To Catch a Sub – 010
Two days later, Sasha found an envelope in the mail addressed to her from OmniBank USA. She opened it and found her new debit card for the account she had opened through the online bank. She tossed the envelope in the trash and immediately went to her laptop. It took a few minutes to get back to the website and log into her user account. She found the menu item for funds transfer and entered the information for her new debt card and deleted her credit card from the account. The system prompted her to transfer funds and in only a few keystrokes, the money was on its way. She was amazed.
She had already been online with SensualSadist that morning and was still enjoying the aftereffects of his instructions. He had instructed her to use some large rubber bands around her tits. He kept having her add rubber bands until they were cutting deeply into her breast flesh causing her breasts to harden, swell, and turn purple. The feeling had been incredible. Asshe thought about it, her hand strayed up to her breast. She could still feel the marks left by the rubber bands on her tits through the t-shirt material.
She was tempted to open her room and spend some more time, but he had expressly forbidden her to do that on her own. She decided to explore more on this website and soon discovered that there was a whole section for content providers with tips on how to set up a better video presentation area, how to add value to your video feed, how to attract more views, how to set up a viewer VIP room, what toys and equipment you needed, and how to maximize your profits. She started to read one of the articles and saw that there were also videos available giving the same sort of advice.
She clicked on a video titled “How to Set up a Professional Studio on a Budget.” She started the video and was soon raptly engaged with learning how to make her videos more attractive, what equipment she needed, and why it was important to make thesekinds of investments. She soon learned that she needed a separate webcam with higher resolution and better quality. She was surprised to find that she could even incorporate multiple cameras giving users the option to choose different views.
The video showed how to set up lighting for the best results, even how to use special microphones if she wanted to do audio with her videos. There was an entire segment in the video on the importance of staging your area, backgrounds, how to display toys and equipment, even some tips on choosing lingerie that would add to the value. She was so intent on the video that she jumped when she heard the school bus honk at the road. She quickly shut the laptop and took several deep breaths to calm her excited state just before the kids burst through the door.
Tony had settled back into an Almost normal routine. Other than the time he spent in his office in the mornings, he was back to being in charge. Dimitri was still running theday-to-day operations. In fact, Dimitri had suggested that Tony began having weekly staff meetings regularly so that he could be aware of what was happening in the company. They had decided Friday afternoon was a good time and the results had been better than Tony expected.
Tony was amazed at the first meeting what was going on with his company. Things had taken a huge leap forward since he had stepped back and Let Dimitri reorganize things. They had essentially doubled the amount of business in the last six months and now had more than 6 operating projects in full swing.
Tony’s main role was now being the face of the organization. Dimitri had gotten them involved with several community organizations. Tony learned that they had made sizable donations to several charitable groups in the community. In addition, not long after he resumed his role in the company’s day-to-day business, he found himself approached to sit on the board of directors of several of those organizations.
He also became involved in several trade organizations and the Chamber of Commerce. He now found his days becoming busier and busier with his public duties rather than the actual hands-on management. He had to learn to depend on Dimitri and the other executives that had come on board to handle those details. On the upside, he found that he enjoyed the public side. He was getting more and more confident. Still, he remained focused on his primary objective, to redirect Sasha’s attention to him rather than his online person. She seemed to be satisfied at this point with the online fulfillment of her needs that he was providing. He knew that at some point he would have to find a way to convert that online devotion from his SensualSadist personality to his real-life self. What he didn’t know was that he was closer to having to deal with that than he realized.
Sasha was unboxing a package that was delivered just a few minutes ago. She pulled the packaging material away. She was pretty sure what was inside, but her suspicions were soon confirmed. The day after she got her debit card and the money had been transferred from the video streaming site, SensualSadist had given her a list of websites and products he wanted her to order. She had done as he had ordered and now the products were here.
She slowly took out several small clear plastic Ziplock bags. Inside of them were a dozen hypodermic needs in each of various sizes and lengths. She looked at them intently. Altogether there were almost 150 needs. They had come from a vegetable supply house and were certified sterile. She laid them out on the table. Looking at them caused her to shudder a bit. She had, in the past, watched several videos of women bound and helpless, who were subject to having needs applied all over their bodies. She knew that SensualSadist had something in mind for her.
The thought of that was intimidating but also gave her that tingly feeling that she craved so much. She handled the plastic bags full of needs in an almost anticipatory fashion. She couldn’t wait to find out what he had in mind. AS she thought about it, she was also thinking about SensualSadist and Anthony. Things at home were as good as they had ever been. Tony was more relaxed and happier than he had seemed in years. His new role in the company seemed to fit him well. He seemed much more confident and assertive. He had a new air about him. She was particularly attracted to his new look. His facial hair was now almost completely grown out and trimmed. His hair was also much longer and perfectly groomed. It gave him a much more rugged and mature look that compiled the other changes.
Still, she kept returning to her sessions with SensualSadist. He had taken her back to the video streaming several times. She had more than $400 in her account just from the short sessions she had done. She had continued to read the tutorials and tips on the website. It had led herto start a list of items she wanted to purchase to make her video stream of higher quality. She hadn’t talked to SensualSadist about it, but she intended to do that soon.
She found herself more and more conflicted. She desperately loved Anthony and her life. On the other hand, she felt she needed the outlet and relieve that she got when she was with SensualSadist. She lamented that if she could just melt those Two people together her life would be complete. The more she thought about it, the more convinced she became that she wanted to experience the real BDSM thing at least once in her life. One side of her abhorred the idea of going outside her marriage to the only man she had ever loved or had sex with. Another part of her wanted desperately to experience all those things she had seen on video and played online in real life.
Tony sat in his office and looked at the laptop. He was not happy at that moment. He had spent most of the early hours contemplating wheree this project was going and how it was progressing. He had the feeling that he was nearing a paradigm shift and that he needed to push the situation to a conclusion sooner than later. He had been thinking about how to accomplish that and keep Sasha’s focus on him and not guiding her into slipping over the edge.
He got up and got another cup of coffee. The staff in the office were all busy and didn’t pay him a lot of attention as he walked through the office. They would have seen that his browser was furrowed, and he had an intense look on his face. He returned to his office and closed the door. He sat down and stared at the computer screen.
He didn’t have to wait long. The icon on the toolbar flashed and when he looked, he saw Sasha’s username pop onto the user list. Her message came across seconds later.
Newandwilling — Good Morning Sir.
SensualSadist — Good Morning Little one. How are you this morning?
Newandwilling — Excited Sir. I got a package in the mail yesterday afternoon.
SensualSadist — And what did you get?
Newandwilling — A whole box of needs Sir.
Tony paused for a few seconds to consider that. He pulled up his notes and reminded himself of what she had ordered at his request.
SensualSadist — That’s great. Then I suppose we shouldn’t put off introducing you to them.
Sasha gulped. She He knew that he would probably dive right into that, but she was still appreciated.
Newandwilling — Yes Sir.
SensualSadist — instead of doing this here privately, go to your room on the streaming service. Start up the remote access program and wait for me to give you further instructions.
Sitting in front of the laptop, Sasha shuddered. She had expected him to have her use the needs. She had never imagined he would want to do it on the streaming site where there could be an audience. She booted up the remote access software and saw that he connected. Another few mouse clicks and Sasha wasin her video room. She waited for him to message.
She was surprised when she saw his name appears in the list of people viewing the room. She saw a message from him come across the lower portion of her screen.
SensualSadist — I am here. Are you ready?
Newandwilling — Yes Sir.
SensualSadist — You need to do something first. GO to your account set up and your room setup and click the button that says, “Exclusive Content — VIP only.”
Newandwilling — Yes Sir.
She accomplished that task quickly and he immediately messaged again.
SensualSadist — Now find the button that says Advertise Special Show. In the description copy and paste this. Watch Newandwilling as she tortures herself with needs at the command of her sadistic master.
Sasha found the button and when she clicked it, she got the box to enter what he had directed.
SensualSadist — Now go to your room and click on settings there. Find the button that says Mute All and click it. Then click on my screen name and choose the gear icon and click on the option — Make Room Administrator.
Sasha completed the tasks as she was directed.
SensualSadist — Click back to the main menu screen.
Sasha clicked the main logo and saw the splash screen for the website appear. Her eyes got big as she saw a screenshot of her from one of her previous exhibitions at the top banner of the website. She was sitting on the couch with her legs played wide and her feet on the coffee table on either side of the laptop. Her head was back, and her eyes closed. The big black dildo was buried in her pussy.
The banner ad proclaimed:
LIVE NOW! Watch Newandwilling as she performs her special style of BDSM in her VIP only show.
Sasha groaned in embarrassment and humiliation. At the same time, she felt her pussy twitch and spasm as he thought about what was to come. She saw a message from SensualSadist flash onto the screen.
SensualSadist – Click back to the room and open it for views.
Tiny watched as Sasha clicked back to the room and he saw the icon change from standby to welcome. Almost immediately, names started to appear in the user list. He saw that his name stayed at the top of the list, and he appeared highlighted as having admin privileges in the room. He types a message in the room to Sasha.
SensualSadist. — Put the laptop on the table and arrange yourself on the couch. Until we begin you may spread your legs and play with your pussy and clip.
Tony then used the admin menu to broadcast a message to everyone already in the room which he estimated at already close to 20 people.
SensualSadist — Welcome! Thank you for Joining us. I am SensualSadist, the owner of this fine sexy slut. I will be having her perform for you in about 5 minutes. Please be patient as we wait for others to enter the room. Your comments in the room are muted. If you wish to ask something, please private message me.
Sasha read what he had messaged to the others. She shivered as she saw that he called himself her owner. It was the first time anyone had addressed her that way and she felt a thrill go through her. The immediate thought of being owned by this person caused her nipples to suddenly ache in anticipation.
SensualSadist — Willing — you should have a bottle of clear sterilizing solution. Take a cotton swab and Wipe your right nipple and breast. Wipe it well. Then wipe your hands as well.
Newandwilling — Yes Sir.
SensualSadist — Open a needle with a green top. On your right breast, just above the areola, take a stitch with the need though your skin about a 1/4 inch long.
Sasha read the instructions and winced. She sat facing the camera with the screen angled up where the camera focused on her from, her navel to her shoulders, her breasts filling the screen. She took the needle and placed it laying along the top of her breast and pushed the point in and then slideit sideways. She gasped a little but to her surprise it wasn’t as bad as she had expected. When the point pierced the other side of the small layer of skin, she felt the price and a slight burning. She held her breast underneath and leaned forward to fill the screen with her breast and nipple showing the needle.
SensualSadist — Good girl. Now do the same three more times. One on the underside and on each side of your nipple.
Tony watched. He knew this was the easy part, but it got her familiar with the needs and let her have some time to adjust to doing this to herself. When they started the next go around it would get harder. He was also surprised that there were no more comments. He had received two or three, mostly in the line of nice tits, great pussy, and I would like to fuck your girl.
Sasha inserted the other three needs in fairly short order. She looked at her breast and felt a shiver of excitement go through her. When she looked at the screen and saw that there were now so many people watching that she had to scroll several times to see them all, it was amazing. She smiled to herself and spread her knees a little further apart.
Tony saw her move and he was able to catch the shine of the moisture now coating her pussy. He was sure she was turned on. What he didn’t know is if it was from the needs, the thought of being ordered to do it to herself, or the fact that there was such a crowd watching.
SensualSadist– Now find the longer needs with the yellow caps.
She found the bag of yellow topped needs and held them up to the camera. They were about half an inch longer than the others and slightly thicker.
SensualSadist — Do the same thing but place the needs about an inch in from the other needs.
Sasha opened the package of needs, took it out and Did the same sort of thing again to her breast. This one hurt a bit more because of the larger gauge needle, but it was not unbearable, only causing herto again wince. She repeated the action three more times and then showed her pierced nipple to the camera.
Tony was watching her carefully. He was beginning to get more private messages. Most were suggesting different places he should have her place needs; a few were incredulous she could do this to herself, one wanted to know if SensualSadist ever took her on the road to do demonstrations. That one got Tony’s attention.
He focused back on Sasha. He looked at her and sensed that she was finding this rather easy. Time to step up the intensity a bit.
SensualSadist — Find the bag of blue top needs.
SensualSadist — Take out four of the needs. Open one of them and then push it straight into your areola about 1/4 inch inside the edge opposite the needle on the outside. Push it all the way in until the plastic cap is tight to your breast.
Sasha read the screen. The green needs were smaller than the yellow needs, so she didn’t think too much of it. She opened the needle and held it in her hand and put the point on her areola where he had indicated and then started pressing inward. Instantly she realized the difference. The pain increased dramatically and as she pushed deeper; the pain continued.
By the time she had all four pins pushed into her areola, she was gasping. She leaned forward to show the breast to the camera and as she moved, she sobbed quietly. Although the pain, she desperately wanted to touch her clip or pussy. The fire inside was now a raging inferno.
SensualSadist — Good Girl. Take another of those blue needs and open it. Put the point directly in the center of your nipple and push it straight in as well until the plastic top presses against the tip of your you nipple.
Sasha wanted to shout no or stop but she knew no one could hear her with the sound muted. Then she realized that SensualSadist could hear, and she began to sob as she pleasedwith him.
Newandwilling — (ALOUD) No.. please Sir… no… don’t make me do this. Let me stop… please… please.
SensualSadist — Do you want to safe word? You know what it is, all you have to do is say it out loud where I can hear it.
She read his reply and sobbed again. Her breast felt like it was burning from the inside out. She held it carefully to keep it from bouncing as she breathed and sobbed.
Newandwilling — (ALOUD) Ugh…oh…… No sir.
SensualSadist — Then push that needle deep into your nipple and title.
Tony watched as she struggled with herself. With trembling hands, she held her breast and placed the needle and then pushed it home slowly. About halfway in, she screamed but continued pushing until the cap was tight against her nipple.
SensualSadist — Good Girl. Now find the bag with the Red tops. Take four of them and push them straight down into your nipple around your nipple on the same lines as the other needs.
Sasha groaned. Her hands trembled as she picked up the plastic bag and retrieved the four red needs. Thankfully she noted that these were much shorter than the others and much finer. She opened the first one and put it next to her erect nipple and then pushed it in. She shrieked as the needle pierced into her nipple and breast. Tears rolled down her cheeks and splashed on her tits. She bounced her feet up and down trying to mitigate the pain. Through it all, her pussy was twinging and pulsating. Her clip was aching and she was moving her ass sensitively on the couch.
Three more times she did the same routine with the same results and the same effects. When she pushed the last pin in place she was moaning and sobbing at the same time. She looked at the screen.
SensualSadist — Good Girl. You are doing well. I am proud of you. Just one more. Find the long needle with the pink top. Open it up. Hold it to the side of your breast, halfway between your chest and your nipple and pushit from the left to the right side through the middle of your breast.
Sasha looked wild eyed at the screen. She couldn’t believe that he was ordering her to pierce the entire width of her breast by herself. She shook her head in disbelief.
SensualSadist — Do it now, little slut. Show me how badly you want to be an owned slave. Prove you want to serve a real master. We are all watching to see If you have what it takes to be a pain whore.
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