Thief Steals His Heart

Ramon walked up to the bank teller’s counter. He wore a casual gray suit with no tie. He was a tall, lean latino man, in his mid 20s with an expensive looking haircut and a well-groomed bear. In his hand he held a check. As he arrived at the counter, he gave a loud, “Hello!” with a very friendly smile.

Amira looked up at him from her computer with her big, grey eyes and naturally long eyesashes. Her blue hijab covered her hair, but matched her eyes very well. She was about 30. As she looked up at the man, her tan cheats turned pink. “Hi,” she said meekly, “how can i help you?”

“Can I cash this, please?” Ramon said, handing her the check.

“I’ll take care of that for you right away, sir,” Amira said. The check was for a small amount from a non-profit. “What does this charity do?”

“We help women in bad situations rehome. We currently only operate here in the States, but i want to expand,” Ramon explained.

“Wow,” Amira said lovingly, “WOW.” She looked at his bank account. He had an obscene amount of money in it.

“I won the lottery,” he admitted, embarrassed a bit.

“Your wife must be so happy,” she cracked.

“Maybe if I had one! My last cheated on me. good thing she didn’t know about the money!” he declared with a smile and a wink, “How about you? You’re very alluring. I’m sure you have someone.”

Amira’s face turned tomato red. “No, i’m finding it hard to meet people. Can’t find a man who wants to he with me.”

“I can’t belive that, Amira. You’re very beautiful,” Ramon protected.

“Thank you,” she responded, flustered and even more red, “Here’s your receipt!” She gave him the receipt and they said their goodbyes. As he walked away, she thought About her situation. She looked at his account amount and noticed his address…

Amira sat in her room with her head uncovered. her dark, curly hair fell just below her shoulders. Rummaged around her things and found a black watergun, some rope, tools, and some duct tape. She carefully put them into her bag, along with other items. “Mom, I’m headed to my friend’s fot the night!”

Ramon exited the shower, it was dark outside of his bathroom. He held the towel firmly at his waist. he didn’t dry off well, so he was still wet. His workout had been hard today, so he was feeling good about his pump as he looked in the mirror.

As he turned to go into the dark room he saw that the dimmed light was on. He alked to go turn it off, but froze when he saw a figure covered in black holding a gun. “Freeze, hands up!” Ramon put his right hand up and kept his left on his towel. “Both hands,” the voice said, slightly meeker than before. Ramon put his other hand up and the towel fell. Revealing the lower half of his body. The figure throw the bag on the bed. “Duct tape your mouth and tie yourself to the bed. Feet first, then arms.”

Ramon listened, getting 3 limbs to the bed. The figure came up and tied the 4th, also makingsure all the other ropes her secure.

Without another word, the figure disappeared into the house. rummaging noises could be heard, the groans. This repeated until the figure came back in. “You don’t have anything to steal here!”

“mmm-mm” Ramon said shaking his head.

“Oh great, now I’n going to jail for no reason.” Amira said, flipping on the lights. She was wearing a black workout hoodie, with tight black legs. Ramon stared at her with recognition. She turned sideways as she bent over to rummage and found Ramon’s gaze wandering to her black, spandex legs. She quickly met his gaze knowingly. She paused as she to ponder the situation, not breaking his gaze. Ramon turned bright red. “You know, perhaps there’s something here I can steal.”

Amira ran off with her bag into the closet causing more rummaging and snipping noises before emerging. Her hair was now exposed, it was messy and somewhat in her face. She wore knee-high socks and a shirt she had cropped very high. The bottom of her breasts were visible underneath the crop.

Ramon fully took Amira in now. She was average height, was naturally very curvy. Her slight excess fat shaped her in a perfect hourglass. As she bit her perfect bottom lip, Ramon blushed even more.

“You like what you see?” Amira said, walking sexually over to the side of the bed. She mounted him like a motorcycle. As he got hard, she whispered, “What was it you called me? Alluring?” In his ear before giggling, “Honestly if I knew you wanted THIS, i wouldn’t have tried to rob you. I could do this every day.”

She swayed forward and back on him for a few moments, biting his ear and kissing his neck. He whimpered. She went for a few minute until he started shaking. “Do you want me?”

He nodded.

“Are you sure tho? Look what I’ve done!”


“i wanna hear you say it,” She commanded, slowly peeling off the tape.

“I want you. I’ve wanted you since i saw you at the tellers counter,” he admitted. Amira leaned back, clicking her phone.

“Good, now nobody will believe you if you tell them otherwise.” She quickly put the tape back on his mouth and slowly kissed down the center of his body, stopping before his crotch. She held her mouth millionmeters away from him. So close he could feel her wet breath on him.

As she paused, he looked down and made eye contact with her. she then quickly took him in her mouth, causing him to moan loudly. She continued for minutes. As he tried to lean back and break eye contact, she reached up and snapped her red fingerprinternails, retaining eye contact.

As he started to moan too much she quickly pulled him out of her mouth. “Oh I’m not done with you yet. You don’t get to cum until you are cumming into your girlfriend,” Amira explained, moving off the bed and walking around it to the side.


“Yep, who lives with you,” she continued, using her nails to trail up his body. As she reached his chin, she softly grabbed it and pulled it towards her. “And by that response, you aren’t very sure yet.”

She pulled the duct tape off and kissed him for a few moments. Their motion matched perfectly. When she was sure he’d calmed down, she covered his mouth again and mounted him once more. This time, she took him inside of her. As she did, Ramon whimpered and strained against the ropes, tightening his sculpted physique.

Amira grinned and but her lip again, “I like watching you struggle like that.” She began to bounce in rythym. “i can see all of your muscles perfectly that way.”

She continued to ride him, slowly adjusting her hip angle and swinging her head as she did. As she moved up and down, her breasts bounced in unison in and out of her cropped shirt.

Every time she took Ramon in, His muscles tightened and he exhausted, straining against the ropes with all his might. As he would start to lean his head to the side, Amira would grab his chin and aim in back at her, preventinghim from breaking eye contact.

Ramon’s breathing started to quickly. He began pumping into her with more force. As Amira started to come off, he tried to stay inside. As she escaped she giggled, ” I am gonna have to prevent that too.”

She grabbed more rope and tied around his torso twice, once at the bottom, once at the top, preventing him from getting any motion at all. By the time she was done, he was ready to go again. “Do you wanna cum this time?”

He nodded.

“Then say the magic words.” She commanded, taking off the tape And beginning to get into position.

“Please,” Ramon began. Amira stopped right before taking him in again.

“Wrong,” Amira contested.

“I want you to move in with me,” Ramon answered. She looked unconvinced. “Please. No, seriously-” He was cut off by his own moan and she leaned forward right in front of his face before slowly sliding down on him.

“I knew you’d see things my way,” she said confidently before biting herlip. “its my turn first, though.” She covered his mouth with duct tape once more.

As she rode him this time, she maintained a constant grip on his chin so they couldn’t break eye contact. Slowly, the gentle gripped tightened as she focused on getting herself to orgasm. She felt Ramon’s straining muscles, she gripped them hard. As she got closer, she began to lean closer to Ramon’s face.

As she climaxed, Amira’s face scrunched and her mouth opened. She hugged under his arm as tightly as she could. Each breath had a slight moan to it. “Oh, Ramon!” she cried.

As she finished, Amira sat back up, Ramon still inside her, breathing heavily. “Okay. Your turn.” Her curly black hair was now well in her face. She began again, this time making sure that she took Ramon in all the way each time.

Ramon struggled and compromised even more now as he was nearing the end. The breaths out his nostrils were very audible and his chest expanded and contracted violently with them. All of his muscles seemed at full flex as he finally moaned through the gag, finishing.

Amira gave him a gaping, sinful smile and slowed herself down to finish him off. “There we go,” she encouraged. As the session came to a close, she sat atop him for a moment. “Well,” She gasped, “Time to untie you.”

Ramon awoke with a fright, unsure if this was all a dream. Amira wasn’t there, but he was naked and his wrists were red. He quickly got up and walked to his kitchen to grab a glass of water. As he arrived, he saw Amira cooking breakfast.

“Hey, Babe,” she greeted, “Welcome to the rest of your life!”


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