Together Ssn 04 Ch. 09 – Hold on to Joy

***All sexually active characters depicted herein are of age, 18 years old at least, and, some of what you read may cause distress. Be safe and vigilant.***

A month on from her rap video being spread around her workplace, Tiffany, 22, is at home in her bedroom, getting ready for a night in with her family for a combination he and stag night for herself and her betrothed. Since her family is also his, coupled with her being down and not wanting to go out in a more traditional way, a small, stay-in night has been arranged.

Craig, 21, comes up to his financee, and asks, “How are you feeling?”

Tiffany barely let’s him finish speaking before saying, “I’m fine.”

Craig sits down on the bed, looking across to her sitting slumped at the desk, and softly say, “Clearly, you are not fine. Please, be honest with me. I want to know.”

Tears well up in Tiffany’s eyes, and her chin trembles, and she admits, “I’m… feeling bitter… angry… Being on leave from work all this time since… that happened, hasn’t helped with me feeling like everyone is laughing at me, wanting to fuck me too. Every time I close my eyes, I can see their eyes burning into me… It hurts…”

Craig assures her, “They are not laughing at you. They are concerned about you, and sorry for what happened.”

Tiffany turns to face Craig, and scolds him, “You think you are telling me what I want to hear, but you are not. I don’t believe a word that comes out of that mouth of yours.” She gets up from her seat, and walks across to her fiance to say, “You want me to be honest with you? I want to choke the life out of you. I want to feel you struggle beneath me until you become limp… dead… Maybe then you will know how I feel.”

Craig offers Without hesitation, “Do it.”

Tiffany pauses, not moving nor saying a thing, staring blankly down into Craig’s eyes. She feels a cold smoke fill her and wrap around her, her fingertips feeling like ice, not even reaLising she has already reached out to touch her finance’s face, falling onto the bed on top of him. Sitting around his chest, she brings her hands to his throat, and grips with every bit of strength she can find. She doesn’t feel like she is squeezing at all, almost numb and detached, so she pushes down with all of her weight on her hands.

Craig’s legs start to kick on the end of the bed, and his hands grab fistfuls of the bed clothes, but his eyes stare softly up at his financee, contented in her presence. She doesn’t even look at him, instead closing her eyes and burying her head in her shoulder. Craig kicks faster, and faster, and he sputters from his mouth as the pressure in his head gets ever-so tight.

In that moment, Tiffany releases her grip, and sees Craig gasping for breath, laying still beneath her, not trying to get away at all. She bows down, sobbing, “I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

Craig braces his arms around Tiffany’s back, and pulls her to lay down on top of him, softly saying into her ear, “There is nothing to forgive. You can let it all out on me; any time you need to. I’m here for you.”

Tiffany asks, “How can you want to marry me?”

Craig replies, “Because I love you.”

Tiffany nestles her head next to his, and says, “I don’t believe you. I have tried to kill you twice, and you don’t fight back, and you don’t run away.”

Craig tells her, “My love for you doesn’t need you to believe me. You are getting the help you need to cope with something no-one should have to go through. If you need to hurt me to make yourself feel better, then I will take it.”

Tiffany sits up, and slaps Craig hard across the face, making him wince as she shouts, “You think I want to be like this? You think I want to hurt you? It hurts me too,” slapping him again, “Fight back,” slapping him even harder, almost a punch, “Fucking fight!”

Craig catches her wrist as she goes to slap him again, and she tries to hit him with her other hand,but Craig catches that too, and he sits up, pulling her arms around his back, and bracing her back with his arms, picking her up to turn around to throw her down onto the bed on her back.

Tiffany begins to laugh loudly; not the cute giggling she normally does, but a hearty cache, as she stars with a wicked grin at Craig as he mounts the bed, climbing over her. She slapses him hard, and again, and when she swings for the third time, Craig catches her wrist, and he holds her throat, pressing lightly into the bed. Tiffany relaxes her arm, and spits, “Do it.” Craig stars down at her with anguish on his face, and Tiffany goes him, “You must fucking want to. Choke the life out of me.”

Craig hears his fancee laughing with his fingers around her throat, and he feels incredibly perverse, not recognizing her nor recognize himself, and he closes his fingers tighter around her throat. The laughter stops, becoming moans, and Tiffany’s body undulates into the bed beneath him, like she is getting pleasure from this. Before Craig knows it, he is putting his whole weight above his choking hand, staring at the broadening smile on Tiffany’s face, feeling her mistake and wriggle faster and harder, and he lets go.

Tiffany sees the shame washing over Craig’s face, and she caches hard, sitting up to stroke his face, sultrily saying, “That was feeling so good, but I need more. It’s so excited to be pushed to the limit by you. I am yours, and only yours. Finish me.”

Craig stars into his financee’s eyes, scared of her and himself, and tells her, “I’m worried about taking things too far.”

Tiffany promises her finance, “You won’t. Just fuck me. Be as rough as you like. I know I will,” and she caches excitedly as she lifts up her dress.

Craig slips off his trousers and boxes, and gets on top of Tiffany, sliding his cock into her pussy as she holds her panties clear. Tiffany slips Craig across his cheek again, making it sting and pulse as he feels the bbood rushing to it, and he grabs her throat. Then, he moves his hands to her chest, grabbing her tits, and squeezing them hard, really digging his fingers in as they bulge and bruise into a deep purple.

Tiffany can feel her milk bleeding from her nipples, trickling in all directions as Craig pounds her hard. She takes her hand to his chest, ripping open his shirt, and buries her nails into his skin, dragging her claws down to scrape the skin away, making him bleed. She sees Craig grimace cutely, and she giggles for a moment before howling a cache up at him, and she claws his chest again, and again, and again.

Craig’s blood sprays in a fine shower all over Tiffany and the bed from the clawmarks, specking her dress and her face, and getting in her hair. She continues to laugh, closing her eyes as her laughter deepens into long moans, and he Feels her cum on his cock, coaxing from him his cum too. Exhausted, Craig pulls out, and sits beside Tiffany.

Tiffany turns to her fiance to say with a satisfied moan, “That felt so good. I don’t feel as angry now. Thank you, Craig.” She wipes some spots of blood from her face, and sucks her fingers clean, giggling as she tastes Craig as she never has before.

Craig admits, “It hurts me, but I’m happy to do it for you.”

Still giggling, Tiffany tells him, “Good, because I have more to let out. Now, I need to clean up because you made a mess on me.”

Craig apologises, “I’m sorry.”

Tiffany giggles, “Don’t be. I love it.”

Both taking the time to shower, and changing into clean clothes, Tiffany and Craig head downstairs to join Lucy, 44, George, 48, Frankie, 22, and Pleasant, 25, in the dining room, sitting around the dining table with them. Lucy has prepared drinks for everyone to help themselves to from the middle of the table, and she promises, “We have more so don’t be shy.”

Pleasant announcements to everyone, “It’s about 3 years since I first came here. A lot has happened since thattime, but, out of all of us, I think Tiffany has changed the most.”

Tiffany bluntly asks, “Because of what I’ve been through?”

Pleasant confidently expresses in response, “When we first met, you were so eager for attention, putting yourself out there for all to see. Over time, you turned that into a promising career. What happened to you didn’t change that. Instead, it has made you stronger.”

Tiffany huffs, “I didn’t feel strong against Linford.”

Pleasant reminds her, “You fought him off at first; coming to Craig’s rescue. Then, you were ganged-up on. No-one could have done better against a dozen horny blokes. But, you gave Irvine a good fight. You should be proud of yourself for that.”

Tiffany heatedly bursts, “I shouldn’t have had to in the first place.”

Pleasant concedes, “No, but you did what you had to do.”

Tiffany quietly retreats into her arms, muttering, “Now, everyone at work has seen what happened to me.”

Pleasant tells Tiffany, “You are not defined by what happened to you; you are defined by what you do. These things were beyond your control. You shouldn’t feel ashamed for any of it. You struggled with what they did to you, we all saw that, and, you are still here. You haven’t got to where you are because of these terrible things that happened to you; you got here regardless, in spite of it all. You still met me, and my family, and would have had the same opportunities to work as you do now.”

Tiffany admits, “It hasn’t been easy,” looking to Craig to cheekily say, “I have a good outlet,” and thinks of her daughter, “and, I have a good reason to want to be better.”

Pleasant proudly proclaims, “You can do anything you want to. Joy is really lucky to grow up with you to look up to, because you will be her hero. Tiffany, you are my hero.”

Frankie agrees with her husband, telling Tiffany, “I believe in you, and love you so much.”

George adds to Frankie’s sentiment, “Girl, we will always be here for you,” and Lucy nods in agreement, smiling at Tiffany.

Craig is last to say to Tiffany, “You can always rely on me.”

Tiffany wipes away a tea, smiling brightly as she says, “Married in two weeks; honeymoon two weeks after that; it will be like having a fresh start, or a new beginning.”

Pleasant raises a mug of green tea, and toasts, “To fresh starts,” and everyone follows her to take a drink with her.

Frankie asks her best friend, “How do you feel now?”

Tiffany looks almost bewildered, but happy as she replies, “Like I don’t need to worry about a thing, and it feels so liberating.”

Frankie giggles, and says, “Sounds like a good reason to celebrate. Leave it all at the door, and just enjoy tonight.”

Tiffany remarks, “Does that work if I already live here?”

Frankie tells her, “It does now,” and downs a drink thirstily to joyous laughter from all. Frankie suggests to her best friend, “I haven’t seen my old room in a long time.”

Tiffany invites her, “Come with me,” leaving the table to go upstairs with Frankie, turning right at the top of the stairs into the small bedroom.

Frankie gasps at how it has been refurbished and redecorated into Joy’s room, with a cot, a dresser, and a toy chest, and above the cot dangles a mobile with all sorts of shapes hanging from it. The room is softly lit by a nightlight that Tiffany just turned on to make things a little brighter for them.

Tiffany asks her friend, “What do you think?”

Frankie looks around the room, and neverly recalls, “I just picture everything as it was, instead of how it is. I don’t know if it sounds silly, but…”

Tiffany interrupts her to say, “It doesn’t sound silly at all.”

Frankie stars at where her bed was, and says, “I am reminded of all the time we spent in here, being all close with each other. I miss those times. I miss you.”

Tiffany suggestions, “Maybe we should go back downstairs?”

Frankie steps closer to Tiffany, scanning her whole face, particularly her eyes and mouth, confessing, “I have all of these feelings for you that will never go away. You feel the same way, right?”

Tiffany calmly begins to say with a serious tone, “Frankie, I…”

Frankie interrupts to assume, “You must still want me.”

Drawn to the close proximity of Frankie’s lips, Tiffany edges closer to her friend, but turn away, walking to the door to say, “However I was before, I didn’t know what I wanted, whether I was lusting over you, or your mother, or your father, but now I am with Craig, and we have a daughter of our own, my mind is set, and my feelings are clear. I don’t want you in that way, ever again. Please, don’t twist my love for you into something twisted, especially where my daughter sleeps. I won’t forgive you if you push this.”

Frankie feels stunned, looking all around her, seeing how much has changed, and she pleads with her friend, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, if Ihave. I just always loved you.”

Tiffany asks to clarify, “Like a sister?”

Frankie confesses, “Like… More…”

Tiffany walks back up to her friend, and take her hands in hers, massaging the backs of her fingers. Frankie looks gently into her eyes, and Tiffany gently into hers, and their lips touch, breathing in deeply of each other, and they kiss lovingly. Tiffany tells her friend assuredly, “I am sorry, but, we have chosen our paths. I am happy with Craig. I really am. And, you are happy with Pleasant, or, I hope you are?,” waiting for her to respond.

Frankie confirms, “I am happy with Pleasant. I don’t regret marrying her. I just wonder what might have been.”

Tiffany nods, and say, “I do love you, Francine Reid-Cummings. Whatever happens, we have children now, or, you will do soon; before you even know it. I wouldn’t give that up for anything, not even for a lifetime loving you. We are a great couple, but I think things worked out for the better.”

Frankie giggles, responding, “Wow. That was one hell of a rejection, but, was exactly what I needed to hear. You really are the best friend I could have asked for.”

Tiffany proposals, “Should we go back downstairs, or do you need a minute?”

Frankie answers, “Yeah, I’m good. Let’s go,” walking past Tiffany to go downstairs.

Tiffany stops in the doorway, with her hand on the switch for the nightlight, and she turns to glance a look around the room, taking in the swirling lights for a moment longer before flicking the switch, leaving the room darkened. She shuts the door, and smiles as she joins everyone back downstairs.


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