, I’m just done. That was perfect, let’s go home and treasure this.”
“Sure thing, Slut, we can go home, but we were hoping to show off your welts and take a couple pictures, meet some people. I mean, we’re definitely coming back, right?” As they were letting her down off of her toes from the ceiling, Phineas wrapped her up in his arms and grasped the hands still for the moment held behind her back, “right?”
Qiqi held the suspension for seven heartbeats, her lucky number, then, “Absolutely, totally, eagerly and without hesitation.” And with decision made they toured the club and took several long peeks at what else Club Drake might make possible for them in their journeys.
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