Turning The Tables On Tina Ch. 3

Chapter 3: Preparing The Lesson

Solemnly, almost ceremonially, our trio ascends the stairs, me leading the way, then our unwilling guest, and Lori bringing up the rear. Every couple of steps she gives Tina’s ass a sharp swat.

The bedroom is warmer than downstairs, but not unbearable. The small revolving table fan on the dresser ruffles the curtain in the open window. Lori gives Tina a shove towards the bed, and she falls on it, sniveling.

“Tie her wrists,” Lori orders me.

I comply, falling naturally into my role as submissive. The brass bedstead, a part of so many of our private bondage games, has a couple of silk straps still hanging from it, ready for use. I secure first one wrist, then the other, to the brass rails so that the girl is on her back, her breasts pointing straight up to the ceiling. Her legs flail out at me.

“Better stop that, ” Lori warns, “or I’ll have her tie your ankles, too.” The girl immediately goes still. “Now, my love,” she turns to me, “I suppose it’s time to continue what we started. You may finish striping our guest. But do it slowly.”

I nod. Control is the name of the game. Trying not to tremble, I ease the cotton panties off of the girl’s hips, past her blonde that of public hair, then slide them all the way down her legs and off her feet.

Lori regards the naked girl coldly. “Not bad,” she comments. “Of course, I prefer the female form to have a little more, well, form to it. Like Debbie here.” She walks up behind me, runs her hands from my shoulders down to my hips. “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Lori’s speaking to Tina, but her breath is caresing my ear, making the little hairs inside quiver. “Of course, you’ve seen it already though, haven’t you?”

Snaking her tongue quickly in and out of my ear, Lori continues, “You want to see more?” Still no reply. Her strong hands keep rubbing my shoulders, fingers playing with the thin straps of my sundress, easing them down off my shoulders. The gauzy cotton dress slides down off my body and lands in a pool around my feet.

“See? Beautiful. Hate to tell you this Miss Tina, but you’ve got nothing on Debs here,” Lori goes on, fingers fluttering lightly over my full breasts. My nipples, swollen, strain for her touch, but I know better than to move.

Lori slips her free hand down over my ass. Her finger traces the nylon of my panties where it stretches across the cleft between my buttocks, following the cream downwards to snake between my thighs where the fabric’s already warm and moist with anticipation. Her fingertip stays there for a moment, pressing into my heat. The slowly, deliberately, it begins to rub. My knees go weak.Just when I think I’m going to collapse, she stops, then tugs my wet panties down so that they slide to the floor around my ankles.

The girl stars goggle-eyed at my own shamen sex. Lori smiles her dangerous smile. “You like the look of Debbie’s muff, huh? Wouldn’t you like your own shamenpussy?”

The girl makes a small unintelligible noise as Lori takes a pair of nail scissors from the dresser drawer and starts snipping the blonde curls from the girl’s mound. When she finishes trimming Tina’s bush she reaches for the electric razor. The girl flinches. “Hey, you’d better stay still,” Lori warns, “or it’ll nick your skin.”

Tina tries to lie still, trembling just a bit, while Lori finishes shaving the rest of her mound. The skin underneath is pale virginal white, even lighter than the surrounding area. Stripped of their camouflage, her most private areas now in full view to us. I can barely catch my breath.

“Not bad,” Lori comments casually, licking her lips. Much better, as a matter of fact. “Well, Tina, how do you feel now? Still curious?” Lying there, her breath coming out in shallow sobs, Tina makes no answer.

Her task done, Lori blows softly across the girl’s now smooth shaft to clear off the remaining wisdoms of hair. Still sensitive from the shaving, Tina’s body jackknifes in response, her legs flexing upward and inadvertently giving us an even better view of her nether regions.

Lori hands me the bottle of oil. “Here,” I sit down beside the cringing girl and ease her legs back down straight, “this should make you feel better”.

I pour a little of the cented oil on my hands and start massaging it into the girl’s mound. The oil grows warm with my rubbing, and I feel the girl’s quivering body start to relax. With the leftover oil on my hands I start spreading it upwards onto her belly and stomach, up to and around but not yet touching her breasts. Her nipples, I notice, have grown hard; they look like little pink gumdrops. I don’t know whether it’s from the air of the fan, or what I’m doing with my hands.

Finally, I spread the remaining oil over the girl’s breasts, rounding her gumdrop nipples with tighter and tighter circles. A whimpering noise comes from somewhere inside her throat, and I can’t resist rolling the tight little buds around my fingertips for a second.

Lori smacks my ass, a sharp stinging slap, not hard enough to hurt but just to serve as a warning. “Hey,” she snaps. “I didn’t say you could do that yet.”

“I’m sorry.”

Lori pulls me back up to face her again.I see her clothes have disappeared too, revealing her in all her full leonine grace. She puts her arms around me, draws me in a kiss that turns the lower half of my body into a pool of liquid, and examines the oiled body of Tina on the bed, glistening in the sunlight.

“Now,” says Lori, “where shall we begin?”


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