Trainingware Pt. 06

Sixth of nine parts.

Copyright 2009 by F. Diriger



Walking home from Judy’s house I could feel my sore behind radiating heat into the cool air. The whipping Judy gave me wasn’t as hard as the one I got from Ms Fechtenbaum, but it lasted longer so I ended up just as sore. Although this, I was beginning to feel less intimidated about my situation. I knew I could get out of training with Judy if I was just patient about convincing Dad and Diane. It was simply a question of the best argument to use.

I could say I was intimidated by my whipping, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to answer in O-Mode that it was exciting pain and I was afraid of going back to Judy’s house. In fact, I was oddly ambivalent about going back: Judy getting me off at the end had changed everything! If I’d been Judy’s S&M partner with a short-term compulsion, I would have been furious when she took me over her knee and paddled me as hard as she did while she was bringinging me to climax! But to be honest with myself, I knew I would have asked her to take me over her knee that way again in a day or so. I’d sublimated most of the pain when I got really close, and my submissive position over Judy’s knee — so completely under her control – – was tremendously arousing to a certain part of my mind.

And remembering Judy tell me how she nearly had an orgasm when I started Begging for harder slaps, I felt an erotic shiver run through me. The Hubba responded to my arousal by tightening it’s sheath around my erect cock and enlarging the nipple in my rectum, and I suddenly remembered I couldn’t get myself off whenever I feel like it! I had to stop thinking about this! But instead of deflating me, the need to control myself made me think how horny I’d get without a safety valve and how eager I’d be to have Judy take me over her knee next time, and that got me more excited than ever! Just the motion of walking was causing exciting friction of the sheath around my cock!

I stopped walking and concentrated on calming down, using some of the mental training exercises I’d just been learning. When I was calm enough to start walking again, and recovered my train of thought, I knew that the general description of what I’d been through wasn’t going to convince Dad and Diane to let me out of more training. The whipping hurt a lot, enough to intimidate me, but I was ambivalent about going back because of the sex. As I understand the idea of ​​reward-avoidance training, it was supposed to work that way: the sexual rewards making me dependent on Judy, so I couldn’t just resent her. Well it was working!

But I thought I could still get a lot of leverage by letting Dad and Diane know how Judy got turned on whipping me! The AI ​​council had no problems with that, but Dad and Diane didn’t think like AI’s, and I was sure they’d be very upset to learn that my training agent got off on punishment me.

Still, I had to be careful. If I told Diane about Judy enjoying dominance right away, she’d probably find another girl in my class for my psychological agent, and I might end up worse off than I was now! I had to wait until Diane calmed down and I could talk her into letting me out of more training. I felt a sinking feeling as I realized that probably mean I’d be under Judy’s control for at least a week.

But I Thought I could at least try to get some sympathy now. I’d make it clear how it hurt to sit down, then cry a little and show Diane my red behind. Even better, I could show how I was forced to wear the Hubba all the time and explain how it stimulated me sometimes to enhance my arousal!

When I arrived home, Diane called to me from the kitchen that dinner would be ready in five minutes. I went to a downstairs bathroom to check in the mirror that my behind looked as sore as it felt, so it would aroom Diane’s sympathy.

Not at all! It wasn’t even red!

It was just kind of pink, like I’d only had a light spanking! I rubbed the cheeks gently and they were still very sore, but suddenly I felt an odd kind of stiffening under my fingers, like I was pushing on something else, making only light contact with my flesh, so I didn’t feel any pain; the contact was kind of exciting, actually, and I kept rubbing my behind, intending to stop when I got myself too aroused. My erection had come up as soon as I saw myself in the mirror, and I felt the sheath go around my penis and the nipple enter my rectum again. I realized now that I couldn’t see Hubba’s silvery sheath on my penis in my reflection! Hubba had made itself invisible or something, and it was using some other kind of camouflage to hide how sore my behind was!

It suddenly struck me that Judy was probably viewing me right now through the house monitor cameras, watching me get excited by rubbing my behind in front of the mirror. The picture was sexy and embarrassing at the same time, and I quickly pulled up my pants, then took a momentto get my erection down.

When I was calm, I walked out to the hall and into the kitchen. There I saw Diane bending over to take something out of the lower flashing unit, and I got stiff again immediately. But the sheath that immediately encircled my cock seemed to act differently than it had before, pulling my erection back against my belly so it wasn’t obviously tenting my pants in front. My surprise quickly turned to hope that Hubba would do this whenever I was in public. I knew I’d have frequent erections now that I wasn’t allowed to masturbate, and I’d been worried about how I’d be able to hide them at school.

I sat down at the table hard enough to make me jump up yelling with the sore behind I’d had up to a few minutes before, but there was no pain now. Hubba was obviously masking it when other people were around. I appreciated that having Hubba camouflage my soreness was another advantage, since I’d also been worried about sitting on the hard chairs at school with a sore behind, but right now all I could think was that I wasn’t going to get much sympathy from Diane if my behind didn’t feel or look sore.

Then it struck me that I hadn’t really lost my chance. I could explain how sore and red I really was, and how Hubba camouflaged it now that Diane could see it. That was the truth, so I’d confirm it in O-Mode. I thought it was an Excellent point to make since it suggested Judy might be trying to cover up how severe my punishment was. Later, when I explained how Judy got turned on punishing me, my parents would be more ready to accept the idea.

Diane sat down at the table and started serving food, smiling hesitantly and looking receptive. She was obviously trying to go back to treating me as a member of the family now that I could talk again.

“So, what kind of a day have you had, Davey,” Diane asked, and then winced as she realized that what she’d said sounded like she was rubbing it in that I’d had the punishment she’d asked Judy to give me.

OK, time to mention how much it hurt except when Hubba was covering it up, but as I opened my mouth I felt an ageing surge of embarrassment about telling Diane what I’d just been through. I started flushing, and all I was able to say was, “Ah . . .,” in a dopey voice.

“I’m sorry I made that sound so called, Davey,” Diane said, “but I really am concerned that Your first session with Judy wasn’t too hard to take.”

I remained silent for several seconds, still feeling vivid humiliation. “It hurt a lot!” I finally managed to say, “And it was very embarrassing!”

And I couldn’t say anything more! When I thought of going into detail about how sore I was, I pictured Diane being shown a vid clip of my whole session, especially the part where Judy tantalized me and then paddled me over her knee at the end to get me off. And I imagined even worse things: that Diane would laugh and phone the other girls on the list she’d made, and invite them over to see the vidclip, then have them join in supervising my punishments!

I know perfectly well that all this made no sense — that Diane would never do such a thing, but common sense didn’t matter since I had a compulsion to believe it would happen! I couldn’t stop picturing scenes where I was being whipped, naked and tantalized, by all four girls at once, with Diane getting involved too! And the only way I could avoid This was to shut up! I tried hard to overcome the feeling — Judy had obviously created this compulsion so I couldn’t tell Diane about my session — but the harder I tried, the more graphic the scenes of humiliation became in my mind, until I had to stop! And of course on top of that, I knew that what I HAD said, red-faced, that my session hurt a lot and was embarrassing, sounded like a perfectly healthy reaction to a moderate punishment that Judy had handled perfectly!

After waiting a moment for me to speak again, Diane put me in O-Mode. “Is the pain very bad, Davey? Is itas bad as it was with Ms Fechtenbaum?”

Even in O-Mode I pictured those humiliating scenarios if I went into too much detail, and I wanted to say as little as possible. That’s allowed in O-Mode as long as you’re truthful.

“No,” I answered. “It hurts a lot, but it’s not as painful as what Ms Fechtenbaum did. It’s not traumatic.”

I DIDN’T want to SAY that, and just leave it as a bare statement, with no added details: how it had me bawling like a baby, and the terrible arousal Judy caused me that felt was worse than a dislocated knee. But I couldn’t bring myself to add anything to what I’d said. Diane dropped me out of Trance before she spoke again.

“I’m sorry I had to use O-Mode, Davey, but I asked Judy to give you a minor compulsion so you wouldn’t try to talk your way out of this training the way you did before, so I wanted to make sure you were all right. I can see that discussing this embarrasses you, and I promise I won’t bring it up again.”

She hesitated, then added, “Well, maybe your Dad will check a few times in Deep O-Mode that you continue to feel OK. But Judy seems very responsible to me, and she’s given her Bonded word to put your therapeutic needs first in the training, so I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

Great, I thought. My therapeutic needs first and the arousal she got from whipping and humiliating me a close second!

Diane made a big production of dropping the subject and asking me what I was doing in Web Science, my best school subject. I was actually grateful, because I wanted a different subject to talk about too. Diane found several safe topics through dinner, and towards the end I was relaxed about talking with her again. But during a lull in the conversation, it came home to me how little chance I’d have now to get out of training with Judy. There was no way I could talk my way out of it under these circumstances, and Diane had even asked Judy to cause the compulsion that made me so tongue-tied! I was trapped!

As soon as I left the kitchen, my behind felt sore again. I’d been fine while I was sitting with Diane — just a bit warm back there — but now it felt as tender as it had while I was walking home. The singing feeling reminded me of all the fans I’d had about reward-avoidance training, and I felt an immediate rush of excitement as I mindlessly anticipated getting into bed to stroke off. But then I realized that I wasn’t allowed to do that, and Judy was probably watching me right now so I’d get caught if I tried!

I found myself flushing, feeling my erection pushing out my pants now that I was away from Diane. Hubba was responding to my thoughts of stroking off with an enlarged nipple thrusting slowly in and out in my rectum, making me squirm, and a constriction around my cock providing friction as my squirming made my hips rock. I got to my room and stopped, trying to calm down, then lost my calm at the sight of monitor camera lenses on the walls and ceiling. There wasno way to know if Judy was watching my squirming arousal, and that made me even more excited. I knew I had to think about something else, so I used calming mental exercises until I lost my erection. zzz

I’d been wanting to take a bath to get rid of the itchy feeling I had from smoking in the positioner during my whipping, but I figured I could stand a little itchiness until I thought of some way not to expose myself in front of the monitor cameras. I wondered if I could take a sponge-bath without getting undressed, then decided to use the VirtWeb to track down how I’d heard women in France changed their clothes on the beach without exposing themselves.

But I couldn’t walk over to my console to connect to the VirtWeb. I had to take my bath first.

It was weird. Some kind of compulsion, obviously, but it wasn’t making me do anything, just keeping me from doing something else until I’d done the thing I was trying to avoid, taking off my clothes in front of the monitor cameras. I decided to see if I could at least sit down to think, but when I tried I jumped up again when my rear hit the seat. Huh, I didn’t have a flexichair like Judy’s, so I was going to have to order one. I tried to go to my console to do that, but I couldn’t — I had to take my bath first.

I gradually realized I couldn’t do ANYTHING else until I took my bath. Judy had given me a compulsion so I couldn’t avoid acting normally because I knew I was being watched. I was in the same position I’d put Diane in yesterday morning except that I knew it was happening! I was a little surprised at how embarrassed I still felt about Judy seeing me naked, but I’d always been very shy about my body, and Judy obviously cared about seeing me naked too or she wouldn’t have given me this compulsion. That made my embarrassment worse, for some reason, and gave me another erection.

Then it struck me that I might be able to convert the embarrassment I was feeling into something sexy! I’d alwayshave been turned on by the thought of milk domination by a girl, and just being watched like this was pretty milk. If I could think about it in the right way then striping in front of the cameras could be a kind of turn-on. Judy wouldn’t be able to tell, right? I’d get an erection and look like I was blushing whether I enjoyed it or not. And I had to admit that it was a definite turn-on thinking about Judy watching me on her bedroom wallscreen, maybe doing what I’d been doing when I watched Diane.

I took a sleeping suit from my dresser and went into the bathroom in the hall near my room. As I stripped for my bath I couldn’t avoid a few abortive habits to hide some part of my body, but that only seemed to make my embarrassment worse, probably part of my compulsion, so I gave up and tried to relax. I got an erection, of course, thinking about Judy watching me, and I felt the nipple in my rectum and cold sensings in my groin again.

I had to urinate before I got in the tub, and it took me almost two minutes to lose my erection by running through the mental exercises I’d just learned. I knew girls joked about boys peeing, so I figured Judy was enjoying my embarrassment, but I had to concentrate on something else so I could finish.

Afterward, I moved around the bathroom a bit more than necessary, making sure the cameras got a good view of my body, and thinking about Judy watching me. I still felt embarrassed about exposing myself like this, but I’d been right that with the proper attitude it was a turn-on. I got into the tub and let my mind drift, enjoying my arousal in full sight of the cameras, until I suddenly realized that the nipple in my rectum had grown quite a bit larger and was beginning to move in and out more inevitably. I squirmed slightly in reaction and the sheath around my erection felt like it was stiffer now and not moving with me–there was friction! I was breathing heavily and rocking my hips with excitement as the friction around mycock increased.

I remembered with a shock that I shouldn’t be doing this! I stopped moving, feeling a wave of shame to be humping naked in front of Judy; I was almost sure she’d be watching me on the first night of my training! At least I hadn’t earned ten slapses in the positioner by touching myself!

I got myself calmed down again, and finished my bath quickly. When I got out of the tub and toweled off, I realized I was getting an unmistakable need to sit on the toilet . . . to do the only thing a guy needs to sit on the toilet for. I couldn’t imagine showing off in front of Judy this way — the very idea was distasteful! But after a minute of standing with the towel in my hands I realized that my compulsion to not avoid observation was going to make me do this next! My behind hurt like fire where it came in contact with the toilet seat, and my compulsion even keep me from even bringing my legs together to hide a little of what I was doing.

The worst part was that aslong as I had an erection, the Hubba kept the nipple in my rectum. It felt soft and flexible, but I quickly learned it wasn’t going to move out of the way when I tried to explore it. I reached down to pull the pencil of tentacles out by hand, but they stiffened and resisted me. When I took a stronger grip to pull harder, Hubba’s invisible tentacles suddenly clamped tightly around my thighs and raced up over my Shoulders to form a kind of halter, then snaked around my wrists and forcedly pulled my arms up behind my back. I reacted angrily, struggling to get my wrists free, and then I heard a high whining noise, like a giant bee, and feel a painful singing sensing in my rectum that made me cry out.

I stopped struggling immediately, and the singing in my rectum stopped. I concentrated on relaxing my muscles and not resisting Hubba, and after a moment my wrists were released and the clamps around my thighs eased off. Then I spent a few minutes getting my breathing under control,trying to come to terms with the feeling of helplessness that was bringing tears to my eyes. Now I was going to have to adjust to the idea that Hubba had a lot more control over me than I’d realized, even when Judy wasn’t controlling me directly. I’d been hating a half-formed plan to run away if the training got too hard to take, thinking if I got Dad and Diane worried enough they’d override the compulsion that kept me from talking about my training. But the plan depended on my being able to remove Hubba, so I couldn’t be traced through its Comm circuits, and what I’d just been through means I couldn’t do that. Judy could contact Hubba wherever I went and have it sting my rectum or something until I showed up at her apartment, becoming for relief. I’d probably have to go there before Dad and Diane even knew I was gone, and I knew Judy would whip me good and hard for trying to run away.

I needed more mental exercises to calm down so Hubba would remove its tentacles and I could finish what I’d sat on the toilet for. I wiped carefully at the end, losing my calm feeling as I thought of Judy watching this private ritual. But finally I was able to put on my sleeping suit, and I took a long saved breath as I felt my erection going down again.

I put two ultrasoft pillows on the chair facing my console, then sat down and ordered a flexichair for exposed delivery. After that, I started working on the mental training tutorial again. I kept at it until nearly ten, then went downstairs and flashed a glass of milk — just a half- second until it was warm. I stood by the counter drinking it and trying to think of some way I could stroke off during the night. I was super horny again despite climaxing over Judy’s knee that morning, but I needed to think of how to get off without being caught and earning Another whipping tomorrow. The problem was that I knew Judy didn’t need much sleep, so she’d catch me if I did it at any time I was normally awake. Once when we’d done a school project together, she’d told me I could phone her until one AM or after six in the morning. I’d been very impressed since I need a lot of sleep myself: I’m usually dead to the world from ten-thirty to seven-thirty in the morning.


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