Tricked and Treat – Halloween

TITLE: Tricked and Treat – Holiday Halloween Special

CONCEPT: As a Halloween Special story I have created a very short tale in the hopes that YOU the readers will go from this story and make your own imaginative continuations and build off each other. Thanks, Good luck, Happy Halloween!


The sound of the doorbell echoed through the house as several kids in Halloween costumes and their parents stood on the front steps to the nice sized home. The door creaked open and a man wearing an orange facemask popped his head out. The costumed children were holding out their bags to hopefully collect some good candy and sweets for the night. The door opened more showing man standing there at the height of 5’11 or so in mostly dark clothes and a hood around his head apart from the orange mask covering his face. As the door opened more it was revealed the man was holding onto a leash. the black leather leash was connectedto a collar but instead of a collared dog there was a person. The person was dressed up as a dog with a full rubber and leather BDSM body suit and puppy mask on. Some of the kids chuckled at the sight of this couple being a man walking a dog.

“Mmmpphh?!” the gimp dog mumbled from behind the mask which causes the kids to giggle a bit more.

The man had a bowl of treatments in one hand and firmly grasped the leash in the other. The orange masked man didn’t say a word as he held out the bowl of goods and let the kids put some in their bags. While the kids grabbed the candy the parents looked at the person dressed in a BDSM gimp puppy costume on the ground. Due to the tight nature of the costume it was fairly obvious there was a mature woman in the outfit – she looked a bit on the chubby side but still had decent curves and well defined breasts under the tight costume.

“Thanks mister” a kid dressed as a clown said with a big smile.

“Okay kids collect those treatments and wecan go to the next house” one of the mothers said as she hurried the group of kids back to the main street.

The kids collected their sweet gifts into their sacks and then headed back to the road one at a time until the same mom was standing on the porch.

“Don’t you think that is a bit inappropriate as a Halloween costume? You have kids trick-and-treating.” the mother scolded the couple looking at them both before walking back to the pavement with the kids to continue their trick-and-treating to the next set of homes.

The man in the orange mask eyed the angry mom noting that she was rather cute with short brown hair and plump breasts under a white sweater. He gazed at her butt as she walked away joining the rest of the parents and kids as the went down the road.

“Mmmppppphhhh!?!?” the muzzled woman in the doggy costume moaned to the lady before the orange masked man closed the door.

The man in the orange mask kneeled down to his costumed pet and pulled thedog leather black mask off her face. Under the mask was an attractive face of 40-something year old Susan Talter. She looked at him with her big brown eyes while her blonde hair was all tangled up and messy from the mask and gag. A bit of drool dripped from the large ballgag in her mouth which had kept her nice and quite at the door moments earlier.

“Come on Ms. Talter. Back to the others.” the masked man said teasingly poking her nose with one of his fingers.

The man headed down the hall of the house pulling the woman in the gimp dog suit along by the leash and collar around her neck. Susan Talter followed on all fours as the man tugged on the collar making for obey and follow. The two turned the corner into a blind room with a large framed TV mounted on the wall, several nice couches, a piano against one of the walls, and a lovely plant In the corner of the room. Many nice paintings covered the walls of the room as well. Sitting on the couches were two other men dressedSimilar to the first with dark colored clothes and hoods. Both men wore the same masks but in different colors. One man had on a blue facemask while the other had on a yellow mask.

“Whe did Mr. Green go?” the man in the orange mask asked looking around for the fourth and final member of their team.

“He stepped out – said something about one of those parents being rude to you.” the man in the blue mask said with a chuckle.

The blue masked man sat on one couch – he was accompanied by Ms. Talter’s 19 year old daughter Becky. Although Susan Talter was not in a very good position in the moment her daughter may have been worse off. Susan may have been the submissive bondage gimp pet to a masked man but she did have the luxury of being more covered than her daughter. Becky was very similar to her mother both in looks and attitude. She had similar curves, nice perky breasts and curly blonde hair. However Becky did not share the brown eyes of her mother and instead had brightt blue eyes like her father and brother. This young 19 year old version of Susan was wearing very little on her body with only pair of black panties and matching bra covering herself. She had her ankles and wrists cuffed with the wrists linked together with a collar around her neck. A large bargag was between her plump pink lips allowing her to make more noise than her mother but not much.

“Mmmgggghhhhh!” Becky groaned through her gag locking eyes with her mother as the man in the blue mask played with the daughter’s perky melons.

Diagonal from the captive Becky and her blue masked captor was the other couch. On the second couch was the yellow masked man sitting quite comfortable between Ms. Talter’s 18 year old son Henry and her husband John. Neither of the Talter men looked very masculine in this moment. Henry had always been on the more thin side giving him a slender frame. Being on the swim team also gave Henry a more slim build. The brown haired blue eyed 18 year oldboy had been stripped down to nothing and then forced to wear a matching pair of his sister’s pink panties and bra. He too had his ankles and wrists chained up with cuffs with his wrists linked up to a collar around his throat.

The boy had a large ringgag forced into his mouth and secured around the back of his head keeping his mouth wide open for use. Last – on the other side of the yellow masked man was John Talter – Susan’s husband and the father of the other two hostages. To the father’s credit he had been the hardest of the family to subdue and submit but in the end he ended up with a similar fate to his wife and daughter and son. Mr. Talter was only wearing a pair of blue and white plaid boxes and restrained in a hogtie with the cuffs on his wrist and ankles interlocking behind his back. He had a rubber gimp mask covering his head hiding his brown hair and blue eyes. There were closed zippers where the man’s eyes and mouth were keeping him blind and mute to the world onlyable to hear the moans and groans of his captive family members.

“Well Talter family – first we tricked you one by one and got you like this. Now it is time for us to have our treatments.” The man wearing the orange mask said smiling under his covered face with Susan Talter still next to him on all fours like a pet dog.

The three masked men laughed looking at their prey knowing they had all the power and all the time in the world with these four now subdued hostages.

— — — — WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT? — — — — — WILL YOU DECIDE? — — — — — — —

In the comments section below please share your thoughts or ideas on where this story might go or what you would want to have happen. Think of this as a game in imagination and creativity. I would love to see the interesting paths some of you may take this story – HAPPY HALLOWEEN!



Thank you for showing interest in my continuationt. Please feel free to leave feedback in the form of comments do that I may improve my content for you all. I have more content on the way as well for both independent stories and well as continuing series I have already made. Thank you for your interest and support.


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