To Catch a Sub – 007

To Catch a Sub – 007

Tony called his staff, including his father-in-law together for a staff meeting the next morning. He explained a little more about having a project that could seriously give the company a huge boost and he appreciated everyone working so hard with Dimitri while he was working on the project. He then explained part of the project was to make some changes in his life. One of the things was to start answering Tony instead of Anthony. He saw the questioning look on Dimitri’s face and explained further that he was working with a life coach to make himself into more of an executive figure than a laborer on one of his work sites. As the company grew, he explained that his role would be much more of an administrator and executive than a hands-on worker. Dimitri seemed to understand that and accept it with a knowing smile.

He sent everyone on their way and went to his office. Opening the laptop he immediately found that the icon for the chatroom was blinking.When he opened that window and found FatherDom, the other four people who were always there, and, unsurprisingly, Newandwilling.

The conversation was already underway when logged in.

FatherDom — Well slut. Your entrances and descriptions are getting better. I think you are starting to enjoy doing them.

Newandwilling — Yes Sir

FatherDom — Did those things you ordered come in yet?

Newandwilling — Yes Sir.

FatherDom — Well. Turn on that camera and get them out. Let the boys here see them.

Tony was now watching intently. The mention of a camera caught his attention and he wanted to see what it was all about. Then the screen flashed on the upper left-hand portion, a window opened, and Sasha’s face appeared. He gasped slightly but replaced control. Tony saw Sasha disappear from in front of the camera. He saw his kitchen in the background and then she reappeared. She fumbled with something in her lap and then held up a large black dildo.

Newandwilling — Here is the dildo Sir.

FatherDom — good. Have you tried it out yet?”

Newandwilling — No Sir. You told me not to do anything with it until I was told to.

FatherDom — Excellent. What’s next?

Newandwilling — This is the small butt plug. And this is the large butt plug.

FatherDom — What do you think of those?

Newandwilling – Ugh, I like the little one especially the blue crystal. I am not too sure about the big one and how well it will fit.

FatherDom — Oh, I’m sure it will fit, one way or the other. What else did you get?

Newandwilling — I got these cloverleaf clamps and these other clamps that you told me to get. I am not sure what they are or how they work.

FatherDom — Then that is a good place to start. We will give you some instructions on how these things work. Get your tits out.

Tony watched as Sasha never hesitated. She pulled the t-shirt over her head to reveal her bare tits. Apparently, she had anticipated what he would want and was not wearing a bra. Tony watched as she adjusted the camera so that everything above her wait was in clear view.

FatherDom — You are learning quickly, slut cunt. Now get those pencil clamps out of the box.

Newandwilling — Yes Sir.

She opened the box and took out the clamps, holding them up to the camera.

FatherDom — Nice. Press the button on top of one of them to open the jaws. Then put the needle jaws around your nipple and let the plunger go.

Tony watched Sasha as she opened the clamp and used her other hand to steady her nipple. The small clamp went over her nipple, and she released the plunger. Her eyes opened wide, and she shrieked.

FatherDom — Now do the other nipple.

Sasha hesitated and FatherDom messaged again.

FatherDom – NOW!!!

Sasha was sniffling and almost sobbing as she opened the other clamp with trembling hands. As she lifted her other nipple, Tony was sure he saw tears in the corners of her eyes. She didn’t release the plunger quickly this time, but let it slowly come out. This time she wailed as the wire jaws slowly closed onto her nipple. Her chest was heaving making the two pencil-like clamps bob up and down on her nipples.

Newandwilling — Done, Sir

FatherDom — Good girl. Move closer to the camera so I can see those clamps on your tits.

Sasha gingerly moved closer to the camera on the laptop. She watched the small inset view of her camera and moved slightly to the side so that there was a good view of the clamp securely pinching her nipple. Her breast and nipple filled the entire screen.

Tony watched as well. He could see that the thin needle-like jaws of the clamp were actually piercing into her nipples. She watched as a small drip of blood oozed from around one of the needle jaws and slowly slide down her nipple to drop off.

He first thought he was going to be abhorred at what she was doing. He was, of course, concerned that she was doing this behind his back. What concern him more was his reaction. His cock was already full erect. He could feel it throbbing as he watched her perform these acts on herself at their command. He couldn’t take his eyes away.

FatherDom — Nice. They are beautiful. Now. Sit back and get that big butt plug.

Newandwilling — Yes Sir

There was a noticeable tremor in Sasha’s voice. Tony took it as her dealing with the pain in her nipples. He watched as she stepped back to the stool and sat down carefully. She lifted the long cock shaped butt plug and showed it to the camera.

FatherDom – You expressed some concern that this wouldn’t fit in that fine tight ass of yours. Let’s see. Do you have any lubricant handy?

Newandwilling — No Sir

FatherDom — You stupid fucking cunt. If you are ordered to have dildo’s ready, don’t you think they are going to be used? Then I suppose you can just dry fuck that dildo into your ass this time.

Tony sawthe alarm and fear on Sasha’s face. She looked down at the keyboard and began to type furiously.

Newandwilling — Sir. Please Sir. I have some lard here in the kitchen. I can use that.

FatherDom — Good. Pig fat for a pig slut. That is appropriate. Get it and show it to us.

Sasha immediately left the frame and Tony could see her fumbling in the pantry cabinet. She came back into view and hold up a large can of cooking lard.

FatherDom — Open that shit up and smear it all over that dildo. Hold it up so we can watch.

Sasha opened the lard can and stuck her hand into it, retrieving a large glob of the rendered fat on her hand. Setting the can aside and she held the dildo so everyone could see her smear the lard over the long black object. She held the greasy dildo up for everyone to see.

FatherDom — Good. Now standup and turnaround. Lean over that stool. Reach back and I want you to stick the butt plug in your whore ass.

Newandwilling — Yes Sir.

Tony watched as Sasha stood and turned slowly. She leaned over and rested on the stool being careful to avoid the clamps gripping her nipples. One of her hands held the stool to steady herself. The other hand, holding the butt plug snaked around her ass with the head of the butt plug dripping lar pointed away from the camera. He looked at her freshly shavled cunt and marveled at how it looked in the camera. He had never Really seen it at this angle and without her bush. He could also see the rivulets of moisture dripping from her labia. It was a sure sign she was highly aroused.

FatherDom — Come on your fucking little whose. Stick that thing in your ass.

Sasha couldn’t see the screen. She hesitated a moment more and then put the head of the plug to her ass. She gritted her teeth and pushed. Surprisingly, the lard made it much easier than she thought. The plug was also a bit smaller than Athony’s cock which had recently been in the same place. She winced and pushedagain and pushed until she felt her asshole contract around the base of the plug. She rose, turning to look at the screen over her shoulder.

FatherDom — What a fucking slut. She stuck that in her ass like it was nothing. She must get a regular ass fucking from someone to be that easy. Stand up, you cunt. Let’s see what everyone else thinks of that performance.

SteelDom — I want to stick my dick in that hole. It looked like it could take more than is in there now.

PainMaster — She needs a bigger dick in that asshole. You should have used that new dildo instead of that punch little piece of shit.

DomGuy — I bet she would be a good double fuck.

YourNightmare — I agree. Have her stick that big rubber cock in that tight little shit hole.

FatherDom — SensualSadist — are you around watching this.

Tony was caught off guard when he saw his screen name suddenly scroll into view. He quickly got on the keyboard to respond.

SensualSadist — Oh Yes. I have been here the whole time. That is one hot little sub you got here. Maybe you should have her fuck that dildo in and out of her ass until she cums.

FatherDom — Good idea. Slut, you hear the man. Grab that plug and fuck that rubber cock in and out of your ass and don’t stop until you cum.

Sasha saw the message and turned back around to put her ass to the camera. She reached behind her and grabbed the plug and began to work it in and out of her asshole. With her ass to the camera, she couldn’t see the screen or the comments. She lost focus for a few seconds. Her brain suddenly snapped the memory of Anthony fucking her ass a few nights aga, filled her brain. She closed her eyes and as she worked the plug in her ass, she found herself lost in the remembrand of how it felt when Anthony had almost Forced her. As she got deeper into the memory, she suddenly tensed and rammed the plug as deep into her as it would go. She arched her back and raised her head to lookat the ceiling. She screamed in orgiastic pleasure and then dropped down limp over the stool.

When she finally managed to turn on the stool to see the screen, it was nearly empty. Everyone but FatherDom and SensualSadist were gone from the room. The two dominants were talking as if she wasn’t there.

SensualSadist — Have you had a chance to use this cunt in real life yet?

FatherDom — Oh no. I don’t do that. It gets too messy. I use them and train them online and when I get tired of them send them on their way.

SensualSadist — That seems a little coldhearted.

FatherDom — Why? They are just meat to fuck and play with. I’m not making them here. They can leave anytime they want. They come because they like what I offer.

SensualSadist — I don’t know. Seems like a slut like this one might make a fine submissive for someone.

FatherDom – I don’t want one. I would rather have all the different ones here.

SensualSadist. — You sound more like a voyeur.

FatherDom — I guess in a way you are right. I got to be away for a while. Make yourself at home. Use this slut some more if you want. I’m sure she will appreciate it.

SensualSadist – I might just do that. Thanks for inviting me.

Sasha sat quietly and watched the conversation. She waited to see if this new person, SensualSadist, had anything to say to her. She had not seen him before. The fact that he suggested that she fuck herself in the ass did appeal to her. She also liked his username. The thought of a sensitive sadist was appealing.

Tony looked at the video feed from Sasha. She was watching the screen carefully. He was thinking to himself and then a grin split his face.

SensualSadist — Tell me little slut, do you still have that plug up your ass?”

Newandwilling — Yes Sir.

Sensual Sadist. — I wish I could take you in my lap and play with it while I hold you.

Newandwilling — That sounds wonderful Sir.

SensualSadist– You should take those clamps off of your nipples.

Newandwilling — FatherDom didn’t give me permission before he left.

SensualSadist — I am giving you permission. Take them off.

Tony watched as Sasha lifted her left breast and began to push the plunger on the clamp. Her eyes narrowed and then she winced before she gasped deeply. As she withdraw the clamp, Tony could see the blood seeing from the tiny puncture marks on her nipples. She reached for the other one and it was almost the same reaction. He saw tears in her eyes. Tony remembered something Angela had said when they were discussing toys. She was adamant that cleanliness was paramount. Any toy that was used was thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before it was used again, especially insertable toys. She mentioned anything that cut the skin needed to be sterilized.

SensualSadist — Did I understand correctly that those toys are brand new?

Newandwilling — Yes Sir.

SensualSadist — Did you clean and disinfect them before you used them?

Newandwilling — No Sir.

SensualSadist — I suggest that you get some antibiotics on those nipples. Get that plug out of your ass and don’t use them again until you clean them all. Is that clear?

Newandwilling — Yes Sir.

Tony saw that her eyes were wide. He continued with her.

SensualSadist — Get off of here and go do it now. Take care of those nipples. If you have an enema bag, I want you to clean out your ass. You don’t want an infection. I think I want you around a lot. I have plans for you.

Sasha listened. It was the first time she had heard anyone talk like that. This guy actually seemed to care about her wellbeing and didn’t want her as just a sex object. It was an entirely different feeling.

Newandwilling — Yes Sir.

SensualSadist — Go. Do it now. That’s an order.

He saw her disappear and the video feed closed. Just before she left, he thought he saw a glimpse of a smile in hereyes, something he hadn’t seen during the entire episode.


Tony pulled up in front of Constance’s office the next day. She was waiting and came striding out. She was striking. Her outfit was businesslike and professional without taking away from her good looks. He watched her carefully as she climbed into the truck. Seeing his eyes and where they were pointed, she grinned.

“Angela said you were punctual. Ready to change your life.”

“Absolutely. Where are we going?”

She gave him an address that he recognized as being in one of the newest and most exclusive retail districts in town. He headed the truck out.”

“Why do you drive such a huge truck?”

“I need it for work?”

“Do you haul materials around every day?”

“No. Not usually?

“Do you pull trailers.”


“What do you do then?”

“Well. I have been spending a lot of time on the computer lately., I meet with clients and engineers.”

“Is this an extensionion of your masculinity?”


“Then why don’t you drive something more worthy of the image you want to project. You want to be in control. You want to look powerful. You want people to see you with respect.”

“Of course. But doesn’t this great big truck says all that?”

“It says you think you have a small cock. Do you?”

Tony’s head snapped around to look at her.

“I don’t think so.”

“Maybe I should take a look and be the judge.”

His eyes went wide, and he jerked his head back to dodge a car in his lane.

“You should concentrate on driving. Not your cock. I don’t think you have a tiny wiener. What I think is that you should consider trading this behemoth for something like a nice Mercedes or BMW. It will project your image better and probably make you feel more confident and assertive than this truck.”

Tony was trying to understand how a car could make him seem more powerful than his truck. He found the address. She led him into a men’s haberdashery. A man about his own age approached him and smiled when he saw Constance.

“Connie. Good to see you. What mission are you on today.”

Constance pointed to Tony.

“He needs to look and feel like the man in control of the world.”

The clerk looked at him with a gleam in his eye.’

“The works?”

“The works.”


Four hours later, they left the store. The entire back seat of the pickup was packed with boxes and bags. Tony was in a bit of shock. He had nearly maxed out a credit card. As he drove back to Constance’s house, she began to give him more instructions.

“Now remember. Don’t throw out everything you have, just most of it. Keep some work clothes around the house and some casual stuff for going to the park with the kids and such. But start wearing your new wardrobe tomorrow. The more you wear it the more comfortable it will feel. The more comfortable you feel, the more assertive and dominant you will be. Everything works together. There are going to be some surprises and there are going to be strange looks but people will get used to it.”

He pulled up in front of her house and she climbed down out of the truck. He did manage to get a glimpse of a long leg and the top of a stocking. She started to shut the door, then paused and turned to look up at him with a sly smile.

“If you ever want an opinion on the size of your cock. Give me a call.”

She slammed the door, and he watched as she walked to the door. He was almost sure she was adding a bit of motion to her backside just for him. He dropped the truck into gear and headed back to Angela’s office.

He walked in and pushed the door shut. He looked around and then saw her head sticking out of the door to the playroom.

“Come on back. Let’s get your lessons started.”

He strode repeatedly back to the playroom and turned in and came to a startedled halt. Hanging from the frame on the back wall of the playroom was a female,naked, and looking at him with clear bright eyes. She appeared to be about Sasha’s age. Tony had to say she wasn’t as beautiful or as sexy as Sasha, but she certainly wasn’t anything to turn your nose up at. She has small breasts, not much of a waist and wider hips than Sasha.

“This is Karen. Karen, Tony.”

Karen looked him up and down.

“Hello Sir.”

“Hello Karen.”

“Karen works with me a lot during training and therapy sessions. Karen, tell Tony a little more about yourself.”

“I’m Karen. I am 38 years old. Single. No children. I am submissive and I like pain, a lot.”

“Good. Tony, tonight I am going to teach you how to use a lot of the impact toys the proper way. Ready to begin?”

“Sure I guess.”

Angela looked at him sternly.

“Never guess, if you aren’t sure, then you don’t need to be here. You have to be confident in yourself, your abilities and your skill. Got it.”


“Now, are you ready?”


She smiled.

For the next two hours, Angela demonstrated one of the toys after another. She would show Tony how to hold it. How to judge distances and force. She would demonstrate on Karen and then require Tony to do the same. More than once she had urged Tony to use more force or to swing harder. At times Karen was screaming horribly. At one point, after Angela had shown Tony how to use a rattan cane, he had watched as Karen apparently sagged in the ropes, unconscious. Angela stepped up the comatose woman, checked her pulse, looked into her eyes. Tony watched with some concern.

“Is she ok?”

“She will be fine. We’ll take a break and give her time to recoverate. She is in subspace. Zoned out is one way to look at it. If you didn’t notice, she orgasmed at least once just before she hit her zone.”

Tony looked at the woman on the benchmark. He was almost incredulous.

By the time it came for Tony to leave, his shirt was sweat stained. It had been a physical workout for him, he couldn’t believe what Karen had endured. Her entire body from her shoulders to her ankles was crisscrossed with red welt. Her tits were covered as well as her belly and the fronts of her tights. Tony himself had left lash marks between her tights.

The other thing he learned is that he found the entire situation to be exciting and arousing. His cock had been hard since he laid the first set of strokes on Karen’s ass. It had not abated at all. Angela led Tony up to stand in front of Karen. Tony saw that she was breathing deeply and hard. Her eyes were sparkling. Angela ran her hand between the bound woman’s tights and brought it up. Tony saw it was wet and dripping.


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