Trainingware Pt. 04

Fourth of nine parts.

Copyright 2009 by F. Diriger



After Judy dropped me out of O-Mode and went home, Diane told me to eat the dinner she gave me and go to my room. When I got there, it was still only 6:00 PM, so I calculated I had seventeen hours of anticipating what it was going to be like to be whipped and sexually controlled by Judy the next day. Now that she was a frequent user of my Keycode, I was completely in her power — I’d obey any order she gave me. It scared me to think about it.

I tried to think of some way I could influence Judy so she wouldn’t whip me as hard as she could, and it struck me there might be a real chance! Judy had always seemed to be very considerate of people’s feelings, and I Thought I might be able to convince her to reduce the pain setting on the wand if I was careful to appeal to that part of her social makeup. I didn’t think I’d be able to talk her out of controlling me sexually though; she looked like she was looking forward to that part when Diane mentioned it in the kitchen! Her reaction surprised me, since I’d always thought Judy was too conventional to be into any aspect of S&M, but at least sexual control wasn’t painful. I knew I was unnaturally shy for a guy, though, and thinking about that part made me shiver with embarrassment.

I was back in No-Sex, so I couldn’t masturbate and get my mind off what was going to happen, and it was worrisome that the scenes I was picturing gave me no physical response. Diane had given me a compulsion not to speak to her unless there was some kind of emergency, so I sent her email asking that the homebrain put me in Rest Mode when I got in bed so I’d be able to sleep. I don’t remember anything after I lay down in bed a little after ten, so she must have done what I asked.

Saturday morning I took a thorough bath, trying not to think of why I wanted to be so clean. Then I was on tenterhooks until it was time to start to Judy’s house. As soon as I stepped out the front door I felt horny again, and it got worse as I walked. I couldn’t take a detour and find someplace to do something about it because I had a compulsion to go directly to Judy’s house at eleven. Diane had made me bring the punishment wand I’d bought to give to Judy, and I was carrying it in a paper bag so nobody on the street would see it. But I couldn’t stop thinking about how Judy was going to use it on me, and I became more and more appreciated her house.

I rang Judy’s door chime with my left hand in my pocket to hold back my erection, and she came to the door wearing shorts and a cut-off shirt. In my excited state she looked exactly like one of my fansies about her, a Young Bettie Page character. The sight was kind of wasted on me though, since I was so embarrassed I could barely raise my eyes from the floor to look at her properly.

Judy told me to come in, and as soon as she shut the door Diane’s orders made me pull the punishment wand out of the paper bag and offer it to her. She accepted it with a smile, and I could feel my face radiating heat.

“Are you able to talk, David, or can you only answer questions?”

“I’m . . . only allowed to answer questions,” I answered.

Judy said something and I felt a discontinuity that I recognized as a short period in deep O-Mode.

“OK,” she said. “You can speak now. Tell me how you feel about everything that’s been happening.”

This was my chance to talk Judy into going easy on me! I pretended to stagger a bit, then spoke in a rush.

“Can we go and sit down and talk for a minute, Judy? Please? I really need to sit down!”

“Sure,” Judy said quickly, looking concerned. Good start! She led me out of the foyer into the front room, what she calls her entertainment room. I sat down in the chair she pointed to, then started nervous myself up to be as convincing as possible. My embarrassment decreased as I concentrated on what Ineeded to say, and I looked up to meet Judy’s eyes before I started speaking, trying to project sincerity.

“Look, Judy,” I began in a low, cautious tone. “You know we’ve been friends a long time. I’ve been here in your house a lot, and I always like you . . .” I suddenly wondered if Judy knew I’d fantasized about her when I stroked off, and I flushed and lost my voice for a second, but I forced myself to continue. “And I thought you liked me too. Isn’t that right?”

I paused, waiting for her answer. This was the hook! If she related to me on a social level now, I was halfway there! “Yes, David, I do like you. You’re pretty conceited, but that never bothered me too much.”

That wasn’t a great answer from my standpoint. The part about being conceited wasn’t something she’d normally say, and she sounded a little skeptical somehow. I also noticed she was calling me “David” instead of “Davey” as she normally did. That was worrisome too, since Ms Fechtenbaum always called me”David”. But at least she HAD said she liked me!

“I have to depend on that now, Judy,” I said. “I’m in a terrible position. Diane has given you all this power over me — uh,” I had trouble choking it out, ” . . . put you in charge of my discipline training. But you weren’t my psychological agent until yesterday, and I have to hope that our friend still means enough that you’re not going to start acting like a Warlord and causing me a lot of pain just because you have the power to do it!”

There, I thought I’d made that pretty convincing for someone as social as Judy. Unfortunately, she didn’t sound convinced when she spoke again.

“O-Mode. What did you hope to accomplish with what you just said, David?”

“Uh,” I needed to think of a true answer that wouldn’t sound too much like an attempt to manipulate her, and I had to answer quickly. “I was trying to talk you into reducing the severity of my punishment.”

Judy got a distant look, and I could see musclesmoving in her throat, so I assumed she was communicating with the discipline tutorial Diane had told me about. Finally, she looked up to ask another question.

“If our positions were reversed and you were in charge of my punishment, describe what you’d do about it.”

What a terrible question!!! I never struggled so hard against answering truly under O-Mode in my life!

“Aghhh . . .” I made a strange noise, then couldn’t resist speaking. “I’d whip you . . . until you were bawling! And then I’d give you two or three more whipping rounds just as hard, with rests in between to let you get sensitive again, until your bottom was so sore you’d do anything to get out of more whipping! Aghhh . . . and then I’d have you tell me things I could do to embarrass you, and make you beg me to do them to you instead of being whipped again! And, Aghh . . . then after putting you through some embarrassment games I’d tantalize your pussy and play a game of frustrating you . . . until you were pleading with me to put my cock in you . . . I’d make you beg me to do anything I wanted if I’d just let you come.”

When I finally came to an end of what I’d do to Judy, I was so scared that I wanted to jump up and run out of the house, an imperfectivity in O- Mode, of course! The punishment I’d described grew out of the fans I’d had about Ms Fechtenbaum’s whipping and what I’d learned since about reward-avoidance training. I expected Judy to be furious about what I’d just said, especially since she knew O-Mode made me completely truthful, so the mean punishments I’d just said I’d use on her were absolutely accurate.

“And why would you enjoy doing all those mean things to me, David?” Oddly, Judy didn’t sound as angry as I’d expected.

But I still had to answer another question. “I’d enjoy it . . . sexually,” I answered reluctantly. “It would . . . turn me on to punish you like that, to, uh, control you and paddle you and make you plead with me.”

Judy suddenly got a mean smile on her face. “And it will turn me on to punish you like that too, David. I’m going to enjoy it sexually putting you in that position.”

I must have looked shocked, because Judy suddenly giggled. “What’s the matter, David? Haven’t you ever heard that women are people too? Why shouldn’t I enjoy having you in my power and punishing you If you enjoy doing it to me? You’re very attractive, you know. I’ve fantasized about you lots of times, just like you’ve fantasized about me! And you’re not the only one who’s had some BAD SOMA Virtual Encounters!”

I was stunned to hear Judy talk this way! I’d always thought she was so proper that I’d even been afraid to ask her for sex, because I thought she might get offended! But surprised or not, I found myself responding erotically. What Judy was saying played into submissive fansies about reward-avoidance training I’d had for the last three months, and I suddenly had X-rated pictures running though my head about Judy whipping me and making me beg for sex.

“Drop O-Mode,” Judy said. She sounded brisk now, ready to start my punishment, and I felt my fear of being whipped return. Maybe I could salvage something now that I could talk again! I was still pretty sure Judy was too social to actually enjoy causing me severe pain.

“Wait, Judy, please!” I blurted. “If you enjoy praying me and, uh, stuff, I can get turned on by that too as long as it isn’t TOO hard! Can you just take it a little bit easy on me like in BAD SOMA, so I can sublimate it? I mean you can still have fun and make me beg, right? Then when you feel I’ve, uh, learned my lesson, maybe we can both get off together!” I could feel how hot my face was as I made that last suggestion, but it was clear that Judy was a lot less demure than I’d thought, and I wanted to make this idea appealing to her. I was getting very excited again thinking about the situation I’d just proposed, and I tried to control my breathing as I waitd for Judy’s answer. She had that distant expression again, and it was taking a long time.

“I would have been happy to do what you’re suggesting before Diane hired me,” Judy finally answered. “In fact, I was worried about taking on this job, because I knew I’d got turned on punishing you, and I didn’t want to cause anyone pain for selfish motives. But I’ve spoken with Linda Fechtenbaum since then, and examined your memories in Deep O-Mode, and my discipline tutorial evaluator makes it clear that you badly need this training! You’ve been acting like you’re trying to grow up to be a criminal or something! Other people’s feelings hardly real seems to you! You never gave a moment’s thought to how Diane felt while you were controlling her yesterday, not even after you left her Arousal rating at 89 for minutes after she reached orgasm. You just dropped her to zero so fast because you were afraid you might get in trouble!”

“But look,” I said, beginning to feel kind of desperate. “If you go easy on me, I promise to give you my full cooperation about trying to change the way I act! That has to be worth some conception.” I was projecting sincerity as hard as I could, and mean what I said about cooperation. For a while anyway.

“Stop trying to manipulate me, David! I know how much your cooperation is worth!” Judy’s voice suddenly had a snap in it, and I quailed. None of My arguments were having the effect I wanted!

“Besides, I think I’ll be able to get your cooperation without making any conceptions,” Judy continued in a musing tone. “The tutorial I’m interacting with directs your training in a general way, but I have a lot of discretion. I can certainly give you extra whipping if I think you haven’t been cooperating with me.” Her voice suddenly turned a little mean, “You DO want to cooperate with me, don’t you David?”

I feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. “Yes, Judy,” I answered. I could hear my voice trembling.

“I think you need to practice cooperating with me by doing what I tell you without making me use O-Mode. If you don’t do what I tell you, I’ll take that into account later. I expect you’ll be quite sore at the end of your whipping for what you did to Diane, so you really won’t want any extra slaps!”

Judy paused a moment to let that sink in, then put the snap in her voice again, “Are you going to do what I tell you?”

“Yes,” I choked out.

“Then let’s start!” she said, sounding eager all of a sudden. “First, take all your clothes off!”

I’d been expecting an order like that, so I quickly started taking off my shirt, then my shoes and socks. But once I started unbuckling my pants, I was flushing heavily and moving more slowly.

“Come on, David! You’re getting paid! Don’t make me wait for this! Any time you hesitate doing what you’re told from now on, you’ll get extra slaps!” Judy’s voice sounded gloating. “I’d say you’re up to three extra already!”

I forced myself tofinish quickly, taking off my pants and underpants within a few seconds. Then I couldn’t figure out how to hold myself. I was squirming with embarrassment, trying to find a way to stand that would make my erection less prominent, impossible while it was standing up at a sixty degree angle this way. Judy gave me a long smiling look with her hands on her hips, then told me to stand still and walked all around me, making teasing remarks.

“You look very cute this way,” she said. “And I think you’re quite excited, am I right? Your penis doesn’t always stand up like that? Very pretty! And you have such a cute butt, too! It’ll be such a nice target for the punishment wand!” My face was so hot it felt sunburned, and I closed my eyes to shut out Judy’s gloating face when she came in front again.

“Come on, David,” Judy said suddenly. “Walk with me into the exercise room.”

I opened my eyes and followed Judy, trying to avoid getting even more excited by her rear view in shorts. She looked over her shoulder at me a few times and I quickly learned to step carefully, so my erection wouldn’t bob up and down. When we reached the next room I saw the positioner, just like the one in Ms Fechtenbaum’s office, and I began to feel physically sick, dreading what was coming next.

“Get into the positioner now,” Judy said, watching me carefully. I surprised myself then by bursting into tears, my dread about what was going to happen translating into misery, and I heard myself pleading with Judy not to whip me in the positioner. But she seemed unimpressed with my pleading.

“You’ve earned three more slapses for hesitating! Do you want to try for six?”

I cried louder, but did what I’d been told. I stepped up into stirrups of the positioner, then knelt into the things that looked like shin guards, and lay forward. Once again I fell into the crouching posture I remembered, with my knees bent and my behind in a high exposed position, my legs and upper body drawing down at the front and back, my arms bent at the elbow with my hands just below my shoulders, as if I were starting pushups.

After I was in position, I felt the restrains clicking into place around me, and the platform rose a few feet. I got a mental picture of how helpless and vulnerable I must look to Judy. My erection was protruding down between the thin surfaces of the leg rests, where she could reach out and stroke it If she wanted. And she really might do that in a little while! That was probably part of the sexual control!

Judy walked up beside me and did something to rotate the platform, raising my upper body until my knees were straight down under me as if I was kneeling on the shin guards. My torso was resting horizontally on the upper part of the positioner, so my bent over posture tightened muscles in my buttocks, which I knew would make the punishment wand’s slapse more. My behind was right at the level of Judy’s shoulders, a nice straight tennis swing withthe wand.

My crying reached a new volume, and I started begging Judy not to whip me as hard as Ms Fechtenbaum had. I wasn’t putting on any kind of act either — I was sharp with fear.

“I won’t be whipping you as hard as Linda did,” Judy said, suddenly sounding a bit sympathetic. “But don’t get your hopes up! It’ll be hard enough to leave you good and sore, so you’ll learn to cooperate!”

Then I felt a slap on my behind, not very hard, and I remembered how Ms Fechtenbaum started with warm-up slaps. The slaps built up quickly, and I was soon pleading with Judy. Then I heard the little beep from the wand that I remembered, and a pause that let me know what was coming.

I shrieked when I got the first full strength slap, and then again with the second. Judy was spacing them out slowly, just as Ms Fechtenbaum had, about one every three seconds, and by the fourth or fifth I was wailing a lot of the time, with a shriek every time I got a new one. The whipping seemed togo on a long time, and I was bawling like a baby near the end.

After Judy stopped, I went on bawling for a minute or so before I was able to calm down. Then Judy told me she was going to go do something else for a while and walked away, leaving me helpless in the positioner. I knew she’d be back soon, when my behind became more sensitive again.

After a minute, it felt like my buttocks were being stung by a hive of bees, the returning sensitivity I remembered from Ms Fechtenbaum’s office, and I started crying quietly again as I thought about getting another whipping round. I was actually kind of surprised at how vulnerable I felt. The whipping Judy had just given me was noticeably less painful than the one I’d had from Ms Fechtenbaum — it still hurt a lot, but I should have have been able to keep from bawling like a baby at the end! I was humiliated to feel so vulnerable in front of Judy!

I suddenly realized how horny I was. I had a terribly sensitive erection, obviously caused by the punishment wand sex-surge, and it was torture not to be able to do something about it. My excitement reached a peak and slowly fell off over the next few minutes, until I was able to think about other things. I looked around the room as best I could, and saw a few tall mirrors on the wall in front of me. I felt a new wave of humiliation as I saw the reflection of my upper body on the positioner, red-faced and Misserable looking.

My thoughts were interrupted as Judy walked up to the positioner again. I immediately started begging her to let me out of more whipping, but she interrupted.

“O-Mode. Tell me how you compare the whipping I’m giving you to the one you got from Linda.”

“It’s . . . clearly not as hard,” I answered. Then, because I had to say something about how painful it felt, I added, “But it still hurts a lot!”

“Do you think the whipping you’re getting now is traumatic?”

“N-No,” I answered slowly. I couldn’t think of anything to add tothat.

“OK,” Judy said, “Drop O-Mode. I’m going to start the second round now. Remember that you’re being punished for what you did to Diane, and that means you have a hundred and twenty slaps coming, the most you can get in a single reward-avoidance session. So far, you’ve only had thirty-five.” There was a slight pause, and then she added, “And I’ll tell you the reason you feel so vulnerable right now, David. I don’t want you to hang tough through this, so I’ve adjusted your Pain Sensitivity Mode setting to child level.”

Now I understand why I was reacting like a kid getting whipped, but it didn’t change anything about how I felt, and I started pleading again. Judy just ignored me and began my next round. I started shrieking when the slaps reached full strength, and this time I was bawling less than halfway through the round. I felt much more sensitive now, with my behind already sore.

When the whipping round ended, I kept bawling my lungs out for another minute orso. I finally managed to draw a shadow breath, and Judy told me to think about what I’d done and why I was getting whipped, then said she’d be back when I was sensitive again. During the second rest period, I was constantly aware of the time, and when I could expect Judy to come back; it was pretty much all I could think about. I cried quietly as I felt returning sensing in my behind, and only got my mind off it for a few minutes when I felt the post-whipping arousal again. I thought Judy must be using a very high sex-surge setting on the wand to make me this excited between rounds.


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