**Author’s Note: WTE has been going on for a while and I think this might be a good time to end it. If you feel otherwise please let me know!
Aaron looked down at his phone for maybe the fifteenth time in the last thirty minutes. He’d tried calling and texting Matt but to no avail, Aaron thought about stopping by, but Wild Turkey wasn’t one of those kinds of place you could just say you were ‘in the neighborhood’. Matt hadn’t returned a single call or text even though Aaron had made it clear that he was comfortable with Carina being around. He was willing to share Matt, though to be completely honest Aaron wished Carina weren’t a thing he had to deal with. She took up too much headspace and didn’t allow for Matt’s full attention to be directed at him. Quite frankly it pissed Aaron off to no end but what was he supposed to do? He texted Matt again.
[5:53 PM] Aaron: Hey.
Aaron laid his phone back next to his computer.
“Hey A,” Justin came upto his desk, “You’re here late.”
“Yeah,” Aaron tried to smile, “I uh, have to finish that proposal, and then I’m out of here.” Aaron looked back down at his computer monitor and tried to avoid Justin’s gaze.
“Drinks when you get off maybe?” Justin bit his lip and usually, that would’ve worked but Aaron wasn’t in the mood.
“No Jus,” Aaron didn’t both to look up, “I’m probably just gonna go home and have a beer.”
Justin batted his eyesashes in confusion. Justin was a blond, boyishly handsome twenty-something with a swimmer’s build and a very large very obvious crush on Aaron Tomlin.
This wasn’t how things usually worked Justin usually approached him towards the end of the day and there would be milk flirting. By the end of the night, Aaron would be balls deep inside Justin and their bodies bucking in ecstasy, but things weren’t following that script tonight.
“Oh,” Justin stuck his hands in his pockets and was then interrupted when Aaron’s phone wentoff and he quickly snatched it up. Justin watched as Aaron fervently typed his response.
[6:15 PM] Matt: Hey
With the one text, everything around Aaron became a vacuum and he quickly unlocked his phone to answer a reply.
[6:17 PM] Aaron: It’s been a while, how are you?
[6:20 PM] Matt: Good.
[6:22 PM] Aaron: How’s things?
Justin stood amazed at Aaron’s audacity, his eyes glued to his phone, and attention diverted.
[6:30 PM] Matt: Fine, been busy. You know how ranches are.
[6:31 PM] Aaron: Yeah.
[6:32 PM] Aaron: Can we get together sometimes?
There was a long enough pause for Aaron to notice that Justin had just cleared his throat. Aaron lifted his gaze ever so slightly as to acknowledge Justin.
“Something else you needed?” Aaron was rather indignant at this point.
“I guess not,” Justin felt a spear of hurt penetrate his chest, in the back of his mind he’d always know that he was just a fuck to Aaron, but this was a whole new level of low. Even for Aaron. With one last glance, Justin cleared his throat and left.
Aaron did even notice.
[6:40 PM] Matt: No.
A simple ‘no’, Aaron throw his phone down on the desk and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms out of frustration.
“Fuck,” was all he could manage, and it came out like a growl. Matt wasn’t answering him and Then when he finally did, he was telling him ‘no’. He picked up his phone and tried again.
[6:53 PM] Aaron: Nothing serious just drinks?
[7:00 PM] Matt: Movie night with Carina.
Aaron didn’t even both to respond. He just shut off his computer, grabbed his blazer and his keys, and headed to the elevators. As he stood in front of the stainless metal doors, he thought About calling Justin and apologizing for his behavior and finishing the night with the handsome blond. Aaron weighed that option, but he was still irritated about Matt and didn’t feel the need to apologize for anything. Maybe he’d goto the gym instead and box for a bit? He wasn’t sure what he’d do all he did know was that he had to find a way to cut Carina out of the picture and fast.
Matt sat on the couch with Carina tucked under his arm and Esme in the kitchen making popcorn and various other snacks.
“What are we watching Little One?” he looked down at her. Carina beamed at him, her apple cheese making her doe eyes morph into crescent moons.
“That face usually means ‘Beauty and the Beast’,” Esme places down various bowls containing buttered popcorn, M&Ms mixed with pretzels, and sour cream and onion potato chips.
Matt looked back down at Carina whose smile only got broader, “Alright, alright,”
Matt relented, “we’ll watch it again for the MILLIONTH time.”
Esme laughed at him, “You’ve become quite the softy.”
“Shut it, woman,” Matt said in mock anger, Esme laughed at him and sat down in the armchair next to the sofa.
The large flatscreen illuminated with the Disney logo and the movie danced across when Matt’s phone began to ring.
“Just a sec,” Matt looked at his phone, “I’m gonna take this real quick.”
Carina pushed herself off of his chest and frowned at him, “Where are you going?”
Esme watched the exchange between the two, carefully watching the illuminating phone in Matt’s hand, “Let’em go, sweetheart,” the matronly woman crossed her arm, “he’ll be right back, right Matthew?”
Matt noticed Esme’s cocked eyebrow.
“Yeah,” he turned and looked back at Carina, “I’ll be back Carina.”
Carina’s eyes turned glassy, ”Am I in trouble?”
“No honey,” Esme cut in before Matt could answer, “but Matthew will be if he takes that phone call.”
“I need to get it handled,” he looked in his illuminating and vibrating phone and watched Aaron’s name flash across the screen.
“Be sure that you do,” Esme spoke pointedly.
Matt nodded, walked into his office, and shut the door.
“Hello?” Aaron couldhear Matt’s melodic drawl in his greeting.
“Hey,” Aaron sang back, “what are you up to?”
“I already told you that I was watching a movie with Carina,” Aaron could sense a seed of irritation growing in Matt’s voice, “Are you drink?”
“Sort of,” Aaron’s words trailed one another pretty like written cursive.
“Where are you?”
“Why are you gonna come and get me?” Aaron replied.
“I don’t have time for this. I’m just making sure you are in a safe place,” Matt snapped.
“I’m at the end of Gravel Rd,” Aaron laughed.
“You have to be shitting me,” Matt ran a hand through his freshly washed hair, “You are fucking with me, right?”
“Not at all,” Aaron drunkenly laughed again, “So, little pig, little pig, let me in.”
“Goddamn it,” Matt thundered, “I’ll call you a driver to take you home.”
“I don’t want a driver. I want you,” Aaron was now acting like a petulant child.
“What exactly are you trying to do?” Matt plopped down in hischair.
“Play to your sympathies,” Aaron while.
“What makes you think I have any?”
“You answered your phone, and you haven’t hung up yet,” Aaron sounded a bit more lucid albeit a bit more amused as well, “I need somewhere to stay for the night. I promise I’ll be out of your hair in the morning.”
There was a click, Aaron pulled his phone away from his ear to investigate the sound only to see that Matt had hung up.
“Fuck!” Aaron roared and banged his hands against his steering wheel. If Matt didn’t come and get him, he’d be shipwrecked here at the end of this road until morning. He wasn’t even sure how he’d managed to find the damn road with only one eye open. Aaron knew that he’d never make it back before he sobered up and maybe this wasn’t the best idea he’d ever had. Angry at himself he beat the steering wheel some more and cursed himself.
After a beat of silence self-flagellation, Aaron had lifted his head at the sound of crunching, he knew it wasMatt’s truck. Who else would be wandering around this property this at this hour and not have already been shot?
Matt emerged from his office with a grimace on his face, all the while knowing that he was going to catch hell for leaving. He had decided somewhere between his office and the living room that once tonight was done and over with he would no longer be associated with Aaron Tomlin. That he was sure of.
“I’ll be back,” his voice broke into the room and Esme paused the movie, both she and Carina exceptally confused.
“Where are you going?” Carina asked innocently. He knew the minute the words escaped his lips that she would be hurt but it would be far better than getting caught in a lie. A lie would only hurt her more and then Esme would hurt him.
“Aaron is at the end of Gravel Rd,” he stood on the balls of his feet unable to figure out what to do with his hands.
“I was unaware that he was invited,” Esme spoke with poverty in her voice./p>
“He wasn’t,” Matt looked from her to Carina whose eyes had glossed over. She suddenly seemed so small in her oversized sweater and yoga pants. Carina’s signature braid fell over her shoulder and to her wait as she brushed loose tendrils of hair out of her face.
Esme raised a browser at him and waited for further explanation.
“He is drunk and found his way here,” he tried to explain but Esme was having no part of it.
“No one ‘finds’ their way here unless invited Matthew. I’m sorry but that dog just won’t hunt,” Esme responded sharply, “and I should hope you know better than to make such a mistake.”
“I didn’t invite him,” his voice a bark, “He called, shitfaced, and asked to stay the night.”
“What did you tell him?” Esme was indignant now.
“I hung up on him.”
“That wasn’t a no.”
“It also wasn’t a ‘yes’ either Esme,” Matt was growing wear. Carina watched the two exchange words like a Wimbledon match, her horror growing at the directionThis conversation was taking.
“I’m going to get him. Let’em sleep off his hangover in one of the get rooms,” Matt crossed his arms, still maintaining eye contact with Esme, “and then I’ll take him back to his car in the morning.”
“Mmm,” Esme bit her cheek, making her Stance on his plan clear.
“He’ll be gone in the morning,” and before he could finish his sentence Carina had gotten up off the couch without a word and left the room.
“Carina!” Matt grabbed her by the elbow and spun her around to face him, “he’ll be gone in the morning, I swear.”
Her eyes were alted with tears and just about to break the waterline. Carina’s bottom lip began to quiver, and her rosebud lips slightly parted to let in a sharp inhale before jerking her arm away from him and darting off like a frightened deer.
“Way to go, Matt,” Esme rose to her feet, “I’ll go make up a spare bedroom.”
Matt looked upset; he was just trying to do the right thing. Although the right thng might’ve been to let Aaron go to voicemail. He turned, strode to the kitchen, grabbed his keys off the kitchen island, and headed to his truck.
Just when Aaron thought the fruits of his labor hadn’t paid off, he smiled to himself as he reached for his door handle and got out. Matt’s truck pulled up beside his SUV and came to an abrupt halt, dust clouds flooding the wheel wells like the ocean would a shoreline. He stepped out of his black Ford, slammed the door, and marched around the nose.
“You’re here,” Aaron smiled graciously until he noticed Matt’s ornery expression. Aaron’s smile false and he began to lose his resolution.
“Get in,” Matt walked over to the passenger side door and swung it open. Before Aaron could thank him or ask for help in the lifted truck, Matt was already back in the driver’s seat. Aaron did as he was told it just seemed the simpler thing to do at the moment.
“Thanks for coming to get me,” Aaron tried to sound gracious.
“You didn’t really give me much of a choice now did you?” Matt put his truck into four-wheel drive and made his way back up Gravel Road.
“You could’ve left me here,” Aaron said a bit too testily.
Matt slammed on the brakes, “Well we aren’t too far from your vehicle would you like to get out?”
Aaron dumped forward at the sudden stop and thought Matt was kidding until he looked at him and Matt’s face was screwed up with anger and aggression.
“No,” Aaron answered quietly, “I was just…never mind.”
Aaron and Matt sat in silence as the black truck crawled its way up to the gates at Wild Turkey and with a heavy sight Matt pressed a button installed in the console and the massive iron gates opened. The path up to the manor was paved at this point and was about a mile or so from the front gate, it was about that time Aaron observed that Matt truly purchased his privacy. Not that he hadn’t noticed the drive beforehand on his first visit, it was just that now he hadThe opportunity to look around instead of making sure he didn’t hit any wild game roaming the property. An illuminated castle appeared in Aaron’s view as they rounded the last bend in the driveway. A warm glow radiating off the enormous home, Aaron wasn’t sure how Esme kept up with all of this square footage.
The Ford jerked to a halt for a second time and Matt throw it into the park as though he were angry with it. When in reality Aaron knew that Matt was most likely furious with him, but he was here now and there was nothing to be done about it but to continue and enjoy Matt’s presence. No matter how pissed off he was, Matt was still a sight to behold. Aaron gazed at him as the porch lights brought a chiaroscuro glaze to his features, he was handsome in ways Aaron couldn’t explain. Even the scar on Matt’s face called to him and he had to fight the urge to touch it.
Matt looked over at him eyes knitted together, a cocktail mix of irritation and resentment. It didn’t slip past him that Aaron was watching his every move and that only annoyed him more. He didn’t know what to say to his inebriated companion, so he just looked back at him. All Matt knew was on Esme’s shit list and most likely Carina’s. The truck cabin suddenly seemed to shrink in on him and he grabbed ahold of the door handle about to let himself out.
“Matt,” Aaron spoke softly, and Matt paused, “thanks for coming to get me. Honest.”
“Yeah,” Matt answered him back a little less annoyed at him.
Before he could stop himself, Aaron had leaned over and claped his right hand around Matt’s neck, pulling him into a passwordate kiss. All tongue and fire take Matt’s breath away. Matt put his hand on Aaron’s chest to push him away, but Aaron slide Matt’s hand down to his hard cock throbbing within his fitted jeans. Aaron knew that he couldn’t let Matt go because the minute he did Matt would not only be furious with him, but the touching wouldn’t continue.
It seemed to Matt as though every time he tried to pull away or come up for air Aaron pulled him closer. His frustration with his sexual tension bound up within him like complicated sailor’s knots. Matt at odds with himself eventually gave in to Aaron’s soft lips the moment he’d placed Matt’s free hand on his cock. His cock grow hard and sticky within his jeans, Matt was panting now. Aaron’s stubble was beginning to chaff his upper lip, but he paid it no mind as Aaron pulled on his jeans and began to open them. Matt’s posture changed as he leaned his seat back and then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Aaron’s mouth moved from Matt’s lips to his neck and Matt pulled his painfully hard cock out of the opening in his jeans and began to stroke himself. Precum glittered on the head of Matt’s cock like a crown of jewels.
Aaron’s mouth made the massive leap from Matt’s neck to his cock, taking him all the way to the back of his throat and coating it with the sticky beginnings of rippled pleasure. Matt grabbit a hand full of his thick hair and began to thrust violently inside his mouth. The air crackled and synapsed around them as Aaron’s tongue cradle the shaft of Matt’s hard cock, sucking the seed and the life out of him. Aaron reached out a hand to brace himself on the console, spotting the immaculate interior with fingerprints. Matt’s body bucked and began to thrust violently inside his mouth. The air crackled and synapsed around them as Aaron’s tongue cradle the shaft of Matt’s hard cock, sucking the seed and the life out of him. Aaron reached out a hand to brace himself on the console, spotting the immaculate interior with fingerprints. Matt’s body bucked and begged as he fought the urge to erupt at the back of Aaron’s throat.
Aaron began to swallow which caused his throat to tighten and close around the head of Matt’s cock. He grunted and Matt grew. The windshield on the truck began to fog as Matt panted out heaving breaths while riding the electric currents of ecstasy. Aaron could smell his musk and clean smelling soap lingering around his pelvis, Matt must’ve shown before coming to get him. The aroma made Aaron’s cock pulsate inside his jeans. What he wanted was to flip Matt over and to cum inside him, but the confines of their current location prevented such things.
The force of Matt’s thrusts nearly made Aaron gag, but he never stopped the pace. Aaron could feel the quake in Matt’s thighs, and he knew Matt was close to his peak. The moment he thought it Matt let out a moan through gritted teeth and clenched jaw. Cream-colored strands of cum made their way downs Aaron’s throat as he drank them down, a man lost in the desert dying of thirst.
Aaron was never one to be fucked mouth or otherwise but there was something carnal and taboo about what was happening. The role reversal had made his own cock spew cum inside his jeans and long languid pulses, his moans stifled.
Carina walked aimlessly throughout the manor, unsure of herself or of Matt’s need to be Aaron’s savior. She thought they had covered this already and he knew how she felt, and she’d cried about it and he spanked her and bathed her and held her. But here she was wandering the house waiting for him so she could curl around him like a vine.
“C’mon dear, come sit,” Esme called to her from the living room, “He’ll be back shortly, and you’ll wear yourself out with all of your pacing.” Esme motioned for Carina to sit down next to her, so she plopped down on the leather sofa.
“I thought we’d been over this,” Carina spoke to Esme with a thousand-mile star on her face.
“I know honey,” Esme rubbed her back, “Matthew is a bit of a fuckin idiot sometimes.” She tried to smile at the little, but Carina wouldn’t look at her, so Esme tried rubbing her back.
Esme pushed her short grey hair behind her ear knowing that nothing she could do or say would placate Carina the grown woman let alone Carrie the little. Esme could’ve slapped the hell out of Matt right then and there.
At the sound of Matt’s tires in the driveway, Carina snapped back to life and vaulted from the couch, Esme in tow.
“He back!” she cried nearly sprinting to the front door.
“Carina honey, he’ll be in here give him a minute,” Esme could feel in the pit of her stomach that something was not right with how things were playing out, “Let him bring Aaron in and I get him off to bed and then we can go back to our movie.” She hurried behind the crazy little.
“But he’s–,” Carina stopped in her tracks, her hand cupped over her mouth in horror. Carina watched as Aaron hooked his arm around Matt’s neck and passwordately kiss him and eventually how Matt melted into him. Her eyes lined with tears and it wasn’t until Esme touch her did, Carina remember to breathe.
“Carrie,” Esme touched her back. The little remained still as marble, “Carina honey?”
It was then that Carina let out a guttural cry and fell to her knees, “Carina, what on earth—” the rest of Esme’s sentence seemed to die in her mouth when she looked up from Carina, a puddle of sobs on the floor, to the truck parked in the driveway. It was then she understood Carina’s pulse and decided to get the girl away from this nightmare and deal with Matt later.
“C’mon honey,” the matronly woman reached down and gathered Carina in her arms, “let’s go upstairs. You need a bath. C’mon.” Esme desperately tried to coat Carina up off the floor and into the house. After much effort, she had succeeded and in time for Matt to notice her in the doorway just before she slammed the door in defiance of his stupidity.
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