
This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any organization or persons living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Chapter One.

The long, magnificently shaped length of Kara’s thigh gleamed like liquid gold in the warm sunshine that angled across the tastefully decorated office. Her short grey skirt did little to conceal her firm stocking clad legs. Even the secretary who watched Kara from Behind the fortress of her steel and glass table felt obliged to admit the perfection of the visitor’s figure. Although the constant stream of well dressed, attractive men and women that passed through the doors of the ‘Dreamland Executive Placement Agency’, Kara was clearly exceptional. Her outstanding beauty was one of the reasons why she was waiting outside the office of Thomas Hartfield, the Managing Director and owner of the Agency.

Looking around the expensively decorated office, Kara found herself smiling. She wondered what the other tenants of this very exclusiveve building would have said had they realized that their neighbor’s real business was that of supplying prostitutes to the rich and famous.

Kara was born and raised in Eastern Europe of a good family. She had just been about to graduate from university with a degree in Economics when a combination of volatile politics and the Russian Mafia had ruined her parents, both of whom were found dead in their bedroom, the apparent result of a suicide pact. Kara had had her doubts as to the actual cause of their deaths, but she was canny enough to keep her silence. Dropping out of university, she had found herself on the job market in a country flooded with willing workers and far too few jobs. She soon realized that in order to have any kind of future, she would have to make her way to the West.

For the next few months, Kara made a living by modelling for the many foreign photographers who were to be found in abundance all over Eastern Europe and Russia. Although numerous offers, she refused to act in pornographic films or model for any of the hardcore magazines and websites. At every modelling session she did her best to make friends and took the opportunity to ask careful questions. Finally, she decided to set her sights on going to Britain and, through the help of one of her new friends, she found the right ‘connection’. Using a careful selection of photographs glainaned from her modelling work she assembled a resume and sent it off via email to her potential new employee. A week later she received a telephone call from Thomas Hartfield and an invitation to attend an interview with one of his ‘talent scouts’.

They met at a discreet restaurant and talked for over an hour. He asked Kara questions about her past, her ambitions and affairs in general. He also asked her many very personal about her sexual habits and tastes, some of them verging on the obscene. Kara soon realized that she was being tested and took care to answer him frankly and did not allow herSelf to be provoked by his crude manner. Finally, the recruiter presented her with an offer. In return for a three year service contract, the Agency would guarantee her a generous minimum monthly income and take care of her transport to Britain, including all the necessary immigration documentation. Best of all, upon completion of the three years they guaranteed to obtain citizenship for her in Britain or the United States.

Kara He knew that many such promises were often meaningless. However, all of her contacts had spoken highly of Hartfield and his organization. He had a reputation for keeping his word. Since she had little to loose, Kara signed the contract without further discussion. She was now a high class escort.

Chapter Two.

During her first week in London, Kara attended a grooming course taught by several of Hartfield’s senior employees. They familiarised her with the latest fashions, the hot gossip that was making the society rounds as well as the names and backgrounds of the rich and famous. As part of this course she was required to have sex with a man and a woman who, between them put her through just about every sexual activity possible. Driven by a determination never to return to the poverty of her former home Kara ‘graduated’ with flying colours.

Kara soon settled into her new high-society life, and for the most part, she found it pleasant, even if the men that she Entertained were sometimes thoughtless and demanding. She had been working for three months and had just moved into a new apartment when she received a call from Hartfield’s secretary. She was to attend a meeting with Mr. Hartfield himself the next morning. Stunned by this unprecedented event, Kara spent the night trying to remember any offence, real or imagined that might have gotten her into trouble. The thought that she might be dismissed and sent away from her new life terrified her.

Chapter Three.

Kara had been sitting outside of Hartfield’s office for nearly half and hour when another woman came entered and took a seat next to her. Kara had never met the woman before, but she fit the general profile of the Agency’s escorts. She had black hair and was shorter than Kara. She was dressed in a tight black leather outfit that showed off her taut, well toned body. The warm musky smell of leather combined with the woman’s perfume and natural scent washed over Kara, who turned to smile and to nod a greeting.

The woman’s arrival seemed to act as a signal and moments later the secretary looked up from her paperwork and motioned the both of them to enter Hartfield’s sanctum. Kara knocked on the door and then opened it. As the two of them entered, they saw their employer, Thomas Hartfield standing in front of a couch, smiling genially. A low table was set out with tea and biscuits. Kara feel herself relax slightly as the setting did not appear to be leading up to a reprimand or dismissal.

‘Welcome ladies’ said Hartfield, holding out his arms as if to embrace them. ‘Sit, please’ he said, indicating the armschairs to either side of him. ‘Tea?’

Both women nodded their thanks. Kara could see her own confusion reflected in the face of the other woman. She had never heard of any employee being honoured in this manner. Her attention turned back to Hartfield upon hearing him clear his throat in preparation to addressing them.

‘I am so glad to meet the two of you today. It is not often that I get to talk to the troops, as it were’ said Hartfield, sounding like a caricature of the typical old school boss. However, his eyes betrayed the sharp, calculating intelligence that had brought him to the top of his somewhat shady industry. ‘I suppose that I should start by introducing you to each other’. ‘Kara, this is Tess, Tess, Kara’.

The Two women nodded politely to each other, and at the same time taking the opportunity to do a more complete assessment of each others assets and appearance. Kara saw that her initial impressions of Tess were correct and on closer examination she looked even more lithe and panther-like than ever. Her large dark brown eyes seemed to overwhelm her sharp angular face, making her look like a predatory fashion model.

Hartfield set down his tea and continued. ‘The Agency has been approached by a very prominent client, who has made a rather unusual request. Because of the importance and potential benefits to be obtained if we are able to satisfy this client, I have picked two of our best girls for this job’. He nodded, glancing at each woman in turn. ‘Tess, if you accept the job and perform to the client’s satisfaction, you will be paid ten times your usual fee. Kara, your reward will, I suspect be even more welcome. If you do well on this job the Agency will waive the rest of your contract term as well as arrangement for your citizenship papers’.

Kara felt her heart leap upon hearing Hartfield’s words. Not only was she being offered her freedom, but also the chance to permanently escape the fear of having to return to the bleak desperation of her former life. However, the bland smiling face of her employer brought her thoughts back to reality. Hartfield had not stated what was required of them.

‘I will not do anything criminal. Also no children or selling drugs’ said Kara. ‘If I had wanted that kind of life, I might as well have stayed at home’. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tess glance at her with raised eyesbrows.

Hartfield looked wounded, apparently distressed that Kara would suspect his motives. ‘No nothing like that at all’ he said, shaking his carefully groomed head. ‘Let explain. Our client is Barbara Landers, ex-wife of Rupert Landers’

Kara’s eyes widened in surprise. Rupert Landers had been the founder and CEO of one of the Largest defence contractors in Europe. His spectacular demise during a demonstration of a new anti-missile system which had suddenly decided that Landers resembled an incoming ICBM hadfilled the newspaper headlines for days.

‘Mrs. Landers came to hear about us from a friend and she has expressed an interest in our services’. Hartfield’s manner changed as he started to discuss business, looking more like the high class pimp that he really was. ‘She has requested that we supply two women for an S&M session. However, she does not want experienced submissives but ‘normal’ women’

Tess nodded slowly in understanding. When Hartfield looked at her she shrugged and said ‘Why not?’.

Kara hesitated. The thought of pain did not frighten her, but she was concerned that she would not be able to satisfy this client and thus risk incurring Hartfield’s wrath. ‘Why pick me?’ she asked.

‘Actually, Mrs. Landers picked you from our video catalogue’ replied Hartfield, his eyes narrowing at Kara’s lack of enthusiasm.

Kara suddenly realized that she had been Mrs. Landers’ main choice. She nodded and smiled at her employer. ‘I was just worried that I would notsuit her tastes,’ she explained, ‘but if she chose me, I would be pleased to go’.

‘Good’ said Hartfield, grinning and rubbing his hands together like a shopkeeper who had just cinched a difficult sale. ‘Remember, she is paying top dollar, so anything short of serious injury in on the menu’ he said, raising an eyebrow in emphasis.

Both women nodded. Kara could not think of any reply that would not sound frightened or boastful, so she just made sounds of agreement.

‘The both of you will be ready to go to her house at 2 p.m. tomorrow?’ said Hartfield. Kara realized that she had been dismissed and rose to leave. Hartfield waved rarely at her in farewell. When she noticed that Tess had not made a move to leave she hesitated.

‘Go ahead Kara. I have something else to Discuss with Tess’ said Hartfield, shooing her out of the office.

Kara walked out of the building, her mind filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She did not feel any gratitude to Hartfield as it was the client who had chosen her and was probably paying him a horrendous fee. She had been working long enough to know that really attractive and classy women who were willing to accept serious punishment were extremely rare, so Hartfield’s offer was only fair. She also felt some appreciation as she had never been beating or tortured before. As she sat in the back of the taxi on the way home she gingerly pinched herself on the thigh and tried to imagine herself smiling and flirting with Mrs. Landers while her whole body was filled with pain. Sitting on the edge of her bed, Kara stared at herself in the mirror and nodded. The price was worth the price and she was determined to please this unusual client no matter what it took. Having made up her mind, Kara slept soundly that night, untroubled by further doubts.

Chapter Four.

Kara spend the morning at the hairdressers and working on her body, shaving and trimming her public hair and rubbing lotion into her skin untilshe glowed. After a light lunch of salad and a glass of white wine, she was picked up by a rented limousine. Tess was already in the car and was similarly in a state of immaculate grooming. She wore a black woollen skirt which fell just below her knees but which had a slit up the side almost up to her hip, a dark brown turtle-necked sweater with matching boots and a large over-sized cream coloured leather jacket. Kara was glad that she had chosen to wear a dove grey woollen jacket and skirt with a cream coloured silk blouse. Their contrasting appearances would only highlight the differences in the two women, giving the client a bit of variety and choice.

Kara was surprised to see a smartphone clipped to Tess’ waitband. It was a rule that on Agency time no one carried a telephone. The Agency did not supply escorts for ‘quickies’ in hotel rooms and the ban on smartphones only served to emphasize the fact that the girls were never to rush a client or to ignore the client while chatting on the phone.

Tess noticed Kara’s surprise and smiled. ‘Orders from the Boss. He wants to make sure that everything is to Mrs. Landers’ satisfaction’ she said, tapping the phone with a manicured fingerprintnail. ‘Don’t worry. I will switch it off when we get there’.

The car pulled up in front of the main gate. The security personnel must have been given the number of the car and photographs of the expected occupations Because the gate swung open before the driver had a chance to reach for the intercom. When they stopped at the house, both Kara and Tess waited for the driver to open their doors before stepping gracefully out of the vehicle. The front door was open and a dark suited butler stood waiting.

‘Mrs. Landers is waiting for you in the living room’ he said as they approached. ‘Walk this way please’. The butler gave no visible indication that he was aware of their occupation or the purpose of their visit. Kara was certain that he knew every detail and would have preferred that they had come in by the tradesman’s entrance.

The butler tapped gently at the doorway to the living room and announced ‘Your visitors are here Madam’. He stepped aside and ushered the two women into the room.

‘Close the door Edward. We are not to be interrupted for any reason unless I call for you’ said Barbara Landers, rising from her chair. She waited for the door to close and for the butler to walk away before she spoke again. Smiling, she said ‘Welcome. I have been looking forward to seeing you’. ‘You must be Kara, and you Tess’ she continued, nodding to each of them in turn.

Kara and Tess both smiled and returned the greeting. Mrs. Landers made no move to shake hands, so they both waited for their client to indicate how she wished to proceed.

‘Sit down and lets chat for a moment’ said their hostess. ‘Oh, and please call me Barbara’. She waited until the two girls were seated before continuing. ‘Let me give you a little background so that you will understand what I want from you’. She paused for a moment gathering her thoughts. ‘I married my husband for his money, and he knew it. There were no illusions on either side, but please don’t think it was all grim and mercenary. We got along very well and made a good team’.

Barbara grinned. ‘You must be wondering what the point of this rather prosaic tale is all about. Well, I am a good looking woman and intelligent enough to make him a suitable partner. However, he choose me in particular for another reason. You see, in the bedroom, he was a sadist. He enjoyed physically hurting his women’.

Upon hearing this revelation Kara and Tess glanced quickly at each other.

Seeing this, Barbara laughed, her gentle melodious voice starting the girls. ‘No dears, I was not the poor victimized maiden. Shortly after we had met, he told me all about his tastes in “entertainment”. I was the one who volunteered in exchange for a very comfortable life. Unlike a batteryed wife, I was always generally cheerful and affectionate in public as well as being always available for fun and games when he was in the mood. When we discovered that he had an inoperable tumour in his brain I was truly shocked and sad. At the end, he said that I was the only person in the world that he had screwed that had not tried to screw him in return and, to my surprise, he left everything to me in his will’. She nibbled on her lip, lost in Thought for a moment.

Suddenly, Barbara brightened up. ‘In fact,’ she said, ‘all the legal technologies were settled yesterday and in a little while, the trustes of his estate will be setting up a special link over the Company’s intranet. Once I key in my new password into the mobile terminal on that table, control of all my husband’s bank accounts, patent rights and shareholdings will pass to me’. She laughed again. ‘My husband did so love his toys. The whole house is set up with an infra-red wireless network. He used to take that notebook with him everywhere, even into the toilet’.

Barbara Landers stood up and twirled. The soft white translucent fabric of her dress flared like a cloud caught in a gust of wind and the two girls saw that she had a fine, well toned body. ‘You might say that you two are a little gift to myself to celebrate the occasion. Actually, a good friend of mine gave me the idea. When I said that I bore my husband no ill will for his treatment of me, I mean it. However, I find that deep down, in a little corner of my mind, I have always felt that other women were laughing at me and I resented it’. She looked into the eyes of each of the girls. ‘I tell myself that millions of women would have done the same thing if given the chance, but I need to see it for myself’. Pointing at Tess, she asked ‘Do you understand what I want?’

Tess grinned and shrugged. ‘I’m here to show you a good time. If you want to tan my butt or slap me around, I’m all yours’ she said, patting her buttocks with her hand.

Barbara raised an elegant eyebrow and then turned to Kara. ‘And how about you?’

Kara considered Tess’ attitude and thought about what the woman had said. She also remembered that Barbara had not wanted experienced submissives. She took a step forward and took hold of Barbara’s hand with both of hers. Bringing it up to her lips she kissed the tips of the woman’s fingers and then pressed the hand to the side of her face. Slowly she ran the hand down the angle of her jaw and down the sleek curve of her neck until it rested on the upper curve of her breast. ‘I do not know how sadists play, but I do know about my own body. I know what feels good and what hurts. Usually people want me to tell them what feels good and where I like them to touch my body. But I will show you all the soft, tender, sensitive places that will make me moan and cry and scream. I will spread and open myself so that you can reach all the secret spots and wet, delicate spots with you fingers and hands and teethand whips. I will kiss and lick you while you hurt me. I have a beautiful, sexy body and it is all yours to play with’

Barbara looked deep into Kara’s eyes and saw strength, determination and humour. She gently squeezed the firm fleshy globe under her palm and nodded. She lowered her hand and slid back into her seat. ‘Let me see you naked. Both of you. Take off all of your clothes, then come and stand in front of me’.

Both Kara and Tess felt relieved upon hearing this familiar request. Unfortunately gracefully in front of a stranger was one of the first things that any prostitute learned to do.

Tess plucked the smartphone from her waist and held it up to Kara as she pressed the ‘off’ button, extinguishing the glowing LED on the face for the device. She winked, emphasising her compliance with the Agency Rules and then set the phone down on the table beside the computer terminal. Tess pulled off her clothes and tossed them aside as if glad to be rid of them, baring her tanned lithe body almost gleefully. With a swinging confident stride she walked away from her garments, stopping an arm’s length away from Barbara. She ran her hands lightly down the front of her body all the way from the top of her breasts, down over her pointed nipples and across the rippling plane her flat belly before propping them arrogantly on her hips.


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