Author’s note: Before you read this please take a couple of things into account. First, this is a BDSM story in the BDSM category, if that does not appeal to you then please don’t read it and tell me how evil I am. Second, this story involves several intense scenes where safe words should be used but the character with Alayna does not. Please do not think that I am condemning the lifestyle or people who practice it. If he had conducted himself like any normal Dom safe words and a discussion of them would have been done beforehand. Thanks to Texaswriterguy for his editing of this story and others.
Alayna walked into her house feeling devastated for the first time since she’d started this journey. Just when she finally thought she knew where she stood, stark reality scratched her in the face. While she had seen 15 other women walking back to their homes after being out all night with their members there was no telling how many other women around the compound were doing the same. Alayna took off her skirt and top while walking upstairs and immediately stepped into the shower. She had no idea how she could ask him how he felt about her, but hopefully there would be a way.
She picked out a black silk blouse, black front close satin and lace bra with matching thong, a charcoal gray lined skirt and black stockings and heels.
“There,” she said looking at herself in the mirror, “that just about fits my mood today.”
Realizing that her house had cameras as well as microphones she immediately looked over at the counter by her clock. Only one person watching. She wondered if it was him. When she walked downstairs she noticed the blinking light on the answering machine. She pressed play and went to get a cup of coffee.
“Good morning sweetie!” Called Shauna’s voice from the machine. “Where are you this early in the morning? You can tell me at lunch who you were with. I have to get into the office early so you’ll have to drive yourselfin. See you soon!”
Alayna filled her travel mug and walked out the front door to her car. By the time she got to her desk her mood had improved considerably. She had been replaying the previous day’s events and was convinced there was something special there. He had allowed her to sit normally and had actually made love to her for the first time before they went to sleep. She knew that as soon as he called her to his office she would have to ask how he felt. The minutes on the clock clicked by slowly.
“Okay,” she said looking at the clock for the fourth time in the same minute, “it’s almost 10. The earliest he’s called is 10.”
Ten o’clock passed, then 11, and then 12. Alayna was so anxious she couldn’t concentrate. Even with the growing frustration between her legs she would not give in. She had to sit there and wait for his call!
“Hello?” She said picking up the phone before it finished its first ring.
“He needs to see you in his office.” His secretary’svoice said through the receiver.
“I’ll be right there,” she said hanging up the phone, “thank you.”
It took all of her willpower not to run down the cubicle aisles to his office. She barely acknowledged his secretary before walking into his office.
“Good afternoon Alayna.” He said looking up started to see her just barge in.
“Good afternoon.” She said trying desperately to calm her heart.
Both of their stomachs flipped when they saw each other.
“This is John,” he said pointing to her left, “he’s our West coast rep.”
Alayna recovered from seeing someone else in the office and immediately went to shake his hand. She only pulled her eyes away from his to check his hands. John was not a member.
“Nice to meet you John.” She said coolly.
“Nice to meet you as well.” He said trying to garner some of her attention.
It was no use for John. Her attention was squarely on her boss. She wanted to lunch across the desk and pin him in his chair before making him confess about his feelings for her. At this moment she hated John even though she hardly knew him!
“What can I help with?” She stuttered trying to regain some composition.
“I have to go to the coast,” he said not looking up from his brief case, “John has some fires I need to help put out. I should only be gone a few days.”
“Need me to come?” Alayna asked hope she didn’t sound too eager.
“Actually,” he said looking up, “no. Two of these are Shauna’s accounts, she’s coming. I need you to cover for her while she’s gone.”
“All ready to go.” Shauna said walking into the office.
Alayna shot Shauna a dirty look catching the blonde by complete surprise.
“Great!” Joe replied picking up his case and walking towards the door to his Office. “Hold down the fort here Alayna, I’ll be in touch.”
“Nice to meet you Alayna.” John said as he followed Joe out the door.
Shauna gave Alayna a look to ask what she had done wrong, whenAlayna said nothing she turned and left. Soon Alayna was in his office alone trying not to weeks.
She attempted to bury herself in her work the rest of the day but it was no use. This business trip had screwed up all of her plans. She was mad. Mad at him. Mad at Shauna and mostly mad at herself for falling for him. The week crawled by with no word from either of them. Finally she received a rather curt E mail from Joe on Friday afternoon.
Things are looking up here but it will still be a few days.
We will be back on Tuesday at the latest.
Alayna was a wreck. She hadn’t touched herself all week. It had taken 2 full days for the urge in her to go away. Now she never cared if she had sex again! Friday night found her in bed early again. As she tidied up around the house on Saturday the phone rang.
“Hello!” She answered hope beyond hope that it was Joe.
“Hello Alayna,” answered the male voice, “you haven’t met me officially yet but you will. My name is George.”
“Hello George.” She replied unsure.
“I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight in front of your house.” He instructed in an even tone. “Wear your black cocktail dress, fourth one from the left in your closet. Under that will be your black satin bustier and black stockings.”
“Yes sir.” She replied knowing any man who know where her dresses were hung had to be a member. “Anything else sir?”
“I’ll leave it to you to pick out an appropriate pair of heels,” he replied, “something between 3 to 4 inches if you please.”
“I will sir.” She said thinking of which pair to wear. “Anything else?”
“See you at 7.” He said as he hung up.
Alayna looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 4. She immediately stopped what she was doing and went upstairs to her bathroom to shower. The familiar urges started to come back as she realized she was going out with a member. He obviously had plans for her if he was keeping her bottomless. As the warm water caressed her body her hands moved touching her most sensitive spots. Before long she was leaning against the shower wall with the beating of the massaging showerhead lapping at her clip. Her legs almost gave out from under her as she orgasmed.
“Wow!” She said stepping out of the shower. “It’s been far too long since I’ve done that!”
Alayna put her hair up in a twist and sat to put her makeup on. Memories started coming back of going to Joe’s house last week but she was able to finally suppress them.
“Plenty of fish in the sea.” She thought to herself.
Just putting on the bustier and stockings had her feeling sexy again. She actually hadn’t felt sexy since she slipped out of his house all those days ago. “The bustier would be a nice combination for the dress.” She thought to herself. “Obviously George pays attention to little things like that.” The bustier pushed her large breasts upward and the neckline of the dress showed off her cleavage perfectly. She checked herself in the mirror before looking for a pair of heels. Alayna decided on a pair of 3 ½” black satin heels and slipped them on. She took another look at herself in the mirror and smiled.
Her cocktail dress stopped a few inches above her knees and had thin spaghetti strips. It clung to her without revealing the fact that she was wearing a bustier. The length of the skirt and height of the heels elongated her already long legs. She checked her pale red lipstick and makeup before heading downstairs. By 6:55 she was standing outside awaiting her escort, George.
A large Mercedes M class pulled around the corner and stopped in front of Alayna. She walked to the door and opened it knowing it had to be her date.
“Good evening Alayna,” said the well-built dark haired man in the driver’s seat, “I’m George. Do get in.”
“Thank you.” She replied sliding into the tan leather seat.
“You look very nice.” He said pulling away from the curb.
“Thank you sir,” she replied nervously adjusting her hem, “you have wonderful taste.”
“Just relax,” George instructed placing his hand on her thigh and sliding it up beyond her stocking top, “and call me George.”
George used his fingers to relax her by softly rubbing her mound. He had her lean her seat back a little so he could rub a little better and by the time they arrived at the restaurant Alayna was feeling Very horny. George had managed to rub her without allowing her to orgasm. As she stepped out of the car she wasn’t sure if the valet caught a glimpse of her shaken shaft or wet legs. She also decided that she didn’t care. George knew how to touch her and he could do that all he wanted no matter who saw as far as she was concerned!
The two of them sat in a nice booth at a quiet yet elegant restaurant. George managed to keep a hand between her tights almost the entire night. When they sat George had Alayna place her napkin on the seat and lift her dress out from under her bottom. If he hadn’t, the back of her cocktail dress would have been as wet as the napkin. They enjoyed a relaxed dinner over several hours; by the end of it Alayna would have humped the loaf of French bread if she could.
The two of them talked most of the time and obviously he was enjoying her company. With the exception of his hand placement, this was a typical and very successful first date in her opinion.
The cool night air felt amazing over Alayna’s sopping pussy and helped dry her thighs and stockings as they waited for George’s car. His hand touched the exposed part of her back between her should blades sending chills up her entire body. Back in his car Alayna leaned her seat back further and spread her legs as far as she could. George’s right hand moved over her breasts as well as her pussy. By the time they pulled into his driveway her body was on fire.
“Allow me.” George said opening her door and helping her out of the car.
“Thank you George,” she replied taking his hand, “you are truly a gentleman.”
He kept hold of her hand and led her inside his large Victorian home. George escorted her upstairs to his bedroom closing the door behind them. As he walked up behind her and placed his hands on her upper arms Alayna felt a sudden rush of fear and excitement. The feel of his lips on her neck added to the excitement and washed away the fear quickly.
“Take off your dress my dear.” He whispered huskily in her ear.
Her hands quickly undid the zipper in the back before sliding the thin straps off her shoulders. His hands rubbed her breasts through the satin material of her bustier as her dress fell to the floor.
“Now walk over to the bed and climb on it.” His hands released her, almost slightly pushing her to the large king sized bed. “On your front my dear,” he instructed from behind her, “and put your arms out towards the corners.”
She silently followed his instruction and her excitement continued to grow. Alayna could feel her pussy juices flowing as she waited for his touch. She finally felt it on her right arm. His hands took her arm just below the elbow and lifted it slightly. She felt the familiar bonds of a leather cuff being fastened there. The smell of the leather and her increased vulnerability excited her even more. Her left wrist was cuffed next. Both cuffs were attached to leather straps which stretched her arms out and up. She could feel her heart rate and breathing quicken.
For the first time she felt his weight on the bed. He slide beside her and lifted her hips. Alayna moved her legs to hold her hips up while he positioned a pillow under them. When he had it in place he slide back off the bed leaving her ass high in the air and totally exposed.
His hands moved down her left leg pulling it towards the corner of the bed. He placed a cuff on her left ankle and then pulled it towards the corner even further. By the time he fastened and tied her right ankle Alayna felt completely stretched and was unable to move at all.
She once again felt him slide onto the bed. The coolness of a black silk tie was placed over her eyes and tied tightly behind her head. She was bound, blind and felt like she was on fire.
“Do you know what a cat o’ nine tail is my dear?”
“No George I do not.” She replied growing more nervous.
“It’s sir now,” he said sternly, “and I will tell you. A cat o’ nine tail, like the one I have here in my hand, is a number of small leather strips about 18 inches long and a half inch wide bound to a 6 inch leather handle. You can use them a number of different ways. When I move them over your body like this,” he said as he glided the leather fingers up her left leg to her pussy and ass, “they feel quite enjoyable like a lover’s touch. Don’t you agree?”
“I do sir.” Alayna moaned in response as the leather straps moved over her pussy and asshole.
The sensing was amazing and once again Alayna’s fears were overruled by her excitement.
“Of course,” he continued lifting the leather whip off her butt, “they can be used for another purpose as well.”
Alayna felt the some sharp pain of the cat o’ nine tails being slapped across her butt. She won slightly from the surprise more then the disappoint.
“Have you ever been whipped or spanked before?” George asked lifting the whip off her body again.
“No sir.” She replied with a yelp as the cat o’ nine tails came across her bottom harder.
“I think you’ll enjoy it.” He said whipping her again.
With each successful stroke the cat o’ nine tails struck Alayna’s ass with more force. She pulled at her bonds and tried to twist her body away from his wrath as the leather fingers left sharp red lines across her pale bottom. She lost count after 20 but by the time he was done her ass felt ablaze and swollen and tears streamed from her covered eyes. Although her incredible discomfort Alayna was still sopping wet between herlegs.
“Let’s see if I was right.” George said placing his hand firmly on Alayna’s exposed pussy. “Oh indeed I was you horny little bitch.”
Alayna had no idea what to do. She was a bit excited but she was still quite afraid, not of George but of the unknown. His hand moved over her pussy, ass and asshole causing her to moan softly. George’s finger easily slipped inside Alayna’s pussy as he fingered her to near orgasm.
He removed his finger and soon Alayna felt the cool leather straps gliding over her swollen lips and hard clip. George swung the cat o’ nine tails slowly back and forth over her ass so they bumped into her clip and pussy. As he had done before each successful swing got harder and harder. Soon Alayna was again screaming with each blow of the cat o’ nine tails on her swollen pussy.
George alternate back and forth between her ass and pussy gradually beating each one until Alayna finally came. All of her ached as she lay on the bed panting hard. She didn’t even feel George crawl between her legs. His rock hard shake slide easily inside her swollen pussy. George leaned forward on her bright red ass and hovered over her torso as he fucked her.
“My you do have a tight little cunt,” he said ramming his large cock into her, “you obviously haven’t been around that long.”
“No,” Alayna grunted, “sir!”
“Obviously I’ll have to gag you next time my little bitch in heat,” he said thrusting his body hard into hers, “I only want your mouth for one thing.”
Alayna bit her lip to keep from saying anything. George rammed his cock into her pussy with abandon not stopping after she had orgasmed again and again. She breathed a sight of relief when he stopped pounding her pussy but soon felt the pressure of his cock against her asshole. His hips burned against her singing flesh as George fucked her ass with the same intensity he had fucked her pussy. When Alayna started grunting and moaning too loudly George placed the handle of the crop across her mouth and made her bite down in it. He fucked her through two more orgasms before finally cumming deep inside her ass.
“You have a tight little hole Alayna.” He said collapse on top of her.
She decided it was best not to speak and instead let the handle of the whip slip from between her teeth. George slide off of her body and stood beside the bed. She felt him reach for the whip and tensed her body again. After a few moments when she didn’t feel a blow she relaxed. That’s when the first slap of the cat o’ nine tails filled the room. He whipped her ass and upper legs for another 20 minutes before finally stopping. Alayna could feel her heartbeat reverberate off the mattress below her.
She breathed a sight of relief when her left ankle was released. As he had done when he tied her up, George took his time savoring his power over her. Even when she was unbound Alayna waited for his word that she could move.
“You can remove the blindfold my dear,”he said as casually as he had before this started, “and you are free to stand.”
“Thank you sir.” Alayna said as she slip off the bed and removed the blindfold.
“Here you are.” George said as he handed her the cocktail dress. “Would you like a nightcap?”
“That would be very nice.” She replied. She really had no desire for a nightcap or to spend any more time with George but she didn’t want to upset him.
He escorted her downstairs to a well decorated parlor and poured her a glass of white wine. Alayna wonched when she sat on the leather seat. Everything from her lower back to knees stung terribly. The coolness of the leather helped but not much. The conversation with George returned to the normal type of conversation they had shared over dinner. If someone was to overhear it they never would have guess that George had just whipped Alayna’s ass, thighs and pussy for over an hour.
“Well my dear,” he said rising from his chair and putting his glass of brandy down, “I’d best get you home.”
Ever the gentleman out of the bedroom George held Alayna’s arm as he escorted her to his car. The cooler interior of the car felt a bit better on her skin but George had insisted she place a towel under her pussy and ass so she wouldn’t stain his seat. George’s hand returned to her inner thigh but not as high up as early in the evening.
“I would like you to come over my house this weekend,” he said squeeze her tigh with his right hand, “say noon on Saturday.”
Alayna desperately wanted to say no but she knew she couldn’t.
“That would be great George.” She replied wanting to sound like she meant it.
George leaned over the center console and pulled Alayna’s head to him with his left hand. His kiss was tender on her lips. She stepped out of the car and walked to her door. As she looked over her shoulder George was still sitting in his car at the bottom of her driveway. He did not put the car in drive until she waved from inside her house.
Alayna reached down and touched her tender bottom. Even her hand against it hurt. She ran upstairs kicking her shoes off along the way to the full length mirror in her bedroom. When she turned she saw the red marks of the cat o’ nine tails across her ass and legs. Her butt was still beat red. Alayna undressed trying to keep anything from touching her sensitive ass and thighs and stepped into the shower.
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