Therapy Ch. 07

“Training is everything,” Frank replied smiling. “That is why Debbie is going to be a valuable commodity someday. We need to keep after her until she is properly distributed and trained. The most important element is teaching a slut to enjoy being a slut. That’s the most satisfying part. Any idiot can rap a woman, or use their cunt for his own pleasure. But the real art is making them not just want it, but need it, need to serve, need to be based, humiliated until that is the only way they get pleasure.

Julie could not believe this guy! She agreed to meet for lunch and when she asked what was next he went on this tirade.

“Easy, Frank. I think you are going a little crazy here. I’m not looking to, I mean, I was just having fun. I am not like you.” Julie stammered.

“Julie, you are right, we are not alike. I think there are only two things we have in common. First,” and he smiled, ” we both love pussy. And, seriously we both have experienced something with Debbie. You have to admit, at the club and later at your friend’s house you did somethings you may have dreamt of, but will probably never get a chance to do again. Are you ready to give up that power?”

Julie knew he was right. To have control over another woman was intoxicating, no it was addictive. She wasn’t ready to give it up until she had to leave for college.

Shaking her head, she asked Frank, “What do you want me to do next?”

“I think we are at a critical stage now. She is ready to break; to give up all resistance and fully submit. Now, we must press and not give her a chance to think. She needs to be kept on edge at work and away. Her only orgasms need to be associated with humiliation and degradation. Debra will relate her abasement with pleasure. She needs not to be able to have one without the other.”

The rest of the luncheon was spent making plans. Each trying to outdo the others idea. Frank, apparently not concerned with money, gave Julie cash for someneeded purchases.

They decided to leave her alone until the next day. On Wednesday Debra would begin her training; whether she was aware of it or not.


Tuesday was a blur to Debra. She barely slept after what happened with Frank. Every time she thought of the things she did while David was so close caused a tingle throughout her body. David woke up late this morning and headed off to work with quite a hangover. He didn’t remember how he got home and told Debra he would be sure to thank Frank for helping them out. If he only knew!

That evening her and David were eating take out Chinese food. They hadn’t talked much since arrived home from work.

David, holding the white cardboard box of Chow Mien, spoke as he ate with the wooded chop sticks, “Debra, I am sorry about how much I drank last night. I hope I didn’t make too much of a fool of myself.” A piece of noodle hung from his lip for a spilt second before it droppedback into the box.

“Well,” she smiled, “you certainly did overdo it. But don’t worry. Luckily Mr. Pear…err, Frank was able to help me out.” She thought of how much he helped her and felt the need for more of his help.

“I know you wanted to talk. Tonight I am all yours.” Frank had told David to put ‘the ball in her court’ and see what she did with it. He also told him they shouldn’t have any sex.

“You know, Honey,” she lied, “I wanted to talk about us getting away later this summer. We have both been so busy, I thought it would be like a second honeymoon.”

Frank was right! She isn’t ready to let this go. He smiled, “I love that idea. When I finish this custom home I should be able to take a couple of weeks off. Where do you want to go?”

“Anywhere there is a lot of sun and beaches.”

And cocks for you to suck and fuck, he thought while his cock hardened. I heard you sucking Frank’s cock in our car. What a slut! Naked in front of our home sucking likea seasoned whore. No more listening through closed doors; he wanted to witness it first hand. David wanted to take his wife right now, but remembered Frank’s instructions.


Debra arrived early to work on Wednesday. She dressed in her Khakis and blouse as usual. She felt comfortable in her underwear and was ready to start her day. When she walked into her office she noticed a brown paper bag with a note attached to it.

She read the note:


Put your bra and panties in the bag. Place the panties in the bag on. You may need to use the Astoglide I included. You will wear them everyday this week from the time you arrive until you leave. I will witness the removal each evening. When you are done call me into your office.

Debra held the note for some time, staring blankly at it. Her nipples were hard and her breath was short and shallow. She opened the bag and pulled the black item out. It took her a few seconds to understand exactly what she was looking at.

In her hand was a pair of black PVC panties. There was a slit where the crotch was and inside the panties was a black rubber butt plug. It was attached to the panties and looked to be three or so inches long. Debra thought, not too long to be painful, but long enough for her to be reminded of Julie’s dominance throughout the day. There was also the bottle of lubricant.

Debra looking at the clock knew she had only fifteen minutes before her first patient. She rushed to her bathroom and locked the door behind her. First she removed her bra, silently hoping it would be returned. She will need to go shopping for underwear at the rate she is losing them.

She noticed her nipples straining against her blouse and was thankful her lab coat would cover them. Next she shucked her khakis off. The panties were united with her bra in the bag. The black panties were very tight and hard to put on. She remembered the baby powder she kept and found it helped thePVC slide up her legs. She could smell her excitement.

Once the panties were over her hips she had to try and position the plug at her asses entrance. She squirted some of the lube on her hand and liberally rubbed it on the plug and her asshole. It hurt as she pushed it against her sphincter and even with her trying to relax she could not get the wide part into her asshole. Looking at her watch, she knew she had no choice but to force it. The pain was intense but finally she felt it slip into her dark rear tunnel. It continued to hurt, yet she ignored the pain; in fact she enjoyed it.

She went back in her office and rang Julie. She stood, in her position and waited for the door to open. As soon as Julie walked in Debra involuntarily began to squeeze her asshole onto the plug.

Julie looked at her Pet and smiled. Her nipples were so obvious through her blouse. For a moment she considered not allowing her to wear her lab coat, but quickly dismissed the idea.

“OpenYour blouse, Pet.” Julie stood directly in front of Debra.

“Yes Ma’am.” Debra fumbled with the buttons and soon had undone them all. She pulled back the shirt, exposing her breasts to this woman.

Julie pulled, from her lab pocket, what looked like a needle nose pliers. Suddenly Debra feared something horrible was to happen.

Sensing her trepidation Julie spoke, “Don’t be afraid Pet. This little contraction won’t hurt you,” she paused, “much.”

Debra could see as Julie closed the pliers it caused the prongs to spread. At the end was a small rubber band, much like the ones kids get from their orthodontist. Julie lifted Debra’s breast and pushed the pliers’ tongs on each side of the nipple. When she released the tension the tongs released the pressure on the band and it tightened on the distended nipple.

There was a sharp intake of breath from Debra as the blood was restricted to her nipple. She felt a numbing pain and noticed her nipple was now longer than she had ever seen it. Julie quickly repeated the process on the other nipple.

“Hurry and get dressed. Meet me here at lunch, be in position when I arrive. I will remove the bands for the lunch hour. If you are late they will stay on all day and your nipples may just fall off!” Julie laughed as she left the office.

The entire morning was, thankfully busy. Debra keep herself busy, but every step reminded her of Julie; the butt plug would press inside her ass as she moved. Any movement by her arms or just the pressure of her lab coat caused her nipples to throb. Her last patient left at noon. Debra went to her office and stood in position, by her desk.

At fifteen past noon the door opened and Julie entered. She had her lunch with her and she ignored her boss as she sat down at the desk. She opened her zippered lunch bag and pulled out a sandwich which she unwrapped and slowly began to eat. She had yet to acknowledge Debra.

Debra stood a still as possible and fought the urge to speak. If she did Julie would reprimand her for being insolent, but then again, she reasoned, maybe she is waiting for me to speak?

Finally the silence was broken by one word. “Strip.”

Debra glanced at the office door and could see it wasn’t locked. She knew better than to point it out to Julie. She kicked off her shoes, dropped her lab coat and removed her blouse. Julie saw the lewd, swollen nubs that were once nipples. They were blue and had swollen to the point where the rubber bands were barely visible.

Debra next pushed down her Khaki’s and stopped for a moment, standing in just her black panties.

“Leave them on, Pet. You look so, well for lack of a better word, so silly. You look like you are wearing a twelve year olds briefs and your poor nips look grotesque.” Julie stood and walked around the desk, knowing her words had humiliated Debra.

“I want you to cum for me, ” she spoke as she began to pull her dress up,” Cum like the slut you are.You may not dress until I am convinced you have put every effort into satisfying my wish.”

Debra watched as the dress cleared Julie’s wait and she was surprised to see Julie had Debra’s panties on.

“You want to cum for me, don’t you Pet?”

“Yes Ma’am,” she saw Julie waiting for her to finish, “I want to cum for you.”

Julie’s hand went to her crotch and she Begin to push her finger against the material, forcing the panties inside her cunt. Debra could not tear her eyes away from the finger pushing itself deeper and deeper.

Julie spread her legs and squatted slightly. Her finger pulled away from her sex leaving the material stick inside. Julie looked at Debra and smiled. She closed her eyes and Debra stared at her face thinking she was cumming. Until she heard the noise, the splatter. She looked down and saw a wet spot spreading throughout the front panel of her panties and the yellow fluid dripping out the legs and through the material. She was pissing mypanties!

A small puddle formed on the linoleum and Julie stopped before it reached her shoes. She stepped away from the puddle and rolled the panties down her legs. She used the dry back of the panel to quickly wipe her thighs. She let her dress drop and stepping over the puddle she stood inches from the near nude therapist.

“Cum, for me my slut. Put your hand inside your rubber pants and make yourself cum.” She reached out with one hand and rubbed one of the nipples making Debra moan in pain. “I will pull these, ” she tweaked the nipple, “off when you are there. It will hurt, but it will be a good hurt.”

Debra thought of Frank and wondered where Julie had heard that phrase.

“In case you decided to scream, this will help,” with that Julie pushed the soiled panties against Debra’s lips. Her nostrils flared at the acrid odor and she kept her lips sealed until she heard the agitated voice of her mistress.

“Open, unless you want to do this in the reception room.” Julie smiled as she felt the lips stopped their resistance and she fed the panty into the open mouth. “Start, Pet, you do not have much time.”

Debra slide her hand through the opening of the tight rubber like panties. When her finger found its prey she ignored how wet she was. That didn’t seem to surprise her any more.

She worked her finger hard against her clip and made eye contact with Julie. Julie stepped closer and rubbed both sore nipples. This was not an evil act, no it was an act of kindness. The rubbing helped Debra center her passages towards her goal. When she was close to hitting her pinnacle Julie gave a nod of understanding. As the orgasm began to ripple through her body, Julie took her nails and forced them between skin and rubber. As the bands flipped off her nipples and the orgasm reached the point of no return all the mini vessels were filled by the onrush of blood and the pain, combined with the pleasure took Debra to a plateau she had never been before. Even with Frank. She groaned into the panty and realized their importance in preventing her from being heard in the parking lot.

As the feeling began to subside she leaned forward resting her head against Julie fighting the urge to slip into a coma.

Julie pushed her away, afraid of being close to her foul mouthed boss. “Get dressed and clean this place up. No more bands today, slut. Your nips look too sore.” She laughed, “You can lose the plug also. After you clean it, put it in your top left desk drawer, ” she paused, “until tomorrow.”

As she headed out the door she added, “You can wear your panties, or go commando. Up to you.”

Debra found the energy needed to dress herself, sans panties and bra, and clean the floor. After washing the plug and putting it away she was ready for work. Her and Julie only interacted with work related items for the afternoon.


At five Julie left without as much saying good bye.Debra felt hurt and absently rubbed her nipples under the lab coat. Her cell phone rang as she was getting ready to leave. The caller ID told her it was her husband.

“Hi, David. What’s up?”

“Hey, Babe. I felt so bad about Monday night, I must have embarrassed you. Especially in front of a client.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure Frank has forgotten about it already.”

Yeah, right, thought David. “Well, this morning in the gym I apologized and asked him out to dinner tonight. To make it up to him.”

“You what! Without asking me first. Damn it David. Why don’t you think about me. What if I don’t want to go, I had a hard day today!”

He could feel the anger rise; think about her, that is a laugh. Was she thinking of him while she blew this guy in our driveway?

“Sorry, Debra. I asked him to pick you up and we would meet for dinner at the Pruneyard,” he added, “do this for me, I like this guy.”

“I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?” she remembered how she was dressed and how her nipples were obvious through the blouse. “I need to go home and change, call him and tell him we will all meet at the restaurant.”

“I’ll try but I think he is on his way, if not there by now,” David had heard from Frank when he arrived at the parking lot, “I’m sure you look fine.”

Debra rushed out the door, hoping to leave before Frank’s arrival. It was not to be; there, parked next to her car was Frank’s Mercedes and he was leaning against the driver’s side door. He smiled when he saw her, or more to the point, when he saw her nipples.

She looked like her body ran out of gas as soon as she spied him. Her trot turned to a slow pace as she moved towards her torquer and the now so familiar burning began in her loins.

“Well, hello slut. I am Surprised, did you do this,” he nodded his eyes towards her breasts, “for me?”

Debra, suddenly knew she had a way out of this. “David called and said he asked you out to dinner. When I found outYou were going to pick me up, ” she smiled her best little girl smile and stuck her chest out, “I thought I’d surprise you.”

“Well, I like that, slut. Now show them to me.”

Her eyes pleased for him not to make her but she saw no compassion in his eyes. She unbuttoned the blouse and with her back to the street she pulled the blouse apart.

“My god, what happened to you? Did you let a dog chew on those?”

“I, I,” she had to think, “I was thinking of you so I put rubber bands on them and I guess I left them on too long.”

He shook his head and added, “Let me see my cunt too.”

Debra unzipped her Khakis and spread them in the front so as not to expose her as to traffic. Frank commented on the lack of panties and told her she was a real slut. When they got in The car he asked her how she was going to explain the lack of underclothes to her husband.

“Well, when we first met and I saw, I saw your, um cock. I told David and he has a fantasy about me fucking a well endowed man. I will tell him I did it to excite him. He will believe that.”

“Why don’t you quite the games and tell him you are a slave to my cock?”

“I’m not ready yet Frank. I don’t want to hurt him and I am not ready to give you up.”

He turned in his seat and looked into her eyes. “You will never give me up. I will decide when and if it ends. We better get going.”

They drove in silence to the Pruneyard complex. Frank passed a few open spots and parked in the back structure. Once they exited the car they walked a few hundred feet and he stopped.

“I suggest you pretend to get sick tonight. If he sees those nipples he is going to ask a lot of questions. I know it will take until at least the morning for those to look normal again.”

She nodded her head in agreement and began to walk. When she noticed the only sound was her steps on the cold concrete floor she turned.

“Take them out again.”

She didn’t even both to look around. She opened the blouse and pulled her breasts out. The florescent light gave an eerie bluish tint to her swollen nipples. Frank unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock and began to stroke it while she watched.

“It turns me on, knowing you hurt yourself for me. The good pain we talked about.” Debra remembered Julie saying the same thing hours earlier.

“Hurt them for me Debbie. Show me my slut will do anything for my cock.”

Debbie reached up and winced as she touched her tender nubs. She stared, transfixed at the sight of him slowly jerking his mammoth cock. The faster her moved his hand the harder she rubbed her nipples. His head swelled and turned a deep purple; she knew he was getting close.

“Get over here. On your knees.” She moved quickly and dropped in front of Frank watching as his hand became a blur. “Pull on them slut, I’m gonna cum on those fucking tits.”

As he finished the sentence the first spurt hit her squarely between the tits, the second followered closely behind and he was able to order her before the third.

“Your mouth, quick before I soak your blouse!”

Debra understand what he was saying and she lunged forward like a baby bird in a nest reaching for a worm. Just as the third jet started to leave she clamped her mouth over the pulsating head and felt blast after blast fill her mouth. She swallowed greedily and never let up the Pressure on her tits.

When he finally finished he left his cock in her mouth and felt her suckle it as though it was a pacifier. Finally he stepped back until it pulled free from her mouth. He put himself away and looked down at her. The cum was dripping down her cleavage towards her pants. He somehow missed the blouse.

“Hurry, eat that cum before it stains your pants.” He almost laughed at the comical look of her scooping the white droplets off her tits and stomach and feeding it to her eager mouth.

Once she was semi-presentable they went to the restaurant and met David. The first thing he noticed was his braless wife. Frank headed to the restroom.

“Where is your bra?” he asked, knowing Frank must have orchestrated this. What excuse would she come up with, he thought.

“I had removed my bra and panties,” she smiled, “to surprise you. Then you called and before I could put them back on Frank showed up.” She thought that a reasonable explanation.


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