Thief’s Reward!
Let me start by saying that this is a work of fiction and everything I’ve written is from my perverted imagination. All characters are over 18 and I hope you enjoy it as much as I’ve enjoyed fantasizing about it. Originally this story was posted in the gay male section, but apparently not many people read that section so I’m reposting it here. My hope is that even if you’re not into anything gay, you will enjoy the story for what it is, an unadulterated fantasy of my creation. Enjoy!
Let me start with who I am. My name is Tom. I’m in my late 30’s, in fairly good shape and always up for whatever might come next. I own a small business and live in an older two story house on the edge of town
I recently became single and was actually starting to enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with being alone after a relationship. I was chilling at home on a Friday night, getting my playstation on, when I heard a noise coming from my garage. It’s separated from the house so I knew it had to be something big to make so much racket.
I grabbed one of my pistols and headed quietly out the back door towards the garage. Aside from the main doors, there’s also a side door in the back that’s not easily viewable from the front. That’s where I made my entrance.
I heard the glove box open on one of my cars and instantly knew I was being robbed. My house sits on five acres and looks really dark from the road so they must have thought no one was home. But I am!
I peered around the corner and saw a man sitting in the driver seat of my Bronco going through it’s contents. I had the advantage since he didn’t know I was there and that’s all I needed to sneak up on him. Crawling close to the floor, I got right to the door, and surprised the shit out of him.
With a pistol in His face he had no words other than to put his hands up and hang his head knowing he was either going to get shot or go to jail. I told him to get out of the car and put his hands behind his back. He did it without making a sound, looking defeated.
He was wearing a dark hoodie and dark jeans which I thought was humorous because you would have a hard time seeing him but he made so much noise you couldn’t help but find him. Anyways, I patted him down for anything that might have been mine and also pulled his wallet out of his back pocket.
His name was Arron, 23, college student, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, 170 lbs soaking wet and my own observation that he seemed to be pretty fit looking. That’s when it hit me.
No one knows he’s here, unless I call the police.
I’ve always had fansies of using a guy to fulfill my bi curiosities. I’d had plenty of women peg me and use a straw on during role play, but here was my chance to live that fantasy. A title for tattoo so to speak.
I’ve always wanted to feel a cock grow while my mouth is wrapped around it and to experience what it’s like to have a man cum in my mouth. And don’t get mestarted on wanting to feel the heat of a hard cock sliding in and out of my ass. I’ve had many wet dreams of just that very thing.
Focus Tom, focus.
My garage is pretty industrial so I have lots of tools and the assorted things that go along with that and I was trying to think what to use to tie Aaron’s hands with. That’s it, cable ties, at least until I get him to the house.
I held one arm behind his back and walked him to a tool chest so I could grab the ties. I have several sizes and lucky for me I have the super thick, you’d have to be the hulk to break them size. I looped two of them together and made improvement handcuffs. In a pull of the ends, Arron wasn’t getting away anytime soon.
I heard a couple of sniffly moans from my thief and proceeded to tell him how much of a piece of crap he was for breaking into my garage. I wasn’t falling for any tears at this point, it was too late for that. I spun him around towards the door and told him we were going into the house to call the police. It was a lie, but I wanted to put the fear of God into him.
As we headed for the door I noticed an old tire chain bag I had sitting on a shelf and an idea hit me. I grabbed the bag and immediately pulled it over his head, putting him in utter darkness.
He was hollering about what I was doing, but I wasn’t listening. I knew he wasn’t going to find comfort in the helplessness he was feeling. I tied the string around his neck and finished walking him to the house.
I have a full basement that is part tv room slash sex room. I’ve got a huge tv and games etc., plus a good deal of bondage equipment and sex toys. It’s the most awesome man cave ever. Most of the women I’ve dated have loved being entertained here. It’s my favorite room in the whole house.
I sat Arron down on the edge of the bed and proceeded to get out a few toys. A ball gag, wrist and ankle binders with hooks, a leather hooded blindfold with sensing deprivation features as well as some lube and a couple of ball weights.
I stood him up so I could get the wrist strraps on before I got started with him. He’d have to be secured first if I didn’t want him struggle. My heart was racing at this point in anticipation of what I was about to do. My hands were shaking as I wrapped each wrist with a thick leather strap.
Once that was done I moved him towards one end of the room where I’d installed some pulleys and rope from the ceiling joists. Several of my female companies have had me racked just like I was about to do to him, so I knew exactly what he was about to experience. Total submission of his will, regardless of any rebellious thoughts he might be having at the moment.
With the clips hooked to his wrists I cut the plastic ties and watched as his hands fell to his sides. He may have had a thought for a split second that he was free but he was very wrong, as I pulled the other ends of the rope and his hands quickly rose outward and above his head. I’d placed the pulleys so that when legs and hands were tied, the person’s body would look like an X.
He was begging me at this point to please, please let him go, he’s so sorry, he’ll never do it again. I had a cure for that though as I pulled the sack over his head and proceeded to place the ball gag in his mouth. All the while staying behind him so that he couldn’t see my face.
He kept squirming and moving all over trying to resist being tied up so I took off my belt, wrapped it around his lower thighs and slowly tightened it as I pushed it to below his knees. Then I buckled it making it impossible for him to move around without hanging by his arms.
Now that he was still I lifted his pant legs and strapped both ankles and attached ropes to them as well. The ropes only pulled His legs apart, essentially tightening up his arms because he spread his legs apart.
Now I could go to work. With the blindfold on he couldn’t see and could only hear the music thatwas being pumped into the headphones covering his ears. He was completely and utterly mine now. With no chance of changing his present reality.
I sat down and had a drink of my beer while I gathered my thoughts on what I would do next. I searched through his wallet to see what else I could find and happened to come across a planned parenthood std free card. He’d been tested just a couple weeks ago according to to the date on the card. Yay for me! No worries about catching something.
I pocketed the cash he had which wasn’t much and then grabbed a pair of scissors. I started with his hoodie, cutting up both sides until it fell to the floor. T-shirt, then pants were next. He was definitely in great shape, six pack abs, muscled but proportioned and tan. That only left his socks, shoes and boxes, which I made short order of.
His flaccid cock hung from his body like a shriveled snake. He was circularly shaken and completely shacked, not a hair in sight, not even on his legs. This was good news, it means I wasn’t going to have to waste time doing that for him.
I stripped out of my own clothes at this point, my aching cock wanted to be free from its constraints. I moved all of our clothes out of the way and went upstairs to get a pan of water and a washcloth to clean my prey with.
I started at his head and slowly, methodically cleaned my way down. Not missing and spot. He wiggled a little when I ran the rag up the crack of his ass but didn’t wiggle as much when I wrapped the warm rag around his cock and balls. It didn’t take long to clean him up and then another idea hit me.
How to make him hard with him not wanting to be. Gotta love the little blue pill. I ran to the cupboard and grabbed 200mg of Viagra.
The ball gag Arron was wearing had a tube in the center for just such a thing. I grabbed his head and tilted it back, then fed both pills into his mouth. Once through the tube, he wouldn’t be able to do anything but swallow them. I waited until I saw him actually swallow a couple times just to make sure.
The headphones he wore also had another nifty feature, I could talk to whoever was wearing them with an app on my phone. I asked him if he had to pee and to nod once for yes or two for no. After one nod I grabbed a milk jug and lined up his pole then told him to go ahead. He really did have to go to, I’m glad I didn’t make him hold it and possibly get peed on later. I grabbed his cock and massaged the last drops out and then cleaned him again.
Now onto my first thing. I reached out my left hand and wrapped my thumb and index finger around his nuts so I could get an idea of how large of a ball weight I was going to put on them. He had a fairly good sized sack and they stretched out two or three inches when I pulled them down.
I’ve learned over the years that having a little weight hanging from my balls can increase how hard my cock gets when I’m fucking. I stretch my balls almost daily, but for now I just want him hard and able to keep an erection so a two and half inch steel donut will work just fine.
I split the ring in two and then stretched his balls out to place them inside of one half then placed the other on top. Essentially locking his balls with a 3lb weight. He probably thinks I just hung a reminder off of his balls. Nothing like a new sensing.
Now the more he moves around, the more amplified Any movement of his balls will be.
I stood back and looked him up and down for a couple of minutes before I knelt directly in front of his groin. His cock had swollen a little since I’d put on the ring. I moved my face ever so slowly towards it until he could feel my breath. Opening my mouth wide, I tilted my head so that I could take all of him at once.
As his warm head touched the back of my tongue I closed my lips around him and gently sucked him in entirely until my nose was touching his stomach and his metal laden balls rested on my chin. I savored theFeeling of my mouth being so full.
It didn’t take more than ten seconds before I started to feel swelling as my lips were moved further apart. The base of his cock grow as I kept my head firmly rested on his belly. I wanted to feel his length growing down my throat. I’d fantasized about this so many times. It was hard not to get too excited and to remember to relax my own throat so I could take it all in without gagging.
I definitely picked the right guy to kidnap. I could feel his heartbeat in my mouth as his swelling rod pushed further and further towards my throat. I’m sure only a matter of 30 seconds had gone by but it felt like slow motion as it started to push its way in. Slowly at first, but then as it opened up my airway Arron’s soon to be lengthy hard cock was growing inside of me.
I’ve never felt anything like it before, so firm yet soft and full of heat. The heat kept my throat relaxed as it expanded and cut off my breathing. I held him there as long as I could and savored what was happening before I slowly drew my head back just enough to breathe through my nose.
My cheats were sucked in due to the amount of continuous suction I was applying. My lips were not breaking the seal I had on his very hard cock. Again I pushed forward and forced him down my throat, but this time I started to bob in and out, essentially throat fucking myself. My mouth was watering like crazy.
Arron was obviously liking this as well because he was starting to thrust his hips ever so slightly when I would move my mouth back down his pole. Real flesh is so much nicer than a rubber dildo. I would always get a sore throat when women would do this to me, but now it was simply amazing.
I started to pick up the pace, almost jamming my nose into him with every downward thrust of my head. Arron was moaning, although he couldn’t speak even if he wanted to. I grabbed his hips with both of my hands and forcedly rocked his hips forward and back so it would push him further into my throat.
I must have been at it for about ten minutes when I felt even more swelling and knew Arron was about to give me my reward. I pulled back so that his cock head was firmly in the center of my tongue.
I continued sucking him in and out but kept him in my mouth as the first jet of cum splashed against the roof of my mouth and then again and again. His warm seed spilled all over my tongue. After six good shots I felt him stop.
I swirled my mouth around his cum coated cock, pushing him back into my throat one last time before I pulled off of him completely. As his cock left my lips I let the taste of his manhood etch into my brain before I swallowed it all in one gulp.
With my right hand I grabbed the weight on his balls and the other I gently milked him from the bottom up, bringing up any cum still left in his cock. One large glob surfaced at his hole, so I rubbed his cock head all over my lips before swallowing that as well. Arronjumped a little due to his cock being so sensitive.
My cock was aching for release and I literally would have fucked anything at this point I was so horny, but I had myself a new toy.
I have a homemade bondage table that I can put people into almost any position I desire and that’s exactly what Arron was about to experience. I moved the table right in front of him and then tied both table legs to his. One at a time I loosened his arm ropes and positioned them stretched across the table. There are hooks and rings strategically placed all around, so finding the right spot wasn’t difficult.
Once I had him in position I tightened everything down, even adding a couple of straws across his back just to make sure he didn’t move. He was now bent at the wait lying on the table, his ass parted slightly due to having his legs spread wide. His metal clad balls drawn on the side of the table with his hard cock off to the side.
I stroked my cock, grabbed a jar of coconut oil and lubed my pulsing cock. I took a liberal amount and with both hands massed his ass, running my thumbs up and down the inside close to his waiting hole. After a couple minutes of this, I placed my right thumb on his asshole and started rubbing in small circles to get him ready.
Arron was whimpering at this point because he knew what was about to happen and there was nothing he could do to stop it. I laughed to myself as I started to gradually push my thumb in and out of him. I was doing this whether he whimpered or not. Once he relaxed a little I grabbed a small hardened glob of oil and pushed it inside of him to ensure he would be good and lube up.
My cock stood at attention pointing directly at his hole as I moved forward and made contact. I could feel the heat from his skin and I’m sure he could feel mine. I gripped tightly and pushed my swollen head in so that I was lined up perfectly but that I was just pushing his skin in and not actually penetrating him yet.
I wanted to feel him relax his sphincter and watch my cock slide in. After about a minute, that’s exactly what happened. He relaxed and I felt a tight warm sensing wrap around my cock as my head slide effortlessly in. I stayed like that for a minute or two, savoring the feeling before I started to work my cock in.
In a half inch, out a quarter, in a half inch, out a quarter until I was buried balls deep. I held myself there so his ass would get used to my girl, because I was really going to fuck him in just a minute.
I took hold of his hips and pulled out slowly until just my head was left inside then thrust hard and fast all the way back in. I did this over and over, slowly out, hard and fast in until I knew I was at the point of no return and then just fucked him as fast as I could.
With every thrust forward my balls would slap Arron’s. After ten fast thrusts of my cock I explored into an intense orgasm, filling his ass with my hot cum. He was so tight that heseemed to be milking me for more. I held onto his hips and buried my cock to the hilt. His tight hole kept me hard as a rock as I recovered from my orgasm.
When I finally did pull out, I could see Arron’s ass had definitely been stretched out as his wet hole didn’t automatically close but seemed to be expanding and contracting while still being open. That’s what he gets for stealing my shit, a wrecked asshole and regrets.
I sat down and finished a beer, pondering what I should do next. I decided it was my turn to feel a cock inside of me and moved Arron to a skinny flat bench just wide enough for him to lay his back on. He had obviously given up any belief that he could change his present situation because he didn’t struggle or fight in any way as I moved and tied him back up.
His legs were spread so that the weight on his balls would constantly pull on them and his arms were tied to the other end of the bench, over his head. This left him in a position where I couldstraddle him.
Viagra had done its job well. He hadn’t gone soft since I sucked him off.
I lubed myself up and then stroked Arron’s cock with some oil before stepping over him, straddling him and the benchmark. I lined up his stiff pole and sat down in one smooth motion.
Oh my god, a real cock is so much better than a dildo! The heat, texture, everything about it is better. After a few seconds I started to lift myself and then drop back down again. Oh I was in heaven. His swollen head hit all the right spots as I fucked myself silly riding his throbbing cock.
I went slow, went fast and then decided it was time for more. I re-tied Arron, so that he was on his knees, hands above his head, as I got on all fours in front of him and eased myself back onto his hardened cock.
I grabbed my phone and instructed him to start fucking, until he came deep inside of me and if he didn’t he would not like the consequences.
He listened the first time and proceeded to thrust his cock deep into my bowels. Bringing himself out to the tip and then ramming as hard as he could back in. I was loving every second of it. I thought to myself that I might actually really like having a guy around to fuck me silly.
Arron started to make shorter faster thrusts and I knew he was almost ready to blow his load. I was bucking back and forth and squeezing my ass tighter on every inward thrust, trying to make him cum for me. His cock swelled and then he held it deep inside of me as he started to shoot his load.
Every spasm sent shock waves through me. I didn’t orgasm but it felt just as good as my cock was dribbling precum onto the floor. When he’d finished cumming, I rocked my hips up and down so his cock was gently sliding in and out of my wet hole. He was still hard as a rock!
I was feeling satisfied at the moment and just stayed in that position for a few minutes while his cock was buried deep inside me.
Eventually I slowly slip off of his cock and cleaned myself and Arron up a little. I now had a raging hard on again which prompted me to get behind him on my knees and stuff my pole in his ass and then reached around to start jacking him off with my right hand. I matched my thrusts with my strokes of his cock.
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