Hey all – I usually write from the submissive guy/femdom point of view. This is my first shot at writing a situation where the man is the dominant. I guess what I’d emphasize is please always, always and always make sure the people you’re playing with are consenting to everything you’re doing. This is FANTASY, and not real life.
This is a really pretty spanking-specific story, so if that’s not your thing, it might not be for you.
If that *is* your thing, though, and maybe you could spare a minute or two to hear about this…it might be fun.
Final thing: my character here is a lawyer but I’m not, so none of the stuff talked about here is legal advice. It’s just meant to be fun.
As with all of my stories: yes, it’s fantasy, but let’s hope it’s filthy fucking hot fantasy.
Edward hadn’t been expecting Jacinta when she showed up at his office in early December. But maybe that was par for the course; he hadn’t been expecting to serve as a trustee for the Montoya Family Trust either, providing for Jacinta after her parents’ death. But that happened too.
Lorraine ushered Jacinta into his office with an apologetic look on her face. December was a weird time for lawsers — not much got done, because all the high rollers, clients and attorneys both, took huge chunks of time off — so Edward wasn’t busy. And even if he had been, he would’ve made time for Jacinta. They went back.
“Ms. Montoya to see you, Ed,” Lorraine said, and Edward could tell she was trying to make every word a barb aimed in Jacinta’s direction.
Edward smiled and met Jacinta’s gaze.
“That’s fine, Lorraine,” he said, and glanced outside, where the winter sun had just slipped behind the Manacle Mountains west of Galena City, staining the snow on the ground a bright fuchsia. “I have time to talk to Jacinta.”
Lorrain forced a smile and then closed the door with a meaningful look, telling Edward she’d bail him out if he needed it. She’d doneit before. Edward didn’t think that would be necessary though.
“How’s it going?” He asked Jacinta as she pulled a chair out from the other side of his desk and took a seat. “How’s soccer?”
“I’m all right,” she said, and smiled. “Soccer’s all right too. So is the medical school application.”
Edward nodded and made a mental note of that. Jacinta wasn’t much younger than him — she was a few years out of college — but she’d been good enough at colleague soccer to land a job on a semi-professional team after she graduated. She’d planned for it to be temporary, and although Edward had wondered how seriously she was taking the medical school application, he now had his answer.
That was something the Montoya Family Trust would have to pay for, so he’d need to have a conversation with her about that.
“How are you doing?” She asked. “You seem busy. Lorraine looked like she wanted to…I don’t know, strange me for showing up without an appointment.”
Edwardlaughed at that.
“Lorraine does that,” he said. “It’s a slow day today. Really, it’s a slow time of year — once Thanksgiving is done everyone with money in this field jets off to Florida or Hawaii or whatever and clients can’t get shit done to save their lives. Neither can those of us poorer attorneys who are on the other side of the case as them.”
He smiled.
“Bu that’s how it goes,” he said. “But what brings you in today, Jacinta? Everything all right?”
Jacinta pursued her lips and seemed to think about that, her dark eyes catching the dying sunlight.
“I wanted to talk to you about the trust,” she said.
A thin tendril of appreciation uncurled itself in Edward’s gut, but he smiled. He’d fixed his mistake with the trust. Jacinta hadn’t even noticed.
“Sure,” he said. “What do you want to know?”
Edward and Jacinta had grown up together. They’d tried dating, once, a few years back. It hadn’t worked out, but he was still never totally comfortableable with the fact that he found Jacinta truly beautiful. And it wasn’t as if that was a one-way street either — they’d always had a flirty back-and-forth going on.
But Edward *had* was surprised when Jacinta’s parents had asked him to serve as the trustee of the Montoya Family Trust. At the time, her mom had been in very poor health and wasn’t expected to live long. Edward had known Jacinta’s dad — Umberto Montoya — for years, since he’d taught a class on wills and trusts in law school.
Acting as a trustee was a heavy commitment, but Edward didn’t feel like he could deny the old man’s ask. He felt like he owed it to both Jacinta and her father.
The trust was what was known as a HEMS trust — which stood for “health, education, maintenance and support.”
Basically, Edward was in charge of Jacinta’s parents’ fortune after they died. They’d died a few years back, and Edward had since been in charge of Jacinta’s finances. It was why, if she actually went to medical school, he’d have to manage her money to help her with it: that fell under the “education” part of the trust.
There were a lot of strict rules about what Edward — the trustee — could do with the vast amount of money Jacinta’s parents had left for her. He had to, for instance, never mix the trust’s money with his own money. He also had a fiduciary duty to invest the money in a student way. What exactly that means was anyone’s guess, which was how he’d gotten in trouble with it.
Or how he would’ve gotten in trouble with it if anyone had known about what had happened, and the whole Lion Investments debacle. It had been an honest mistake, but the courts didn’t care about honest mistakes when you were a trustee — that was the “no further inquiry” rule. If the court found you fucked up as trustee, it didn’t matter what your intent was.
Still, he didn’t think Jacinta could’ve known. And again…he’d fixed it. There was no way to track what had happened.
Jacinta took a long breath, held it, and then let it out. She wiped her palms on the thighs of her yoga pants, surprised at how nervous she actually was to do this.
*She* was the one who’d been wronged, she reminded herself. The Montoya Family Trust was set up to support her until she was 35, and it was Edward’s job to manage it. And *he’d* was the one who had broken the rules on that. Liliana had been adamant about that: Jacinta could take Edward to court if she wanted to.
“You could wreck his career, sweetheart,” Liliana had told her, with a gleam in her eye, but that was just Liliana being Liliana. She was arival of Edward’s anyway, and the two had run into each other in some particularly nasty cases in Atalantahna District Court. The thought of Edward getting hauled into court by the benefit of a trust he was supposed to serve as trustee for — something that really, as she said, would wreck his career — poorly ticckled her pink.
Jacinta didn’t want to do that though, she thought, looking away from Edward’s sharp green gaze, hazel in the amber sunlight
(was she imagining the concern there?)
She’d done the research. She knew that she really could haul sue Edward for this, and it probably really would ruin his career. However much they’d grown apart since their brief attempt at dating, though, she didn’t want to hurt him. That was about the only consistent emotion she felt throughout this whole thing.
She took another long breath and then said, “I know about the self-dealing thing you did with Lion Investments.”
Edward’s lips parted a moment — she could tell she’d caught him more off-guard than even she’d anticipated — and he looked back at her, then swallowed hard.
“Jacinta,” he said, somehow concerned but not condescending in the way she was pretty sure 90% of lawsers would’ve been had they been accused by a non-lawyer of a technical rule violation. “I…what exactly do you mean by that?”
Jacinta’s heartbeat quickened. This was no different than taking an open — if maybe a long — shot at the goal on the soccer field. She could see what she needed to do. She’d practiced this.
“I know you invested money from my parents’ trust into Lion Investments,” she said. “And I know Lion Investments a company you own a majority of. And I know that violates the rules that you have to follow as a trustee, because you used the money from my parents’ trust — which they mean specifically to be used to help me — to benefit yourself.”
In truth, Jacinta knew, it was called “self-dealing” when a trustee invested trust money into something they owned. She’d gone down more than a few rabbit holes on the topic, given herself more of a crash course on the laws about trusts than she’d intended. For years, she hadn’t known much about how the trust worked — hadn’t really wanted to acknowledge she was a trust fund kid and all her friends would probably hate her for that — but she knew its inner workings now.
It was the only reason she felt confident that she could walk into Edward’s office and he would be unable to refuse the offer she was going to make.
Edward gave a slow nod, ran a hand through that dark hair of his, somewhere between curly and wavy. He pursued his lips, then told.
“OK,” he said in a low voice. “That did happen. And yes, it was a pretty serious fuck-up.”
He paused, then looked up at her, rueful. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected — anger, maybe, or some other accusation — but it hadn’t been *this*. He looked like he’d lost a lot of sleep over this.
“Although I do want you to know, Jacinta, that I…I wasn’t the one personally who invested money from your trust into the other company,” he said.
“That doesn’t change anything,” Jacinta said, because she’d thought about this possibility too. And researched it. “It was still a violation of your fiduciary duty to let the money get used in that way.”
He nodded”Yeah, it was. I don’t want you think I was trying to excuse that. I just…”
He paused, ran a hand down his jawline.
“I just wanted you to know, going forward,” he said. “The person who actually made the call on the investment is no longer employed by me. I still take full responsibility, though, because I was supposed to catch it. And I didn’t.”
Jacinta blinked; she hadn’t expected that either. She filed that away to learn more about this employee later.
“I could sue you,” she said. “As the benefit of the trust. I could sue you for mismanaging this and using my parents’ money to benefit yourself. Even though the trust only gained money from the investment, you still weren’t supposed to do this.”
He sat forward, put his elbows on the massive dark wood desk before him, and then gave a reluctant nod. “Yeah, you could sue me. And you’d probably win.”
Jacinta nodded, but he kept going.
“And look, Jacinta, really I…I feel fucking awful aboutt this,” he said. “All of it is fixed. There was no harm to the trust. All the money your parents intended for you is still there. It only grew because of the investment, actually.”
Jacinta nodded. “You felt awful about it, but you still didn’t tell me.”
A dark blush colored his cheeks and he looked down, studied the grain of his desk. “I did not, you’re right.”
He paused.
“I was really embarrassed,” he said. “And I was…really fucking worried about my career.”
He paused again, and the air between them seemed to be made of lead.
“And I didn’t want to fuck up our friend,” he said, looking up at her.
He wasn’t bullshitting on that front, at least, Jacinta thought. She could tell when Edward was bullshitting. She’d watched him in court a time or two.
She voted and rubbed the backs of her bare arms against the chill in the office and glanced outside at the frozen cityscape and the mountains beyond, all of it slipping into a dark blue DeCember evening. So little light this time of year.
So little warmth too. The front lobby had been too warm and too stuffy, which was why she’d let Lorraine take her jacket. She regretted it now, in the more airy confines of Edward’s office.
This was it. She had an open shot at the goal. And maybe it was a long shot, but like so many of the shots she ended up taking, when she really sized it up — planned it out in the course of a few split seconds — she could see how it could work. Could.
She looked down at her lap, one leg crossed over the other, her right thumbnail digging into the spandex stretched tight across her thigh.
“So, I have something to ask you about, Edward,” she said, and was glad to hear her voice didn’t sound as nervous as she felt. “Or something to ask you *for* I guess. And I…I want you to remember that I can sue you and probably win. So I…I don’t really think you’re in a position to say no.”
She looked up. Edward had those green eyes all over her, fingers steepled in front of him, his fingertips pressed to his chin. He was feeling something — probably many things, Jacinta thought — but he wasn’t letting any single one of those things win out.
“I’m listening, Jacinta,” he said.
She took another deep breath and then dove in.
“Do you remember when we dated — and, I guess, before that too — you used to tell me About the woman you dated who wanted to be…I don’t know…”
She felt her face flush, and it pissed her off. She hadn’t really talked to anyone about this kind of thing at all.
“She wanted to be…dominated?” Jacinta ended, not as confident as she’d intended.
Edward blinked; she probably could’ve reached across the desk and bit his nose and he would’ve been less surprised.
“Zoe?” Edward asked. “I… mean, yeah? But what the fuck does she have to do with any of what’s…going on right now?”
Jacinta sat forward, put her elbows on her knees now. She clapped herhands hard enough to make her knuckles turn white.
“I…um…I can’t trust anyone else with this,” she whispered, and looked away, down at the gray carpet of the office beneath her. “But I…I think I need to be…dominated too.”
She swallowed hard, and risked a look back up at Edward.
“What do you mean, Jacinta?” He asked, voice soft now. There was no amusement there, but was there interest? She couldn’t tell.
Her stomach turned over.
She took a breath, and, in her mind, took her shot at the goal. She’d done that a million times in real life, in practice and on the clock. She could do it here.
“I think I need to be punished sometimes,” she whispered, voice weaker than intended but still steady. “I think I need to be spanked Sometimes.”
He didn’t say anything to that. She looked up, and those eyes were still fastened on her.
Maybe his not saying anything was a trick, but she didn’t care; there was still more she could fill that silence wit.
“I mean, you see why I can’t trust anyone with this right?” She asked. “Or I…I mean, I guess I could but, like, it would just be a risk for me. Like, I’m Umberto Montoya’s kid; they still mention him all the time in the Galena Daily Register and the Atalantahna Times for fuck’s sake. And then I’m on TV too, anytime I play a game and like…”
She paused shook her head, and looked out the window again. The sun had all but gone down now, and the lights of Galena City were winding on in the blackness.
“The last thing I need is some douchebag I met online and asked for this…like…leaking it, or something,” she said. “Or blackmailing me.”
“Blackmailing you?” Edward asked, voice dripping with disbelief that she’d use that word.
Jacinta rolled her eyes. “You did this to yourself, Edward.”
She bit her tongue, a nervous habit of hers her whole life.
“And I’ve felt this way forever,” she whispered, looking out the window again. She’d never saidanything like this out loud before. “And I just…I just can’t trust anyone with it. I feel fucking stupid for wanting…discipline. Like there’s this whole fucked up stereotype that you have to be hit as a kid or something to want this and I…”
She heaved a sight.
“My parents never did that to me,” she said. “They just set up a whole goddamn trust to take care of me even after they were gone. So I don’t know why I want this. I…I guess it’s just…me.”
Fuck it.
“But goddamn do I want this,” she said.
She glanced up at Edward. He was rolling up his sleeps now.
“What are you proposing, Jacinta?” He asked.
She’d already kicked for the goal. There was no going back now.
“I want you to discuss me,” she said. “Spank me. I think I need it. I don’t know if I’d like it in the moment, always, but it…feels like something I need, if not necessarily want. It’s confusing.”
“But you think about it a lot?” He asked, hooking the cuff of hisright sleepe into the fabric to keep it rolled up.
Jacinta nodded.
“Yeah,” she said. “I do.”
Jacinta looked more nervous than Edward could ever remember seeing her. She played soccer to fucking sold-out stadiums while TV cameras rolled for God’s sake. She was *the* heir to the Montoya family fortune
(a fortune he’d fucked up on handling, he reminded himself)
and she’d done at least a few interviews with the Atalantahna Times. Jacinta didn’t really get nervous.
Or so he thought.
But now, even though she looked up from the carpet between them with a defiant look in those dark eyes, he could see how hard she had to clasp her hands to keep them from shaking.
He’d agreed to her offer; that had never been in question. She was 8,000% right about the fact that she could end his career right now if he wanted to.
He was just curious about this proposal of hers.
And whether or not he might actually like it.
Edward thoughtAbout that. He and Jacinta really hadn’t dated long at all; they’d never really did more than kiss, and that had been before he’d been the trustee of her family trust. Still, she’d never mentioned any interest in discipline and punishment. Or spanking specifically.
To be fair, of course, neither had he — he’d played that role for Zoe, but it wasn’t something he thought of as an identity. Not like Zoe saw it.
“And so you’re basically saying if I don’t become your disciplinarian that you’ll take me to court and sue me and wreck my career, right?” He asked.
He knew the answer to that too. Or at least what Jacinta would say. He didn’t think she’d actually do that, even though she could, but he knew she’d threaten it.
It also wasn’t a risk he wanted to take.
Jacinta sat back in the chair, her nervousness less apparent now. This was soccer-field Jacinta, fight-with-referees Jacinta.
“I think you owe me,” she said, in a soft voice. “You were the one whofucked up the trust. And it’s a HEMS trust, and the ‘s’ in HEMS stands for ‘support’ right?”
She shrugged, and smiled. “Maybe part of support is punishment. When I deserve it.”
Edward bit back a laugh at that, if only because every case he’d ever read about support in HEMS trusts — and every trust document he’d ever read dealing with it — was about the most un-sexy thing he’d ever come across.
He stood, pushed his sleeps up past his elbows, and walked around to the front of his desk, then leaned back against it. He and Jacinta were maybe a foot away from each other now.
“You do seem to have me at a disadvantage here,” he said, a slow smile spreading across his lips now.
She shrugged, but he could tell she was still nervous.
“Maybe you should do something about it then,” she breathed.
Edward sent.
“Maybe I should,” he said. “Stand up.”
She stood fast enough to erase any doubt in his mind that she really was serious about wantingthis.
If blackmailing him wasn’t enough to show it, he thought.
Edward had never been a natural dom — he’d never really fantasized about topping women — but he’d learned to like it, dating Zoe. And one thing he’d learned from Zoe was that anticipation (the right amount, of course) could send her to a fucking alternative reality more than the spanking itself could.
Anticipation, of course, being measured in seconds, maybe 90 of them at the most; Zoe could never wait much longer than that.
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