Wild Wild Key West

my Master tends to set off the metal detectors at the airport. He sports a lot of delicious cock hardware, and is always happy to show it off to the poor shlubs who do security. Thanks to His ownership, i now have plenty of general piercings myself. my favorite is the platinum chain that hangs from my pussy lips, with the little charms, M for Master, and c for me, cunt. These dangle provocatively from the short skirts Master makes me wear. i love the gentle flick of them as i walk, a reminder for the world to see that i belong to Master.

He has marked me in other ways, too. my real name is lily, not that i’m called that too often anymore. Master designed a beautiful tattoo for my back, a stalk of lilies bound by a heavy chain to represent He possesses me totally. Its placement on my back is for His enjoyment as he fucks me in the ass or whips me when i need punishment. On the whole, i’m well-behaved. i’ve learned my lesson. Once, when He was displeased, He chose to have the word cunt tattooed on my bare pussy in elaborate gothic letters. He has said it only increases my value as a slave to be so branded. It took me a long while to be convinced, but now i love Master’s name for me.

He collared me with a platinum chain, a teardrop diamond at my collarbone, displaying his love for me through beauty and pain. This necklace is so glogeous, i’d never want to take it off, even if i could.

i was looking forward to showing off Master’s handiwork in Key West. W/we love it there—besides the tropical island aspect, there is a freedom to express yourself which W/we don’t have in our conservative Yankee town. W/we always stay at a little guest house right on Duval Street with a clothing optional pool. my cunt will be on full view, something which pleases Master greatly.

i came upon this Lifestyle almost by accident. If you can believe it, i was a romance writer. If i know then what i know now, i’d have had all my feisty heroines on their knees, mouthsstuffed with the heroes’ cocks by the end of chapter one, but then, they would have been very short books. i have been given the freedom of Master’s ownership now, and know just where my place is in the scheme of things. But i still love to write, and have done very well with erotica. Master is supporting of my career, since it is His teaching which guides every deliciously decadent word i write. i found him when i was doing Research for a long-abandoned book, and cannot regret leaving my old life behind.

The weather was absolutely perfect when we arrived. Master had been impatient to get at me. Sitting beside me for so many hours and miles without contact had made him horny as hell, and we christened the room immediately with a lot of lube, cock and cum up my ass. He didn’t permit me to shower right away; He wanted to Know i would be dripping as i basked in the sun at the pool. He tenderly slathered me in sunblock, making sure to coat my pussy lips and asshole in Coppertone. The word cunt glistened through the oil. i would probably do my fair share of shocking the other guests, but that was Master’s point.

i put lotion on his hard body as well, taking special care to massage the oil onto his balls and cock. i got so turned on i had to go down on him before we left for the pool, tasting the intoxicating mixture of coconut cream and cum.

W/we throw on the cotton robes provided for the guests and found a comfy double locke chair facing the sun. i saw looks of surprise as we dropped the robes on the concrete, but looks of envy too. W/we are a handsome couple–he’s so dark and i’m so blond. Opposites attract. He is strong for me and i am plumant for him. He brushed against me very deliberately, torturing my nipples as he gently tugged on my nipple rings. i couldn’t tell Him to stop, but if He wasn’t careful, someone might call the management!

i decided to try to distract him. “i have a problem, Master,” i began.

“lily, W/we’re on vacation. Call me Jeff,” he reminded me.

“i’m working on a scene in my latest story, where the slave takes on three men at once.”

Master grinned devilishly. “Three holes, three cocks. you don’t know anything about that, lily, do you?” Master had kept me to himself so far. He really wasn’t into scenes, and was quite a stickler for safety and hygiene. The worst he would do would be to make me lick his cum off his dick after he fucked me in the ass. W/we both knew there was some danger there, but i knew how much it turned Him on.

“No, i don’t quite understand the logistics of it all, Jeff,” i admitted. “i’ve gone online, but i haven’t seen the right arrangement of the bodies. It all looks a little uncomfortable.”

Master smiled. “W/we’ll talk about this later, lily. I’m going to sleep in the sun.” He slipped a hand into my cunt and idly stroked my clip, long enough for the guy next to us to get a raging hard-on. Then He fell asleep, and i got up and did a few laps in thepool.

When i got out, i put more sunblock on and flipped to my stomach. i had brought an erotic novel with me, the only kind of book i ever wanted to read any more. Now that Master had made me His, there didn’t seem to be a point in paying attention to the vanilla world at all. i read a few chapters, getting so turned on myself i wondered how i could discretely wake Master up and go back into our air-conditioned room to fuck. As if He read my mind, He stretched lazily and said, “lily, we don’t want to overdo too much our first day here. I wouldn’t want you to ruin your skin with sunburn. I want to redden it myself tonight.”

A shudder passed through me. He had packed the paddle. Thank God they didn’t confiscate it at the gate; our vacation wouldn’t be the same without it. i feel a warm rush of juices in my cunt. Tonight he would show me how much He loved me.

W/we went back to the room. It was almost cold. my nipples hardened immediately and He sucked them both leisurely, moving his fingers down my belly to my name. His fingers traced the letters, and I thought i would cum before he even fucked me. He flipped me over the back of the sofa, his strong hands circling my clip hood jewelry into my public bone. i feel my legs collapse but he held me hard, sticking his cock into my wet and open asshole. i came and came until He just laughed at me. He shot another load up my ass, and i immediately knelt on the floor and licked him clean. He closed his eyes as i tongued his Prince Albert, cupping his balls softly, playing with the rings and bars that marched up the underside of his meat. He of course got hard again and came on my face and breasts, his sticky milk a satisfying treatment.

W/we took a shower together, soaping each other off . If W/we didn’t pace ourselves, all the sex would kill us. i dressed in the black spandex sundress he’d bought for me. i loved it. my cunt jewelry hung well beneath the hem and my nipple rings were perfect circles under the fabric. i got into some strappy high-heeled sandals which made me even taller than Master. He was bronzed already, wore a tasteful floral shirt and linen shorts. i could barely wait to undress him again, but i had to admit i was hungry.

W/we went to Blue Heaven, a great outdoor restaurant famous for its Caribbean cuisine and the chickens wandering around the tables. Master ordered me a Margartita. i usually don’t drink, but it was delicious. W/we had a spicy chicken dish and split a dessert. It was fun for me to sit in a chair opposite Him, instead of kneeing at His side, waiting for Him to feed me. i had to keep my legs wide open though, exposing myself for His inspection and occasional probe.

W/we walked back through the starry night. i had butterflies in my stomach. i knew how Master expected to tuck me into bed. i was not disappointed when he stripped me and put me over his knee.

“Beg for it, cunt.”

“Master,” i whispered, “i need the paddle tonight.”

He whacked me and i felt the orgasm wash over me. After a few more swats, he pushed me into bed.

“I’m not tired,” He said. “That nap by the pool was pretty refreshing. I think I’ll do the Duval Crawl. Go to sleep, cunt.” He kissed my shoulder.

i was sad. i hated to sleep alone, but after several hours in the hot sun, i was sleepy. Even in the strange bed, it didn’t take me long to drift off.

i woke up around two, and was still alone. Stifling a feeling of announcement, i got up and pissed. As i was walking back from the bathroom, i heard male voices outside the door.

Master came in, turning the room light on. Behind him were two boys, college kids on spring break. They looked pretty amazing to see me, all tanned, blond, naked 5’7″, shaken, tattooed and pierced.

“Good evening cunt. Are you ready to work out your plot problem?” Master asked, smiling.

i guess i must have looked surprised. As i said, Master had never shared me before. He had found me twobeautiful boys. i dropped to my knees, eyes downcast. “You are too good to me, Master.”

“Wow, you weren’t kidding, dude,” said one of the kids. He was not especially tall but muscular—he looked like a may have been a wrestler. His friend was taller and blond, with the whitest teeth i’d ever seen.

“As we discussed gentlemen, you will wear these.” Master tossed a condom at each of them. They were both hard already–the joys of youth— and eagerly slide the Trojans on their big, thick cocks. “Brian, lie down on the floor. cunt, get on your knees and sit on him. Let him in your pussy. I trust you’re wet?” i nodded. “Jacob, her ass is yours. Get behind her and lube her up.” He handed Jacob some Astroglide.

i shivered as i slid onto Brian’s cock. i hadn’t have been fucked in my vagina in a while; it really wasn’t my preferred method anymore, but i did have to admit he filled me up nicely. After a little experimentation, Jacob’s cock was as far up my ass as it could go, his balls slapping against my bare skin.

“Open wide, cunt.” i sucked off Master, who stood over Brian, his cock locked and loaded. Every hole was filled and i had never known such joy. Master loved me enough to have these boys show me just how my heroine would feel. They rocked into me roughly, using my cunt and ass with the freedom Master had given them. i could feel them ready to spasm, and then Master’s hot seed spurted into my throat. i came harder than i ever have before, and that’s saying something. i couldn’t have asked for a better first day of vacation.

“There, cunt,” he said. “Any further questions?” i ​​shook my head. The boys left and Master and i were alone. He kissed me and whispered in my ear, “They’ll be back tonight, cunt.”

i just smiled and climbed into bed, curling up against Master. How i love Key West.


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