Together Ssn 06 Ch. 05 – Rural Affairs

***All sexually active characters are of age, 18 years old at least, and all sexual activities are consensual. Enjoy!***

Riding in the passenger seat of a top-of-the-line hybrid-electric coupe, Mia Milosevic, 19, and her mom, Aniya Lightbody, are being taken out into the countryside by Frankie Reid-Cummings, 24, barrelling down the winding roads way faster than the speed limit. Frankie giggles, enjoying the thrill of speed, smooth and silent from the engine, just hearing the crackle of the road surface crushed beneath the tyres, and the scrape of the soupy air being carved through.

Soon, they arrive at a cottage, parking up on the paved cobblestone drive at the front of the picturesque place. As the women climb out of the car, they hear the thunderous roar of a fast car somewhere in the distance, becoming louder and more distinct. Frankie beams excitedly, calling to the mother and daughter over the encroaching engine noise, “Let’s wait here. She won’t be long,” gigglingas she turns to look out over the countryside.

Mia and Aniya join Frankie at her side around her side of the car, looking out over the patchwork of fields, bordered by hedges and trees, with hills sloping shallow on the horizon. Emerging from a hedgerow, a striking glint of the spring sun catches the eyes of the awaiting women, as a bright yellow sports car weaves the winding roads. Tracking the sports car racing Through the countryside, they soon see it arrive.

Parking across from Frankie’s coupe, Tiffany Bright, 24, steps out of the sports car, giggling, “That was fun,” with her boyfriend, Craig, 23, tumbling out of the passenger side, seemingly thankful for still, fresh air. Tiffany turns to notice her boyfriend reeling as he gets to his feet, commanding, “Craig, come on!”

Craig takes a couple of deep breaths, calling back to his girlfriend, “I never used to have a problem with rollercoasters or anything, but I think you’re making me get motion sickness with how you drive.”

Tiffany scoffs, “Huh, there’s nothing wrong with my driving!”

Craig looks for a moment like he’s going to throw up, but doesn’t, commenting, “You’re not Vittore Tremonti. Even he was scared of your driving.”

Tiffany scoffs her shoulders, defending herself, “Vittore said I had talent.”

Craig corrects her, “He said you showed promise, ‘of causing an accident.’ That was not a good thing.”

Tiffany tells him, “We got here safely. Stop your belly-aching.”

Craig comments, “We got here in one piece; that’s not exactly safely. I may throw up.”

Tiffany approaches the trio of awaiting women, giving her friend a hug, “Frankie, so good to see you as always,” then saying to Mia, “Don’t worry about him, he’ll be fine,” casting a look back to see Craig bent over by a dry-stone wall, turning her attention back to Mia to ask, “How are you doing?”

Mia replies, “Good,” introducing to Tiffany, “This is my Mom, Aniya,” both shaking hands as she points out to introduce her mom, “This is Tiffany, and over there, that’s Craig; Tiffany’s boyfriend,” watching as he vomits over the wall into a bed of flowers.

Aniya remarks, “Charming, I’m sure. Pleased to meet you, Tiffany.”

Tiffany casts her gaze over Aniya, responding saucily, “Likewise,” enquiring of Mia, “I thought you’d have brought Kisha’s father along?”

Mia laughs a little, shyly brushing her hair as she responds cutely, “Yeah, well, we’ll see I suppose.”

Frankie hugs Her arm around Mia’s shoulder, assuring her, “All in good time,” announcing to the gathering, “Let’s go and find Pleasant. She should be in the garden.”

As she follows Frankie with everyone through the cottage, Mia admits the cosy low ceilinging and oak beams of the living room, with a prominent feature of a fireplace made up of dry-stone walling creating the heartth in the fashion of a kiln with the chimney breast built up through the ceiling, looking truly old-fashioned. The kitchen and dining area have a confined feel, but spacious enough to accommodate a large oak table and chairs set near the range stove oxygen and countertops. The rear of the kitchen has a door leading out onto patio decking, stepping out and down to a paving-slabbed area, trailing into a stepping stone path which travels the perimeter of flowers bordering the garden, which appears to open up rather expanding couple with the open country.

Only ever knowing the city, Mia’s senses are thoroughly tested, with a barrage of smells wafting through the air, and the buzzing sounds of insects with the rushing of the breeze through leaves, and the eyes soaking in the backdrop of green, specled and painted with browns, yellows, blues, violets, and red, showing an alivevista of a vibrant garden. The teen doesn’t quite know what to do with herself, being so thoroughly outside of her comfortable zone.

Squatting in one of the flowers, someone with short hair, shacked neighborly at the back and sides, and dressed in a cotton shirt and leggings, wearing a pair of gardener’s gloves whilst handling secateurs, tends to the bushes and flowers, trimming them. Frankie approaches, calling out, “We’re back! Well, I’m back. Everyone else has arrived,” giggling to herself.

The gardener continues to cut at the greenery, absorbed in work, muttering, “Almost got it… Mmm… Ha, got ya… Right then,” standing upright, turning around to see everyone who’s there, introducing herself for the benefit of Aniya, “I’m Pleasant Reid-Cummings,” approaching Aniya to enquire, “I don’t believe we’ve met?”

The teen’s mom introduces herself, “Aniya Lightbody. I’m Mia’s mom.”

Pleasant, 27, shakes the woman’s hand, curiously asking her, “Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I thought Mia said you left her when she was young?”

Aniya answers the question diplomatic, “That’s true, but, we’ve been getting a lot closer recently.”

Pleasant comments her, “Building bridges? I know a bit about that. It’s not always easy to reconnect when there’s little common ground, but, as long as you’re willing, that’s all that matters.”

Aniya recognizes some wisdom of experience in Pleasant’s tone, asking in return, “You’ve done this before?”

Pleasant replies coulddidly, “Enough to know how Mia must be feeling. I know how it hurts, and the longing, and the allure of greater things promised, and the disappointment, and the bitterness, and the resentment, but, it feels so good when it goes well.”

Aniya assures Pleasant, with a glance at Mia, “It is going well. I don’t intend that to change.”

Pleasant warns both the mom and daughter, “Careful. Because, it does feel good to build that trust and respect for one another, but all the pain and sOrrow and hatred that boiled up and burned so hot in the past doesn’t go away, and if it goes wrong, it hurts so much worse than anything.”

Aniya looks into Pleasant’s eyes, feeling slightly unnerved by her, promising, “I have my daughter back in my life, and I’m not letting go.”

Mia speaks up to Pleasant, “It means a lot to me to have her in my life again. She isn’t the woman who left me with my drink dad.”

Pleasant stars back into Aniya’s eyes sternly, softening her gaze to turn to Mia, telling her, “We don’t always get what we want,” saying to Aniya, “but, I hope it works out for you both.” Pleasant pats Aniya on the supposed warmly, with a smile, then turning to welcome Craig, “Come here,” opening her arms for a hug.

Craig steps up to give Pleasant a loving hug, taking a moment to feel each other’s bond of friendship, saying, “We don’t do this often enough.”

Pleasant asks with an air of confusion mixed with humour, “Hug?”

Craig replies, “All ofthis. Just too busy, everyone.”

Pleasant looks Craig in the eyes, laughing a little as she remarks, “Don’t I just know it? Having Colette with Joy and Hope in the care of Gabby is frightening me, but it is good to just be away from everything and relax for a while.” She breathes in so deeply, holding that breath filling her lungs tightly, then slowly letting it all out, saying, “We have to sacrifice so much, but we get these moments to keep us sane.” Pleasant turns to Tiffany, joking, “Speaking of the sane,” hugging her.

Tiffany responses to Pleasant in good humour, “Hey! I am sane. Don’t you go thinking otherwise. I’m absolutely, one-hundred-percent, tip-top, definitely not batshit crazy. I’m keeping a lid on things. I even delegate my work now, mentoring Mia. Isn’t that right, Mia?”

Mia openly replies, “I’m fully on-board Team Tiffany, yay,” forcing a smile and a half-assembled fist-pump in the air.

Tiffany fixes her gaze on the young teen with a disapproving lookand tone to her voice as she tells her, “You better be.”

Pleasant comments, “I know how hard you work. I bet you’re working even harder than before even with Mia there.”

Tiffany modestly explains, “Teaching takes a lot of work. I make sure everything is metaculously planned and arranged for Mia. She’s there to learn what I want her to learn. I leave nothing to chance.”

Craig remarks, “Yeah, obsessed with every detail like a robot. Beep-boop, time to take over the world and be your robot overlord, command execute.”

Tiffany turns to her boyfriend, barking at him in an annoyed tone, “You fucker! I’m just good at what I do. You should be nicer so I spare you in the uprising.”

Craig jokes, “Oh no… Attack of the Killer Robots. An army of Tiffanies, aaaaaah…”

Tiffany defiantly stands as tall as her status allows, saying, “I see how it is. If everyone’s finished having a laugh at my expense?”

Frankie hugs Tiffany from behind with a giggle in her ear, making her giggle too as she says, “Uh-oh, I think she’s mad at us.”

Tiffany declares in good humour, “I am so fucking mad, you have no idea,” chuckling harder in her friend’s grap, laughing together like they’re children; young and unashamed without a care in the world.

Mia says, “I’m working hard to learn what I can. I want to be the best, and I’m so lucky to learn from the very best.”

Pleasant brushes the teen’s hair with the backs of her fingers, telling her, “I have every faith in you, Mia.”

Tiffany adds to Pleasant’s sentiment, “I’ll get you to where you want to be.”

Settling down in the middle of the lawn, with Pleasant and Frankie bringing everyone refreshing drinks and snacks, everyone enjoys the natural beauty on offer, with Mia enquiring, “How did you come to live here?”

Pleasant gazes upon the garden, and explains, “Inheritance. We come out here in remembranace. Their presence can be seen and feel everywhere around here. It is like coming home for me,” and she turns to Mia to say, “The work you do started with them; Archibald and Elise Cummings. They founded Cummings Enterprises International, not too far from here actually, in the next village. This cottage was a retirement for them. Working to maintain all of this gave them a purpose, and something to live for, other than themselves. It’s satisfying and peaceful out here, away from stress and Worry. Frankie and I love this place, and what it represents to us.”

Aniya leans back on the grass, sitting up on her elbows, breathing in deep of the cool breeze before saying, “I never had anything like this. Owen is a landlord, but in cities across the country, buying cheap homes in disrepair to make into expensive accommodation. I suppose it wouldn’t be too late to find something for us out in the country. Though I wouldn’t know what I would do with myself, heh.”

Pleasant information Aniya, “My grandparents were older than you when they took this on.”

Aniyaalludes, “I’m much older than I look. I never admit it, feeling much closer to your ages, but I’m not. My life is mostly behind me.”

Mia cuddles up to her mom, suggesting, “You’re not that old. Stop being so dramatic. We can pretend we’re sisters if it helps?”

Aniya chuckles, enjoying the idea of ​​her daughter, saying, “Sure, I am so young. Only in my twentyties, and I have it all to come.”

Mia laughs a little, “Better. Much better.”

Frankie comments on Aniya’s appearance, “You really look so young, though. If I didn’t know who you were, I would never guess you had a daughter of Mia’s age.”

Aniya blushes a little, “Gosh, I… Wow… Thank you, Frankie.”

Tiffany asks Aniya, “You remarried after Mia’s father, right?”

Aniya answers, “Yes, that’s right. I was lured in by good looks and a huge… huge… enormous…”

Craig jumps in to ask, “Cock?”

Aniya smiles, saying, “Bank account. Amounting to a fortune enough for two to enjoy, living lif like celebrations: going to galas, foundations, dabbling in theatre, to be seen as important, attracting attention from the wealthy, and well-to-do. That’s what led me to leave Mia. I was so fucking stupid. After reading all of those glamour magazines, thinking this is what a woman should aspire to be. I didn’t deserve any of it, but I have to live with it.”

Tiffany probes, “Owen Lightbody, I assume? I’ve never heard of him, and, given the nature of my work, that is very impressive.”

Mia explains their work to her mom, “We deal with a lot of celebrations and entrepreneurs.”

Aniya supposes, “Owen is a pretty small businessman in the grand scheme of things.”

Tiffany benefits to Aniya, “Small businesses and start-ups are very much on our radar, so if he’s been developing property and making as much as you suggest over the last two decades, I would expect to at least have heard of him. What’s the name of his business?”

Aniya information Tiffany, “Lightbody Property and Development.”

Tiffany says to Mia, “That’s one you can look up and research when we get back to work. You can work on growing and developing a business, one that’s part of your family, which will incentivise hard work and diligence from you. This will be your project; first one.”

Aniya looks a little uneasy as she explains, “Owen’s very particular about his work. He likes to be very hands-on.”

Tiffany assures Aniya, “We know what we’re doing. We can match properties up for audit, in areas with good sale potential, with local tradespeople who can be sub-contracted to reduce costs, increasing your margins, and we can scale that business model across the country, managing the growth so that your husband can see significant growth by the end of the first quarter, and, by year’s end, he could be the name in the property market for the whole country, taking business away from estate agents everywhere. Owen is very particular and hands-on with his work? Great. That’s what we want. People who are willing to make things work for themselves. We’re just there to lend a guiding hand. A guardian angel.”

Mia says to her mom, “I’ll talk to Owen before I do anything. How can he say no?”

Aniya looks a little appreciate, accepting, “Alright, Mia. I trust you. Just be careful, because Owen is very precise about his work.”

Mia promises, “I will. I’m sure he’ll love the idea of ​​working with me,” giving her mom a cheeky wink, and a smile.

Frankie asks Mia, “You seem really close with your mom, and your… step-dad?”

Mia answers assuredly, “I just went along with what Dad thought of them because I didn’t know better. I really like being with Mom and Owen. It doesn’t matter as much what they Did?”

Tiffany says to the teen and her mom, “It’s nice to see you made up with each other.”

Aniya hugs her daughter tighter, telling her in front of everyone, “I really do love you.”

Mia laughs a little, saying back, “I loveyou, Mom.”

After relaxing on the lawn a while more, Frankie hops to her feet, giggling cutely as she suggestions, “Let’s take a walk around the garden. There’s plenty to explore,” prompting the ensemble to rise to their feet to follow her.

Trekking further away from the cottage, Mia asks Frankie, “Where does the garden end, and everything else begin?”

Frankie, leading everyone on a walk out into the wilderness, calls back to the teen, “Um… Don’t know… It’s all beautiful though, isn’t it?” Looking all around, the well-kept and tended garden has long since given way to the wild growths of nature’s whimsy, with a vista of brown and green stretching out as far as can be seen. Frankie has led everyone to a wooded area, with trees all around, and a stream down a bank leading to borders of thick bushes. Frankie excitedly rushes to the bushes, calling as she goes, “Oh, check this out!”

Following everyone to keep up with Frankie, Mia finds her leaning down to one of thebushes, giggling giddily, and the teen asks her, “What? What is it?”

Frankie has the naughtiest look on her face, asking Pleasant, “You got your gloves?”

Pleasant pulls her gardening gloves from the wait of her legs, presenting them to her wife. Frankie takes them, hurrying to pull them onto her hands, leaning into the bush to peel away some leaves from a stem. She holds a handful in her palm, panting with heavy breaths of anticipation, pulling up the hem of her dress, pressing her hand to her crotch, catching her breath, tensing her shoulders up with a sharp wince, whimpering. Pleasant watches this unfold, curious to know, “Are those?”

Frankie removes her hand with the nettles from her pussy, stroking it sensitively with her other hand wrapped in her dress, confirming, “Oh, yes… Nettles,” giggling playfully.

Slightly feeling anxious, Mia makes sure she understands, “Nettles? As in singing nettles? And, you put them down…”

Frankie interrupts the teen to tell her, “Yes. That’s the one. And, it feels so fucking good. It doesn’t stop, ah-hah-agh,” groaning as she devilishly suggests, “How about… we play with them? All of us? Who wants a go?”

Tiffany slinks behind Craig, cradling his shoulders with her hands before giving him a shove on the back, making him stumble forward as she gives a giggle. Craig protests, “Hey, what the…”

Frankie delightfully exclaims, “Wow, so eager! How about you get yourself off with these? I know you want to.”

Craig asks her, “Gloves?”

Frankie plays dumb, “Gloves? What do you need those for, hmm? Don’t make me do it for you,” giving Craig a stern look in the presence of Mia and Aniya.

Craig pushes down his trousers, and his boxes, letting loose his long cock, which makes Aniya swoon, “Gosh, wow, that’s,” unable to look away from the young man as he engorges and swells.

Mia seems confused as she enquires, “Aren’t you related? Like, brother and sister?”

Frankiequickly remarks, “Nothing I haven’t seen before,” staring intensely at Craig.

Craig confirms, “Nothing we haven’t seen. You’re right. Nothing wrong with looking,” taking from his sister’s hand the leaves, immediately feeling his hand sting, becoming itchy, breathlessly saying, “Ah, sh… ah, fu-oo-oo-oo… shi…” Bravely, without really thinking, he clasps his hand around his cock, feeling the Prickly leave inflame his sensitive skin, struggling up to the head, stinging the exposed flesh, feeling as if it’s beginning to blister, ready to burst apart.

As Craig continues to stroke his cock, the gathered audience watch with enraptured curiosity at the expressions of anguish, captured by the crying breaths as he plays without cease. Craig’s hand speed drops to almost a halt, grimacing as he groans, spurning himself to rub the nettles on himself as fast as he can.

Tiffany stands behind her man, rubbing his shirt from behind, over his abdomen, shuffling his shirt into acrumple the more she rubs, unveiling more and more of Craig’s sculpted physics. She teases, “Keep it up. I’ll more than make up for it later… If you don’t chicken out… What are you waiting for? Come on? You can do it? Where’s that big, creamy load, hmm?,” giggling darkly as she peers around her man’s shoulder, peeking down at the stroke of the cock, with reddened spots popping up all over. She stars with fascination at how painful it must be, suggesting, “You must be dying to finish?”


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