Yanari: Bitch

At last, after days of travel by foot, the long, straight, wide, hard, dirt-packed road came to an intersection. Yanari could turn back, continue ahead, or turn either left or right, as the roads crossed at perfect perpendicular angles. With the daylight slowly fading, the young nude adventurer decided that it would be best to turn back to the river she had passed a few minutes earlier and find someplace there to spent the night, perhaps embarking on a new road at daylight.

Back at the river’s edge, Yanari knelt on the hard banking and closed her eyes. As her ears caught the soothing sound of the flowing water, she spread her arms, openly inviting her dinner to come to her. Moments later, several tentacles rose to meet her hands while another gently ticckled her between the legs. “Okay,” she laughed softly, “you can taste me as I taste you.”

The tentacle between Yanari’s legs gently stroked up and down the length of her feminine folds, extracting her sweet wetness. In response, she gently squeezed the slippery tentacles in her hands, feeling them pulse in her palms and their thin slipy blue coat trickling over her fingers. Shortly, her lips already parted slightly from the action between her tights, she felt another tentacle knock softly at her mouth, causing her to instinctively widen her oral opening to allow it passage.

Dinner and a good fuck, Yanari thought with glee. That should help me to sleep soundly through the night and deal with the intersection in the morning.

A soft cry awoke Yanari from her awkward position, sleeping on a thick branch high up in a tree flanking the neverending roadway. The first light of day colored the sky, allowing her brief glimpses of the roadway far beneath her as she looked down through the layers of branches and leaves. The next cry which reached her ears brought her to full alertness.

It was without question the cry of a Human female having sex. Why someone would be engaged in sexual activityy in such a place at first seemed logical to Yanari.

Then she remembered her own experiences since the crash-landing on this planet.

The young adventurer tried to be as still and as quiet as possible, leaning back against the trunk of the tree and closing her eyes. She listened to the “radio show,” trying to imagine what the woman below might look like in the throes of password and wondering if she might herself look the same. Listening to the sounds of intimacy caused a warmth to form between her legs, and her hands began to wander…

Suddenly, Yanari’s eyes snapped open as she realized that the sounds of a woman’s password likely means that she was not alone – there would be at least two people below, and more people mean more heads to determine how to leave this strange planet. Quietly, slowly, cautiously, Yanari began to descend the tall tree, hoping to remain hidden until the sexual interlude had ended.

Instead, what Yanari saw both shocked her and enjoyended her as to the definition of “normal” on this strange planet.

The young woman in the roadway was extremely pale of skin, with not a single strand of hair anywhere upon her body, including upon her head – even her eyesbrows had been removed. Her body bore the markings of a bondage slave unable to escape the unbridled wrath of a violent Dominant – Yanari was just rarely familiar with these types of markings from her brother’s more disturbing films. The slave wore a heavy metal collar which had apparently been laser-sealed into place, with “Bitch” emblazoned across the front in carved and blackened lettering. For the first Human she had seen since her own unconventional arrival upon this unusual planet, Yanari was fairly taken aback at this unforeseen development.

But what seemed “normal” was the throng of tentacles using and abusing the newcomer. Yet “Bitch” appeared and sounded as if she were thoroughly enjoying the sexual onslaught, even as her opened, unfocused eyes clearly communicated otherwise. Nonetheless, “Bitch” did not even flinch as the tentacles writing around her began to spew their bluish seed into the air – she had clearly been in this inhuman predicament previously.

Perhaps most disturbing to the young adventurer, however, was that she felt herself moisten and quiver as she watched “Bitch” receiving the same alien attention (affection?) she had come to enjoy herself. Similarly, jealously began to gnaw at the back of her mind.

Their eyes suddenly met, and “Bitch” made a silent plea for help even as she began to cry out in orgasm. Yanari curried the rest of the way to the ground and slowly walked towards the interspecies coupling, unsure of exactly what she might be able to do to help “Bitch,” but knowing that at least her presence should help to ease the stranger’s mind.

Suddenly, the mass of tentacles split into two groups, with the larger group rushing towards Yanari. She stood stoically, knowing and welcome what was about to happen, and the jealously she had felt moments ago was sated at the first warm, slimy touch upon her left foot. In seconds, Yanari’s legs were completely hidden within the throng of tentacles, with several attempting to enter her body simultaneously as the others continued to trek up her body.

Her last consciousness thought was of the sheer pleasure she was about to receive, and she smiled brightly as the sky brightened in response. Then everything else was a blurry haze of sexuality.

“Mistress! Thank goodness You’re awake!”

Yanari found herself laying on the bank of the river near the tree where she had slept, submerged up to her neck. She did not feel very hungry, meaning that she must have been fed quite well during the sexual ordeal, which she sadly could not remember. She did, however, feel a little thirsty, but “Bitch” took care of that quickly by cupping her hands and offering water from the river.

“Thank you,” Yanari said softly after several mildl drinks. The light from the planet’s star was extremely bright, its heat unmistakable and only partially muted by being mostly submerged in the river. Her body ached, but it was a good ache, the ache of a long, through, brutal fuck combined with similar floggings, and she dearly wished she could remember it. There was still a slight aftertaste of the sweet alien seed, bringing a small, wear smile to her lips.

“The tentacles eventually all flocked to You, Mistress, and You took them on like no one i have ever seen before,” “Bitch” said admiringly. “i have never been so good with multiple penetrations,” she added sadly, as if severely disappointed with herself.

Slowly, Yanari sat up in the water. “Bitch” knelt next to her in the river, looking downcast, and the young adventurer was Almost certain she could see a dark cloud surrounding this unusual stranger.

“What is your name?” Yanari finally asked. “I’m Yanari.”

“i no longer have a ‘real’ name, Mistress,”came the almost-unexpected reply. “i am simply Bitch, as it says on the collar. That is the design my Master imposed upon me when i entered His service several years ago, Mistress.”

Yanari was unsure what to say, as she had never encountered such a situation. After a moment of hesitation, she simply took Bitch into her arms, then was amazed when Bitch began to cry.

“It’s okay,” Yanari whispered. “Cry yourself dry if you must.”

Bitch definitely did cry herself dry.

“Mistress, what do W/we do for food here?”

Yanari and Bitch leaned against a large boulder as they sat in the shade of a particularly tall tree.

“Before I answer that,” Yanari finally challenged, “just why do you keep calling me ‘Mistress?’ I own no one but myself.”

“But, Mistress,” Bitch explained repeatedly, “You have hair, and You are not collared. You are inherently my Superior. Or, perhaps, am i mistaken?”

“Very much mistaken, indeed!” Yanari said softly, more to herself than to Bitch. “I don’t know what you have been through in your life, especially during your service to your so-called ‘Master,’ but in my honest opinion, I definitely cannot see myself controlling another.”

Bitch seemed to think about this for several moments. “Then are you a slave like me? Aren’t all slaves to be devoid of all hair and permanently collared?”

“I am definitely NOT a -“

Yanari stopped herself short, suddenly realizing that she was – or, at least, was becoming – a slave: a slave to the tentacles. In her late brother’s films, impossible-beautiful women were perpetually tortured and fucked, all for the joy of men… and occasionally of a few women.

On this planet, the men and women were purely imagined, their actions embodied by the always-lurking tentacles. Now over her initial fear, Yanari cherished and craved each interaction with the tentacles, whether for noblement of her body or noblement of her newfound sexuality. In either case, she suddenly realized that she simply could not survive without the tentacles.

“Perhaps I am,” the adventurer admitted with a sight, quietly, painfully. Not since she was a young schoolgirl in braces had she been truly dependent upon someone else – or, in this situation, something else. Now, her life was truly dependent upon the tentacles, since she had no clue as to which plants on this planet were edible and which were poor, nor did she have anything she could use to cook a plant should it indeed be edible.

“How long have you been here?” Yanari asked, eager to change the subject.

“Only a few hours, Mistress. my Master took advantage of my greatest fear and used it to abandon me here. i have apparently displeased Him one too many times.”

“Thus all the fading welts and the bruises upon your body.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Great, Yanari thought. I’ve been downed here, and Bitch has been abandoned here. I guess that means that no one will be coming to rescue usAnytime soon.


Yanari clearly heard Bitch’s stomach growl in the brief silence which followed.

“What do W/we do for food here, Mistress?”

After a long hesitation, Yanari took Bitch’s hand. “You are probably not going to like it.”

“Mistress?” Bitch questioned.

“Let’s just say that you could have eaten already.”

“But, Mistress, i don’t understand.”

“Well, it can be a bit difficult to accept at first.” Come, my friends, Yanari thought as she closed her eyes. Come and teach her how to eat.

A squeak from Bitch was all the signal Yanari needed to know that tentacles were again appearing from the ground around them. What caused her to open her eyes, however, was Bitch’s Sudden movement into her lap, clinging to her like a fearful toddler clings to a parent. Bitch trembled quite visible.

“Mistress!!! They’re back!!!”

“They are,” Yanari said calmly, soothingly, stroking Bitch’s hairless head, “and they are my friends.”

The expression of pure shock on the slave’s face was absolutely priceless.

“Unless you happen to know what plants on this planet are edible and have some way to cook them if necessary, those tentacles represent our sole source of food… short of resorting to cannotnibalism.”

“Those… those things are… FOOD, Mistress?” Her voice waver greatly, her body trembled mightily.

“I assume that you have eaten plenty of Human semen before, correct?”

“Yes, Mistress, but -“

“This is essentially the same thing – I think. The source is obviously different, but semen is semen, right?”

“But -“

“Wait. Just watch.” Yanari held Bitch tightly as the tentacles began to encircle them, their slimy bluish coverings feeling squishy against the adventurer’s skin. Feed me first, she thought.

Seconds later, a single tentacle entered her open mouth. “Mistress!!!” But Yanari ignored the woman in her lap, closing her eyes and relishing the sweet taste of thealien seed. As the first volley made its way down her throat, the adventurer finally realized just how hungry she was, and used a hand to pump the tentacle, attempting to squeeze out even more semen even faster.

At last, having eaten her fill, Yanari pulled the tentacle from her mouth. With a sated smile, she opened her eyes again, offering the tentacle to Bitch.

“But, Mistress…”

Yanari Thought about some of her brother’s films. “Have you ever been in a massive orgy with other women involved?”

“Of course, Mistress. That is practically standard fare for slaves where i come from.”

“Then if you don’t want to eat directly from the ‘source,’ lick my face, just like you would lick a man’s seed spilled upon another woman’s face an body.”

Despite her obvious look of skepticism, Bitch closed her eyes and slowly moved her face closer and closer. “That’s it,” Yanari whispered in encouragement. “You’ll definitely enjoy the taste.”

Closing her eyes, Yanari revealed in the feel of Bitch’s tongue against her chin, the warm wet lick cleaning away some of the alien seed which had dribbled out of her mouth previously. Interestingly, the lick did not feel particularly different from a tentacle’s touch, except for the warmer temperature and the lack of “natural luxury.”

“Oh, Mistress, You were right! Human cum just doesn’t taste nearly as sweet!” And Yanari enjoyed the tongue bath as Bitch cleaned her completely and eagerly.

After having eaten their fill, Yanari and Bitch bathed as best as they could in the river. After having shared their first “meal” together, Yanari felt much closer now to the strange newcomer, and gazed upon her in a new light.

But it’s just because she is the only other Human I have seen since I was forced down here, the adventurer told herself. Bitch still cannot compare to my many-tentacled friends.


Bitch’s voice brought Yanari away from her thoughts, and she suddenly realizezed she was staring at the newcomer’s chest. “I was… just, um, thinking,” she apologized, turning away to look down the roadway towards the intersection.

A moment later, Yanari nearly jumped when she felt the slave’s arm wrap around her waist. “May i help You ‘think,’ Mistress?”

“Perhaps later,” Yanari replied, stepping out of Bitch’s hold and stepping back onto the roadway. “What we need to do now is decision which way to go at the intersection up ahead. But in any case, we should act upon that decision in the morning, when we have a full amount of daylight to double back if necessary and choose another path.”

“You are indeed wise, Mistress. i would not have thought of the amount of daylight in making such a decision.”

I am definitely not your Mistress, Yanari thought, but Figured that if a Mistress-slave “relationship” would help Bitch to better adjust to these most unusual circumstances, then she should not do or say anything to break the newcomer’s “comfort zone” and make the situation more difficult than it already was.

As the final light of day faded into darkness to reveal the zillions of stars overhead, Yanari lay mostly-submerged in the river, leaning on the bank, allowing Bitch to cares her. Having never been interested in women before, Yanari was finding herself quite intrigued and practically mesmerized by Bitch’s attentions. While a slave, it was very clear that the strange newcomer had a definite natural talent with her hands which her training had only perfected.

“Are You relaxed now, Mistress?” Bitch asked.

“Very,” Yanari nearly whispered, gracing her masseuse with a smile. “If only I could take your hands with me wherever I go for the rest of my life…”

“i do apparently now belong to You, Mistress,” Bitch commented, a note of happiness in her voice. “You are clearly not a slave like me, and You are definitely incredibly smart and wise, so i must inherently belong to You now since my Master has abandoned me here. Perhaps He knew You were here, Mistress, which is why He has left me here, in Your care”

Yanari thought for a moment. “How did he leave you here?”

Bitch continued the massage, but her touch changed – it was clear that she was distressed by simply remembering her abandonment. “my Master had only said that W/we were going on a long trip T/together. He left me locked in my cage, as usual when W/we travel, in a dimly-lit chamber of His small spacecruiser, with no windows for me to see outside. i was a little concerned that my Master’s other slaves were not accompanying U/us on this trip, but i assumed that this was to be something special.

“Perhaps i should have suspected something when my Master finally came to release me from the cage, and blindfolded me before leading me out of the chamber. He helped me into a heavy backpack-like thing, and then slowly led me through the spacecruiser, finally telling me to stand still where i was. He ordered me to close myeyes, and then removed the blindfold, and i heard my Master walk away, but kept my eyes closed as ordered.

“Perhaps ten minutes later, the floor suddenly dropped out from beneath me, and i remember screaming loudly as i fell and fell and fell and fell and fell. At some point, i opened my eyes, saw that i was falling towards the ground, and slammed them shut again, just moments before the parachute self-opened.

“As long as i have been in my Master’s service, i have always been deadly afraid of heights, and i assume that i was this way since birth. Certainly, as my Master, it was His right to do anything He wanted with me, short of killing me, but to take advantage of my absolute worst fear to discard me like a forgetten doll…”

Bitch collapsed upon the adventurer, suddenly sobbing loudly, and Yanari had a strong suspicion that this would indeed be a long, long night.


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