There you are. Just where I left you. Listen, I really need to talk to you, little toy.
It is about the Halloween party we will be hosting. I really want it to be a huge success, because, you know, all our kinky friends will be there.
We will have to talk through the organization though. Oh, don’t worry, I did the planning already. All you have to make is one little decision…
We all have our role to play on this special evening of the year, when light and dark mix, where desire and lust becomes one and all the bets are off!
Who knows, maybe if you perform exceptionally well you get a treat…
You know that one, really perverted thing you always begged me to do? The one thing I said I would never do with/to you? It might be on the table. If you do your job well…
There are a few jobs still to fill by my subs and I wanted to give you first pick, because – and don’t tell the others or there will be consequences – you are my favourite.
Lets talk decoration, first.
I’d like to have a scarecrow right… here. Well, sort of. As you see I put the wooden cross up in this corner already. As my scarecrow, you will be up there, tied to it, your arms aching… Wearing nothing all night, except these little earplugs, this penis gag, so you can have something to do by sucking, you’ll need it to not go insane, trust me. Then there is This black mask without eye-holes or mouth-hole. You will be deaf, blind, and mute… But at least you know you will be looked at all night. Oh and there will be a little stand with: “Look, but don’t touch, please”. You know, to make sure being looked at is all you’ll be…
Then there is this wooden horse I’d like to tie a sub to. You know, the torturous one the the sharp edge your bare pussy always rests on, when every move might bring pain and pleasure. Oh and your hands will be shackled to the floor.
So you will spend the night in pain, exposed, maybe even get the occasional spanking from a guest. But at least you will see everything, hear everything.
Though decoration is there to be looked at, not hearing it. So I am afraid, you will have to be gagged, too. Tape over the mouth will do fine.
Now, there is also the issue of serving food and drinks.
I will need someone to carry a tray with drinks and little food items around.
No, hear me out Before you say it is boring. You see that white rag over there?
That is the uniform, you will find it fitting for Halloween. It is a straitjacket, only that the part covering your breasts was cut open. We need sexy uniforms after all, don’t we? Don’t worry. Function is preserved and you wont be able to move your arms when they are fixed in front. The tray will be stuck between your arms and breasts for back stabilisation and nipple clamps with chains will stabilize the front of the tray. No gag this time because you will have to offer drinks in the most courteous way, while you try to ignore the pain of the clamps and trying to keep the tray steady.
Then there will be someone to actually prepare the drinks.
Yes, you are right, it would not be possible in a straitjacket. Thats why a little puppy will prepare the drinks. A plug with a rubber tail to wiggle, a bodystocking, cut open in various places for the sex-appeal. A clamp with a small weight on the tongue to keep it out for panting like a good little pet. Maybe we paint your nose black to make you look cute. Because it would be too easy if the puppy could use human hands, it will wear gloves that prevents using any fingers. Yes, it may result in broken glasses and spilled drinks, but I have a feeling the guests will appreciate a good laugh and the humiliation will make the puppy feel so … Much… Shame. I am sure the burning feeling of permanently blushing, while You are trying oh so hard not to fumble will be hilarian, indeed.
What will I be doing? I am the host, dummy. I will be entertaining our guests.Maybe make new friends for us to play with and make sure it will be an evening noise will forget all year. As for the costume? I think a really nice black tuxedo, a top hat and facepaint of a clown/circus director in black and white that is just creepy enough to spark that feeling of threatening uncertainty in the back of one’s mind… Subtly so. Yes, that will be my costume for the night.
Oh it will be soooo much fun!
Now, little toy… Which job will you do for me that night? Choose…
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