Author’s note: Before you read this please take a couple of things into account. First, this is a BDSM story in the BDSM category, if that does not appeal to you then please don’t read it and tell me how evil I am. Thanks to Texaswriterguy for not only editing this story but sending it to me twice due to my own error.
Alayna slept straight through Saturday night and a majority of Sunday morning. When she woke up at 11:30 on Sunday she felt refreshed and relaxed. She looked over at the nightstand and saw a glass of ice water sitting there.
“I really needed this,” she said out loud to herself as she reached for it, “and I really have to pee!”
Her body was sore and she moved slowly as she slip out of the large bed. Alayna left the blanket behind and Walked naked to the bathroom. She ignored the mirror in an attempt to ignore what marks were probably there and walked directly to the toilet. When she finished and began to walk back out she couldn’t ignorethem. There was a full length mirror next to the door. Tears formed in her eyes as she saw the deep red welts across her chest, mid section, butt and thighs. She lightly touched the marks across her breast jumping slightly at the pain. The deep red stripes were elevated and very tender.
“Why don’t you put this on?” Joe said standing in the bathroom door and handing her a white men’s shirt.
“Thank you.” She said quickly taking it and pulling it in front of her.
Alayna was used to being naked in front of people. It wasn’t about being naked right now. She was ashamed and embarrassed at how her body looked particularly how it looked to him.
Joe gently grasped her elbow and led her back to his bed. She walked slowly and he didn’t rush her. Her feet, knees, hips and shoulders reached terribly. He helped her into the bed and positioned a few pillows behind her back so she could sit up. It hurt no matter how she sat and the light cotton shirt felt like a lead weight on her sores but Alayna did her best to play it down for him.
“You’ll stay here this week,” he said sitting next to her on the bed, “don’t go to work just relax here. There’s plenty of food in the kitchen and more shirts when you want to change.”
“Are you sure,” Alayna said bending her right leg up, “Shauna’s out for a few days as well you know.”
“I’ll have it took care of,” he said still not looking in her eyes, “but thanks for your concern.”
She realized he was looking at two particularly nasty welts on her left leg and pulled the shirt down to cover them. When the material of the shirt rubbed over the welts Alayna felt as if her leg were being seated on a grill but she couldn’t allow him to see it anymore.
“This coming weekend there is a new girl joining the membership,” he said with unsteady words, “you are expected to be there. By Monday or Tuesday those marks will only be a memory.”
“It’s okay,” she said raising her excitement level a bit to makehim feel better, “it will be fun to be on the other side this time.”
Suddenly the cell phone on Joe’s hip rang. He pulled it out and looked quickly at the screen.
“I have to take this.” He said getting up quickly from the bed and walked towards the sliding doors. “I hope you have good news for me.” He said as he opened the slider and stepped through it.
Alayna Couldn’t make out anything Joe said after he closed the slider but she could certainly tell from his body language that he was very upset. She could see his face redden and his blue eyes turned dark gray as he spoke heatedly into the phone. A couple of times his voice was loud enough for her to hear dull sounds through the door but certainly no words could clearly be made out. Finally he hung up the phone but Stayed on the deck for another few minutes before coming back into the room.
Alayna could see that his eyes had returned to their bright blue and the redness in his face had faded. He smiled at her ashe walked forward but it wasn’t a smile she enjoyed. It was a smile you give a relative in a hospital when you feel bad for them. He sat slowly on the bed and looked into Alayna’s face but not directly into her eyes. She could see the concern and compassion in his face.
“Okay,” he said touching her thigh carefully, “I have another trip this week but I’ll make sure someone comes in and checks on you while I’m gone.”
“Thank you,” Alayna replied as he stood up and started walking towards the bedroom door, “but it’s really not necessary.”
“I know,” he replied looking back at her, “but neither was what you went through yesterday.” He paused for a long time looking at her in his bed. She had buttoned only 4 buttons of his crisply pressed white shirt and sat on the bed with one leg up. Her hair was a mess after sleeping for over 12 hours, she had visible deep red almost purple welts visible, her eyes were tired but she still looked beautiful to him. “I’ll call later on in the week as well.”
Finally he had looked in her eyes. She noticed that both of his eyes appeared to be a bit watery. It gave his eyes an even brighter look despite the lack of light in the room. When he turned and walked away she pulled the front of his shirt up to her nose and inhaled deeply. The scent of his cologne and his body were on the shirt. The smell made her smile and she curled up into bed taking a nap for another hour.
Shauna had been the first one to stop by. She came up the stairs to the patio off the bedroom and walked in. Obviously she was not a stranger to Joe’s house. Alayna couldn’t be jealous. Just seeing and hearing how sorry Shauna was made her cry. No sooner had her tears began Shauna’s following. Plus, it wasn’t her fault that Shauna had sex with a man Alayna believed she was truly in love with, it was their role.
“I can’t believe my cell phone cut out during that message.” Shauna said as she spread an aloe based lotion on Alayna’s back, butt andthighs. “I was actually telling you not to go.”
“It’s okay,” Alayna said turning to look at her, “I had no idea I didn’t have to, it’s my fault, and I should have known from that first night how things would go that day. I’m sure I’d have been better off facing Camille.”
“Well let’s not go that far!” Shauna laughed.
Shauna spent the night. Alayna Know that her friend and part time lover wasn’t a real fan of being with a woman but she felt better curled up in her arms and slept soundly again. It feel good being curled up against her friend’s soft skin and seemed to make her sores less bothersome. Shauna left early the following morning.
Janine and Lisa stopped in during the week as well as Shauna on almost a daily basis. Joe had been right, by Tuesday the marks on her flesh were no longer as visible as they had been. They had become more like shadows and by Thursday even those had disappeared. By Wednesday Alayna’s sexual appetite had returned as well.
After her shower Wednesday afternoon Alayna lay on the bed with a bottle of corn starch. She spread a large quantity of starch on her torso and began to rub it over her skin. Her hands moved easily over her skin with the corn starch acting as a dry lubricant. She tweaked her nipples to the point that her back involuntarily arched at her touch and moaned softly. The hard nipples bent under her thumbs as she circled and flicked They repeatedly. Both hands moved slowly over her taut stomach to her spreading legs. Alayna lifted her knees opening her pussy more. She spread the powder over her thighs and mound teasing herself further. Alayna’s body jumped when she touched her clip lightly, not from her previous experience but from her building excitement, she inhaled deeply and fight to keep teasing herself. She touched her rapidly hardening clip lightly with a finger like a lover’s tongue. Finally she couldn’t take it any longer. The two fingers on her right hand rubbed tight quick circles onher clip. She rubbed her pussy with the fingers from her left hand making them slick. Her middle and index finger of her left hand slipped inside her pussy and began moving rapidly in and out of her pussy.
Alayna moaned loudly through her first orgasm and continued well into her second. She moved her left thumb over her clip and pressed her pinky finger against her asshole. Her pinky was soon covered with the wetness from her pussy making it easier to tease her tight ring. She moved the slick fingers from her right hand up to her nipples rubbing her mood into her skin.
“Oh my God Joe!” She cried out as she came again.
Alayna’s body shook as her hands slowed. Her feet slip down the bed leaving her legs open but lying flat. She stayed motionless save the slow rising and falling of her chest. While the rest of her body slowed her mind raced. She hadn’t been consciously thinking of him while she touched herself. She simply brushed it off as the fact that she was surrounded by reminders of him and had been for 4 days.
Over the next two days Alayna steadily increased the number of orgasms she experienced. By Friday night she was more than ready for the ceremony. Shauna brought over a dress, bra, thong and heels to wear Friday night for the ride and a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers for the ride home Saturday.
“Are you ready for this?” Shauna asked as Alayna slip into her car.
“You have no idea Shauna.” Alayna answered buckling her seatbelt. “I should have had you bring me over one of my dildos!”
“That bad huh?” Shauna asked backing her car out of the driveway.
“Well sometimes you just need a little more then your hands can offer.” Alayna said smiling and blushing slightly.
“Mmmmmm, you got that right!” Shauna said seductively playing with the car’s gear shift and laughing.
“You are bad Shauna!” Alayna said tapping her hand.
“Well I’ve been a very good girl today,” she said driving the some familiar route to the manor, “so I plan on being a very bad girl tonight!”
Alayna was amazed how openly they were talking this evening. They were headed to the manor to spend the evening being fondled and having sex and both of them were very excited about it.
“How do we know who will do what?” Alayna asked. “I mean who preps the new girl, who spends the night with the new guy, and who’s in the room?”
“Janine and another girl are preparing the new girl,” Shauna explained, “and myself and Lisa get the fresh meat, pun totally intended!” Shauna laughed at her joke as she pulled into the driveway of the manor. “If you are doing something special Camille lets you know a couple of days beforehand,” Shauna continued parking the car, “you won’t do any of that stuff for a few more parties.” Shauna shut off the engine and turned to her friend. “Are you 100% sure you’ll be okay tonight? No one would hold it against you if you said no.” She took Alayna’s hand and held it tight in hers. “You’ll be wearing boots,” she said looking into Alayna’s eyes, “and wearing a gag and wrist cuffs. No one wants you to have an issue.”
“Shauna,” she replied gratefully squeeze her friend’s hand, “I won’t freak out if someone cuffs my hands behind my back or swats my butt with their hand.”
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure.” Shauna said turning and opening her door.
“Is Joe going to be here tonight?” Alayna asked hopefully. “I have no idea if he was there the night of my ceremony.”
“No,” Shauna answered leaning in the door, “he hasn’t come to one of these in quite a while.”
Alayna was a bit sad as she got out of the car. She grabbed the small bag with her clothes for the following day and toiletries and followed Shauna through the front door of the manor. Her mood quickly changed when she entered the place. She looked at the floor where she had kneeeled and been first introduced to Camille. Just being in here again gave her goose bumps. Even the sound of her heels on the floor brought back back vivid memories of the week she had spent here.
“Good evening ladies.” Said a very familiar voice.
“Good evening Camille.” Shauna replied. It was obvious that Shauna held no real fondness for Camille. Alayna wondered how many times her friend had come to visit Camille for infections.
“Good evening Camille.” Alayna said smiling.
“Shauna,” Camille said turning to the tall blonde, “your date is upstairs in the shower. You will have about 15 minutes to get yourself ready and upstairs. You know where to find your accessories. Go now, I need to speak to Alayna.”
Shauna gave her friend a quick wink and hurried upstairs. By the time she reached the top of the stairs her blouse was already unbuttoned and coming off her shoulders.
“Alayna,” Camille said taking the girl’s arm, “come with me for a moment.”
Alayna was already walking with Camille and knew, as usual, there was no choice in the matter. She walked with Camille tothe blinde. They entered the very room that the poker game and her first incredible multi partner encounter had occurred. The poker table was gone but the couch and ottoman that she had been spread over was still in place. Just looking at the ottoman brought back the incredible memories of being with 4 men at once. Camille led her to a chair across from the ottoman and took one opposite her.
“This will only take a moment,” Camille said sitting and crossing her legs, “I need you to know something.”
Camille was exhaustively dressed as usual wearing a snug fitting red silk cheongsam. Her legs were covered with tan silk stockings and finished off with a pair of matching red high heels. With her hair up and a pair of geisha hair pins holding it in place she completed the look.
“I was told of what happened with George,” she said looking directly into Alayna’s eyes, “he has been dealt with. He will not contact you any further.”
“Thank you Camille.” Alayna said softly.
Alayna wasn’t’ sure what ‘dealt with’ means but she was sure it was not good.
“Despite what you may believe after the week you’ve had, the membership runs on a very strict set of rules.” Camille continued. “Anything like what occurred that day has to be done properly with the use of safe words. It was reckless, dangerous and incredibly stupid.” Camille pulled out a small black leather bound book and placed it on the table in front of Alayna. “This is the rule book,” she said pushing it in Alayna’s direction, “take a look at it.”
The small book was only a few pages with the rules listed and the explanations and reasons for them in the following pages. Alayna scanned the rules briefly and noticed the one that Camille was referring to in their conversation. Rule 2 mentioned not leaving marks, the usage of safe Words, and not abusing the women in general. Alayna’s eyes were drawn more to rule 5.
“Rule 5: Any member can claim a woman after she has been in service fora period of 12 months. No member, for the sake of the membership and community, can claim a woman sooner.”
“Camille,” Alayna said not looking up from the inked pages, “can I ask a question?”
“If a member claims a newer girl it does a number of things.” Camille said knowing what was to come from Alayna. “Newer members could use the girl they nominate for their entrance and then claim her a week later Just to gain entrance to this community. Girls who had been around for 8 months would be incredibly jealous if a girl who had only been in for 8 days was immediately taken off the market. It would erode the community in general, so the board enacted the 1 year rule.”
“How did you know I was going to ask that?” Alayna said finally looking up at Camille.
“Simple.” She replied. “I Know whose house you went to when you didn’t know where to go. He’s the one who called me in the middle of the night and told me what George had done. There are other reasons but I won’t go into them now.”
“Okay Camille,” Alayna said setting the book back on the table and blushing deeply, “where do I get ready for tonight?”
“Anxious my dear?” Camille asked rising out of her chair.
“A little I guess,” Alayna replied standing and following Camille, “a little nervous as well.”
“You’ll get over that soon enough,” Camille replied as she took Alayna up the stairs, “you’re not the star of the show this time.”
At the top of the stairs they turned right and entered a room. It turned out that this room was actually a locker room. There were at least 12 women in the room in various states of undress. All were changing into the uniform of the evening, a bright red ball gag, wrist cuffs, and thigh high boots. Elevated wooden lockers lined the walls with a padded bench running underneath them. Camille pointed to a spot along the wall. Alayna was amazed to see a brass name tag on the door with her name on it.
“I guess it’s easier to put my actual nameon it,” she said under her breath, “than for us to figure out which one marked slut is ours.”
Even before she opened the locker door Alayna’s entire body felt more alive than she ever had. It seemed as if all of her nerve endings were standing on end. Alayna’s fingers were shaking when she began to unbutton her dress. She took the hanger from the back of her locker and hung her dress on it. It fit perfectly from top to bottom. She was immediately convinced that Shauna had picked this dress out for exactly that reason. Alayna couldn’t help but notice how wet her thong was when she removed it. She had been so distracted by everything else when she pulled off her bra she was shocked at how hard her nipples were! Alayna turned and sat down to put on her stockings and boots. She suddenly became very happy that she didn’t have a lot of clothes to put on. Every time she moved and the closer she got the more excited her body became.
Alayna locked her wrist cuffs into place and then stood again to retrieve her ball gag. It was then that she noticed the tube of bright red lipstick. She picked up the lipstick and applied it to her lips dabbing them with the paper left in the locker. Alayna was amazed how they thought of everything! She looked at the gag for a moment reliving the nightmare that was that day with George but decided she was too incredibly excited about this evening to let that stop her. She placed the gag in her mouth and fastened it behind her neck. It was snug but not terribly uncomfortable. Alayna looked around at all of the other girls who were all ready. No one left the room. Alayna decided to just stay put and follow everyone else’s lead, it wasn’t like she could really ask any questions or get any answers. Suddenly she felt someone pull out her ponytail. She turned to see what was going on and caught another woman dressed like her before she was spun back around.
The woman behind her began to comb her hair. Alayna looked around the roomand noticed that all of the women had their hair slicked back and in a black ponytail. When she felt a tap on her shoulder signaling the woman was done she touched her hair. It was now slicked back as well. Now she really was just one of the girls. The door opened and the girls lined up to file out. The woman who had combined her hair helped position her file into line. When the women began to file out Alayna followed suit. She noticed a full length mirror near the door. When she looked into the mirror she couldn’t really pick herself out in the mirror from the others. She finally picked herself out and realized she wasn’t herself anymore. She was one of them. She was built for sex and loved what she was built for!
They walked down the line in file and were applauded by the membership that had gathered in the great room. Alayna tried to relax but it wasn’t easy. She saw where she had been strung up and fucked relentlessly for who knows how long. Her pussy quivered inside her body.The woman dispersed from the line. Alayna panicked for a moment. She had no idea where to go or what to do. Suddenly she felt a hand on her arm pulling her away. She braced herself not knowing who had taken her arm. When her eyes caught up with the rest of Alayna, she saw that it was Janice who had taken her arm. She lead Alayna to John who was standing near the entrance to the great room.
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