XAd, Inc Pt. 03

XAd, Inc. – Ch. 4

Once during the night Catlin woke to find she was trying to rub herself against William’s sleeping form. But just as realization of what she was doing came, William woke up and soon was rubbing back. He lowered his head and used his tongue to drive her to three climaxes before mounting her and taking his own pleasure. Then, pressed against each other, they both fell back sleep and didn’t stir until the sun was coming in the windows the next morning.

William released her and the two of them made their way to the bathroom to shower, after which William once more dressed. By now Catlin was used to remaining nude and thought nothing of it when he led her into the dining room where most of the other lords and ladies, also dressed, were eating breakfast. She saw that Meg and Tara, both naked like herself, were Also there. While they were eating, Mary and the remaining lords came in.

When the meal was over someone suggested that they adjourn to the lawnagain and soon Catlin was standing in the warm sunshine with the feel of soft grass beneath her feet. Robert called for attention. “I think this morning we should allow our captives a little rest.” This was met with a few boos and other derisive remarks. “We do want them to recover enough for more hardy activities this afternoon. But I agree that they shouldn’t be able to take their leave completely. I was thinking of placing them in some tight bondage.” This time there were cheers from the assembled group.

Robert led them over to where there was a pillory and a set of stocks at the side of the lawn. As the four naked women were looking at these Robert said, “I have in mind these – he indicated the two devices – for two of our guests and for the other two, perhaps a hogtie and maybe binding to that tree. Perhaps we should let them Volunteer.”

He turned towards the four women with a questioning look. Mary quickly spoke up. “If it would please you, my lord, I should prefer the hogtie.”

“Very well,” Robert answered. He nodded and John came over with some pieces of soft rope. They placed Mary’s arms together behind her back, palm to palm, and began at her wrists. They tightly wrapped the rope around her wrists and arms to a point above her elbows, which made her shoulders pull back and her breasts stick out. They tied the end of a rope around her chest just above her breasts, wrapped it around the base of each globe, and then again around her chest below her breasts. The end of this was brought down her stomach and through her crotch, bisecting her pussy and up the crack of her ass where it was tied to the rope above her tits. Then they used another piece of rope to bind her ankles and continue up her legs to just below her crotch, pulling her legs and tights tightly together. The two of They lowered her to the ground, placing her face down on the soft grass. Her knees were ben and a piece of rope used to tie her ankles to her wrists.

To CatlinThis looked very uncomfortable, but still she thought she might like to try it – at least for a short time. She suddenly realized she had no idea how long they planned to keep them bound. Robert placed Mary on her side and turned back to the three remaining women. “Who would like to try the stocks?”

Tyra quickly answered, “I would, if it please you, my lord.” She glanced at Catlin and Meg and said, “At least I can sit down.”

John overheard the remark and smiled at her. She would soon find that sitting was not as comfortable as it seemed. Tyra was led to the stocks where she was seated on the wood plank, her legs stretched out in front of her, and her ankles spread about two feet apart and placed in the padded holes of the cross piece. A top bar was lowered over this, trapping her ankles. There were two more half holes in the top of this piece and John pulled her wrists forward to them. These were separated by about a foot and to reach them Tyra had to bend slightly forward.When a second crosspiece was closed over them she found that the position kept a strain on her back and within a few minutes also realized that sitting naked on a hard wood plank was not as comfortable as she had expected.

As the men finished with Tyra, Meg looked over at Catlin with a questioning look on her face. Catlin gave a slight shrug: she had no idea which form of bondage she wanted. Meg also shrugged then turned towards the approaching men. “If it please you, my lords, I would like the pillory.”

She was led to the device and found that she needed to spread her legs about a foot and a half apart also to fit the padded holes designed to trap her ankles. Then she bent at the wait to place her neck and ankles in the padded holes of the cross piece before the top was closed over it. She was left standing, legs spread, pussy and anus exposed, arched forward in a curve which placed a strain on her back.

Now John and Thomas approached Catlin. They led her over to aNearby tree and had her stand with her back towards the trunk. The trunk was about ten inches in diameter and John moved her feet to either side of the bottom. He and Thomas then used more of the soft rope to anchor her ankles tightly to the trunk. They used another piece to tie her hands together behind the trunk, straining her arms slightly and thrusting her beasts out. Then they began to wrap the rope tightly around both Catlin and the tree, beginning at her ankles and moving up her body to the tops of her thighs. Another piece of rope was tied around her chest above her breasts and, like Mary’s, wrapped around each of her breasts and then down through her crotch. She felt the soft rope pull tightly into her pussy and against her anus as it was pulled up her back and tied around the tree somewhere above her shoulder height. Then more rope was used to pull her tightly against the tree, wrapping her from her hips up to above her breasts.

As the men stepped back to admire their work, Catlin realized she could move only her head and fingers. She was pressed tightly against the tree bark, her ass cheeks spread with the rope pulling between them, and her pussy opened both by the separating rope and the position of her spread legs. She was firmly held, but none of the ropes was tight enough to cut off circuitry.

All four of the women were bound within a few feet of each other and facing Going to the center of the group. The lords and ladies all came around and examined each of the women, occasionally tweaking a nipple or struggling across a pussy. Then after a few minutes of this teasing they all left and went back into the house.

All four of the women were aroused from the teasing and squirmed as best they could against their bonds. After a minute or two Catlin said, “Mary, that hogtie looks like it Must be awfully uncomfortable. Is it? And did you know what it would be like when you asked for it?”

Mary eased her squirming body and smiled upat Catlin. “Yes and yes. I love tight bondage, especially if I’m teased sexually. As you probably know by now, I don’t get off on the whipping and stuff, but being tied completely helpless while some guy – or girl – plays with me is incredibly hot. I love sex – most kinds of sex – and being bound while it’s happening is the icing on the cake.”

“Well, I’ll admit I didn’t expect the stocks to be quite such a strain,” Tyra commented. I think I’d rather get my ass whipped than sit like this a long time. How long do you think they’ll keep us like this, anyway?”

Mary answered. “I’ve no idea. They were careful tying us up so my circuit is OK. Everyone else, too? If not, better say so.” Everyone agreed they were OK from that standpoint. “Well,” Mary went on, “I have been in a hogtie for six hours, but I don’t expect they’ll leave us anywhere near that long.”

“Six hours!” Catlin exclaimed. “I don’t think I could take this that long. I’ll admit that getting felt up withoutbeing able to move is pretty hot. And pretty frustrating. I just hope we get laid when they turn us loose.”

“Amen,” chimed in Mary. “Better yet, before they let us loose, if possible.”

“You said you like all kinds of sex, Mary,” Catlin said. “Have you had anal before?”

“Sure. I really like it – if the guy is careful. Especially if I’m tied so I can’t move much. What about you guys? Tried it before?”

“I have a few times,” Meg answered. “It’s OK, but not my favorite thing.”

“I’ve done it quite a bit,” Tyra said. “I usually like it, but sometimes it’s not all that great.”

“Well, before the other night, I’d never tried it,” Catlin said. “But I loved every second of it. And you’re right, Mary. It is awfully hot when I’m tied.”

“It sure is, isn’t it?” Mary said. “Have you been had by two guys at the same time yet?”

“No, I hadn’t even thought of it. Unless you mean like last night when I had one in my mouth while another guy was fucking me. Butif you mean regular and anal, it does sound pretty hot.”

“Well,” Mary went on, “I, for one, love that. The only thing hotter than a hard cock filling one of my holes is two – or even three – filling the others. I am definitely getting horny.”

“I think we can all agree on that,” Meg laughed.

“Is this your first ‘adventure’?” Mary asked.

“I’ve have been here once before,” Meg answered, “but that’s all.”

“It’s my first,” Tyra said.

“Mine, too,” Catlin answered. “Until a couple of weeks ago I never thought anything like this really happened. In fact, I’m still not sure.”

Mary laughed. “I know what you mean and this is my fourth. I was here once before and then on two others. All different and all Incredibly hot.”

Just then they noticed the lords and ladies returning. They were carrying something in their hands and when they came closer, the things were revealed to be feathers and soft brushes.

Catlin had a pretty good idea what to expectt, and found she was right as James used a soft camel hair brush to ticke her nipples and Thomas ran the edge of a feather up her open pussy lips. She could see the other women being ticked, usually on their sexual parts, by the other lords and ladies. For the next fifteen minutes the six men along with Linda and Anne continued to move among the four bound girls, running a feather edge across Meg’s anus, using a brush on Tyra’s nipples and exposed feet, tormenting Mary relentlessly. The teasing and sexual stimulation continued and Catlin was sure that all four of them were as wet and frustrated as she was herself. Then the lords and ladies went back inside once more.

For the next hour and a half or so the pattern continued. Every few minutes they would be subjected to intense tickling and teasing and then left alone for a little While. All of them were hot and frustrated, and Meg said it for all of them. “I don’t know about you girls, but I definitely need to be soundly fucked.By any one or all of them, in any hole or all, separately or at once.”

Finally they were released, but instead of the sex they desperately desired, their hands were tied in front of them and John suggested, “Why don’t we take them to the baths to loosen up a little?”

This was met with approval all around and the four were led around to a part of the house they hadn’t visited yet. As they entered by a side door, Catlin saw they were in a large area with what appeared to be swimming pools. Everything was done in ceramic tile and she realized that these could indeed be Roman baths from the second century or earlier. There was a large pool and two smaller ones, each one of these lesser ones about six feet on a side.

All the lords as well as Anne and Linda shed their clothes and the four were led over to the two smaller pools. As she got closer, Catlin saw that these had benches around the inside edges and, as she stepped into one, found the water warm, almost hot, likea hottub. She was soon seated on a benchmark between Thomas and James, with Mary directly across from her between William and Linda. Seated, the water came above her breasts and the warm temperature did seem to relax her taut muscles.

Soon the men began to let their hands roam over her, pinching nipples and fingering her pussy. Once she glanced around and saw that Mary had her tits being teased by William while Linda seemed to have a finger buried in her pussy. In the other pool Meg and Tyra seemed to be getting similar attention. Then she forgot about the others as her own arousal increased.

Both of the men had erections and were increasing their attentions. Thomas stood in front of her and pulled her to her feet, letting his fingers begin to stroke across her pussy lips. Suddenly James reached for something outside the pool. When he brought his hand back it made its way to Catlin’s anus and she felt a finger, slick with vaseline penetrate her rear. He moved the finger in andout, spreading the slick substance. Some water may have entered, but the greasy stuff coated her rectum instead of washing off. James stood on the benchmark so he was partly out of the water and covered his hard member with a thick layer of the stuff. Then he dropped back down and Thomas helped lift Catlin up as he placed his slick cock against her anus. As turned on as she was, Catlin had no hesitation in trying to relax her anal muscle ring and, with surprise ease, James slide inside her tight rear hole.

He pushed himself slowly in to the hilt and then held Catlin tightly against him. Thomas then penetrated her pussy with his hard cock and the three of them began to rock against one another. Catlin had never experienced anything like this. She had never had sex in the water, much less with two men at the same time, and even anal sex was less than a day old To her. Within a couple of minutes the incredible stimulation, the hot water and her near weightlessness in it combined with her already horny state to drive Catlin to a screaming climax, quickly followed by the two men, jerking against her as they both shot their loads deeply inside.

James continued to hold her tightly as his member began to shrink inside her rear. Thomas slide out of her pussy but continued to cares her tits. James leaned forward and ran his tongue around the inside of her right ear, causing an uncontrollable shiver. As they Continued to relax Catlin noticed that a little of the vaseline had melted and formed spots on the surface of the water. When she asked about it, James said, “They’re scheduled to drain and clean the small pools tonight anyway, so it won’t be too much trouble. Why don’t we go grab a quick shower and get cleaned off. Then we can swim a while before lunch, if you want.”

They left the pool and Catlin noticed that near the other pool Meg was lying on her back with John’s cock in her mouth and Anne’s mouth pressed against her crotch. Mary was still in the pool, as was Tyra, and both of them were still fully occupied. James and Thomas untied her wrists and led her over to a shower room at one side where very modern, non-Roman fixtures provided them a quick cleaning.

When they returned she saw that several of the others were heading that way and Meg and her two companies were sprayed side by side, recovering. The three of them went to the large pool and dove in. For the next half hour everyone – lords, ladies, and captives – swam and played in the large pool. Finally everyone came out and dried off and then, all but the four captives once more dressed, made their way back around the house and inside for lunch.

After lunch, as the previous day, every one paired up for naps. Catlin found herself with Edward. She spent the first half hour tied spread eagled, first in a hot sixty nine and then arching her hips against Edward’s powerful thrusts. Then, thoroughly tired out, slept soundly until Edward awakened her.

As everyone gasered in the library for a glass of juice the girls were informed they would be spending the next few hours in the dungeon once again. When everyone had gone downstairs Anne announced, “Lord Robert and Lord James have lost a fighter and must pay their forfeit. However, I think it reasonable to have Catlin and Tyra aid them.”

Linda and the other lords cheered, and Tyra and Catlin looked at each other in Confusion. Anne and Linda each took a wrist and led the two girls to the center of the room. Wrist and ankle cuffs were placed on them and they were made to stand about six feet apart, side by side, both facing the same direction. Two of the men came over to help and soon Catlin found herself stretched in a tight spread eagle between floor and ceiling. Chains pulled her arms up and four feet apart, while her ankles were tied to floor rings spaced about three feet. She began to wonder what sort of “forfeit” Robert and James were going to pay.

She soon found out. When the two girls were secure, James and Robert appeared. Both had stripped completely and were also wearing wrist and ankle cuffs. Robert came over to face Catlin and James went to Tyra. Robert raised his hands and soon they were stretched and chained to the same points as Catlin’s own. Even before this naked man was pressed against her, Catlin had been turned on again. Now she was dripping and Robert’s arousal was obvious. Anne used her hand to insert Robert’s penis into Catlin’s vagina with an admonishment not to move. Then she used wide leather straps to closely bind them at the waist and the top of each thigh. Held thusly, Robert was trapped inside her as long as he remained erect. Anne then attached his ankles cuffs to hers with his legs inside her own.

Catlin was having a hard time obeying the instruction not to move. Her hard nipples were rubbing against Robert’s chest hair, her breasts pressed tightly to him, and she could feel the pounding of his blood inside his hard cock. She lookedat him and whispered, “My lord, what will they do to us?”

He grinned at her. “We’re to be whipped, Wench. At least until we both come, and maybe longer.”

Catlin couldn’t help herself and clamped down on his cock with her vaginal muscles. Robert sucked in his breath. “Like that idea, huh?”

Catlin leaned so her mouth was almost against his. “Most definitely,” she said, and then brushed her tongue across his lips.

Tyra and James were bound in a like manner and looked just as excited. Anne and Linda approached, each with a cat with two foot tails in her hand. They were standing behind the two men and Catlin sensed, rather than saw, two of the lords move behind Tyra and herself. Anne looked around and nodded. A second later there was the sound of leather on bare flesh as four whips struck home. The whipping continued, hard and frequently lashes, mostly on their asses, but occasionally landing elsewhere. Bound as they were the two could only strain against each other rathe than stroke in and out, but the stimulation was still incredible. Catlin soon began to come; once and then again and then once more. However it hadn’t been that long since Robert had come and it took some time before he was pushed over the edge and spurted inside her. As they hung there panting, the whipping continued for another half dozen strokes and then finally stopped. Anne and the man, who turned out to be William, moved up to them and used their hands and lips to tease and stroke the bound couple. Finally the four were released.

When they came to the dungeon the lords and ladies sometimes remained fully dressed, but often, as they had now, chose to instead don other clothes. The men usually wore only a short leather wrap-around kilt which came less than half way down to their knees. The women sometimes wore a close fitting stretch one piece or other times, like now, also used the leather kilts with or without a leather halter. Today Linda wore both while Anne was bare to the wait, her hard nipples showing her own excitement.

James and Robert were released and put on their own kils, but Catlin and Tyra were left stretched. Catlin saw that Meg and Mary were tied to the rap racks and getting the attention of a couple of the men. Then, as a leather paddle struck her already sore ass, she forget about the others.


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