Will & Kate: Perry Moves In

Chapter Four: Perry moves in

It was Saturday, Katie had just met Perry yesterday and he was moving in today. She was kind of excited. Will was so pleased with how she handled the introduction yesterday; he had her sleep with him. They had gone to bed early and had spent a long time enjoying each other with no games. Will told Katie that Saturday would be more of the same. She could get up when she wanted wear what she wanted, and relax with coffee and read the news in the morning.

Will said he just wanted to be a normal couple, no rules, no consequences, and no “Sir-ing” Katie had never had a leisure morning since had accepted her role as his property. She had plenty of quiet afternoons, but not mornings.

At 7:00am Katie stretched and started, trying to remember if she had overslept. Wondering Why was she still in his bed, but he was not, and then she remembered, she smiled, thinking about Will and last night and how sweet he had been, How did she get so lucky? Sheloved Will.

Katie went into Will’s close to decide what to wear today. She picked some jeans she was surprised to find, and feeling brave she picked up one of Will’s T-shirts. She smiled to herself; he did say she could wear what she wanted no consequences. She went to the kitchen to see if there was coffee, and there was. She poured herself a cup as Will walked up behind her, but his arms around her Waist and greeted her with a kiss on the neck.

“Morning Sexy! Nice shirt.”

Katie half expected him to order her to take it off, but he just looked at her with love and some lust in his eyes.

“Can I take care of you S-uh Will? I will, my love.”

Will knew just what she means, “Nah I took care of it in the shower. Today is just for us to be together and hang out while Perry moves in. I think we should do all eat together tonight, either I will cook or we will go out.”

“umkay, Hey Will?”


“Why is Perry moving in? Do you know how long heis going to be here? I don’t care, but just curious.”

Will smiled. ” I don’t know how long, Perry likes the idea of ​​my little room upstairs, but he is here while the terms of his very contentious dividend gets worked out.”

“I thought Perry liked guys?”

“Oh he does, and has the whole time he was married, thus the dividend. His wife found out he did not go out golfing on Saturdays, and did not have to work late two nights a week. Only after ten years of marriage, but she figured it out.” Will laughed.

“Huh, I am going to eat breakfast, what time is Perry coming?” Katie started to make her cereal and toast and eat standing in the kitchen.

“His stuff is coming around 8, Perry is coming around ten—the benefits of having a boy sub” Will laughed. “Katie, sit at the table and eat, please?” Katie throw him a questioning look. Sitting at the table was reserved for when he was sitting too and asked her to sit with him. “Look today is your day off, please, none of the rules apply.”

Katie raised her eyesbrows and before she could say it Will interrupted, “Except that you SHOULD still listen to me because I am a MAN and you are a mere women, but other than that. Will was smiling and his eyes were twinkling. Seriously Katie, no consequences, no rules, we are just a normal couple on a Saturday.”

Katie laughed, it was an old tease from Will but she loved it. “Okay, okay, I will sit, jeez.” She approached the table and her laptop was on it on and waiting for her, He knew she liked to check the news and putter around online. When Will finished he went to his favorite chair in the living room. Katie almost got up right away to follow him, but remembered she could sit and finish what she was doing.

Katie was excited to meet Another sub, she hadn’t yet. Her and Will were not a part of the “scene” they just had their own thing along with the abundant amounts of porn, stories and stores online. Katie was feeling off, This was the first time shehad a “day off” so to speak and it was weird.

“Will, the play room has to be cleaned, it’s Saturday.”

“Katie! Stop!” Will took a deep breath, “Sweetie it will keep till Sunday or I will clean it as I show it to Perry, just relax, I don’t require anything of you except for your presence, your company and your cute little ass on the furniture.”

After she finished breakfast, Katie picked up her laptop off the table and moved to sit with Will, she paused next to him and hesitated, Will looked at her and patted his hand on the couch.

“Seriously you can sit.” Will was smiling up at her. That was a change Katie was rarely looking down on Will. She sat next to him and snuggled up to him while they both turned their attention to their laptops.

Soon the bell rang and Katie jumped up “I wanna get it” she was already running for the door. She opened it fully clothed and briefly remembered opening the door, naked, for Perry yesterday. It seemed so long ago. Perry’s sub stood in the entryway with a leather collar adorned by a bell on the one ring in the center, no shirt and jeans on.

“Hi I am Katie, Will’s sub. What should I call you?”

Perry’s sub stood there looking uncomfortable not saying anything, he glanced at the floor just as Will walked up behind Katie, “Follow me boy I will show you where you are putting the stuff. The door is open If you need anything I am downstairs in the living room okay?” The sub nodded and followed past Katie as Will turned around without checking to see if the boy followed.

Katie was a little hurt; she had been looking forward to making a friend who understand her lifestyle and desire to serve. With their masters being best friends shouldn’t they at least be friendly? He had barely looked at her. She was bummed, as she sat back on the couch deflated.

Will came downstairs and saw her face he sat next to her and put his arm around her “Aw, what’s wrong?”

“He didn’t look at me or talk to me! He doesn’t even know me, but I don’t think he likes me.”

“Honey, I don’t think that is it okay?” Will know that was not it, but it was not his place to explain, Boy was not his. He stroked her hair “Look Perry has his sub on a pretty tight leash, and today you are not on one” Will’s smile was unmistakable and Katie pulled closer to him “So ask Perry, still call him Mister Jones, but ask him why Boy won’t look at you or talk to you when he gets here okay? Boy belongs Perry, so he is the one who will know.”

Katie sat on the couch she could hear the bell of Mister Jones’ sub moving things in and out and would look out the archway into the entryway to get a look, but Will would still her and settle her with his hand.

“Be patient my love.”

“I thought I was going to get a new friend, I didn’t realize how much I was looking forward to meeting him until he just ignored me. Sigh.”

Will laughed you do realize you don’t have to say the word sight right? It’s anaction you do, but I love that you say it.”

Will and Katie were relaxing when they were started by the doorbell. Will got up to get it as the boy’s bell was ringing faster and boy hurried to the bottom of the stairs and knelt on the floor hands at his side, shoulders straight, head high. Will walked to the door and opened it.

“Hey, Perry! What’s up? Katie is enjoying her day off so don’t ask for too much from her today okay?” Boy is waiting for you at the end of the hall” Will turned to go back to Katie “Oh and Perry? Katie wants to talk to you” Will had a smile on his face.

“What?, Katie? Okay, Stay boy, be there in a minute.” He followed Will in the living room.

“Hey, Katie! Day off, huh? You must have done something right!” Perry was smiling. “I understand you wanted to talk to me?”

Perry leaned against the archway in the living room fully away that boy was only three feet away and could hear every word.

“Mister Jones?” Perry was looking at Katiewith his arms across his chest.

“Your sub does not like me and I was wondering why, Will said I should ask you since he is yours and you would know.”

Perry’s eyes were twinkling but he kept a straight face “Tell me what happened, Katie. Why do you think he doesn’t like you?” and Katie did in detail. How he would not even acknowledge her, speak to her.

Perry’s voice boomed in a very authoritative voice “Boy get in here!”

“OH NO! Please Mister Jones! I did not want to get him in trouble! Please I was just wondering!” Katie was pleading, and looking at boy as he came in, she missed the smile that crept up on Perry’s face which he quickly controlled in5to a neutral look.

Boy knelt in front of Perry as he had in the entryway, arms at his side, looking straight ahead with perfect posture. Perry did not like bowed heads, he liked looking at the work of a man’s body in good posture, in all its glory and then doing what he liked with it.

Perry sat for a minute looking at his boy and letting the silence linger. Finally he spoke quietly.

“Boy you may speak to everyone in this room freely. You will call my friend Master Will, and you will call his sub Katie. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.” He was allowed to call his master Mister Jones or Sir. Usually when not in public the boy had opted for Sir.

“Now did you refuse to acknowledge, look at or speak to Katie here?”

Boy looked very confused “But Sir?” Perry grabbed his pierced nipple, “This is a simple yes or no question and you will answer with one of those two words Now did you refuse to acknowledge, look at or speak to Katie?”

“Yes Sir” Boy looked on the verge of tears. The idea of ​​disappointing his owner never sat well with him.

Perry burst into a big smile “Good boy comes here” Boy looked very relieved and shuffled forward and Perry kissed him, “What a good boy! Was that hard for you?”

“Yes Sir, it was hard, I would like to be able to be Katie’s friend.” boy caught himself “But only if that pleases you, Sir” and he smiled as Perry twirled his fingers in his boys long hair.

Perry turned to Katie, who was looking at Will very confused and almost hurt, but she had been taught by Will to keep her silence longer and not be so impulsive, so even though she was burning to ask what was going on, she held her peace.

“Katie I am sorry, of course you guys can be friends.” at this Boy looked at Katie and gave her a big smile and snuggled closer to Perry pushing against his hand that was on his head.

“This is Boy’s first time out with my friends, not strangers and I wanted to see how well he behaved, I told him he was to say nothing unless necessary and then only to Will, he was not to look at you or try to communicate with you in any way.” Perry patted boy on his head “and he did so good!” Perry almost cooed, “I will have to think of a special reward for you.” He turned back to Katie

“It was not about you at all, heis very excited about you as well. I think maybe Will should show me that room upstairs and you two should get acquainted huh?”

Will nodded and Perry said “Boy, you can sit on the furniture, walk around the first floor, whatever with Katie and you guys can get acquainted. You tell her what you want, ask what you want, BUT while this is Katie’s day off, it is Not yours so this is only till I get back, by the time I reach the bottom stairs you better be at the archway in position. Then when I tell you, you may finish unloading the truck we need to return it today.”

Will and Perry walked upstairs, while Katie turned to Perry, “Come on!” She said excitedly, “Let me show you around! Are you hungry? Thirsty? Ohh I am sooo glad Mister Jones said we can be friends!” Katie grabbed Boy by the hand and led him to the kitchen.

After finding some snacks, and something to drink they went back to the living room, Katie hesitated than sat on the couch, “come on sit with me!” “No Katie I can’t this is not my house, and well I am comfortable on the floor.”

“But you have permission!”

“I know Katie, but it’s weird and the floor really is where I am comfortable, I swear!”

Katie shrugged her shoulders and joined him on the floor using the coffee table for their makeshift meal. Katie could tell that the boy was very uncomfortable so she tried to make small talk.

“So what’s your name?”


“I know Mister Jones calls you boy, but what is your name?”

“I have been with Mister Jones for three years now, and I have never been called anything else, I do not think he would approve of me saying my name now.”

“Is he strict? Mister Jones?”

“Umm I don’t know, he is my first owner, he does not tolerate disobedience and he does not spoil me,” boy gave Katie a sly glance and smiled. “but I love him, he is gentle and kind when I need it, strong, firm and demanding when I need it. Much like Master Will I am sure.”

“Ahh you thnk me spoiled?” Katie laughed she was so happy to have someone to talk about her life with Will.

“You got the ‘day off?’, I have never heard of such a thing, I mean there are days Mister Jones does not require much of me, but it is hardly a day off, if I displease him I will still get in trouble. But you got the day off!” boy sounded incredulous.

Katie laughed “This is all new to Will, I asked him to control me. At first he was unsure, but he got the hang of it pretty quick, and I get the feeling Mister Jones can give him some points.”

“Well Master Will already gave Mister Jones some points so yeah I think he has the hang of it.”

Katie was curious “Wait what? What points?”

Boy looked embarrassed “Well we don’t live together, it would be too much for Mister Jones right now, but yesterday evening after Mister Jones left here, he came over to the house he lets me live in and took the doors off the hinges to the bedroom and the master bathroom. He said ‘I have nothing private from him’. I don’t have anything private, but it is still weird to not have a door to the bedroom or bathroom. He said Will gave him the idea.”

Katie cringed a little “Sorry about that when I was showing Mister Jones the house he commented on my room having no door then got really quiet, I did not know he was going to do that. Can I ask you something?” Boy nodded “So Mister Jones owns the house you live in?”

“Oh no a lot of his things are tied up in the dividend proceedings right now”

Katie was truly puzzled: “Then why did you say ‘The house he lets me live in’?”

“Because I belong to him so my things are at his disposal. If he told me to move and buy a house somewhere else I would. I think he would let me still have it in my name, since I owned this house before I met him but I would live in whatever house Mister Jones saw fit to let me live in.”

Katie nodded her head she kind of understanding. Picking up the now empty dishes she went into the kitchen, and boy followed her. Katie continued asking most of the questions, and boy answering, but he asked some and got to know his Master’s friends better and thought perhaps he was on the way to making friends. Suddenly they both heard noise on the stairs and boy ran to resume position. He made it in good time since Perry had made extra noise on purpose so he did not have to punish his boy after he had been so good

“Stand” Boy stood and Perry caressed his face and gave him a loving kiss then said “You may go finish boy.”


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