“You’re marrying a stripper?”
How do you explain to your Mom that you love this hot girl who hits you with a belt?
Eddie tried to grin as Infiniti talked to Guild earnestly. He was a nice boy, more of the bookish type, wouldn’t you know, throw the football around, talk cars, but a good kid all the same.
Infiniti’s nimble fingers moved up and down his sufferingshaft. It had been 126 days since he’d last had masturbation privileges (with his left hand, had to cum in six minutes) and of course he was rarin’ to go…even at his age!
Eddie was a little abashed right now. He was naked on the couch next to his elegantly clad spouse. Infiniti’s short blonde mop, so coiffed, looked great…he missed the big tousled hair she once had, but “You gotta grow up, honey” she’d said more than once.
But how she’d looked, that golden mane spilling across her leather corset as she’d led him around the Paincafe Dungeon back in 1994!
But now she was something else, Infiniti. Fifty eight, six years Eddie’s junior, but was she fabulous.
Tits, still ignoring gravity out to here in the white pullover, and her long pink talons were moving busy up and down Eddie’s denied cock.
The kid can’t take his eyes off her, either!
He wasn’t a total geek. I think he plays intramural basketball with the computer club, or some shit.
And look how Infiniti smiles at him.
Guilder was sitting across from the peculiar couple, dressed also, which made Eddie feel quite exposed. This was probably the idea.
But their living room had hosted many odd communities and experiences, right?
“Now that I’m getting up there, I need a little help with the Coach here.” Infiniti smiled as she rapidly stroked the bulging vein under Eddie’s penis.
Eddie had defeated a clamp on that vein most of the morning when he’d been in the kneeing stocks, but it was nice to be out, unencumbered and kind of entertaining company.
Idly, as Infiniti talked to Guilder, she shook off one of her Jimmy Choos and her foot came up and she casually prodded the boy’s crotch.
Eddie felt a little resentful. But he also had to grin. Guilder looked a bit shocked, but the kid had been checking out Infiniti, Eddie’s hot cougar wife for months, so why not?
“I mean, I can still whip Eddie’s ass, right, honey?”
As she said this, Infiniti smiled over at her husband.
“But I’m feeling my arthritis these days, so for a long time we had our landscaper, Gonzalo visit, and he’d take Eddie out to our woods behind the property and cut some switches, or sometimes make Eddie cut them.”
Yes, remember that “Go out and cut a switch!” from youth…
Guilder wouldn’t identify, his generation had been raised with time-outs.
And that little wetback could really hit, Eddie remembered with a grimace. No class resentments, right?
“Grab your ankles, maricon!”
Eddie would swear he wouldn’t cry, andhe’d not give the bastard the satisfaction of letting him see the big coach cry, but every time, after about nine or ten swats, Eddie would break down, sobbing.
And then of course Infiniti would have Eddie warm Gonzalo’s cock up with his own mouth so Gonzalo could fuck her hard.
“I’d do it myself but you know, the feminists say fallatio is so demeaning for women!” Infiniti would Say this with a wink.
Infiniti stroked Eddie’s penis faster and faster. Eddie, over the past thirty years had been trained against cumming without permission.
This was despite spending long periods in chatity.
Infiniti gave great hand jobs but of course she’d stop doing it if Eddie suddenly interrupted her ministers by making a nasty mess all over her pretty palm.
That was Only supposed to happen onto the wood floor, after he’d jacked it, on rarely scheduled masturbation breaks, and then of course he had to lick it all up.
Now, as Infiniti chatted in animated fashion, she stroked Eddie a bit faster and he gasped and touched her arm.
“Is it too much, baby?” Eddie looked at her husband in mock sympathy.
“Y-yes, Miss Infiniti.” Eddie responded in his husky voice.
Guilder’s eyes were bulging.
The coach noticed this, of course, and was utterly humiliated, but this made him even more erect.
“You want me to put you back in your tube?” She was tearing cruelly, she knew he got out so seldom.
Infiniti used to give him long, teasing jerks every day, although even back then the orgasms were rare, but nowadays, she was so busy with aerobics and bridge club and church rummage sales, who had time?
Not to mention that she was fucking half the faculty (girls as well as boys) of Buttermilk State University.
And at least one attendant in the Pharmacology Studies parking lot.
“No, Miss Infiniti, please no tube. I just need to calm down before you start up again, maybe some ice–“
But sometimes even ice wasn’t enough. Once Infiniti had made Eddie bring himself off, with his hands behind his head, rubbing his dick against a block of ice, and guess what? He’d shot a big one…
“No, no ice. This is a perfect teaching moment for Guilder. Give him an idea of what we need here.”
Infiniti gave Guilder an engaging look. “Could you get that curtain rod there, Guilder? On the coffee table.”
“Infiniti, it’s not necessary–” Eddie remonstrated.
Infiniti gave her husband an arch look.
Eddie fell silent, his big bare shoulders sagged.
Infiniti was still stimulating Eddie’s cock, the pink talons stroking and tickling away, but as Guilder handed her the curtain rod, she stopped.
“Great. Later we can have Gonzalo come over and show you how our bullwhip makes the coach here dance, but a small instruction.”
“Yes, here’s the thing, um, Mrs. Danahy.”
“You have to call me Infiniti, sweetheart.” Infiniti beamed at Guilder, and took the curtain rod, tappingit in her hand.
“See this rod? I broke it in half, and Eddie sanded down the end so it doesn’t cut his worm. It’s perfect for calming him down when he gets too randy.”
She turned and looked at Eddie, and her smile went away.
“Are you sitting on your hands, hon?”
The big naked man looked at his knees. “Yes Ma’am.” he rumbled.
Infiniti took the coach’s cock lightly by the base with her right hand and waved the curtain rod with her left. Twice she hit the tip of Eddie’s cock sharply.
She watched with a grin as her husband’s cock wilted slightly.
“I have to maintain a constant vigilance, Guilder. He’s dying to just spurt all over the place, and he’s not really scheduled for another release till June 2020.”
“Damn, that’s a long time.” Guilder breathed.
Guilder was fascinated. A work/study graduate student of twenty-three, he’d gotten sick of peddling textbooks at the campus store.
Coach Danahy was a big name at the school, and hadbrought the hockey team to national prominence. One of his players was in the Bruis now.
It was a source of much alumni bucks for the university!
So whatever the coach wanted, he got…
Not here at home, apparently.
At one point, Guilder had been a towel attendant at the gym and being a bit of a nerd, he’d had a milk announcement with the team, screaming and yelling, but they were generally good fellows.
“Leave the poor dork alone.” the coach had ordered his spiritualized young men, and they’d obeyed good naturally.
Guilder had talked to the coach now and then, and he’d helped Danahy with his taxes.
Then, this month, Coach Edwin Danahy had approached Guilder about a new gig.
Guilder was a scholarship student, and needed money badly. When Danahy asked Guilder if he could respect confidentiality, Guilder said sure.
One of Guilder’s other jobs for a bit had been a very hush-hush project in the Agriculture Department where he’d looked aftera prize pig that was up for some absurd ribbon, and Guilder had tended the creativity and said not a word, though he’d felt ridiculous.
Infiniti now handed the curve rod back to Guilder.
“I want you to whack the coach on his dick, twice, and tell him to settle down in kind of a harsh voice.”
Guilder breathed. The coach was a big guy. A big, manly guy. Guilder had seen him screaming at his players and once he’d even gotten in a shoving match with a referee.
And another time, Coach had given the coach of the opposing team a bloody lip after the guy called one of his players the “N” word.
But the coach read Guilder’s mind. “Don’t worry, Guilder. You’re in charge of me if you can handle it, kid.”
Infiniti slapped her husband’s face lightly. “Of course he can handle it, you’d better be able to. Master Guilder is in control.”
This was a big gig. It paid twenty-five bucks an hour for eight hours every Saturday. And what with the coach’s wife, there were fringe benefits, right?
And it wouldn’t interfere with Guilder’s other jobs, his studies or his metr social life.
He couldn’t lose this one.
Guilder took the curtain rod, gingerly. It was old fashioned, not plastic like his parent’s curtain rods. Nice and wood.
Deceptively solid, thin as it was.
Mrs. Danahy was really a hot old broad. You’d think Coach would be just happy fucking her.
Or fucking all the chicks, students, other player’s mothers, coming on to him.
But Coach Danahy had been kneeing in the corner when Mrs. D had let Guilder in early this afternoon, and then he’d been staring at his wife like she was Pamela Anderson all afternoon.
Guilder took a deep breath and took Eddie’s dick. He Remembered how the coach had told Guilder that he’d be a good candidate for this because he didn’t hang out with the jock, and word couldn’t get around.
“That’s right” Infiniti said, nodding as Guilder leaned forward, lifting the curtain rod.
“Now hit his penis real hard with the rod.”
Guilder tapped Eddie’s penis tenatively.
“No, that’s not hard. He’ll never learn if you just graze him. The other dominant wives in my support group can make their husbands go limp with a command. It’s made me the laughingstock. Hit him harder.”
Guilder whacked Eddie fairly hard on the glans, and Eddie moaned.
Guilder nearly let go of the coach’s cock, but held on desperately.
“Was that too hard, Coach?”
“Don’t call him coach, Guilder. Call him Nasty Edwin. Say ‘Now settlement down, Nasty Edwin’ Okay?”
Guilder looked really, really freaked out by this bizarre request by a matronly looking woman. But he frowned. (Guilder had minored in drama) “Settle down, Nasty Edwin…or there’ll be more of the same!”
Eddie bowed his head. “Yes sir, Master Guilder.”
“Now whack it again a couple times for good measure. Try at the absolute tip and you can make him cry sometimes. He hates to cry infront of other men, for some reason.”
Coach’s wife was a real bitch.
“C’mon Guilder, he has to learn the value of discipline.”
“Yes, I’ve been making an effort at this for nearly thirty-five years. He’s made almost no progress. Nasty Edwin’s just incorrigible.”
Guilder whacked Eddie’s cock twice, hard. He looked at the coach and what do you know, a tear was rolling down the bronzed chef.
Instinctively, Guild laughed coordinately. “What, you a crybaby? What would the team think if they knew the Coachie needed a doll baby and a pacifier.”
The coach cried some more and bit his lip. “I’m sorry, Master Guild.”
Infiniti looked at Eddie seriously. “Now go on your knees, Nasty Edwin, and kiss Your Master’s feet, you ungrateful shit-bag.”
Boy was the coach’s dick hard! Was he a homo?
Incredibly, Eddie obeyed this. Guilder again felt a little silly. But imagine how Danahy felt!
“Now, Guilder, get me that little metal gadget, yup, over on the coffee table. This is Eddie’s chatity tube.”
Guilder watched dumbly as Mrs. Danahy locked the tube on the coach’s junk.
“See? I can barely get it on him, because he won’t go down. We have to work on this. I have some cigars–alumni gave them to us. Next time you can smoke one and put it out on his dick to calm it down.”
After she’d locked the tube, Infiniti looked at Guilder, raising one eyebrow.
“Edwin, go knee in the corner and wait for my call.” Infiniti said critically.
She took Guilder’s hand.
“We can now go upstairs and discuss the more fun aspects of your job, if you are up to it, handsome.”
“I-I’m a virgin.”
Infiniti smiled and gave Guilder a long kiss. She whispered, “We’ll take care of that. And then I’ll whistle up the coach and he can clean us up. The boy’s got a mean tongue.”
Guilder saw the coach’s metal tube waving in the crotch. The guy was really hard for some reason.
But as they went upstairs, Infiniti’s hand still in his, Guilder heard the Coach sobbing bitterly.
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