This story was an email collaboration with my sweet sub, Richard, as part of a consensual, caring relationship. It is a bit of fun fiction which turned us both on and we are sharing it in the hope that you enjoy it as much as we did. If Femdom is not for you, then please do not continue reading. Seriously. However, if you like the idea of a powerful woman controlling every aspect of a helpless sub’s pleasure, then please read on.
Other stories in order in this series include Mistress’ Pleasure Slave, Sold for her Pleasure, Serving as her Shower Slut, Subslut’s Dilemma, Deepening his Control Training, The Art of Seduction, Wet, Wet, Wet and Acts of Service.
Disclaimer: Please read and take note. This work is about D/s and might include themes, actions, dialog, and outcomes you find offensive, distasteful, or upsetting – I have tried to be as clear as possible in the story tags so that you can make an informed decision. Please understand this is a work of fiction, directly from the creative mind of a fellow human being who may not share your opinions or views. If by commenting, you are seeking cathartic relief or hitting back at life, I highly encourage you to seek professional help. However, in the event you are here to read my words, consider my ideas and share constructive criticism with me, then you are welcome. Troll comments will be deleted with extreme prejudice.
It had been so long since Richard had last served his Mistress. Two slow weeks since he’d laboured against the clock to erect Mistress K’s folly – her outdoor playground that he’d equipped with an adjustable St Andrew’s Cross, which she’d then ridden him on to blissful completion.
Fourteen days was a long time without being in the presence of his Goddess. Not least because, while his Mistress encouraged him to edge himself constantly when away from her, in her honour so to speak, she denied him his ultimate release. His cum was her offer and he was to save it all for her. For such a time when, if, she deemed that he was worthy to present her with his creamy offering.
And now, finally, he’d got the summons to return to her garden to add more elements of different, delightful torture to her playroom.
Without wasting a moment, Richard dragged on some clothes, knowing they would come off before she saw what he’d chosen, and lacened up his work boots. He was more than ready to serve in whatever role might please his exacting Mistress today.
Arriving at her cottage, Richard was naked and kneeing within minutes, his head bowed and his smile wide. His heart rate increased as he heard her soft footsteps approaching down the hallway.
‘Hello, my boy. How I’ve missed you. But fear not, pet, I have such plans to make up for lost time,’ she smiled fondly.
As she extended her hand into his field of vision, a long, manicured finger tipping his chin, Richard raised his head and took in his beloved Mistresses’ attire. She neverfailed to arouse him whatever she wore, but today her choice of clothes took his breath away.
Mistress K was dressed from head to toe as an Egyptian Goddess. This was no mere clichéd Cleopatra costume; his Mistress was dressed in a sleepless gossamer wrapped sheath dress which hugged her curvaceous figure from just above her breasts, nipping in at her slender wait, then flaring out over her hips, hugging her thighs and calves, and ending just above her bare feet. Her ankles and wrists were encircled with golden bangles and around her throat was a wide, golden wesekh collar, decorated with deep red and turquoise stones. She had a simple band around her long, straight black hair, which held a single feather.
‘Today, boy, I am Ma’at, Goddess of Truth, Order, and Justice. And you, my pet, will be subject to my judgment. Now, cover your feet, you have work to do.’
Richard retied his boots and took her hand, following her into the garden, his cock stiffening as he approached the orangery where he’d previously been bound and tormented so thoroughly. Inside the folly, Richard’s materials and tools were laid out and quickly he donned the toolbelt, gloves and kneepads.
‘Today, boy, you will be assembling two pieces of equipment, which will be used in your coming judgment – cock stocks and hanging manacles.’ She smiled as she looked up to the wooden ceiling then down at the pile of chain, alongside the heavy hook and leather cuffs.
‘Now get to work; you do not want to keep Ma’at waiting before your trial.’
The vision that Mistress K presented with her Ma’at Goddess ensemble was beyond anything he had seen up close. The reaction that stirred in his loins was instantaneous. Trying to comprehensive exactly what Mistress wanted escaped him for a moment or Two, as the rush of adrenaline left his nervous endings tingling with arousal, causing a cloudiness that was foreign to his psyche.
Shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, the constructionof the stock was not overly complicated. The separating of the wood was easily done with the saw once the markings were made along the length of wood, the carving out of the hole not overly difficult as the halves would be on each length of cut board. The cock hole might be a little tricky, for it did not state if the balls were to be pulled through also or if the sac would be resting on or behind the hole.
Marking all the spots Before double checking then cutting, he was able to attach the hinges on one end so that the stocks opened upward and closed with ease. The hinges were oiled and moved with precision, the opposite end of the stock had a brass plate and hook so that a padlock could be attached and the subject, which in this case would be me, he thought grimly, could be locked in place.
The hanging manacles needed to be fixed securely, so getting the ladder out he climbed up giving his Mistress, or should he say Ma’at Goddess, a clear view of his heavy sack danglingdown between his thighs, the hard throbbing appendage sticking straight out in a salute to the beauty of the lady watching with her ever elegant eye. His knowledge that his Mistress would be using this arrangement on him did nothing to reduce his excitement or his honour in serving such a dominant beautiful woman.
While Richard had been working, his Mistress had been sitting on what could only be described as an Egyptian ‘throne’. It was ornately carved with a golden animal head to each side and turquoise wings adorning the sides and back.
When the equipment was assembled to his Mistress’ specifications, she stood and inspected it, lowering the leather cuffs hooked on the heavy chain, before beckoning him over. Richard held out his wrists and shivered slightly as the cool, smooth leather locked snugly around them. The fit was good, and the cuffs were padded so they did not rub or chafe, but Richard still felt that familiar thrill coupled with a twinge of fear as he gave up hispower to this extraordinary woman.
Once he was secure, his Mistress wound the chain around the heavy-duty cleat he’d installed on the far wall, until his arms were stretched well above his head. His feet were flat, so he was able to support his weight without it pulling on his shoulders, but it was still a vulnerable position, which felt even more so when she reached around to remove his toolbelt. Although it had not covered much, there was something about being completely uncovered that drove home how naked he really was in front of this powerful fully dressed Goddess.
‘And finally, let’s get you locked up good and tight,’ she declared, picking up the stocks and running her finger around the hole he’d drilled between the two interlocking pieces. ‘You’ve done well, boy. I believe it may be a little snug, but you have sanded it smoothly so there will be no rough edges or splinters to damage My cock.’
Running the nails of her free hand up his inner thigh, she slowly made her way to cup his balls, circled them between her finger and thumb, like a little flesh collar. She looked at what she had enclosed, then again at the stocks in her other hand. It certainly wasn’t going to be roomy in there, thought Kate, but it would work.
Quickly exchanging her hand for the lower half of the stocks, she settled his heavy balls and bobbing cock in front of its wooden cradle then carefully closed the top half down, locking them firmly with a heavy brass padlock she produced from a fold in her diaphanous gown. Cupping his trapped manmeat with one hand she tugged gently with the other, swivelling the stocks vertically with the heavy padlock hanging downwards.
‘There now pet, you are completely at my mercy. And do you believe that I am a merciful Goddess, boy?’
Richard decided that This was a rhetorical question and felt it was better not to answer, although any words he may have had been swallowed when she pressed herself up against him and kissed him firmly, passwordately on the mouth. His tightly trapped cock was pushed up against the soft, silky material of her shift and his wedding head anointed the underside of her covered breasts, making him moan into her mouth.
Stepping back and returning to her throne, Richard could feel that this was no longer his Mistress, he was now in the presence of Goddess Ma’at.
‘And now, boy, it is time for your trial to begin.’
From behind her throne, Kate produced a delicate set of antique scales. They consistent of two gold pans hanging from a suspended pole via slim chains. Currently both pans were empty, and they soon found their equilibrium after being placed on the floor in front of Richard.
‘A short history lesson before we began. Ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife; an eternal paradise known as the Field of Reeds where you can live forever surrounded by everything you have known or loved. However, to reach the Field of Reeds, you had to pass the trial of Anubis (later known as Osiris), Lord of the Underworld, where your heart would be weighed against the feather of truth.’ At this point, Kate removed the feather from her headband and started to trail it sensitively across his naked skin as she continued, ‘If it were deemed that you had led a good and virtual life, your heart would be light and would balance the feather and you would be free to pass into the Afterlife,’ she paused her teasing to hold the feather in front of Richard’s face. ‘If, however your heart was heavy with sin, it was consumed by the monster Amut.’ Kate reinforced the seriousness of this option by gripping his locked meat firmly in her hand, making him hiss out a disappointed breath.
‘So, boy, today this is our Hall of Truth and we will be using my feather of truth to reveal your true character.’ She dropped the feather into one of the empty pans, making it bob down, swinging for a few moments until it settled, now lower than the other side.
‘As you are verymuch alive, there is no need to summon Anubis to judge you; I shall be able to do that without any help using my scales of justice. The trial is very simple; if you can prove to me you are pure of heart and mind, the scales will remain light, and you will be rewarded with the paradise you desire. If, however, you show yourself to be weighed down with sinful thoughts, then you will receive the punishment you deserve.
You will notice that your cock is positioned directly above the empty pan. If you can control your base thoughts, it will remain unsullied and unaffected. However, if you are unable to control yourself, your lustful thoughts will be evident in the leaking of your seed, which will drip and ooze into the pan, weighing it down and casting your judgement.’
Placing a large, ornate sand timer down next to the pan, Kate continued, ‘The trial will end when the sand has run dry. If you have managed not to release by then, you will be rewarded. If not, then it is only fitting that your punishment should be taken out on the organ that betrayed you. Do you not agree?’ Kate asked, smiling wickedly.
Richard’s fantasy was increasingly turning into a reality that Mistress K orchestrated through her imagination, her seductive power, but most of all the way she saw into his very soul. Having his arms raised above his head was not too uncomfortable; the way the soft leather of the cuffs made their presence known, but in a soft way, was not causing his mind to fight their grip on his wrists. The clanking of the stock and the subsequent click of the lock immediately sent shivers through him for now he was totally immobilized. His Mistress had in the past done some, what could only be considered, interesting manoeuvres on his body and mind.
The beauty of the ancient throne only enhanced the beauty of the scene, with the sun refracting through the orangery windows, their position let beams of light ignite and made the turquoise glitter and glow beforehis eyes. The material and size of the chair seemed to wrap itself around in a protective way, so his immability was not a worry, for Mistress K seemed like an angel with a secure bubble providing her with all the elements of earth, wind, fire, and water encasing the cloud of life so that she was impenetrable.
Scales of justice, sand timer, both symbols of days of ancient past, like a criminal before the blind justice system, he was transformed into a different mindset. What had he done to himself? Being in the presence of a beautiful woman, having each and every male emotion strummed like strings on a Lyres of Ur, the chordophones of ancient Goddess’s court that were played for the pleasure of woman. This lady had slowly transformed him into a willing participant of her every wish and whim.
This was no dream, for the kiss of his Mistress sent such sexual charge to every nervous of his body, the light touch of the feather as it skimmed over his face and neck, the shoulders shivering, the chest heaving. Oh, how this Lady had the imagined tools to tease, that touch of a delicate feather igniting heat that was from his very soul outward so that the rays of sunshine were ignored and a light sheen of heavily sweat formed goosebump-like droplets, indicating to such a woman the sexual control she could elicit from her captured submissive.
Goddess Ma’at is not just a costume decoration from some Halloween shop, this entity was the reincarnation of a time that had unfolded before his eyes. Just the way an aura seemed to surrounding Mistress K spoke of an ethereal power. The increased way the eyes bore like laser beams through his hanging dry aging carcass, Richard himself realized that he was being transported into another time and place and, if he failed, who knew what this Goddess was capable of doing?
Listening intently, Richard understand that he only had to hold off for the time the sand timer to flow from one section to the other. The scales would definitely move, even if it were only a few drops of pre-cum, however if would take maybe a dozen drops to balance the feather. It would be a trial for sure, but one that he felt he could pass if he really focused on his self-control. If his Mistress did not play dirty, that is. He knew how much she retired in making his challenges difficult, and of course, she could just order him to cum, which was now hardwired into his psyche and he was powerless to refund.
And now Goddess Ma’at sat in her sheer gossamer sheath, her legs slightly only open, but his mind knew exactly what was covered for he had spent many a moment on his knees making the transformed Mistress to Goddess happy with the tongue and mouth action she had controlled. With his arousal building, his only hope was to start reciting the acts of contrition, the prayers of mass, in both Latin and English as if his catholic upbringing might protect his body from failure.
Kate could see that Richard had understood hisPredicament. The feather had dipped the scales in his favour, but it wouldn’t take much to tip them back. She knew it had been two weeks since he’d emptied his balls and that his man battery was likely to be copious and viscous. To be honest, the pressure must surely be pretty high already as Richard had been hard as iron since first arrived at her cottage. The ritual of kneeing naked in her hallway triggered his natural submission and she hadn’t missed the way he’d reacted to her outfit – initially on a visceral level that speaks of his physical attraction to her, but later, on a deeper emotional level, as he responded to the divine authority of the Goddess of Truth.
Of course, Kate wasn’t just going to leave him to his own devices. She knew he had pretty good self-control and, without any kind of stimulation, he’d clearly have no challenge with his task. However, Richard was bound, so she couldn’t ask him to stroke for her. She was going to have to get more creative.
First, she rose to stand in front of him, then slowly released the knot that gathered her sheath dress above her breasts. Lifting the tail end of the diaphanous clothes, she pressed it into one of his manacled hands, then slowly, sensitively she twisted and compromised before him, unravelling the translucent layers of material until they fell like a silken waterfall at his feet.
Watching as his eyes drank her in, she slowly stroked her fingertips up her body, caresing her soft thighs, the dip of her navel, the thrust of her bountiful breasts. Richard’s breathing sped up as his eyes locked on the passage of her hands, like a mouse mesmerised by the sight of a cobra. Already, a drop of clear precum was beating his slit and, had Richard been able to think clearly, he’d be still himself as much as possible to stop its inexorable journey downward. However, his cock had a mind of its own and was bobbing in time to his heartbeat. And so, the first drop fell, and the pan dipped, before settingabove other.
Kate smiled. Still swaying, her arms above her head, she sashayed towards him, brushing her naked skin against his, her diamond-hard nipples tracing tantalising patterns across his chest, his ribs, his back as she circled her prey. Already a second drop was forming, and she allowed her nails to trail down his ticklish ribs leaving goosebumps in their wake.
Cursing to himself that his control Total weakened with each reveal of the Goddess, her alabaster naked flesh glistening under the yellow, orange glow of the sun rays. When the cent of her perfume assaulted his nostrils, the involuntary flair and deep intake caused his constrained cock to jump and grow a little more.
Resolved to the knowledge that a mere mortal male was truly no competition for the naked Goddess of Truth, Richard realized that without iron control, his manhood and arousal would likely fail him, proving just how much control a woman totally has.
Kate could see the destination in Richard’s eyes as the second pearlescent drop hit the pan. Both watched as it dipped and bobbed, then settled, fractionally lower than before. Kate could feel Richard tension and see the renewed determination in his eyes not to fail this task. Right then, she thought, time to turn up the heat.
Watching Richard struggle with his arousal, knowing that he held off the pleasure he could be having for her, to please her, was a powerful aphrodisiac for Kate. Already her breasts felt heavy with arousal, her nipples drawn up into two tight peaks that ached for attention. And why should they be neglected? Richard was rather incapacitated, but his mouth was unbound, and she knew how skillfully he could pleasure her with his lips and tongue.
The height difference was solved when she loosened a few links on the overhead chain, allowing him to roll his tight shoulders. Kate stood proudly before him, offering up one plump mound for his tongue to worship. ‘That’s right, boy. Pay homage with your mouth.’
Richard dipped his head and suckled her swollen nipple into the warm, wet haven of his mouth. Her moan of pleasure shot straight to his cock, which wept another thick pearl to join the others. But neither Kate nor Richard was keeping count as he feasted on the juicy morsel before switching to lay his attentions on its neglected twin. Once both nipples were red and puffy from his Attentions, Kate stepped back and placed herself upon her throne, spreading her glistening thighs wide, wider, until she hooked each one over the arms of the throne, spreading herself to his eyes.
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