
Author’s note: This story contains bondage, very light breath play and rap fansy. Feedback is appreciated.

Adam picked up his backpack and headed over to Jen’s place. He looked forward to the study sessions with Jen since it halved the time it took to do the problem sets and helped take away a lot of the stress and headache of being in such a competitive university. He always thought he was smart and that college would have been a breeze until he actually started his freshman year and quickly realized that all his classes were just as brilliant, if not more brilliant than he was. Not to mention, his professors were all sadistic slave drivers. The only way Adam was keeping his head above water was these sessions with Jen.

Jen was one of the few freshmen who lived off campus and had her own apartment. Adam wasn’t sure why Jen didn’t live in the dorms like most other freshmen. He guessed her parents must have been well off and maybe Jen didn’t want to deal withrooms, but he never asked about it and didn’t want to pry. The apartment was decent with a separate living room, but it wasn’t over the top.

Adam met Jen at an orientation mixer at the start of his freshman year and they gravitated towards each other once they realized they were in the same major and had the same classes. They were just study friends and Adam never got the impression Jen wanted to be more, so he never pursued it, even though he definitely found her very attractive.

He walked up to her door and rang the doorbell.

“Just a minute!” he heard through the door.

A couple minutes later, the door opened and he saw Jen in a long T-shirt, shining her hair. “Sorry, I just stepped out of the shower after the volleyball game. I assumed you didn’t want to work on the problem sets with me all sweaty and nasty. I didn’t expect you for another fifteen minutes.”

Jen’s T-shirt was long enough and her shorts short enough that Adam had to briefly look downto confirm that yes, she was actually wearing shorts — what was he thinking? It still wasn’t a complete loss as he really enjoyed admiring her legs when he could get away with it. They were little, slender, and very well sculpted due to her athletic activities. He often went to see Jen play in the intramural volleyball league when he could carve out the time, primarily so he could have an excuse to ogle her. She wasn’t that tall, but she had a great vertical and used that to her advantage.

He also probably wouldn’t have minded her a little sweaty and hot in those form-fitting volleyball outfits, but he dismissed those thoughts. Jen was way out of his league. She was very attractive, had a fit, tight body and not only that, but she was extremely intelligent. She’d probably be able to pick any guy she wanted in his class.

Adam pulled a few wrapped sandwiches out of his backpack. “I brought some food, since it looks like we are going to be working on this for a while. I tooka quick look at the problems and I think I can only solve three of them.”

Jen gratefully took a sandwich. “Oh, thanks! I’m familiarized. You really know how to woo a woman.” She gave him a 1000-watt smile.

Adam looked away, slightly reddening. They sat down at a table and started to dig in, bringing out their homework assignment so they could work and eat at the same time.

A few hours later, they were on the last problem. It was a complicated question involving ‘number sets’ that he couldn’t quite reduce to something they learned. He felt that he almost had the answer in his grap, but he was extremely distracted with Jen sitting so close to him and the image of her standing with only her T-shirt invading his mind.

Jen throw up her hands “I can’t figure out how to reduce these sets. Maybe it’s something they didn’t cover in the lesson? What do you think?”

Adam shrugged. “Yeah, it’s something Professor Campbell would do. Throw something we haven’t seen beforeinto the homework just to mess with us.”

Jen yawned and reached for her open laptop and slide it over to Adam. “Here, maybe google will give us an idea on what to look for. I need a break, why don’t you take a look? Maybe search the Wikipedia article on ‘set theory’?”

Adam thought it was kind of dumb to look up Wikipedia when they had the textbook in front of him. He didn’t have a better idea, and maybe a different presentation of the information could help jog his thoughts. He brought up the browser and started typing. He only got to the first two letters ‘se’ before the history autocomplete popped up and shocked him to his core. The first five links were all on ‘self bondage’ and ‘self bondage equipment’. Before he was able to react, Jen yanked the laptop away from him and pulled his hands from the keyboard. She frantically typed in the rest of the search entry to hide the autocomplete dropdown.

“Here, ‘set theory’, let’s take a look.” Jen said, pretending nothing happened. Her face was red and her eyes were glued to the screen, refusing to make eye contact with Adam.

Adam was still in shock and prepared to look at the screen but he wasn’t reading a word. Images of Jen tied up and naked came unbidden into his thoughts and didn’t leave any room for anything else, much less ‘set theory’.

Jen soon gave up the pretense and surprised. She turned to him and said “Look, you weren’t supposed to see that. I was just curious, that’s all.” She looked at him pleadingly. “Can you keep this to yourself? It’s mortifying.”

Adam tried to defend the situation. “It’s fine. I won’t say anything. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about these things, it’s normal and everyone has their own… interests”. He attempted to keep a straight face, but shock was still written on his face.

Jen gave him a small smile. “Thanks for promising to keep quiet about this.” She put her hand on his, looked directly at him, and added, “I trust you.” She turned back to thehomework assignment. “Anyways, I think I figured out what we need to use to solve the last problem.”

Jen showed Adam what she just discovered and the trick to solve the problem that had been vexing them. Adam was glad she had figured it out, because there was no way in hell he could have solved it given his mental state. He probably couldn’t even do basic math problems in his head.

They wrapped up and Adam packed his things to get ready to go. Some part of him wanted to stay and ask Jen more about her fetish, but the rational part of his mind didn’t want to blow his current friend and things to get weird between them. It was all a mistake and Jen clearly did not want to discuss it with him. After saying their goodbyes Adam headed back to his dorm room.

As he walked back to his dorm, he wondered if he would ever be able to look at Jen without imagining her tied up and helpless. This will make his study sessions even more difficult, but he wouldn’t give those up for the world. He really liked being with her. Adam witnessed and kept walking.

A few days later Jen called him up.

“Hi, Adam.”

“Hi, Jen. What’s up?”

A pause. “Uhm, I don’t know how to put it, but I need to ask a small favor from you.”

Adam’s mind started to race. “Sure, Jen, what is it?”

Another lung pause. “Remember the Other day when you searched for something on my laptop and you saw something you shouldn’t have seen?”

Adam’s heart started beating faster. He tried to play it off. “I don’t remember seeing anything…”

Jen laughed. “Thanks for the discretion.” Then her voice started to waver. “So… yeah, I’m really… into whatever you didn’t see. I went ahead and bought some… stuff and would like to try it out just by myself. But in order to be safe, I need someone to be my backup. And I only really trust you.”

Adam’s mind spun. “What exactly does being a ‘backup’ entail?”

“So this ‘equipment’ can be set up with a time-basedrelease. If everything goes right, I get released and you don’t have to do anything. But this stuff looks pretty cheap, and if the release doesn’t actually work… I want you to come and get me out of it.”

Adam privately wished he was asked to help ‘set up’, but he was flattered that Jen trusted him enough to ask him to do this. “I can do this, but are you sure? Maybe you’d Feel more comfortable with someone like Samantha to get you out?”

Samantha was one of Jen’s volleyball friends, they hung out a lot. Jen said, “No. Sam is a good friend and all, but she can’t keep her mouth shut. If I asked her, I’d never hear the end of it and the whole university would be aware of my kinks. Besides, chances are that everything will work and nothing will happen.”

“Okay. So when do you want to do this?”

“How about now? If I don’t call you back in an hour, that means that my timer failed. I’ll leave my keys under the doormat so you can get in. Are you available?”

Adam did not expect things to move so fast. “Yeah, sure. I’ll be around.”

“Oh, and don’t come over too early. I might not be exactly… presentable.”

Adam wondered idly what position she would be in. “Don’t worry, I’m setting an alarm and won’t be there earlier than an hour.”

“Okay, thanks. I knew I could rely on you. Talk to you later. Bye.”

Adam hung up and sat down heavily on his dorm room bed. He buried his face in his hands and tried to settle his ragging thoughts. Images floated in his mind of Jen naked and writing on her bed, unable to escape her bonds. A small part of him wanted to head out right now and let himself into her apartment while her timer was still going. He could do anything he wanted with her… This dark thought fluttered through his mind as he just sat there and waited out the longest hour of his life. There was no way he could have done anything else other than sit there with his mind being a total mess.

After an hour of mental anguish, the alarm rang. This means that she wasn’t able to get out of her equipment. This means that he was going to see her bound on her bed, possibly naked. He jumped up and practically ran out of his room.

He reached her apartment in record time. He found the keys and unlocked the door. As he stepped inside the apartment, he yelled “Hello? Jen? Are you okay?”

He heard Jen’s voice coming from the bedroom “Yes! Thank god you are here. Please come over here, I was starting to worry.”

He walked to the bedroom door and opened it. What he saw through the doorway was a sight he wanted to burn into his memory for the rest of his life.

Jen was completely naked lying face up and bound on her bed. Her arms were tied at her wrists clinked tight over her head, ropes taut against The middle of the headboard. Her legs were separately cuffed at her ankles and also firmly tied above her near the corners of the headboard. This made her fold in half at the waist, her perfectly shaped legs pulled straight back over her shoulders and spread in a ‘V’ shape. Apparently, she was extremely flexible. Her cunt was fully on display and it was shaken bare. Her labia glistened, betraying her state of arousal. Her butthole was also visible, but his eyes were gluced to her sex.

She was looking at him, completely vulnerable. “Adam?”

Adam wanted to admit the view for a little longer, but he had a job to do and didn’t want to betray her trust. But in his added state of mind, he didn’t know where to begin. “Okay, I’m here, Where do you want me to start?”

Jen started to squirm a little and her skin started to flush pink from embarrassment. She said “Start anywhere you want to.”

For a second, Adam thought she was giving him an invitation to do more than just untie her, but Then Shook it off.

When Adam started to get closer to get his hands on the ankle straps, Jen said softly, “You know, if you wanted to do anything to me, there is absolutely nothing I could do to stop you. What do you really want to do?”

Adam froze.

She continued, “You could look at me, you could touch me… You could even fuck me. I know you want me, I saw the way you look at me. Now’s your chance to have your way with me.”

His throat went dry. He could not resist the clear invitation. His hands moved away from the straws on her ankle and slide down her calm and down her thighs, savoring the feel of her soft skin and firm muscle underneath. Her legs were perfectly toned from her active lifestyle. He saw Jen shiver at the sensing. His hands kept moving, now traveling down her inner thighs approaching her slit, but then he drew them away.

Jen arched her back trying to keep contact with his hands. “No! Keep going, you were almost There!”

Adam smiled. “You are such a tease. Payback is only fair.”

Jen pouted. “Oh come on, I wasn’t a tease. I gave you so many signals, and you never made a move. That other day, I was fed up so I made itblindingly obvious. I came out of the shower, dripping wet, wearing my shortest shorts. Yeah, I know perfectly well that you enjoy checking out my legs when you think I am not aware. I also planted the scenario where you ‘stumbled’ on my search terms so that you would act on it. Today, I even tried to tempt you to ‘come early’ and act on your desires.”

Adam stood back. All those signals blew past him because he just thought of Jen being out of his league. “The search history ‘mistake’ was quite clever. Did you actually know the answer to the last problem before I even got there and were just playing dumb so there was an excuse to do that search?”

Jen gave Adam a smug look. “Of course I did. You’re smarter than me and would have figured it out too if your blood was properly flowing to your brains and not somewhere else. Now, continue what you started.” She bit her lower lip and added “Please?”

Adam decided to give her what she wanted, but first he took his time and got himself undressed. Jen watched him hungrily as he took off his clothes. She said, “You have been holding out on me. If I knew what you had under your clothes, I would have jumped you a long time ago.”

When he finished, he got up on the bed and crawled towards her. He again used his hands to roam her body, not being able to get enough of the feeling of her skin and legs and hips. He then moved his hands up to her chest, first softly caresing her nipples and then gently twisting them. Jen started to moan her appreciation, so he moved his mouth to suck on her left nipple while his left hand was playing with her right nipple.

“Oh, yes. Keep doing that, suck on my nipples. Oh yes, bite them.”

His right hand wandered downtown, and he began to stroke her cunt, keeping his fingers on the outside of her labia. She was so wet that the whole area was drenched and he was able to glide his fingers without any friction.

“Come on, stop being a tease down there and really touchme.”

He moved his fingers toward her center, her labia now enveloping him every stroke of his fingers. He gave her nipple another tiny bite and then pulled his mouth away, so that he could focus more on her cunt. His other hand moved to spread her nether lips and gently brush against her clip.

Jen started to pant. She looked down and watched as he lowered his mouth down to her cunt and started to lick and suck on her nectar. She moaned, “Jeez, you are really good. Fuck, where did you learn how to do this?” She attempted to arch her back to get more of her in his mouth but she could barely move.

He occasionally brushed her clip with his tongue, bringing her closer and closer without overstimulating her. He inserted two fingers in and gently stroked her G-spot. He heard the straps strain as he brought her to new heights.

Jen screeched. “Oh my god, oh my god. Ahh! I’m coming. I’m coming!”

His mouth went on overdrive sucking her clip as his fingers pressed harder against her G-spot. He felt her pussy clnch on his fingers as she came.

When she finally came back down, Adam pulled away to view his handiwork. Jen was positively glowing, her skin flushed and a light sheen of sweat coating her body. Her chest moved as she took deep breaths. She was staring into empty space, slowly blinking as she continued to process her earth-shattering orgasm. Adam started stroke her thighs and looked into her eyes, waiting for her mind to unscramble.

After a few moments, Jen came to and said, “Adam, that was the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life by far. Noone else has ever made me cum before. I felt my pussy grab your fingers. Wow.” She continued breathing deeply then stopped to give him a smouldering look. “What can I do to repay you for that?”

Adam gave her a smug smile, but he was so hard his dick ached. He needed her more than anything he ever needed in his life. He moved up the bed on his knees and pointed his cock between her wet folds.

“Oh, I feel you against my cunt.” Jen bit her lower lip and looked straight into his eyes. “What are you going to do? Are you going to… rape me?”

Adam wanted nothing more than to just ravage her right then and there, but he really wanted to save the moment, as well as tease her just a little more. His hands, once again, roamed her taut legs, then moved up her waist and onto her breasts. He gave her nipples a twist.

“Oh, hurt me. I’ve been very naughty and need to be used.”

Adam pushed hard. He went all the way in one thrust. Jen’s mouth opened in a silent scream. Adam knew he couldn’t last long so he moved slowly in and out. With her legs tied back, his cock was penetrating her in places she never felt before.

“Adam,” Jen said breathlessly as she was being ravaged. “Put your hands around my neck as you take me. Be gentle and don’t squeeze, but I want to feel completely powerless as I’m being taken.”

Adam was first concerned, but then gave in to her request. He grabbed her neck with both hands and pressed gently. Not enough to cut off air or blood supply, but enough to give her the feeling she was completely in his hands. He also got turned on to the fact that Jen was giving so much trust in him. He continued to thrust.

Jen gasped, “Oh. Please take me harder. Oh yes! Harder!”

Adam tried to hold back and make it last longer, but he started to lose control, “I’m almost about to cum. Where do you want it?”

Jen stared deep into Adam’s eyes. “You can do anything you want with my body. Anything.”

There was no holding back after hearing those words. Jen sensed his oncoming release and said softly, “Go ahead, take me. I’m yours.”

Adam thrust hard and held it deep as he came hard inside her. He kept cumming, longer and stronger than he ever came before.

“I feel it. I feel you cumming inside me.” said Jen, her eyes glazed over. “I’m coming, too.”

Adam felt her cunt pulse around his cock,milking him of all he had to offer. He was completely drained and nearly collapsed on top of her. After a few moments he moved up and pulled himself off of her. Jen, still bound, looked at him with a steady smile. As he started to notie her, he took one last look at her bound form. His cum was trickling out of her slit, marking his claim on her. Her legs were untied first, he then moved to the cuff on her wrists. These cuffs had the time release mechanism, and he saw that the timer was originally set for two hours, not one.

Jen giggled as she saw Adam discover her final deception. As her arms were free, she grabbed him and pulled him down to her and gave him a long kiss. He lay down beside her and wrapped his arms around her. She laid her head against him and murmured softly, “We should have done this a long time ago. It seems I have to serve myself up on a silver platter to get you to eat me.”

Adam laughed. He couldn’t have found a more perfect woman, both sexy and smart.Completely exhausted, drained and content, he closed his eyes with a smile on his face.


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