(Note to the reader: This is the fourth and final chapter of the second part of a three part erotic novella I’ve tenatively titled “Making Love to Horrible People.” The first part is titled “Fear and Lusting.” Each part consists of about 4 or 5 chapters. I hope you enjoy it. Any feedback is more than welcome. Look for the final part, called “After All” – coming soon!)
At the unexpected interruption of the doorbell chime, Jen frozen and lifted her head to stare uncertainly at the door. Her eyes widened and she turned to stare back up at Dan in disbelief and terror. Dan zipped his pants back up and released the belt. He walked around to where Jen’s frightened face was and took the belt off of her as she said “What the-” Dan strung the belt around him again and sank down and took her frightened face in his hands.
“Shhh, it’s ok,” he said as he stroked her hair and caressed her cheek. “I told you someone was coming over and this is him.”
Jen’s eyes stared wildly at Dan and she started to back off the table. Dan grabbed her shoulders and pulled her back to him. “It’s all right, my little one. I rented you for the night to this man, but I’ll be right here.”
Jen tried to rise, to fight, but Dan held her down. “No, please… Jen… Please. You need to do as your master says.” He then looked her in her tearful eyes. “Jen, I’m going to be right here. If ever you want this to stop just ask it, or if you can’t, just flex and squeeze your fingers together three times and I’ll make this all go away. Understand?”
She breathed deeply, huskily. Staring madly into her master’s eyes, she knew she was his forever and would do anything he wanted as long as he was there, near her and protecting her. She nodded. He kissed her mouth deeply and the doorbell rang again. He ignored it and continued to star into her beautiful, loving eyes.
He hated himself and he hated her and he hated everything. He felt the inextricable twisting desire of both of their horrible needs close over his soul and stood up as the chime sounded a third time.
“Now pull those shorts back up and stay perfectly still until instructed to do otherwise. Stare down at the table.” Jen did as she was told.
Dan opened the door and saw a man dressed as if he was going to, or had come from, an exciting cocktail party. He had on a tailored suit of black with a silk dress Shirt of white. There was a hint of gold stitching on his cuffs and buttons. He was shorter than Dan and a little on the thin side, but what really struck Dan was his cigarette holder. Who the fuck smokes out of a cigarette holder anymore? The man held it elegantly as he looked up at Dan with a genial smile.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know your name,” he said smoothly. There was some kind of slight accent in his voice Dan couldn’t quite place. French? German? Wherethefuckingstan?
“Dan,” he said evenly as he neglected to take the man’s proved hand. The stranger frowned a bit, but then brightened.
“So pleased to meet you!” he said with a breathy and silky voice, the kind of voice that makes men shiver and women wet themselves when they’re planning evil things. “My name is Frederick and James has told me so much about you… uh, except your name, of course,” he giggled in his throat. “May we come in?” Dan knew this would happen. Fucker had an enourage.
“Wait for a second, I just need to straighten one little thing.”
Dan strode back into the living room and stood near the dining room, where the knives and an old 38 revolver rested in the drawers of the china cabinet. He loosened the drawers once each and then looked at the front hall as they started to come in without his permission. Dan waited, counting.
Two well-built men whom he could only assume were bodyguards entered the living room and stood on either side of the opening to the front hall, facing into the room but not looking at Jen, except after the first few glances. After them, came Frederick himself, leading someone on a silver chain. As she came into view, Dan’s throat choked and his already excited cock throbbed. She was youngish-looking, maybe middle twenty something – hard to tell with hot chicks. They always seemed to look twenty-something.
The whole group was Caucasian and seemed of suspiciously attractive breeding and the woman looked exactly like a runway model. Probably a failed actress Frederick had bent to his service after she had developed enough unsupportable vices, Dan guessed. Her blonde hair was pulled tightly back into a ponytail and her sharp features were accentuated by mascara. She was wearing a black corset and black nylons and garter and high heels. She was probably Jen’s height, but with her heels she stood slightly taller than Frederick, almost Dan’s height.
And she had no skirt or shorts or panties on. Her shaken pussy was exposed for all to see. Also, she carried a small chest in her arms. Dan secretly envied this man, whose lifestyle allowed him to lead his slave around like this, carrying what could only be his dirty fuck toys. Frederick stopped at the entrance to the living room and he breathed slowly and took a pull from his cigarette as he looked at Jen’s body as she knelt on hands and knees on the coffee table, her face obediently studying its surface. She was dying to see what was going on, but was also getting incredibly aroused by being still and not knowing.
“Oh, bravo, my good man, bravo.” Frederick whispered, as his eyes gathered in Jen’s seductive and beautiful figure.
Frederick’s who stared at Jen and shifted one of her delicate hands to slide a finger down her pelvis to her clip. Out of the corner of his eye, Frederick caught her naughtiness. One sharp pull of the chain from her master put a stop to that.
“Behave, Missy! We’re guests here!” he hissed. Missy whimpered softly and returned her hand to help support the box and she moved one hip out to poseseductively and glance shyly at Jen and then at Dan.
Frederick passed his cigarette to her and she obediently took it and lifted her heel and snubbed it out against her shoes, showing remarkable balance. As she was doing this, he walked towards Dan, throwing her lean to one of his bodyguards.
“Daniel,” he said with arms slightly opened. “Thank you so much for having us in your home.”
Dan didn’t both correcting him. “Certainly,” Dan said harshly. Then, he realized this might go smoother, and hopefully quicker, if he played along. “We’re…uh… we’re looking forward to getting to know you.”
Frederick’s face exploded with joy. “Ah! I was so hoping to hear you say that!”
He extended both of his hands, palms up. It was an almost submissive and pleading gesture, were it not for the fire fire smokerdering behind his eyes. He had an incredibly handsome face, with high, sculpted cheesebones and a sharp, but not jutting, jaw. His eyes were steel gray and his softthick brown hair was wavy and perfectly cut and combined to crown his fine features.
Dan felt even more jealous, as his own thinning hair and receiving hairline ached for it’s lost glory. Dan still had most of it, but the proud bursts he once sported of dark brown locks with highlights of red or gold depending on the season he once had been now in his past. Jen had never seen him in his prime, and he regretted it. He was once irresistible and could have been a good-looking match for her if he had met her then, but now he was quickly fading into just a dirty old man. He reached out and took Frederick’s hands as if he was reaching into his past and the present he long for.
Frederick’s smile widened. “Now, there! There’s my good man.” He released Dan’s hands and reached up to press Dan’s shoulders sharply and seriously before letting go. “I congratulate you, sir,” he said as he leaned close to Dan. As if he needed to whisper. Who the fuck here cared, or more frankly, could do anything about what he had to say? But, Dan guessed, we’re all here to play a part. So, he played along.
“About what, exactly?” Dan asked.
Frederick’s eyes widened. “Well, your incredibly delicious fiancee, of course!” he exclaimed and laughed briefly. Dan managed a smile. “Tell me,” Frederick whispered. “How well is she trained?”
Dan almost wanted to hit him, but he knew he needed to play the game. Jen was going to be all right. This guy was creepy as all get out, but somehow also seemed on the level. His eyes slip past Frederick to see Jen’s sensitive body still holding onto the table. He could tell she was peeking at the people in front of her and could just see Missy’s sexy form standing a few feet away from her. Jen raised her head just enough to see Missy holding the box and one of the bodyguards holding her chain. Missy’s mouth opened and she licked her lips as she caught Jen’s stare. Jen put her head back down and her cunt throbbed and she was ashamed and excitedand terrified.
“She’ll do as she’s told,” Dan said as he looked at Jen.
Frederick relaxed and breathed a few quick deep breaths. “Excellent,” he exhausted. “Just magnificent,” he said as he turned and saw Jen singing glances at Missy. He breathed in sharply. “Oh, my,” he said, forgetting himself and gently caresing his pants over his hardening cock.
Dan looked down and then turned to face him. “You have her until 6 AM. No later. I’m going to be here the whole time and if ever I feel she’s threatened, I’m calling this whole thing off.” It seemed a lame thing to say with the powerful bodyguards standing there, but Frederick blinked and looked at him with sincerity joy.
“Of course!” he exclaimed. “I insist on it, in fact!” He seized Dan’s arms in his sharp and merciless hands. “My good man, I’m just here to show you everything your beautiful slave-to-be is capable of!” His smile was wide and terrible and honest. Dan knew this man really did want to instruct as wellas use. Dan didn’t think he really needed any instruction, but he found he was curious.
Frederick finally walked over to Jen and reached down and gently cupped her chin and pulled her face slowly up to look at him. “Come, my pet, let’s have a look at you,” he said smoothly. Even though his grip was soft, almost casual, Jen could still feel the fierce, sharp, pinching powers of his fingers. As her face turned up to look at him, his wolfish and slightly crazy smile widened. Jen could hear Missy gasp and scar softly. Frederick turned and addressed her.
“Yes, I know my sweet, she’s exhaust, isn’t she?” He turned his face back down to look at Jen’s head in his hand and reached with the other hand to stroke her cheek and brush her hair to the side. “Missy loves beautiful girls, simply adores them. I can’t blow her, I’m the same way.” He giggled again in his throat. “I can already tell she’s dying to get to know you better.” He continued to stroke her face. “As am I, my pet, as am I. Tell me, what is your name?”
SLAP! The hand that had been caresing her face moved like lightning and administratored a small, sharp backhand to her cheek. Jen felt its sting sear for a second and then quickly fade. It was a painful hit, but also seemed expertly measured.
“Wrong,” he said coldly. “Your name is “whore” until I say otherwise. Now, tell me again, please. I interrupted you. What is your name?”
“Whore,” Jen whispered hoarsely. She was completely terrified of this man, but her body was betraying her and responding with aching need to his control.
“Much better. Much better,” he said as he patted her head. He looked along her body and hisssed. “Oh, but this won’t do at all. Look at you, my dear, your knees must be positively killing you! Rex, Max, lift the whore up and take off her clothes and sit her on the edge of the coffee table right here, if you please,” he said as he patted the edge under Jen’s face. Jen grew alarmed. She wasJust getting aroused and curious by Frederick’s attention, but now as she saw the two powerful men advancing on her she grew afraid.
Not all of them, she thought. Not all at once. She was about to yell to Dan to make it stop, but then found herself being lifted up, gently, almost constantly by the two men. Each one stood on either side of her and carefully scooped her up, an arm each crossing Underneath her torso and one each between her tighs and wrapping around her hips. She feel like a little girl on a swing and she almost giggled. She feel the blood rush back into her knees as they slowly planted her on her feet in front of the table.
“Rex and Max are my bodyguards, but they’re of no threat to you or Dan,” Frederick was saying from somewhere as the men undressed her. “I brought them with me for my own protection, but they’ll do nothing to harm you. Given my proclivities, I sometimes find myself in dangerous situations and their services come in handy. But I can see Danis a man of taste and class and you are a woman of tremendous elegance and beauty. We certainly have nothing to fear here, and neither should you.”
Their large gentle hands helped her remove her top and shorts, never even hinting at wanting to probe or grope her. They then held her arms gently and invited her to sit. Jen’s bare ass touched the table and she could see Missy staring at her as the men retired to where they had stood before and she could hear her breathe deeper and moan softly as her eyes drank in Jen’s beautiful body. Jen’s knees were pressed together and her arms moved unconsciously to cover her breasts shyly. Frederick’s hands shot out from somewhere over her left shoulder and slapped her knees apart.
“Knees apart!” he commanded. Jen’s knees were still recovering and the sharp sting of his hand made her mouth open and eyes widen, but she moved her legs apart obediently.
“Now, lie back and put your hands at your sides.” Jen’s breathing rate increased as she did as she was told. Her back felt the cold wood of the coffee table and she quicklyned her breath and resisted the urge to wrap her arms around herself for warmth. She could see Frederick move towards Missy.
“Now, you’ve met me and you’ve met Max and Rex, but I want to introduce you to Missy. I believe you’ll be the best of friends,” he said as he opened the box Missy was holding and withdraw an object from it.
“But, what do I call you?” Jen asked as she tried to peak at them over her heaving breasts without moving too much.
Frederick stopped. “Oh, where are my manners! Of course! Oh, how delightfully polite of you, my… Dan, I really must say your pet is just deliciously charming and polite. You are so very lucky, sir!” Dan simply nodded from the chair in the corner.
“You may call me Frederick, my dear, or master or sir, if it suits you. I used to insist on such designs, but I’ve recently discovered that I am Frederick. Just Frederick. AlwaysFrederick,” he said creepily as he came to stand near her head. He showed her what he was holding. It was a purple mouth dildo with black straps, a sort of chin dildo, but with a soft black plastic pacifier on the back of the shake.
“Do you like it? It’s my own design! Now, lean your head forward and open your mouth.” Jen raised her head and Frederick placed the gear on her and expertly tightened the straws as he inserted the pacifier into her mouth. Jen looked up at this long purple thing erupting out of her mouth and couldn’t contain a moan. She could see that Missy had placed the box on the couch and stood between her knees, staring hungrily down at her and kneeing one of her breasts and idly fingering her clip. Missy’s tits were slightly smaller than Jen’s, but had pointed nipples, peeking out of the top of the garment, and they seemed to defy gravity as they pointed out and up. “Now, Missy, do be a good guest and introduce yourself to the whore.”
Missy crawled up on the table and straddled Jen’s hips with her knees. She leaned her face down and skimmed Jen’s tits, never touching them, but Jen could feel her shuddering breathing hot air across her nipples, which had become erect from her exposed state. Jen moaned loudly at being teased like this. Missy’s face came to hover over Jen’s, the giant dong waving slightly as Jen’s mouth tried to work the pacifier into a comfortable position in her mouth. It was larger than it should be and extended a ways down her tongue and almost reached her throat. Missy placed both hands on either side of Jen’s head and stared down at her, smiling lewdly.
“Go ahead, my sweet,” Frederick’s voice drifted down from somewhere beyond Jen’s vision. “Kiss the whore.”
Missy’s eyes widened eagerly and she took the purple dildo in her mouth and started to suck it. The sight of seeing this woman sucking the large plastic penis Jen held in her mouth made her whimper with excitement. She had experimented with womenBefore, but never had one so clearly dominating her. She saw Missy suck longer and harder on the dong, her face coming closer and closer to Jen’s, until finally their lips met and Missy held the plastic shake in her throat for what seemed like minutes as her drooling lips tried to kiss Jen. Jen moaned loudly and with a shudder. Missy witnessed deeply and began to suck aggressively on the dildo, working it with her left hand. With every down stroke, Jen could feel the pacifier push into her throat, gagging her a little. She spit up some phlegm, which oozed out of her mouth to mix with Missy’s saliva as it streamed down the fake cock and onto Jen’s face.
Jen then felt something cold and sharp close around her left nipple. The pressure of it was intense and she squealed as she felt another one close around her right nipple. She could also feel a small, short chain drawn across her chest. She screamed in her choking throat as the chain was tightened and her nipples pulled close togetherr, but not quite touching. Her breathing became labored, as she was overwhelmed with all of the sensings. Her pussy saw juice onto the table as her feet arched up from the floor.
“You may mount her, my dear,” Frederick said softly, almost absent-mindedly. Missy rose up and nodded eagerly. Jen could feel Missy’s knees and thighs press her shoulders together as her pussy hovered over the giant dong protruding from Jen’s mouth. Jen moaned worriedly. Missy grabbed Jen’s hair in one hand and the shake in the other and leaned back, forcing Jen’s head up and the tip into her swollen cunt. Jen saw Missy’s shaken pussy lips pumper in and out as she was forced to fuck her with her face. She grew even more excited as she watched for the first time a pussy get fucked in front her, her own face being used like a sex toy. She thought of Dan and how he must get so excited when he fucked her, seeing this kind of wet, seeing hole taking his whole cock. She feel like some kind of freak of nature, a sexy little demon with a cock for a mouth. She groaned deeply and hungrily.
She almost didn’t notice as Frederick, or someone else, was lifting one of her legs and tying a silk rope around her ankle and tigh, binding them together so she couldn’t put it back down. He did the same to her other leg. Her legs were spread out lewdly and she tried to close them, all of a sudden aware of how much of a useless whore she must look like to the rest of the room. Frederick’s sharp slapses came painfully on her thighs.
“Knees apart, whore!” came the command from somewhere close. Jen whimpered and Missy thrust Jen’s face further up towards her crotch. Jen could smell Missy’s cunt and the pussy juice that saw down moistened her scanning lips. Jen felt a wave of pleasure and submission and her cunt throbbed, pushing fluids out to moisten its exposed slit.
Without thinking her hands reached up and fondled Missy’s ass, grabbing and pinching and pulling and trying to force Missy’s cunt down to her face.
“AHHHHHHH!” Missy yelled softly and sank down further on the dong. She looked pleadingly at Jen as she began to ride her face faster.
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