Xander Pt. 01

What Friends are for.

“There you go; one pint of Best in a handle as always. Cheers.”

“Thanks Xander. Cheers mate.” As Xander replaced his seat in the window, he took a long drag and placed his glass on the round table in front of him. Looking across at his friend of many years, he asked,

“Jacob, my dear friend, I sense you are not yourself this evening. Anything you want to share with me?” There was a brief leader pause. Then without looking up from the glass which he held between his palms, Jacob asked,

“Xander, how long have we known each other?” Somewhat surprised by the remark, Xander said in a questioning voice,

“Like, for ever. School, university, shared digs, on occasions shared girlfriends, each’s best man; what are you asking?”

“Well you’re right, I do have something on my mind, and you are the only person in the world, that a. I can share it with, and b. who could help me with a solution.”

“Anything. Go for it. Tell me.” Jacoblooked up and across at his dear friend Xander.

“Anything? You mean it? You won’t be shocked or judgemental or get up and walk away?”

“Jacob, for God’s sake, stop pissing about and tell me. What is it. I promise not to overreact, whatever it is.” There was another long pause, as Jacob gathered his thoughts and his courage.

“Okay. Well it’s about Martha. I don’t Know whether you’ve noticed, but she is getting more and more bossy and demanding. I feel I’m becoming more of a slave than a husband. I’m expected to do more and more, for less and less.”

“Less and less? What do you mean?” There was another pause, while Jacob gazed into his glass again, seeking courage and inspiration.

“It’s about sex really. It’s now all on her terms; only when she Wants it. It used to be great, now obviously I don’t turn her on anymore. Oh I’m sure it’s half my fault. I’ve always given in to her, because I wanted her to be happy. I’ve never made demands on her in any way. I justfeel we are drifting apart; our marriage is crumbling.”

“Have you tried talking to Martha about your worries?”

“I can’t. I want to, but I feel more and more out of control, and humiliated.”

“Do you think there’s someone else? Has she good a lover, male or female?”

“If she has, it’s virtual; she never goes out.”

“Do you go out “Hardly at all. Whenever I suggest a meal or a visit to the cinema, or a concert, she always has an excuse. So I’ve almost given up making suggestions.” He paused looking forlornly into his now nearly empty glass. “What am I going to do Xander? I love the woman, and I don’t want to lose her. I want to get back to how it was. Help me, please.” Xander got up and gathered the glasses, smiling.

“Panic not, dear friend. Another pint, and I’ll tell you what I think.” It was his turn to consider, how far would Jacob be prepared to go, and how far could their friend be stretched. But Jacob had taken the risk with him, he should do the same. When he had paid Gloria, he went back to the table, to be assailed by,

“And there’s another thing. I’ve found myself, getting more and more resentful of the way Martha is treating me, and I feel I want to humiliate her, dominate her, punisher her. The trouble is, I can’t do it, I’ve left it to long and too late, she’d only laugh at me. But you could Xander. What do you say? Help me.” This was all too good to be true, Xander thought.

“Calm yourself Jacob. Of course I can help you. But what I have to suggest will test our friend to the limit.”

“Anything. Go for it. What do you have in mind? Anything”

“Okay then. What would you say if I asked you, would you mind if I fucked Martha in front of you? Nothing underhand. I wouldn’t do anything with her behind your back, I promise?” Jacob wasn’t fazed by the question, in fact he seemed to be very interested in the concept.”

“Well yes, if it’s part of your plan,” he responded.

“Okay. Fine. This is what you do. When you get back, tell Martha that you’re concerned about me. I seem to be a bit down. Suggest to her that you invite me to one of those candle-lit dinners we used to have before Sally died. Then leave it up to me.”

It always used to be just the four of them. Xander and Sally, Jacob and Martha. But since Sally had been killed in the car accident some four years ago, Xander had retired into himself, shunning friends and social occasions. It was just Jacob and Xander now. But time is the great healer, and Xander found he could now talk about her without walking in self-pity and longing. He was ready for the challenge that Jacob had set him.

Xander took a taxi, partly because he knew they would drink too much, and partly because if all went According to plan, he would be spending the night there. It was Martha who opened the door to the independent sound of the bell.

“Hello Xander. It’s been a long time. How are you?” she pursued seductively. Xander proffered the large bunch of roses, and the bottle of wine, and took her by her broad shoulders, kissing her perfectorily on both chefs. She was wearing a full-length pale flowered satin gown, gathered under her ample bosom, her white, rounded chest, accentuating the long darker cleavage, promising ripe, over-sized breasts. The gathered straps displaying her fleshy bare arms.

“Come in Xander. Please make yourself at home. Jacob’ll be with us shortly. He’s busy in the kitchen just now. He’ll get the drinks when he’s ready. Sit yourself down.” She was flirting in a rather unsubtle manner, sitting opposite Xander, allowing the split side of her gown to fall away revealing a chubby stockinged leg, up to a similarly ample, simpled thigh; was that a hint of suspender? She unexpectedly pulled down the top of her gown, and leaned forward. Tell me how you are.” Xander deliberately allowed his gaze to dwell, probably longer that etiquette allowed, on the now obvious suspendder and the magnificent swell of her breasts. Martha smiled, he was taking the bait, she thought.

“Jacob tells me you’re a bit down, so I thought I’d invite you for one of the dinners we all used to enjoy. I know it won’t be the same without Sally, but I thought we’d try.” Xander smiled inwardly, whilst maintaining his dour exterior. She was so blatant, making the invitation out to be her idea, When it had been his, delivered by Jacob. She was falling for it.

Jacob had been hovering in the hallway listening, and entered the locke as if on a pre-arrange signal. Xander stood up. Jacob advanced saying,

“Here mate, give us a man-hug. How are you?” The two friends embedded meaningfully. “What can I get you both to drink? Martha?”

“A gin and tonic. And don’t drown the gin. Lemon and one lump of ice. And don’t forget the nibbles.”


“Have you a bottle of red open? That would be lovely, thank you.”

“No problem. One G&T, one glass of red, and the nibbles,” and off he dutifully toddled, back to the kitchen.

“So tell me what you’re up to Xander. Is there anyone special in your life? I know Sally would be impossible to replace, but you need to move on, everyone does, everyone needs someone. I feel guilty that I haven’t been there for you, as I should have been. But I’m here for you now, for anything you I want.” She had rather too obviously emphasized the ‘anything’; another indication of how much easier it was going to be, putting his plan into action. Xander attempted a small fake smile,

“Thank you Martha, you’re a dear. I shall remember that,” he said with equal knowing emphasis. “No, there’s no-one else. Jacob has been my rock and I’m very grateful, he deserves the best. He is a truly solid guy. The best friend anyone could have. He’d share anything and everything with me, I know. Anyway, what about you. You look particularly lovely this evening.” He’d always had a fascination with Martha. He admired her fecund fullness; her childish smile, her auburn hair resting on her broad shoulders, her big fleshy breasts, her tucked-in waist, emphasising her broad hips and her big round pouting buttons; the complete opposite of his beloved Sally. But he was strangely attracted to her. He’d tried to sum her up … buxom, generous, rounded, cuddly … Jacob returned carrying a tray which he set down on the coffee table in the middle of the carpet.

“G and T for you my love. Red for you Xander. G and T for me. Cheers,” he offered when they all had their glasses, “Here’s to us, and a convivial intimate evening; Not quite like old times, but let’s see what we make of it. Cheers.”

“Cheers,” the other two chorused, and took their glasses to their lips.

“Dinner won’t be long. I’ve kept it simple. I didn’t want to spend the evening in the kitchen missing the conversation. So no starter, chicken risotto with a green side salad, followed by an individual Eton Mess. Then coffee and liqueurs to suitYour taste. Okay?” Jacob looked for approval from both of them. Martha ignored him, her eyes on Xander’s handsome features.

“Sounds brilliant Jacob. Can’t wait,” Responded Xander with geneuine anticipation.

“Pass the nibbles to Xander, and then sit down,” Martha barked quietly. “Xander, forgive me if you think I’m prying, but how come a very attractive man like you, still hasn’t got a girl-friend? I would have thought they would have been falling over themselves to be bedded by you.”

“Well, it’s just that Sally and I had such a rich and exciting love life, that she would be hard to replace.”

“But what do you do for relief?” Xander looked across at Jacob, to gauge his reaction to the direction the conversation was taking; being steered by Martha, but to be encouraged by Xander. Jacob was looking intensely at his friend, he too was eager to know how it would develop. “Jacob, the buzzer on the cooker.” Jacob got up rather disappointedly, and went into the kitchen again.

Xander looked at Martha quizzically, and answered her question with a question,

“What do you think I do Martha?”

“It’s ready.” Jacob called, “Get yourselves to table and I’ll bring it in. Okay if I dish it up in here?” When Xander and Martha were seated opposite each other, the dishes were brought in on a tray and set before them. The salad bowl was placed in the middle of the table.

“There, I hope you like it. Help yourself to salad, don’t wait on ceremony, just tuck in.”

“Of course dear.”

“And the wine.” Xander found the cold exchange painful and embarrassing, but at this stage he had to play along. They were all enjoying their meal in brief silence, which was finally broken by Martha, who asked,

“Well Xander, you were going to tell us what you do for relief.”

“And I asked you, what you thought I did. So …”

“Oh Xander, do you want me to spell it out?”

“Well you wanted me to spell it out to you. You first.”

“Well I imagine you look at porn online and wank yourself. Yes?”

“Almost right Martha. I look at porn, yes, but not on line.”


“Yes, but videos of Sally and me.” Martha emptied her glass,

“Jacob, more wine.” The glasses were refilled.

“What, you mean you filmed yourselves having sex? How excited. What sort of things did you get up to?” Martha had put down her cutlery and was leaning on her elbows, gazing intently across the table at Xander, Jacob was totally excluded from her mind and vision. She seemed to be quietly squirming in her seat. “Can I see them?”

“Absolutely not,” was his reply, “They are private and cherished, and sacred to Sally and me. You can’t see them, but I could describe them, or act them out with you if you prefer.”

“What was the thing you and Sally liked doing most?” she asked almost drooling in anticipation. Jacob too was turned on, and Xander was now entering into the next phase of his plan. He was going to tantalise them, milk it, draw it out.

“That was absolutely delicious Jacob. Thank you. I didn’t know you were such a good cook. In digs, it was always something out of a tin, or scrambled eggs. But even so, it was you who opened the tins and scrambled the eggs. Well done. Could we have a glass of water please?”

“And open another bottle Jacob before you clear away.” As Jacob spent himself with the requests, Martha put her arm across the table, and took Xander’s hand. “Are you feeling a bit more relaxed now Xander? Remember what I said, if there is anything I can do for you, you only have to ask,” she said, smiling suggestively. Xander thanked her in a bland seemingly non-understanding way.

“That’s so kind Martha. I shall always remember it. I’m sure there will be something you can help me with, or do for me.”

“Anything. You only have to ask. Don’t be shy.” So the scene was set. Jacob brought in another bottle, and filled their glasses; a jugof water and three tumblers. The dishes of desert were set in front of them.

“I say this looks delicious Jacob. Another culinary delight,” criticized Xander.

“I hope you enjoy it,” responded Jacob.

“So, what did you video Xander, I’m dying to know?” Martha drooled. Xander took his time as he spooned the sweet white and red goo into his mouth.

“Well, we didn’t video Our making love, that was sacrosanct, private and meaningful. We only video our occasional special sex sessions, which we called S&D.”

“You mean S&M?” prompted Martha.

“No. S&D. It stood for submission and domination.”

“Okay, so what did that involved?”

“We took it in turns. Each session was orchestrated by one of us and the other had to go along with it. But there were strictly understood and observed rules.”

“Like what?” Martha asked, her desire rising, and her knickers dampening. Xander recognized the affect he was creating, and this pleased him.

“Absolute obedience and compliance. No comments, questions, complaints or dissentations were allowed. Any misdemeanours were punished.” Xander paused and looked from Martha to Jacob. There was a pregnant pause as they both hung on his words and waited for more. “That’s it.” He drank his water and took another mouthful of wine. “Come on drink up, and tell me what you think.” The others similarly quaffed their water and sipped their wine.

“I think it sounds wonderful. How did you video your sessions?” asked Jacob.

“Just set the camera on the tripod, linked to the TV and pressed go. We could watch what we were doing and make sure we stayed in frame of got closer or further away; whatever we wanted. Simple. And what about you Martha? Are you up for it?”

“Rather,” she answered enthusiastically, “When do we start? Who’s going first?”

“Jacob?” asked Xander.

“I’m game if Martha is. Tell us what we have to do.”

“Coffee first, black, no sugar please, and tell us what you have togo with it.”

When Jacob had cleared away and furnished them with coffee and their choice of tipple, they relaxed in easy chairs, sipping contently and expectedly. The fine meal and copious alcohol was having the uninhibitingly desired effect. Xander put his empty glass down and looked at his hosts.

“Now. I want you both to understand, this is a game. However, it is a serious game. I’ve explained the rules to you, and they must be stringently adhered to, otherwise punishment will be applied. Do you understand?” they both nodded and concurred.

“And do you accept the rules?” again they signed their acceptance.

“Right. There is no camera this time. But if we agree that this is something we want to repeat, and we agree, then we will film the next session, and watch it together later, and see what happens. Okay?”

“Okay.” They chorused enthusiastically.

“Then, the game starts … NOW. I am in charge.

“Martha, collect up the cups and glasses, and move the coffee table out of the way.” Without a murmur, Martha did as she was told. She put the things on the tray, and carried it out to the kitchen. When she returned, she picked up the little table and placed it in front of the bookcase, and was about to regain her seat.

“No Martha. You will stand there in front of me. I have something to say.” His manner had changed. He was now strangely aggressive. “Ever since I arrived, you have been blatantly provocative, displaying your bosom and your thighs, making sure I could see that you were wearing a suspender belt. If you were trying to seduce me, it was very common and unappealing. You now have the change to do it properly. You will strip naked in front of me, in the most exotic manner of which you are capable. Take your time. Get it right. Jacob, put on Some smooth music.”

Jacob sporting a very obvious erection, got up and found a CD of ‘The Last Waltz’, and set it playing. Martha swwayed gently to the music, her arms aroundherself as if in a lover’s embrace. Her eyes were closed, her head rolling as she ran her outspread hands over the swells and contours of her body, lingering over her breasts and between her legs. She quietly hummed the tune as she pushed first one strap, and then the other, baring her shoulders, as they fell down her upper arms. She turned in her dance, so that she was facing Jacob, with her back to Xander. Her hands went slowly round to her back, and found the zipper of her gown. Equally slowly and sensitively, she drew down the zip to the base of her spine and let the material smooth down to a heap around her ankles, swaying all the while to the music. Again she turned slowly to face her master, still gently and sensually struggling her body. Xander thought she was even more rounded and comes in her matching flesh-tone, lacy bra and big pants. Her bra was probably, deliberately, a cup size too small, so that she was pinched at the back and sides, but her big ballooning breasts weresuggestedly and erotically, tumbling over the top. Her stockings as he knew, were clipped into her suspender belt, the stockings biting into the bulging dimpled flesh of her great meaty thighs.

Then again she turned her back on Xander and reached round for the clips on her bra. Slowly and excitedly cupping her full breasts under her arms. As she turned again, she let the bra drop and lifted her heavy teats in her hands. She opened her eyes and smiled at Xander as she handled, massed, squeezed and milked her prizes. She knew he was turned on. She bent forward releasing their weight, letting them hang like huge distended udders waiting to be milked. Still leaning towards Xander, she swayed them from side to side, letting them crash together with a dull thud. Then she took one in both hands and squeezed it, creating a massive ball of swollen milk-white flesh decorated with fine blue veins. The nipple was flat and the areola the size of a small pink saucer. Xander was watching intently, and he could see that Jacob was excited. Martha still bending forward, manipulated the other distention in a similar fashion, before standing up straight again, letting her pendulous boobs hang down almost to her rounded belly.

Still staring straight at her commander, she hooked her thumbs into the sides of her big knickers and slowly pulled them down, wriggling as she did so, her tits swinging on her chest and her Bottom cheats slowly bouncing as they were exposed for his appreciation. Her belly and fleshy, pouting lips were clean sand, shiny and glistening. Finally, she slowly and deliberately placed a stocking foot on the chair beside him and unclipped the suspender, and the stocking was slowly rolled down her meaty thighs and calves, to her slimmer ankle, and then drawn off in a long deliberate flourish. She replaced the foot with the other and slowly repeated the exercise. Xander fancied he caught a whiff of her arousment, heavy and musky and exciting. The belt was quickly unclipped and discarded.

Martha who was enjoying her role as the erotic dancer, ran her hands suggestively over her body; her heavy hanging breasts, her rounded belly, her thighs, which she parted a little, showing off her well lubricated lips, her luscious big buttocks which she pulled apart as she bent over, revealing her wet swellings from a new angle, and her delicious, pink, pumped, fleshy back-hole. Xander wondered if it had ever been used erotically. He determined to find out, and put it to his use.


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