Damian sat in the armchair silently watching Catalina sleep. His mind pondered the day’s events as the room darkened with the coming evening. Standing, crossing quietly to the edge of the bed, He gazed down at the peaceful face of His slave, a sharp contrast to the tortured one He had witnessed earlier. Then, her face had been a mask of terror and pain, and much to Damian’s surprise, He found He was excited by it. To be true to Himself though, it was more the power He realized He had over her that excited Him, not her torque.
For some months now, Damian had been studying the art of hypnosis under the guidance of a trained professional He had met during a lifestyle social event. It was a subject that had fascinated Him since childhood, and on being offered the opportunity to be trained by someone so skilled and respected, Damian found He could not refuse. Initially He was unsure of exactly how He would use His skill in relation to His slave, knowing, yet never fully realising the power it would afford Him. Over time He developed vague ideas, which began to formulate into well-honed plans as His skills and confidence developed. Today He had at last began to realize how endless the possibilities were, how powerful a Master He could become to His slave, and with that realisation came a rush of adrenalin unlike any He had ever experienced in His life.
Reaching for the bedside lamp, Damian flicked the switch. The glow from it’s shaded bathed Catalina’s face in soft light as Damian lowered himself gently to sit on the side of the bed, taking care not to disturb her rest. Tententively, He used His hand to gently turn her face so the light could catch the side of her face where a faint bruise could be seen. Catalina moaned softly in her sleep and instinctively rubbed her face against her Master’s loving fingers. He stroked the bruised chef and vowed, although this once He had enjoyed watching His slave slapped across the face, He would never again allow soMeone to hurt her in such a way, nor would He be so irresponsible as to again risk damaging her face. Slipping the sheet from her body, gently lifting it away from her skin, He observed the marks on her limbs, the briising and swelling, the evidence of her ordeal. His mind wandered back over the preceding weeks, the first experiments He performed on His slave, testing His skills, and her susceptibility to His hypnosis of her.
After a series of successful minor preliminary tests on Catalina, the first serious experiment had been designed for His pleasure alone, then tested in the company of others. He had hypnotised her, giving her a post hypnotic suggestion, then waited a day to test its effectiveness. That evening as they sat listening to music, His arms around His slave, her head resting on His chest peacefully, He had waited. While she had prepared dinner earlier, He had programmed the memory of the stereo, anticipating the evening, setting the stage for Catalina to unwittingly prove whether He had been successful at gaining control of her mind, or not. He found the waiting unbearable, cursing Himself inwardly for putting on so many songs before the ones that would change their lives forever.
As the first notes of George Michael’s ‘Jesus To A Child’ began, Catalina rose from her Master’s arms to stand before Him and severely dance, as He had wanted her to. She had always found it so difficult, her self-consciousness overcoming her desire to please every time. No matter how hard she tried to erase the negative messages from her past, and all the hold they had over who she was and how she saw herself, she could not push away the barriers in her mind. This time there was no sign of embarrassment or hesitation as she danced for her Master, seducing Him with eyes never wavering from His. The words of the song were expressed for Him in her body movements, her face, her gaze, as she slowly removed what little clothing she wore, and masturbated in front ofHim for His pleasure, dancing throughout.
Damian could not believe how easily she had succeed to His suggestion, her body at one with the music, ecenticing Him, showing Him all she was feeling. But Damian knew this was just the first stage of His suggestion, and He was finding it difficult to wait to see if His power continued to rule her senses, to have her perform stage two. His anticipation was almost beyond control as the closing bars of the song faded, and were replaced by the sensuous, breathless tones of Darren Hayes ‘Insatiable’, the song Damian knew always made His slave feel a range of deep emotions, not least of all love, wanton desire, and definitely insatiable. He watched as her movements changed, the pleasure visible on her face, the wetness from her cunt beginning to trickle down her thighs, her face incapable of masking the desire that was burning inside her.
By the time the chorus had begun, Catalina was on her knees begging for her Master’s cock, beggingHim to allow her to pleasure Him. Leaning back, He unzipped His trousers and slipped them off. Catalina needed no invitation as she sank between His thighs and opening her lips, slide her mouth hungrily over His throbbing erection, sliding down until her lips were kissing His crotch, His thick cock buried deep in her throat. He groaned aloud at the pleasure she gave, the heat of her mouth, it’s slippery wetness, her hands caresing His balls, her little whimpers of undeniable need escaping to vibrate her throat against His cock, her breasts full, nipples erect, pressing into His legs as she leant against Him. She seemed to be trying to meld her body to His, become a part of Him. He could no longer resist the urge to take her as she was clearly wanting, her body showing Him in every possible way that she needed Him inside her.
Damian pushed her to the floor, spreading her legs and sinking Himself into her hot cunt, which felt as if it were on fire as it wrapped wetly around His throbbing shake. Sighing, Catalina lifted her hips to meet His thrust as He entered her, her arms holding Him close, as He slipped a hand between their bodies to painfully crush a nipple between His fingers. She gasped in pain and pleasure at the unexpected squeeze, her pussy releasing even more of its honey to coat His cock and balls. Damian was overwhelmed with His love for His slave, always so ready for Him with or without hypnosis. Usually He took His time with her, savouring every sensing she engendered, but this time He found it impossible to hold back the cum He felt shooting without restraint up the shake of His cock to flood her warm delta.
As He collapsed beside her, He already knew He had to try this experiment out in the company of others, still not convinced He could so easily exercise such power over His slave. The following week he had invited three men they knew, and whom Catalina found revolting to even contemplate touching. As before, he programmed the music, andhad added the suggestion that Catalina remains in her post hypnotic suggestive state until He released her with the phrase, ‘You belong to me. ‘ As before, Catalina performed in the manner He expected when the music began. She danced for all four men, teasing and seducing each in turn, then with the beginning notes of ‘Insatiable’, began to beg all four men to fuck her, offering her body suggestively, desperately, her need to sexually please overwhelming her.
“Please fill me… I need to be fucked, filled, every hole used. Please… I can’t wait much longer.. I need to give you pleasure, feel pleasure, be used…”
Damian was pleased with His slave and had watched as she sucked each man to orgasm, allowing them to experience the pleasure of her mouth before offering her His own cock. She had greedily devoured Each cock, wanting more, not knowing how she could quell the fire inside her body. He had taken pride in watching the pleasure she gave through the use of her sex, theOffering of herself as whore. They had all taken turns in fucking her cunt and arse, repeatedly giving her what she craved. He watched as each cock explored and used her, stretched her to accommodate their length and girl. As He did not yet want her to know what power He had over her, he had eventually led her into their bedroom with the promise of more, then murmured the words ‘you belong to me’ in her ear as she lay back on the bed. She came out of the suggestive state with no recollection of what had just taken place. Though a little puzzled as to how she had come to be on their bed naked, when the last memory she had been welcoming their guests, Damian answered her confusion by telling her she had begun to feel unwell and at his investigation, had come to the bedroom for a small sleep. Catalina was still puzzled, but accepted what He told her.
The following week Damian had decided to be daring and try a more public display of Catalina’s surrender to His new found power. After hypnotising her and giving her His post hypnotic suggestion, they went shopping at a mall in the next town. After buying a few clothes and CD’s, Damian suggested they go for a coffee in a large coffeehouse they had passed. Catalina welcomed the chance to sit awhile with the love of her life and just drink in the beauty she found in His beautiful brown eyes. Half way through their coffee, Damian rose from His seat and told Catalina He needed to go buy some cigarettes, but He would return in a couple of moments. On this cue, Catalina immediately slipped into her trance, and on His department looked around at the other coffee goers at nearby tables. Seeing a gentleman sitting alone at the next table, Catalina stood up and crossing to stand beside him unzipped her dress and removed it. Turning away from him slightly, she bent over offering him a full view of her pussy and arse, and looking innocently over her shoulder at him, asked if he could see what was biting her.
Damian had watchd from behind a post neary, and on seeing a security guard closing in on His naked slave, spread and open as she was, He crossed to the scene He had designed, to explain Catalina was innocent of any wrong doing. He explained He was her carer and should never have so stupidly left her alone knowing she behaved this way sometimes when feeling abandoned. The guard looked at Him suspiciously until Damian produced a bottle of pills from His pocket and showing the guard, explained Catalina needed regular medicine for her mental condition, and was due for her next tablet now. The guard, still unsure, but unwilling to argue after seeing the doctor’s name on the bottle, told Damian to make sure He acted more responsible as carer of such an unfortunate innocent in the future, and to cover her up as quick as possible.
Damian assured him He would and apologised to everyone for any embarrassment they might have caused. The man Catalina had revealed herself to look far from embarrassed, mor disappointed his free show had ended so quickly. Damian drew the dress back over Catalina and zipping it up, led her back to their table. Handing her a tablet from the bottle and instructing her to take it, He was delighted when, like magic, as she swallowed the placebo tablet, Catalina returned to her normal self. Noting the stars from several people, Catalina wondered aloud why they were all looking at them. Damian in an off handed way said maybe she was imagining it and that they should finish their coffee and leave before it got any later. Catalina never suspected anything had happened.
That night she remarked over dinner that she was a little disappointed Master’s hypnosis was apparently not working with her and asked Him if there was anything she could do to make it more successful. Damian found it hard to suppress His smile, but had decided He did not want her to know as yet just how well it was working. He wasn’t sure why He wanted to keep it from her for now, butFollowed His instinct. It made Him feel a little guilty when Catalina began to think it was maybe her fault, so He told her he had discussed it with His mentor and found He just needed to work on His own skills more, she was not to worry as it would come together in time.
Standing again, gazing down at the naked, abused body of His slave, Damian contemplated the enormity of the power He now had over her. Since they had entered their relationship as 24/7 Master/slave, Damian had known Catalina had surrendered herself to Him, trusting Him, accepting willingly His power over her. When He had spoken of the hypnosis idea, once again she had shown her love, trust and submission by agreeing unconditionally to participate in His experiment. Damian wondered if either of them had understood at that point that this was the ultimate power exchange. Catalina would submit like never before, and in exchange, Damian would have total control of her, even her mind if, and when, He chose. Damian loved her more than He ever remembered in that moment of reality, and also know why He had waited to tell her of their success, and how Catalina, on learning of His unlimited power and control over her, would find it as intoxicating and addictive as He was discovering it could be.
Looking at her body, naked and vulnerable, Damian ran His fingers lightly over her breasts, the bruises on them leaving no creamy skin visible, instead a myriad of colours with swollen, reddened nipples. Moving down her body to her thighs, He again caresed the briising, gently parting them to reveal her cunt. Catalina moaned, but stayed unconscious as Damian bent her legs back over her hips, lifting and opening her to His view, noting even her now wet cunt and arsehole swollen and surrounded by bruises and inflammation. She had been used and abused more than ever before, and at seeing the extent of her injuries, He was grateful she would never remember any of it, nor would He ever allow her to experimentence such a brutal assault again. This was a one off event, and though she would in the future experience more of the same, they would never be as severe and brutal as this one.
This had been the ultimate test of Damian’s skills, and His slave’s devotion to her Master in all ways… her ability to feel her submission and obedience to Him on all levels of consciousness. Damian had prepared carefully, selecting the Participant’s carefully, making His wishes known to all but Catalina, and the cost to any who died to step over the boundaries Damian insisted on. He had taken Catalina to a hotel room, telling her not to worry, she would be safe, and all she need do was obey, and remember His rules. Catalina was as usual unable to remember being hypnotised the night before, nor what were to be her post hypnotic suggestions.
Once in the hotel room, Damian had undressed her and sat her naked on the bed, and began to fasten very heavy metal cuffs to her ankles, and then her wrists.As the padlock clicked shut on the last cuff, Damian noticed the change in His slave’s demeanour, just as He had programmed to happen. It was a signal He had designed which would begin a process of making Him invisible to His slave within moments. What He hadn’t programmed was her behavior after that. Damian knew He was not only testing His own abilities, but also how deep His slave’s submission and adherence to His rules went. Tonight would offer an opportunity to see how deeply ingrained His desires were in Catalina, how much a part of her they had become, how powerful He was in her soul. Crossing to the corner of the room, Damian said He would be back in a moment. Catalina could not see Him sitting there, instead believing He had left her alone in the room.
As she sat on the edge of the bed awaiting His return, she heard the door to the room open. Expecting it to be her Master, Catalina turned to see three men entering. It was clear from the expressions on their faces, and the way they were approaching the bed, that they planned to use her body. She was immediately seized by fear, remembering the rule no-one was to use her without her Master being present, His permission, nor without a condom. Catalina could not see her Master in the room, nor the tray of condoms on the side table. Her mind raced as to how she would prevent this translation of His rules. As she went to lift her hands to protect herself, she found the weight of the cuffs made it impossible for her to move. Her legs and arms were immobilised by the heavy weight of the steel cuffs. She felt a terror she had never experienced before. She could not allow anyone to use Master’s property without His permission, His presence.
Damian could see her terror, and listened as she tried to explain that the men could not touch her. He was proud of His slave, the depth of her commitment to His rules, her efforts to protect His property. He watched as she was grabbed by all three men and dragged tothe floor, spread open, and raped. Initially her screams made Him want to stop the scene, but He replaced control, reminding Himself He was there to physically protect her if anything went too far, and most of all, she would remember nothing, so not be harmed psychologically by what was happening to her. He was confused and shocked to find He was excited watching her being raped, something He had always been against… but this was Not a typical rape. He loved witnessing her struggle, her vulnerability, her inability to prevent the abuse of His property, her anguish and terror, her pain at the hands of others… and the power He had to end or continue it.
Catalina had tears pouring from her eyes as she was forced to suck each man, not seeing or tasting the condoms they all wore. Damian had personally searched for three men who were not only willing to rap His slave, but had huge cocks to fill her fully. He watched as each forced his way deep in her throat, causing her to gag andhelpfully gasp for each breath she could snatch. She screamed in pain as two of her assistants pulled her legs apart, further than He ever had, and the third plugged His cock into her depths. Over and over they used her while her Master watched, flipping her over like she was a rag doll. the weights on wrists and ankles preventing her fighting back effectively. He watched with interest as one of the men pulled Catalina over his body and impaled her on his huge cock, and then pulling her arse cheats open, waited while one of the other men with an even thicker cock eased his way into her arsehole. Damian was amazed His slave was not torn wide open by the onslaught of the two men. He listened as she screamed in pain like never before, begged to be released from her torture, His cock hardening, hungering to also bury Himself in any, and all of her orifices. Soon she was no longer screaming after one of the men had hit her across the face to shut her up… all Damian hear was her quiet sobbing as they tore her body with their brutal force. When they were satisfied and could no longer achieve an erection, the men left, leaving Catalina lying on the floor like a broken toy.
Damian had anticipated Catalina may sustain some injuries from her ordeal and asked a doctor He trusted to be on standby to examine her. Crossing the room, Damian knelt and scooped her limp body up in His arms, noticing the traces of blood between her tighs, and soaking the sleepe of His shirt, presumably from her arse. As He carefully laid her on the soft bed, Damian felt a moment’s fear, hoping He had not allowed His love to be irreparably damaged. After He rang to the room in the hotel where He had left the doctor to wait, Damian undid the cuffs from Catalina’s limbs and whispered the words ‘you belong to me’ against her tear stained cheese. Though this was the phrase to release her from her hypnotic state, there was no sign from Catalina but a ragged sight, almost a sob. A part of Him hated Himself for what He had done to her, but another part of Him could not deny the power rush. Opening the door to the doctor, Damian then stood silently by as he examined His beloved slave.
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