My sister had invited a friend of hers, Iris, to stay with us for a short while. Apparently there’d been a small fire at her place and she needed somewhere to live while repairs were done. My sister had put her in our spare room and she was happily residing there while the carpenters and painters patched together her place.
I’d never met Iris before and naturally looked her over with evil intentions. She was twenty, According to my sister. She was also tall and slender, a blue-eyed blonde with a Swedish heritage. I was surprised that she didn’t have a tribe of boyfriends camped around the house waiting for her to emerge.
All my lust sensors were firmly pointing towards her and I naturally started to chat her up. As I did so each and every lust sensor shut down and went into hiding, swearing to never emerge again. Never mind that Iris was a lovely and intelligent young lady. Forget the fact that she was sex on legs. Look at the fact that she was an incurably naïve innocent. I don’t think she’d know what a cock was even if you whipped it out and gave it to her. If she did know, she would dream of thinking it had anything to do with her. I was left stunned that anyone could reach that age and retain their innocent.
From that point on I treated Iris as another sister. A female that is there but generally ignored. She did go out a couple of times on dates but I’d be surprised if the men concerned got past the holding hands stage. Their problem, not mine.
On the first Sunday after Iris moved in I’d been down getting some stuff at Auto Parts, wanting to do some work on my car. When I got home I expected the place to be deserted. My mother was umpiring some basketball games and my father always went along to give her moral support. Umpires need a lot of moral support. My sister had gone out with her boyfriend and I’d forgetten all about Iris.
I was strolling down the hallway to my room when I passed the spa bedroom and happened to glance inside. Iris was sitting on the bed, smiling, as she took a selfie, and the sight was enough to nail my feet to the floor.
Tall and slender with a surprisingly well developed bust. Blonde haired and blue eyed and smiling. That alone would have been enough to make me stop and look. The fact that she was wearing a matched set of tiny white lace panties and bra was just cream on top of everything. Cream naturally lends itself to strawberries and cream. I could see a lot of creamy cleavage with that bra and I was prepared to swear I could see some associated strawberry tips.
I managed to price my feet up from where they’d been stuck and continued on my way. It was just that my intended destination had changed. I walked into the spare room, flicking the door closed behind me.
“Taking a few selfies,” I murmured.
“Hi, Andy,” she said, completely unselfconscious. “I’m trying to get a nice shot that I can put on my Facebook page.”
“Well, any photo you take right now should do the trick,” I said, trying hard not to stare. “However, instead of you sticking your hand way out like that, why not give me the camera and I’ll take a few shots for you.”
She didn’t even think of arguing, just passing me her phone with a smile. We spent the next fifteen minutes taking some photos while she prepared and posed and showed a lot of cleavage.
She finally decided she should have enough to choose from and put out her hand for the camera.
“Don’t you want a topless one to go with the others?” I asked.
“Oh, I couldn’t post a topless picture on Facebook,” she protested, blushing.
“Not to post on Facebook. Just a couple for yourself. What harm could it do?”
“Ah, you wouldn’t try and post them anyway, even though I don’t want them up?” she asked.
“Iris, it’s your phone. I won’t be posting any photos at all. If you want something posted you’ll have to do it. So are you going to risk a topless?”
“Oh, yes, my phone. I forgot,” she said. “Um, topless? I don’t have any topless photos of myself.”
“Then this is your big chance. Yes?”
She blushed a little and nodded, giggling. Reaching behind her she did something and her bra just fell away. Showing great self-control I refrained from giving a loud cry and jumping on her. How could breasts like that stand out so proudly without sagging?
I took a couple of shots, expecting the phone to burst into flame. That girl was hot. Then I handed her the phone to check them out.
She took her time going through the photos, nodding occasionally with satisfaction. I could see when she reached the two topless photos because she blushed and giggled.
“Thank you, Andy,” she said sweetly. “These are far better than what I could have done. But I don’t think I should have let you take the topless ones. That was naughty of me.”
It was probably also naughty of her to still be sitting there topless, her lovely breasts well and truly on display.
“Do you think I was being naughty with the photos?” she asked, suddenly seeming a little anxious.
“Definitely a little naughty,” I agreed.
“Oh.” She chewed on a thumb for a moment. “My father would spank me if I was naughty. Do you think he’d want to spank me if he saw these?”
“Probably. I wouldn’t show them to him if I were you.”
She suddenly sat upright, straightening her back, her breasts leaping into even greater prominence.
“You said I was being naughty. Does that means you intend to spank me?”
Say what? Spank her for being naughty? Was she kidding me?
“Do you think that posing topless before a man is being naughty?” I asked. Before I asked that I don’t think the fact that she was topless in front of a man had really registered. One arm promptly folded across her breasts and she blushed.
“I guess,” she said.
“And your father’s not here to spank you, is he?”
She shook her head, looking a little relieved.
“Thenif you’ve been a little naughty and need a spanking it looks like it’s up to me to spank you.”
I sat down on the bed and patted my knee.
“Come along. If you have to be spanked then we might as well get on with it.”
She swallowed, looked at me, her eyes dropped to where I was patting my knee, and then came scrambling across the bed. I helped her off the bed and over my knee.
“This is so unfair,” she grumbled, turning her head to look at me. “The topless ones were your idea and now I’m in trouble for going along with it.”
“You should watch who you’re with, in that case. You knew it was the wrong thing to do but you did it anyway so now you need to be punished.”
While I was talking I was easy her panties down, baring a beautiful bottom and eyeing an interesting cleft between her legs. It had to be my imagination but I was prepared to swear that her pudenda was flushed and swollen. Not my imagination, I decided, as I saw her lips actually part slightly, a hint of her inner lips showing.
While I was easy her panties down Iris was giving out with a frantic, “Wait. Wait. Why are you pulling my panties down?”
“To spank you of course. I wouldn’t want to damage the delicate lace of the panties. Be reasonable.”
“Oh. Why is your hand on my breasts?”
“To stop them bouncing against my legs and possibly getting bivised While I spank you.”
As you may gather from the reasons given I really didn’t care if she believed me or not. I don’t think she did, either, but it seemed that she needed an excuse, plausible or not.
I brought my hand smartly down on her bottom, not sure what would happen. For all I knew she might turn into as screaming virago, clawing and scratching. Not so. She gave a little wail and started apologising for her behaviour. Encouraged, I spanked her harder.
I hadn’t known a woman could enjoy physical chatisement so much. Iris wept and wailed, kicking her legs up and now, alternately protesting and apologising. What she did not do was put up any show of resistance or attempt to get off my lap. If anything she managed to lift her bottom higher, an offering of apology. Somehow she also managed to move into a position where her mound was on full display, showing everything she had and the state of arousal she was in.
She was in quite a state of arousal, too. While I said I thought her pudenda was flushed and swollen, it had continued to flower. Her inner lips had pushed themselves clear and were pouting, becoming for some personal attention. It presented me with a problem.
If, as I’d thought, Iris was an incurably naïve innocent, did that means she was still a virgin? The way she was reacting to a spanking I’d have to say no, meaning she was neither naïve nor innocent. The trouble was that to test the waters by inserting a finger might spoil the mood. I choose to go for broke.
I swung Iris to her feet and she stood there looking at me, hands hovering around her bottom, tears in her eyes. I stood and started undoing my trousers. Iris’s eyes went wide as she saw me taking them down.
“On the bed on your hands and knees,” I ordered, waiting to see what she’d do.
“Wh-what are you going to do?” she asked, and I was damn sure the tremor in her voice wasn’t caused by fear.
I just frowned and she hastily scrambled onto the bed, Taking up the position as ordered. I finished striping and climbed onto the bed, my erection on full display. Iris was looking at it, blushing desperately, not protesting or trying to edge away.
I moved up behind her and started to stroke my cock along her pussy, dragging the head down along her slit, giving a little poke each time I was passing across her inner lips. Iris’s breath was a little heavier and she was pressing herself towards me, wanting to maintain contact. Time to try her out I decided.
Two fingers eased her lips apart and my cock was resting in the space provided. Iris was making little sounds of expectation and I started pushing home. I started off slowly, moving easily, ready to withdraw if I’d got it wrong and found I had a virgin on my hand.
From her reactions, Iris’s virginity was a part of ancient history. As soon as I was satisfied with that and started drilling in faster she responded by pressing firmly back to meet me. I finished up driving home somewhat faster than intended, being met with an enthusiastic shriek.
Hands mauling her breasts I took her, my cock driving hard, bouncing her whole body each time I slammed home. Iris seemed highly receptive to this, her bottom bouncing and bobbing as she did her best to impale herself upon me.
She was also, unfortunately, rather noisy. It seemed to me that this would preclude me singing in at night to give her additional attention. I could always gag her first, I guess.
One thing I found a trifle perplexing. While Iris was shrieking out her pleasure as my cock thrust into her with great force, she also seemed to be apologising for her earlier misbehaviour. Did she consider being royally fucked as just a continuation of the spanking? If so, would I be able to bed her without spanking her? I wonder how she’d react if I told her fucking first and spanking afterwards.
I decided to ignore Iris’s little idiosyncrasies for now, concentrating on extracting the maximum pleasure I could get from her body. I had fallen into a nice vigorous rhythm and I just thrust away with all my might, my cock sliding down a deep tunnel, wet and warm as it scraped flesh against flesh. Both of us were breathing hard, Iris’s excited cries slowly dying away as she found herself needing her breath to keep up with me.
I dragged the process out as much as I was able. Unfortunately, with my new partner feeling so exhaust, I just wasn’t able to draw it out for long. I was just too desperate to fuck her and mark her as mine. I could tell I was reaching the end of my tether and I finally succumbed, thrusting harder and faster as my climax approached. Then I was spilling my seed and Iris was screaming again, shuddering beneath me, enjoying her own sweet punishment.
“Iris,” I said in the quiet aftermath, “I think I’m going to have to gag you to keep the noise level down. What do you think of being gagged?”
For answer, she waved a lazy hand at the dressing table, indicating the top drawer.
Looking in the drawer I couldn’t help but wonder how an incurably naïve innocent such as Iris could have come into possession of ball gags, full head blind masks, handcuffs, and a few other assorted items that I wasn’t sure of.
“Iris, owning these sorts of things is wicked behavior. I really will have to insist on punishing you for this.”
I turned to face her, gag in one hand and hand-cuffs in the other.
“I can’t have you running off before I’m ready to deal with you,” I said softly. “I think I’ll just leave you hear for a short while, nice and quiet.”
No-one else would be home for hours. I on the other hand, should be recharged and ready to go in a lot less time.
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