Through The Steel

Lin walked around, pacing one might say with anticipation. Her life was about to change and she knew it. The young woman was going back to her master after many years of separation. As the years had passed she had missed his love, his attention, his control and his fire but now that was going to change because she was going to surrender to him once and for all. When he kissed her she felt butterflies in her stomach and when he whispered “Cum” she came right then and she was, finally, willing to admit she belonged to him utterly.

She brushed her black hair back out of her brown eyes and went back to her pacing trying to not think about him while she waited. Her Honda was in the shop, again and this was why she was waiting. She glanced behind the counter and decided to have a little fun. There is an older mechanic behind the counter, who had been Checking her out on the sly but she had caught him looking. Lin walked over to the counter and leaned against it, smiling up at the man. He wasn’t bad looking, just a little on the scrapny side; she liked her men with a little more meat on them than he was sporting but good enough to tease.

“Excuse me, sir,” She started with a slight emphasis on Sir,” But how much longer is it going to be before my car is ready?”

“It should be done shortly, Miss but I can go check on it if you want?” He replied.

“Well, John, that would be lovely, I would be really grateful if you would do that for me,” She said, using his name after reading his name tag. She smiled at him and cupped her cheek with one as she leaned against the counter a little more. She was small breasted so she wasn’t showing any cleavage but she had noticed most guys like a girl looking up at them from any position.

He stared at her a moment before turning and walking into the garage. He glanced back at her just before going through the door and saw her watching him as he walked away. The young woman watched as John talked to the other mechanic, both of them throwing glances at her through the window of the door. She smiled and wiggled her hips a little as she stared back at them. Her master would be disappointed in her as she plotted flirting with this man but she wanted to tease someone before he punished her for being gone so long. She glanced at the men as they talked then turned and paced giving them both a view of her ass in her tight black pants. Looking at the random car ads and posters hanging on the wall, the young woman saw nothing to keep her attention from her naughty thoughts. She opened up the letter and read it again. Her master always wrote her letters, hand written letters to be more precise .

My darling Lin,

I have missed you. It has been a long time since I have seen you but I know you still think about me, you still long for my touch. You have always been in my heart since the day we started talking. We started out as friends but grew into so much more and explored so much together. While we have been separated, I have had time to think about the nature of our relationship. WE have kept in contact, we have teased and flirted even while we have not dated. I have shared my stories and you have shared your fansies.

I love you, my darling.

I have come to a decision. You will return to me. You are mine, now and forever. Come to me little one, you have called me sir, You have called me master and thus you will obey me and come be my slave. I have waited long enough and thought about you every day and now you will be mine. You have a month to come to me and after that we will either be together or never communicate again.

I love you, always have always will.


At first she was unsure of her choice, to give up the safety of her current life and go explore what it truly means to have a master or to stay in her comfort zone. She had weighed the pros and the cons and realized in many ways that she longed for the control of a master again, her master. It still weighed on her mind but first the car must be fixed and then she would continue her internal debate. The door opened behind her and the young woman glanced over her shoulder at the mechanic making sure to wiggle her ass a little.

“Miss, your car is will be done in about 15 minutes,” John informed her as he took his place behind the counter. “How do you want to pay for it?”

Lin smiled as she turned around and walked back to the counter.

“Oh, I will just charge it,” She replied, resting her card against her lower lip. His gaze followed the card as she teased her lower lip with it. She smiled as the man didn’t even try to take the card.

“Sir?” she questioned as she lowered her hand and touched his arm.

“Huh, ….Sorry, miss,” He started, taking the card from the woman.

She rested her chin on her hand as she waited, smiling the whole time. He ran the card but kept glancing back at the young woman, hesitantly smiling in return. She looked up through her eyesashes at him and lightly touched his arm. After the receipt was finished printing, he tore it off and handed it to her.

“Sir, can I borrow a pen?” Lin asked.

“Yeah,” John replied, handing her one of his own pens.

The young woman completed the receipt ritual and handed it back to the mechanic and then turned away from the counter and walked back across the room. She bent over to pick up her backpack, taking her sweet time and letting him get a good eyeful of her beautiful ass. The man gave a half hearted whistle and tried to cover it up with a cought. Lin smiled to herself as she turned back around, slinging her backpack over one shoulder. She watched the older man blush slightly as he made his way quickly into the garage. She giggled once the door was shut, enjoying her little bit of power. The Two men cast slightly afraid glances at the young woman but she just smiled and waved. They lowered the rack and drove her car out of the garage. The young lady went out the door to get her car. The man opened the car door for her and she brushed his arm as she climbed into it.

“Thank you very much, sir,” She said as she smiled a naughty impish smile.

“Welcome miss, you have a nice day,” He returned.

“Oh I will, I have a Special appointment.” She said.

“Well, drive safe.”

The young woman drive down the road and had quite a drive a head of her. Her master lived just over an hour away and she had even more time to think about her decision. She was excited, scared, and more than a little nervous. She thought of all the things her master had down and would do, thus the excitement. His hands on her wrists as he would pin her to the wall. His lips on her neck then on lips as he kissed her as only he had, password and butterflies. Lin squirmed in her seat as she thought of his hands exploring her body. His forceful nature as started to have his way with her, always she had to admit, made her wet. That covered her excitedment but not the fear she felt when it came to her decision. She was scared to change her life, to have him in her life once again. Her master loved her with a password and fire that sometimes frightened her because at times she didn’t feel worthy of it. But it was the blatant, huge, change that was causing her fear in her life; she had felt fear before when it had came to him. She loved him and craved him, and then she checked her fear and didn’t add the buts and the ors she was about to use to excuse herself from the situation. She wanted it .. now more than ever to submit.

Finally, she arrived at his home. Taking several deep breaths she worked up the nerve and got out of the car and approached the door. She paused then knocked gathering herself for what was to come. As the door open, she was greeted by his smiling face.

“Hello, darling,” he said to her as he opened the door wide, “I’m glad you have come.”

“Thank you sir,” She responded, even that little bit makingher a little excited. She loved calling him sir and master.

“Come in and make yourself at home,” He said to her, stepping back to let her pass.

The young woman moved in and smiled shyly at the man. His deep greed eyes, meeting her dark brown ones as she went passed and what she saw there made her shiver. She saw lust, password and love all contained by strict wall of control but all of it directed at her. She barely could look away, knowing that he was going to take her, to use her, to love her, to control her and she didn’t even mind; in fact she was craving it and longing for it. Lin set her stuff down on a chair and turned around to see him pulling out her bad girl collar. It was a deep red with black studs and it looked like a over the top dog collar and while she knew she had earned it for her past behavior she thought her new behavior would mitigate it. He snapped his fingers and pointed down. Part of her rebelled, she didn’t move even though she wanted to but she still didn’t.

How dare he? she thought, I am not a dog.

“Come here, now,” He commanded, snapping his fingers again.

And again she didn’t move.

“Come here now, my little bitch,” He ordered and snapped his fingers again.

The “bitch” made her wet and she moved forward. He always know what to say and how to say it get her to obey, some times he called her darling, my love, sunshine but other times it was: slut, whore or bitch.

She knelt down in from of him and held up her hair as he put the collar around her neck. The collar was just a touch too tight and was just slightly choking her but she said nothing, she liked being choked. She told and hung her head though when he pulled out the black dog leash to clip to the collar. He took the leash up and started walking through the house leading her into his bedroom. She started to stand up and follow but her grabbed her hair and pulled down on it pushing her back to her hands and knees.

“Crawl, little bitch,” He ordered as looked deep into her eyes.

She compiled. As she crawled behind him like a good little dog.

It hadn’t changed all the much since the last time she was here except for one major thing. There was a steel dog cage in one corner which included two dog dishes and she stopped her crawl when she saw it. Her hesitation was short lived though because he jerked the leash as he walked towards that corner and she reluctantly followed. He opened the cage door and looked at her, waiting. She stared up at him. This was know, they had talked about it but she was always changing her mind and he hadn’t pushed but apparently that had changed.

“Sir…,” she started to say but he cut her off.

“Strip,” He told her.

One look at his face told her not to argue, not today. She slowly stripped off her clothes and she tried to make it as teasing and as sexy as possible because she wanted him to be turned on so he would just take her and not put her into that cage. So she made a little show of striping out of her clothes, giving him a nice view of her ass, looking up at him through her eye lashes, biting her lower lip, and showing off her freshly shawned pussy. He smiled at her and she could see that he wanted her but he made no move to grab her and throw her onto the bed and take her. It was so not fair, she wanted him to ravish her and fuck her, it had been so long but she couldn’t push him to act. He was still in control once she was done so she stood in front of him shy and more than a little horny as he stared at her. It made her a little nervous and caused her to fidget as she waited for a command or an action from him. He stared at her naked body, looking her up and down, smiling the whole time that smug and superior smile he always managed to have. She could feel her pussy dripping a little as she waited for him; his stars, his attitude, and his self-control was turning her on and she loved when his gaze lingered on her pussy.

He reached out and brushed his fingers across her skin, causing her to shiver. He touched her breasts, stroked her nipples and slide down across her stomach. His fingers traced patterns across her skin slowly teasing his way down. She wanted to step away and give herself some breathing room but she stood still knowing that is what he wanted. As his fingers slipped lower and lower till they brushed her pussy, causing her to gasp and shudder as he worked his fingers along her wet pussy. His fingers slipped as she spread her legs slightly as she showed him how much she really wanted him. Lin looked up at him and moaned, holding his gaze, silently praying he was going to fuck her soon.

He stopped.

He snapped his fingers, again, and gestured at the open cage.

Lin looked at his finger, then at his face, then back to the cage. She got on all fours and moved into the cage.

“Good girl,” He said to her, as he closed the door and locked the cage, “Now my little bitch get your ass against the bars.”

The young woman pushed her ass against the cage. She felt his hand rubbing her ass and then his fingers in her pussy. She moaned, totally in his thrall. When he pulled his hand away, she signed quietly and looked over her shoulder. The man walked away from the cage and sat down on the bed. He stared at her as she moved around inside, getting used to her little prison. There was a little water in one of the bowls but nothing in the other. He stood up and walked back over to the cage. She moved forward to the door expecting him to let her out, that it was just a short little tease but no, he reached between the bars and unhooked her leanh. After that he grabbed her hair and pulled hard, making the girl star up at him.

“Be a good girl and you get out. Act out and I will leave you in there Until you learn. Also little one, this is your lesson, you are done running away from me now, no more fear, no more excuses, you belong to me and I will have you.” He told her.

He let go of her hair and walked out of the room leaving her alone in the cage. Lin sat there, thinking and aching for him. He had already turned her on and she was really bad about keeping herself in control, she started rubbing her pussy a little. She did really quiet so he wouldn’t hear for a few minutes, her pussy so slick with her juices. But the steel of the bars called to her though, she scooted her legs between the bars to feel the cold metal on her pussy. As she rubbed her pussy with her fingers she rocked her hips to slide the bar against her wet pussy. She moaned out loud and clamped her mouth shut but it was too late.

“Did I say you could touch yourself?” He said as he walked in, looking disappointed with her.

“No, master, I am sorry sir.”

“Then why did you?”

“Cause, I am so horny for you,” Lin said with a little whine.

“Is the puppy while about being worked up?”

The young woman shook her head, looking down.

“You aren’t allowed to touch yourself, you aren’t allowed to cum without my permission little one. Do you understand me?” He told her as he reached in and pulled her hair.

“Yes sir,” she replied with some attitude in her voice.

“Now, now, you shouldn’t have ran away the last time. You made a choice and you knew you were going to be punished for it and yet you came back,” He said,” I never punish you more than you earn little one.”

Lin surprised, knowing it was true but still not liking it. She stared up at him then lowered her eyes, that is why she had come back to him. She loved him, wanted him but she was also frightened by what she felt for him and what he felt for her. It was hard to meet his gaze when he looked at her like that, so full of love and Passion and tolerance. She moved back against the back wall of the cage and knelt down, keeping her eyes lowered. Her black hair fell over her face as she kept that pose.

“Good girl, now behave,” He said to her as he walkd out of the room.

And there she sat, listening to him move around his house and to his music come through the door. She shifted position after awhile and she started having her usual feelings of loneliness; the young woman never liked to be left alone for any length of time. He had chosen this punishment not only because they had talked about it but also because it is so effective of one. The girl sat in her cage waiting for his return, she wanted to whimper and whine but managed to not make a sound. In the breaks of the music she heard the sounds of him in the kitchen, preparing something to eat she could only assume. It was getting late in the day as she waited for her master, gone was the horniness and it was being replaced by a sense of submission and acceptance. Smells from the kitchen waffed into the room and her stomach grew at her in response to the stimuli but she sat patiently waiting for him to return. The time seemed to stretch out as she continued to wait until,Finally, he came back into the room.

“Hi darling, have you been good?” He asked as he walked up to the catch.

The young woman just nodded and moved over to that side of the cage.

“That is good,” He told her, struggling her hair through the cage bars.

She almost purrs at his soft touch, his cares as he runs his fingers through her hair and then down along her neck, brushing her ear with his thumb. Nuzzling his hand, she kissed his palm and looked up at him waiting for him to say more or do more.

“Are you ready to be let out? Not going to run away are you?”

“No sir, I am yours,” Lin replied.

He smiled down at her as he unlocked the door to the cage and opened it up. She crawled out the door and looked up at him.

“Stand up, darling and get dressed. Dinner is almost ready,” He said waiting.

She stood up, as she did he took her into his arms and held close and kissed her passwordately. The young woman wrapped her arms around him and meldedher body with his and returned his kiss with equal password. His hands sliding down her back to stroke and cares her skin as they kiss; his hands ended up cupping her ass. Lin moaned into his mouth as he touched her, it had been too long since she had been kissed by him. His password always came through in their kisses. He grew as he broke their kiss, holding her away from him. She pushed against his arms trying to get back into his embrace but it was futile.

“Get dressed little one, I will go make sure everything is ready,” He said to her then turned and left the room.

She got dressed quickly, pulling her clothes on quickly. The smells coming from the kitchen caused her stomach to rumble again and she followed them. He was setting out plates of grilled steak and veggies. He was a good cook, nothing overly fancy but Still good. He pulled out a chair for her as she came up and she sat down. He kissed her neck before sitting down himself.

“How have you been darling?”He asked her.

“I’ve been pretty good but I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

They shared a comfortable silence as they ate the dinner. She glanced at him, shyly, just because she was happy and excited to be with him again. They quickly finished their meal, he finished before she did and then he watched her. It made her very self-conscious . She nervously set down her fork and looked at him.

“Come with me, love,” He said as he stood up.

Lin got up and took his hand. He lead her back through the house to the bed room. He grabbed her once they entered the room and pushed her onto the bed. It was a surprise to her as he forced onto it and half-heartedly struggled against him. He held her down, using is weight and strength to keep her contained on the bed as he stripped her out of her clothes. It didn’t take much time to get the girl stripped out of her clothes and once she was naked, he kissed her bare skin. His hand toyed with her nipples, teasing at first then pinching them. She moaned from the pain as he tormented them and her. She rubbed her pussy against his leg as she squirmed on the bed.

“Does my little slut like that?” He asked, knowing the answer but wanting her to confess.


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