Julie and Evan created the top of the dunes and took in the sweeping arc of the white sand bay. Breathing hard from the climb they slumped down drinking in the view. The sound of gentle waves floated up and the heat of the sun sank slowly into their skin.
“What a beautiful island, idyllic,” she thought, “with these isolated areas so near to the resort.”
Isolated, yes. A naughty thought crossed her mind.
“How do you fancy getting it on?” she said aloud.
Evan looked at her and then scanned the area.
“Hell, yes.”
Grabbing her hand he drew her up and ran off into the hollow of the dunes.
Sinking down in the sand he placed his hands to her face and kissed her. She laughed and began pulling at his shirt as he fumbled with her blouse buttons. They tugged at each other’s clothing their heat rising.
A cought them freeze and look up. There, around them were four men, clearly tribesmen from their minimal clothing and, more ominously, their caSually held spears.
The nearest man spoke, pointing aggressively at them.
“Always you are the same. You come to our island, take our hospitality and yet repay us with this lack of respect. You flaunt yourself where you will and expect us to ignore these slights.”
Julie struggled to cover herself rising to her feet.
“I am so sorry, we didn’t know, we’ll go, we won’t trouble you again.”
She made to walk away beckoning Evan.
A large black hand grabbed her wrist.
“No, enough is enough. You will come before the Chief and pay for your actions.”
He sneered at her and she felt her insides go cold. She was half dragged forwards, inland, behind her Evan was pulled along with the last two men following to ensure they did not run.
After what must have been a mile tracing the small path through tight tree cover they emerged into a rough clearing. A couple of huts and a fire were all that constructed the settlement, a seat on a raised area of mudto one side in which sat a fat balding man, naked bar a loincloth with feathers and beads in loops around his neck.
Julie and Evan were extremely pushed to their knees in front of him.
“And what do you bring to me today Joshua?” he asked their captor.
“Foreigners, debauched and disrespectful of our island and laws.” Joshua replied.
“They should be taught what it is to be so disrespected.”
The Chief leaned forward, his hand scratching his chin.
“Please,” began Julie, “We really.”
“Silence.” Roared the Chief. “You are right. This cannot be allowed to go unregarded. Take them, prepare them.” He smiled but there was no reassurance behind his eyes.
Lying there on the benchmark, hands tied around the post behind her head and with her ankles drawn up beyond her shoulders Julie felt exposed, vulnerable and oh so open. Those secret , private areas only ever seen by a very few boyfriends were now on display to all those leering gazes of the menand women surrounding them.
“So, now we will see.” Said the Chief sitting on the raised Dias. “Your payment for your actions is due, I feel we should let the decision rest with you.”
As she tried to understand what this could mean Evan was led in at her her side. He, like her, was now totally naked and his hands were bound behind his back.
There was a high bench in front of him and he was pushed forward along this. His hands briefly untied and pulled forward so that his arms were stretched out in front of him whilst his legs fell either side of the benchmark. The width of the bench caused his legs to be played wide and his buttocks, only a few feet from Julie’s face, to be spread wide apart.
One of the escorts roughly lifted him up by the wait while another slide a round log under his hips so that they were further lifted. His penis and balls hanging down behind.
Julie thought with sudden clarity that he was now quite as vulnerable as she and positioned in afrighteningly exposed position.
“What will you choose?” Asked the Chief, grinning widely. “One of you is going to pay but I will be kind. You can spare your little friend here his first forays into the delights of being deflowered by a man or you can elect to take this penalty yourself.”
Julie starred wildly, amazing that this could even be happening, completely at a loss to make any Decision. She had never been taken by a man in that way before and did not want to. The thought of Evan having to make her shudder.
“Could she let him suffer this to save herself or should she brave the experience to spare him?”
She just couldn’t rationalise it or steady her muddled thoughts.
One of the escorts standing next to Evan pulled aside his robe revealing himself as naked as they and sat on the bench behind him struggling what became a very large penis. He was eyeing Evans raised bottom with obvious enjoyment and anticipation.
“Oh no,” Julie thought, “He’s huge. I can’t let him do that to Evan, but I couldn’t take that, not there.”
Evan was staring wildly at her, pleading with his eyes.
“Well.” Said the Chief. “You now see your prediction. Sebell here, is a large fellow and enjoys the acts of love in all its forms and with either sex. He will be just as happy to slide that weapon of his up inside your tight little bottom as your boyfriend’s.”
He laughed uproariously at this, slapping his thigh sending the flesh of his ample stomach rippling. Sebell grinned back at him.
“But I see you are having trouble choosing. Let me make this simpler for you, and more enjoyable for us. You are about to be pleasured by some of the most experienced lovers in our little community. If you can prevent yourself from reaching a climax Your little friend will be spared. However, if you succumb and lose that control, he will be impaled on that rod you see before you.”
He pointed across at Evan. Julie could see on the one side Evan’s panicked face, but standing astride the log and positioned to take advantage should she fail, Sebell, now displaying his fully erect manhood, mere inches from that virgin hole, so clearly spread and unprotected.
Sebell produced a small overcome and very obviously drizzled an oily liquid into the cleft of Evan’s buttocks and also onto his own erection, stroking himself back and forth. The oil ran slowly down coating Evan’s tiny opening and then continuing down to slide across his hanging balls. There was absolutely no doubt of Sebell’s intention.
Evan squirmed but there was no possibility of escape.
Sebell moved forward and stroked the tip of his member down Evan’s cleft pausing as he touched the rose bud opening. Evan started and jumped in his bonds but this only made those present laugh harder.
An image of that hard rod sliding into Evan’s bottom hole flicked through Julie’s mind but she shook her head to clear it away.
The Chief clicked his fingers and two scantily dressed women sauntered over. One of them bent over Julie and very deliberately kissed her deeply on the mouth, her tongue snaking inside and wrapping around her own. Warm and velvety she could not help but return that kiss. A swift sucking sensing and burst of pleasure shot through her right nipple as the other woman sucked her far into her mouth, toguing the nipple in slow languid motions.
Julie moaned into the other woman’s mouth as the kiss continued with no end. Her breast was released and a coolness swept over it as the woman moved away, only to return and carry out the same action on her left breast. Julie’s nipples swelled under the attention, harder and harder, almost painfully so.
Her breast was being sucked in and out of that warm wet mouth, deeper and deeper with no respite. Suddenly her right nipple was being treated to the same. Clearly another person had joined in this circuit of stimulation. With so many kissing and sucking at her she could barely focus. The woman kissing her did not relent so Julie could not see what was occurring around her even when she opened her eyes. All she could see were black curls of hair swinging across her face, dark skin and a musky, even spicy fragment filling her nostrils.
For a moment she had forgotten her prediction and also her exposed position. Her pussy, hot until now was cool under the evening breeze. To her shade Julie realized that the women’s attentions had turned her on to the point that her pussy was heating, moistening and beginning to open it’s folds.
Her hips gave an involuntary buck and she heard a deep chuckle from the Chief’s direction. She tried to re-focus on what was happening and the fact that she must not respond. Her poor Evan, she couldn’t allow him to be taken so, she must stay strong.
She concentrated on keeping her wayward body still and unresponsive. This was no easy task as the three people carried on with their attentions.
Then all three slowed right down. Julie couldn’t identify why but was slightly relieved as she was struggling to stay still. She went rigid as a finger traced the outline of her pussy. It moved with steady purpose around her swollen labia from the top, down one side to the very bottom and then up the other. She was completely helpless to this finger as it swirled around and around never entering or stopping. She could feel how swollen she was, larger than she could ever remember.
“How can I cope.” she asked herself, “This is impossible.”
She moaned into the woman’s kiss and raised her hips to meet the finger but it remained ever just a delicate tracing. She could feel that she was now fully open, the coolness of the air sweeping across her most private place, bared for all and spread wide. She shivered as the thought of all these people staring into her embarassed her, but also sent a wave of pleasure up from her pussy towards her breasts.
The finger stopped and she felt it begin to gently stroke at the inner lips, swelling these as well beyond anything before, making them stand proud. Slick and hot, sensitive to a ridiculous degree.
The finger lowered and just briefly touched her anus. She hadn’t expected the sudden burst of sensing that sparked and she bucked again.
“More.” Came the happy cry from the Chief.
The finger came again, just the tip, deliciously touching and retreating, touching and retreating until a sort of rhythm had begun. Then it just stopped, but her hips continued to sway back and forth trying to meet it. She realized that she has succumbed and stopped her movement but there was no hiding that she was enormously aroused. It must clear to all those present.
With a swiftness that started her a tongue burrowed into her bottom hole, slithering in and out, swirling around.
Julie jammed Her hips up to meet this sudden intrusion, shocked at how pleasant it was. Her mouth and breasts were still being over-stimulated whilst her bottom was being ravaged by this other tongue. Her pussy was wide, open and empty with nothing but the coolness of the air to sit it’s increasing heat and heaviness.
The woman kissing her stopped and withdrawing leave Julie gasping. She could now see there were two women attending to her breasts and nipples, their actions slowing to gentle licks and nips at the nipples themselves making them rock hard and straining.
The woman who had kissed her so deeply now walked to the end of the bench and stood next to her hips. Julie still could not see who was paying such ardent attention to her bottom due to the women at her breasts but the woman standing looked pointedly into her eyes and began to bend down towards her exposed pussy.
Julie quivered in anticipation knowing something was going to happen and happy that anything would take place to relieve the welling sensing in her.
She glanced to her left and was shocked to see the muscle man struggling his penis up and down the length of Evan’s parted buttocks. She was more shocked at herself for having seemingly forgotten this prediction and reacted so wanted to the pleasure.
A sudden blow of air directly onto her pussy interrupted her thoughts. The woman had obviously lowered herself and was sending jets of cooling air straight onto her heated flesh. The tongue at her bottom had thankfully slowed and was circulation lazily, allowing her to regain a small amount of composition. I must hold out, she thought, glancing back at Evan.
She was again drawn to the activities of the man at Evan’s rear. What she had failed to notice before was that Evan was no longer still and, like she had, he was raising his rear up each time that large penis slide down across his exposed and oiled hole.
Below that she was started to see his cock had risen and swollen, still pointing downwards as it was pinned against the log on which he was lying, his balls swinging across it as his tormentor continuedHis actions. Each time his hips rose and fell the sensitive skin was rubbed against the rough bark of the log, forcing him to move with care.
An exploration of pleasure erupted in her pussy as large dark lips sucked her cliporis hard up into the hot mouth . A hungry tongue mashed back and forth against the enormously swollen organ.
Julie felt like she had engaged beyond imagination and was ridid from the sucking and licking. she let out a stifled scream, completely unable to control her reactions, throwing her head back.
She turned to see the huge head of the penis pressed against Evan’s bottom hole, the man holding it still and with obvious intent. He was looking to the chief.
“Oh, the thought of that weapon plunging in and out of Evan.” Her vivid imagines twisted between the thought of watching her boyfriend being sodomised and the thoughts of it happening to her all ending in one mixed up erotically charged fantasy.
“Oh God yes.” She was pushed over theedge into a violent orgasm.
As she rode the expert tongue she saw the Chief nod, grinning, the man returning that nod and pushing his hips forwards.
Julie saw the tiny hole being pushed inwards, resisting the shiny head of the erection. More pressure was applied and then the ring opened and slide around the head as it drove forward. Ewans hips were squashed against the log, his buttocks spreading wide. The erection pushing on until the head fully entered. Julie could see the tight ring of muscle contract tightly around the base between head and the full remaining length. The man stopped his forward push at Evans grunted exhalation.
The sight of Evan stock still, the head of that black penis hidden inside his bottom hole with another 9 inches of it’s rod rigid and waiting for entry pushed Julie’s arousal back up the scale. Her head to one side, eyes wide and fixed on the next move.
Evan was breathing heavily as the man poured more oil along his rod and down the parted buttocks. Julie held her breath and saw Evan’s erect penis still pointing downwards but as huge as she’d ever seen it, veins bulging vividly. It twitched violently and as it did so the man pushed forward, burying an inch of his manhood into Evan’s rear. Again he grunted and the man paused. Evan appeared to slowly relax and then his erection twitched again. Julie almost jumped with it, but now she knew what to expect.
Those muscle thighs pushed forward and she felt herself responding as if she was being gradually but inexorably impaled herself. Her own thighs rocked forward and the slithering tongue once again entered her and mirrored those actions. A pause, a twitch then a further push inwards. Soon the whole length of that huge weapon was buried in Evans upturned rear, the big black balls hanging down and banging against Evans white ones. The man stopped and waited. Julie could see Evan relax even as his own penis, swollen and purple twitched and rubbed against the log.
With more oil applied the impaler ever so slowly withdraw a few inches before sliding back inside Evan’s bottom hole. Julie could see Evan opening and closing his mouth in silent response. Withdraw and imale, withdraw and impale. The rhythm began. She rocked in time mirroring the action.
The black rod was glistening with oil and, like Evan was becoming thicker, more rigid, with thick veins straining outwards. The speed increased sliding further out with each thrust before burrowing back harder so that his balls smoked into Evan’s own.
Both were now grunting at each thrust and Julie rose once more towards her own climax.
The man thrust hard forward and then pulled back a little way so that she could see his great penis twitching as he spurted his climax into Evan, his head thrown back, mouth wide.
Evan’s own penis grow bigger, if that were possible, and pumped load after load of white sperm downwards onto the benchmark, erupting in time with his assailant.
Julie lost all control and sparks exploded in front of her eyes as she experienced her own climactic exploration alongside them, driven on by the sheer spectacle of Evan’s deflowering. Gasping for breath wave after wave flowed through her. Evan slumped forward exhausted and she watched as the huge rod slowly slid backwards out of him, pulling his ring of muscle outwards with it. It expanded as the head passed Through before closing up as the whole length finally withdraw. In her mind snapping shut.
She closed her eyes riding out the final waves of pleasure, panting against the exercise.
“Well I hope you have had a wonderful holiday so far.” the Rep said to Julie and Evan as they walked down into the hotel reception.
“If you ever want to go on any other excursions you just let me know. I hope the tribal experience was as you hoped?”
“Oh yes,” Julie replied “but we may leave another until our last week. I think some relaxation by the pool will work for now.” She cast a sympathetic eye at Evan.
He walked carefully beside her. “Yes, maybe in a few days.”
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