Will and Katie: Katie meets Perry

Katie locked the door after Will left, and turned, her mind racing. When was Perry supposed to come? What if he came in an hour and the house was a mess? She knew if that happened there would be a punishment, her ability to show herself an obedient submissive reflected on him. Well first things first, she walked around opening all the curtains on the first floor. She did this always, whatever floor she was on she opened all the curtains first, weather she was allowed clothes or not, she had not one time, and Will called and very firmly informed her he was watching the live video feed and wanted to know why they were not opened. Her punishment was to go to each window and masturbate for five minutes where anyone passing could see. They lived on a country road, but there were bird watchers around and she had no way of knowing if any of those binoculars were aimed at her. She had meant to open the curtains as she entered the room, but forgot, so now she did all the windows first it, was easier and more efficient.

She went to the kitchen and began to do the dishes by hand, it was easier and quicker in a way than the dishwasher, although they had one in case they had a big party. Then she cleaned the counters and throw away miscellaneous trash from the making of breakfast. Will was a neighbor cook, but liked to leave something behind just to give her something to do. So thoughtful of him. All the while her mind was on Perry. What new thing was Will up to? He promised to never give her up and never to share her cunt or ass. Her mouth had been left up to Will, but so far he had not asked even that. She finished picking up the entire downstairs and since this was where she would entertain, walked through it all again. The vacuuming was done Tuesday and Thursday, dusting on Monday, bathrooms on Wednesday and since Today was Friday it really just needed to be picked up. Dusting the library was what took up most of Monday, and as much as she loved books she was glad not to have to do it more than once a week.

The second story housed their area. At the top of the stairs to the right was The Room. It was just that ‘The Room’. No name, no distinction, a person’s mind and imagination can make something so much worse when it isn’t given a name. It was where she was paid, rewarded, and pushed to the limit, but mostly it housed the toys, in a chest that was three feet high and five feet long. It had five locks on it, usually unlocked, but there if needed, and the door to the room was usually locked.

There were hooks all over the walls, soundproofing had been put in, and ropes hung from the ceiling. There was no doubt what this room was for once you opened the door, The wooden cross on the back wall answered any lingering questions, as did the saw horse in the middle of the room. Facing the cross and the saw horse with its high back to the door was what could only be described as a Throne.

The Throne was made of wood and had cushions on the seat. Will would sit here watching. Sometimes he was watching his latest trick torque her and sometimes he sat to give her a much needed break, while still being restrained, sometimes he needed the break to decide what was next, or if it was over. The arms of the chair were on hinges so they could be pulled up and out. Then they would fold down and lay against the side of the throne leaving it with no arms and making it a perfect spot for Will to pull Katie over his knee and give her a good spanking when needed. Will had that seat specially made, and when he sat in it he looked regular, and not to be trifled with. The room only got cleaned on Saturdays when Will was home. She was not allowed in by herself, and often cleaning led to other things. Then she would clean it again.

Straight from the stairs was Katie’s room. She slept here when Will did not require her. The reason was not important sometimes he just needed a good night sleep and found it hard to get one with herThere, but no matter where she slept she was still his alarm clock. Her bathroom was in the hallway and it was a normal full bath. Her room did not have a door, as there was no need for one. She was property, There was a daybed, a nightstand with a light and an alarm clock and what used to be a walk in closet. This had a door, but if she was in it, it was not closed. Here she kept any presents Will gave her. He had put in shelves so she had a place to put things he bought her. There were some books that were her favorites and she liked to have them neary to read and re-read, stuffed animals, and just misc little gifts. The reason the closet had a door was so the room would always look like an empty guest room, absolutely clean. Dirty clothes (when she wore them) were taken to the washroom downstairs immediately. Not left where Will or guests could see/smell them. All of her clean clothes were in his room since she did not decide what she would wear so the only function this room served was to give her a place to sleep when not in Will’s room, and a place to put the few things he allowed her to have.

To the left of her room, was the master suite sitting area, which had a door that led to the master bedroom and attached to the bedroom was the master bathroom. The sitting area was a living room, to entertain guests, or to read the paper, or just relax. The master bathroom had a bath tub on the left, a separate Shower in front of it. On the back wall was two sinks and a vanity and on the right a jacuzzi. It was huge the area between the tub and the jacuzzi was big enough she could lay down and her feet would not touch the jacuzzi and her head would not touch the tub. The entire master suite was a place Katie only entered to clean, or to do her master’s bidding otherwise her place was downstairs. If alone she could be on the couch, but if anyone else was in the house her place was on the floor. When she had no orders she could make herself comfortable, read a book or lay down, just so long as she was on the floor and responded quickly when orders were given.

Katie walked from room to room picking up. Putting Will’s dirty clothes in the hamper, in his enormous walk-in closet, making the beds, hers had not been slept in so it was just tidying up his area mostly. Picking up his bathroom products and putting them where they belong, wiping the counters. This house could have been put on the market and showed any day, that was how Will liked it.

Just then the phone rang, It would be Will. Katie had some friends, but usually they used one of the many methods of communication a computer allowed. Katie rarely talked on the phone, as she did not like it, well unless it was Will. Katie’s heart started to pound. “Yes, Will?” “Sir will do, I am alone, what are you doing?” Why does he ask that she wondered, he is looking at me on the live feed video right now. Sighing she answered:

“Cleaning Sir, I am in you bathroom standing on your very soft rug.”

“Lay down, cunt towards the door and finger your pussy” Katie compiled

“Do you like that soft rug against your naked body?”

“Yes Sir! May I cum?” she liked to ask in advance because it did not take much to push her over the edge.

“No! Man are greedy! This is for me, now put three fingers in and fuck yourself till I cum, put on a show like the slut you are and DO NOT CUM!”

“Yes Sir!, Katie did as she was told, using one hand to mash and pull on her boobs and tits, the other hand fucking her and soon she was having difficulty. She heard him on the other line getting close and finally his breathing was normal and he said.

“Keep cleaning slut see you tonight” and hung up.

Katie got up needing to be fucked, but she Know better than to try to get herself off without his knowledge. Even if she got away with it she would feel so guilty when he came home that she would tell on herself, and be punished. Sighing she climbed the stairs to the lastfloor. The third floor, had been designed as a guest living quarters. A living room, a sitting room, a study and a master bedroom, with a walk in closet and a big master bath, but not as grand as the second story one. There was also a half bath, and a small guest room. She rarely went up here except to dust and found that some books had been placed on one of the shelves in the study, a computer was on a side desk in the study and a T.V had been put in the living room. She made sure everything was neat and fluffed the pillows on the bed and went to the first floor to await Perry.

Katie glanced at the clock in the first floor living room. It was eleven o’clock, and still no Perry, but the house was clean. Usually cleaning took longer, but Friday was always a light day. Usually she spent the afternoon in a long bath then wrapped up on the couch lost in a good book, but not today. Katie was too distracted to do much of anything due partly to nervouss and partly due to the fire in hercunt. She walked to the kitchen for a snack. She wanted Chocolate, but Will had stopped buying it. Chocolate gave her migraines, but she would eat it anyway, so Will had put his foot down. It was her job to be ready for him anytime, and migraines did not allow her to do her duties so she was told to be a good girl and give up chocolate. But ohh the cravings,

Katie looked on the refrigerator for a list of snacks: 1 piece of fruit, 1 bowl of honey nut cheatios, 1 serving of yogurt, 15 nuts, 1 snack bag of chips, or two pieces of toast w/butter. Katie laughed at how controlling it must look to anyone else, but she was so indecisive this was just Will’s way of saying stop looking, here is what we have, yeah the portions were to help her maintain her weight, but also to keep her healthy, and energetic for him. She picked up an apple, a towel to sit on from a drawer in the kitchen and looked for her favorite book, Pride and Prejudice. Having read this book multiple times it was a goodchoice given how nervous she was. She looked for her favorite parts, trying to not look at the clock, as time went by.

Twelve o’clock came and went and Katie thought about getting lunch, but wanted to wait a bit and see if Perry came. By twelve thirty she was hungry. She was confused, should she make herself lunch and just wait and see if Perry came? She could text Will and ask, but shouldn’t she be able to figure this out herself? She walked to the kitchen, just as her phone made the noise for an incoming text. “Just talked to Perry go ahead and eat lunch he will be eating elsewhere” She smiled at how well he knew her, or maybe he saw her on the video feed going to the kitchen either way it helped her out of her quandary.

So she ate a sandwich, with spinach, sprouts, avocado, ham, and salt and pepper. Then went back to the couch, reading and waiting. . . and waiting and waiting. It seemed like the time just slowed down to a crawl. Usually the quiet afternoons to herself were a solace something she cherished, but her stomach was so wound up today. She was so nervous about who this Perry guy was and what was going to happen she could not really relax. She was starting to doze off when the front door bell rang and she jumped up looking at the clock, 2:00pm exactly.

She ran to the door not wanting to keep Will’s guest waiting and opened the door. Perry was gorgeous, well dressed and had and air of authority about him that she could sense right away. He was muscular and she just stood there looking at him, as Perry looked back at her, the fact she was naked washed over her and she lowered her head and blushed deep red.

“Oh sweetie, aren’t you scrumptious?” Perry entered the entry way and circled around her showing with every step he knew he was in charge. “Mmmh Will always did have good taste. Too bad I prefer the boys, because honey you could change a man”

Perry was gay??!!! Why didn’t Will just tell her that? she dared to look at him andhe was a beautiful fit specimen of manhood. He was dressed in just Jeans and a dress shirt, but it looked as if the jeans were ironed and the shirt looked expensive.

Perry laughed looking at her

“Will didn’t tell you I was gay did he? Ah, he does like his games.” “Come we are going to be living together we should get acquainted. Please show me around” His eyes were sparkling, but His voice was clearly authoritative. How should I address you?”

“K-k-katie, please, and uh what do I call you?” Katie was embarrassed and lowered her head. Not only had she failed to be the proper hostess, she did not know how to address him.

Perry put his hand on her chin and lifted her face up, “Its okay sweetie, Will said you would be nervous. Don’t be embarrassed. You can call me Mister Jones, that is not my name but it is what my boy calls me. Now look me in the face, don’t look down you are pretty and should not hide.”

Katie looked at Perry, he had nice blue eyes, he seemednice, she tried to relax and squared her shoulders as Perry nodded and said “Now come show me the home you keep.”

And Katie showed him around floor by floor, the library on the bottom level with a reading room well furnished off to the side, The kitchen, the downstairs area, Then up to the second floor. She felt odd showing him Will’s room, but Will had said to do what Perry said, so she showed him. When she got to her room she felt even more exposed for some reason. This room was so impersonal, and that revealed so very much about their relationship.

“Huh, no door?”

“No, Mister Jones, I have nothing private”

Perry seemed deep in thought as they were getting ready to go up the stairs when suddenly he noticed the unexplored area of ​​the floor. “Katie, what’s that room?”

Katie blushed deeply “that is The Room, Mister Jones, it is locked and I only go in it when Will is home.”

Perry had heard of ‘The Room’ and what went on, it was one of the reasons he was happy to stay here. He needed someplace to play with his boy too, but he enjoyed seeing Katie’s embarrassment at having to talk about it. She looked so cute blushing.

” Oh Will simply must show me that when we have lots of time.” Perry grinned and Katie continued to lead him up the stairs to his quarters, she showed him each room. Lastly she showed him his living room, then she turned to him

“Can I offer you any refreshments? We have tea: regular, herbal and iced, coffee, water, and cranberry juice. In addition we have some nice crackers, or store bought muffins I could offer you”

“Some afternoon tea sounds wonderful, regular please, no cream but a teaspoon of sugar, and nothing to eat thank you.”

Katie was relieved at clear precision direction it made her feel useful, she could do those things.

“Yes Mister Jones, Should I bring it up here?”

“Why don’t you join me? lets have it downstairs in the living room and sit and talk.” Perry turned to lead the way downstairs and Katie followed.

When tea was served Katie knelt at the coffee table, facing Perry with her tea in front of her, while Perry was seated on the couch, he looked at her puzzled.

“Didn’t I ask you to join me?” he asked

“Yes Mister Jones and I am” Katie said, thoroughly confused. Had she did something wrong?

“So why are you on the floor?”

“Oh” Katie gave a nervous laugh, “Will said you were familiar with our lifestyle, so I thought you would know, I don’t sit on the furniture if there is someone in the house, only if I am home alone.”

Perry looked surprised. “But surely I am not a guest, I will be residing here, you can sit on the couch with me.”

Katie smiled and shook her head ” I am sorry Mister Jones, but Will is very firm about this, if he or anyone else is in the house for any reason I do not use furniture to sit on. If I am going to take a nap I may lie in my room on the bed, but that is the only exception.”

Will had taken his lunch at two and informed the assistant he shared with one other person that after his lunch no one was to come in. He would take calls, but no visitors. He also informed her that he might be leaving early. The assistant looked at him as if he were a stranger.

“Are you sick William?” He never left the office early, always at 6 pm on the dot and got in at 8 am. He assured her he was fine and just needed an bit of a longer weekend.

“Well good for you William you need it.” with that everything was set for him to enjoy the show.

Will watched and listened in his office on the live video feed, he watched Katie fumble through the introduction, then left the screen in the background volume off while she gave the tour, he knew what the house looked like.

He finished up some urgent matters and told himself that the rest would still be there on Monday. Periodically he checked the screen and about 2:45 he saw them on their way downstairs and turned the volume back on. Will know Katie was having a hard day between explaining why she was on the floor, getting the door naked, and not being allowed to cum. He felt almost cruel, yet she did it, just to make him happy, he revealed in what a gift that was. The moment Katie had realized Perry was gay was very funny, and worth the whole set up.

Will turned off the screen and headed out of the office he thought he might catch Perry and reward his little strumpet Katie.

Katie did not hear the car pull up, the garage was separate from the house and she was listening to Perry tell another funny story. Perry was quite the conversationalist and she was not expecting Will for three more hours. She had been his for a year and he had never come home early, so when the door opened, Katie’s eyes got big as saucers.

A look of sheer panic swept across her face as she left up to get to the entryway and into position. Her heart was beating fast at the thought of how much trouble she was in, but also at the idea of ​​disappointing Will.

He was in the entryway and she hit her knees faster than she thought was possible, the idea that they might be bruised barley had time to enter her mind, she bowed her head, and tried to still her breathing. She was expecting anger, disappointing, but instead she felt his hand pull back her hair and attach her collar and leash.

Instantly Katie was excited: he only put the collar and lean on when he was happy with her, but she was confused “Stand up my good little strumpet, you did very well today”

Surprise filled Katie, “Strumpet”? He only said that when he was happy, relaxed and content with her. She had done well? All the things she had done wrong flooded her mind: she had forgotten to invite Perry in, had failed to introduce herself and had to be asked to show him around Instead of her offering. These had been eating at her all day, and now this, she was not expecting him to be loving and let her have the collar and lean.

“Sir? I did?” she rose from her knees hesitantly

“Yes my love, I did not tell you I was coming home, so I did not expect you to greet me, yet you tried. I love your eagerness. You did as I asked for my friend, even though I know how uncomfortable you were, well… his eyes sparkled at least till you found out he was gay.” Will laughed “Come we are being rude our guest awaits” with that he tugged on the leash.

Katie hesitated staying where she was, Will turned around and looked at her questioningly, Katie took a deep breath.

“Please Sir, please before we go out there, I have to say I was not good today, I did not invite Perry in, I forgot to introduce myse…Katie was almost in tears, Will grabbed the back of her head and kissed her deep and Passionately.

“Hush!” Katie looked at him he pulled her close, put his arms around her and whispered in her ear all the while reassuring her with his strong hands.

“I was watching you and I was proud, okay? No more of this, you were great, what I asked was difficult and you were bloody brilliant.” He gazed deep into her eyes: “My lovely little strumpet” he tugged on the lean again, and this time Katie blissfully followed him back to Perry content and proud that she had made Will happy.


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