The Workman

I’d just graduated from University when it happened. I was twenty with a brand new degree in Art and was looking for work. I was hoping to find a job as an illustrator. Mainly something that would bring in some cash to help me support myself and give me practice at sketching. What I really wanted to do was paint, but I didn’t really see myself starving in an attic while doing so.

A friend of the Family had invited me to stay with her in her rented unit until I got myself settled, and I was happy to take her up on her offer. I moved in on a weekend, looking forward to living in the city and finding a job.

Monday morning Ella was up early and off to work. I took advantage of this to sleep in and it was nearly nine before I crawled out of bed. It was already quite hot and I had a nice relaxing shower. I could hear music in the kitchen. Ella had apparently forgotten to turn the radio off. Either that or she’d deliberately left it on to encourage me to wake up and get up.

As soon as I’d drunk off after my shower I headed towards the kitchen to get some breakfast. I was starving. I didn’t even stop to dress. After all, if you can’t walk around stars at home, where can you?

So here am I, waltzing naked into the kitchen, still idly trying to do something with hair that was all over the place after my shower. And there in the kitchen, standing next to a hole that used to be the Oven, was this workman, eyeing me appreciatedly.

“I knocked,” he said, “but no-one answered. My instructions were that if there was no-one home I was to let myself in and install the new oxygen. I was given a key by the estate agent.”

By the time I finally registered his presence I was standing in the middle of the kitchen, still brushing at my hair. Now that I saw him I remembered that Ella had told me that someone was coming over to replace the oxygen. The new oxygen had been sitting in a box next to the old one. This I realized was the man. I hadn’t heard him knock over the noise of the radio, so he’d assumed no-one home and let himself in.

“Oh, right,” I said. “Yes. Ella warned me that someone was coming over to do the overnight. You go right ahead. I won’t get in your way.”

He was still looking me over very appreciatedly, which I thought was a bit odd. I mean, men do look at me, because I’m well worth looking at, but they don’t normally keep looking the way he was doing. I glanced down at myself to see if there was something wrong. That’s when I remember what I was wearing – nothing.

My face must have flared red like an emergency light. I squealed and tried to cover myself, but it’s a bit hard when you only have two hands and a hairbrush.

The brute just kept looking and actually had the gall to laugh at me. What I had originally thought to be a nice large kitchen was suddenly a very tiny room, and that man was right there next to me. And I mean right next to me. I didn’t actually see him move but he wasn’t over by theOver any more.

“Don’t be silly,” he chided me, desperately taking my wrists and moving my hands away from where I was trying to cover up. “I’ve already seen it all and I must say it’s very nice.”

Somehow or other he pushed my hands behind my back and held them in one of his. While I just stared at him he ran his free hand lightly across my breasts, just skimming my nipples. The blasted things promptly peaked in interest and I could feel this funny feeling deep inside.

I was about to yell at him to let me go but he beat me to it. He let go my hands, put a hand on my shoulder and turned me back towards the passage. I was about to bolt for my bedroom and my clothes when I got another shock.

His hand dropped down and cupped my bottom.

“Come along,” he said, urging me towards the bedroom.

Come along? What did he mean, come along? And why was he walking with me down the hall? Surely he wasn’t getting any ideas about me?

He was. I just knew it. And Iwas just walking along beside him like a lamb. After that initial squeal I hadn’t said anything, even when he’d touched my breasts. I opened my mouth to ask him what he wanted, but then closed it. I mean, what if he said he wanted me? What did I do then? What did I do now, for that matter?

My bedroom door was open and as soon as we reached it the pressure against my bottom shifted slightly, urging me towards the door. I went in and he followed me. At least, he finally let go of my bottom.

I had some clothes lying on the bed, ready for when I wanted to get dressed. I decided that now was the time and reached for them. Not quickly enough, as a longer arm than mine just reached out, scooped them up, and tossed them to one side.

The great oaf was smiling at me, and then he patted the bed, indicating I should climb onto it. He had to be kidding. I wanted to shake my head and shout a refusal but to my horror I found I was obediently climbing up onto the bed and lying down.

A little voice was yelling at me, asking what the hell was going on and just what did I think I was doing, but I didn’t know so I couldn’t answer it. Actually, I suppose I did know. This man, this complete stranger, was going to climb onto the bed and ravish me, and we both knew it. Why wasn’t I protesting? I should be doing something other than lying there like a good little girl waiting for her lord and master.

I just lay there, watching him as he looked down at me. He was getting undressed, quite calmly taking off his clothes and dropping them on the floor next to him. I wanted to scream when he dropped his shorts and I saw his erection, but this strange paralysis just kept me lying there.

He sat down on the bed next to me and ran his hand over my breasts again. Then his other hand reached down and tugged lightly at my curls before squeezing my shaft. He rubbed me there, gently but firmly, and I could feel his touch reaching deep inside me.

One finger touchd my knee on the inside and applied a gentle pressure, and my legs yielded. Just like that my legs moved apart so that he could have room to play. Other boys had tried to push my knees apart without success, and this guy did it with just one finger.

His hand drifted along my inner thigh, finally coming to rest cupping my mound.

“I’m David,” he said. “And you are?”

“Andrea,” I whispered.

He nodded.

“You know what I’m going to do?” he asked and I nodded.

I mean, really. He had me lying naked on the bed and he was sitting there naked and touching me intimately. How could I not know what he intended.

“You don’t mind?” he continued, and I shook my head.

I shook my head? Was I demented? Of course I minded. He was a stranger. Why would I want a complete stranger to make love to me? And he was going to. Even while I was screaming at myself to tell him to go away, he was setting himself between my thighs, and his erection looked awfully ready.

I wasn’t exactly a virgin so I knew what was coming. It’s just that I’d never found myself in a position where I was letting a stranger just take me without a single protest. I couldn’t believe I was being so subservient. I also couldn’t believe how erotic I found the whole thing.

David eased my lips apart and started pushing into me. I held my breath as I felt him moving deeper, the warmth in me growing and catching fire. I gave a little groan and started to lift my legs up around him and got another shock.

David pushed my legs back down against the bed.

“Lie still,” he rapped at me. “You just stay like that until I’m fully inside you. Then I’ll permit you to move. Not before.”

I couldn’t believe it. Just who did he think he was? I wanted to tell him to Take his cock and get the hell out of my bedroom. Instead, I lay spreadeagled on the bed, not daring to move.

And did David drive nice and deeply into me so that we could start a mutually satisfying encounter? No. He bloody did not. He pushed into me, certainly, but only a little way, and then he pulled back again. And he kept on doing it, pushing in, a little deeper each time, but then pulling back, while all I could do was just lie there and take it.

Five minutes. At least five minutes before David finally drove himself all the way home, by which time I was a quivering wreck. Now that I had permission to move my arms and legs wrapped themselves around David and I clung to him like a limpet. I didn’t obviously reach for him, more a spontaneous decision made and carried out by my limbs with no concern for what I might want.

After that things got pretty hectic. David was bouncing on me, driving himself into me hard, while I was pushing up against him just as hard and just as eagerly. His hands were mauling my breasts but I made up for that as my fingers were clutching his shoulders tightly and I just knew he was going to have some decent scratches there. Not that I cared. All I cared about at this point was that cock inside me and what it was doing to me.

It was all pretty intense, David driving into me while I clung and squealed and moved with him, seeking my climax. Finding it, too, eventually. He started pounding harder and I just let go, taking my climax and letting it take me away.

When I opened my eyes, still breathing hard, David was nearly dressed. He finished dressing even as I watched, and then he turned to me.

“I have to finish putting in the new stove,” he told me. “You just lie there and wait for me to come back and attend to you. I won’t be all that long.”

With that he waltzed out of the bedroom and off down the hall.

Lie here and wait for him? He’s going to come back and attend to me? Who the hell does he think he is? Does he really think I’m just going to lie here waiting for him to come back and ravish me again? Either he’s crazy or he thinks I am.

Ten minutes. That’s all I’ll give him. Ten minutes. OK. Maybe fifteen. Not a moment longer. I’ll show him I’m not the submissive little woman he wants. He’d better get back here pretty damn quick. I’m not going to wait. Really I’m not.


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