This is chapter 3 in the story of Jim and Janet’s pirate adventure. This story will make more sense if you have read the previous installments.
Jim and Janet didn’t discuss the pirate scene again for a couple of days, and Janet wondered if Jim was serious about further testing. Jim, meanwhile, now that he knew Janet was submissive, began assembling some toys to use in training her and on their next adventure. In addition to the cat o’ nine tails he’d showed her during the abduction fantasy, he got a soft deerskin flogger and a set of adjustable nipple clamps. He also got a couple of vibrators in different sizes and a bottle of lube.
At 2:15 on Thursday afternoon, Jim called Janet at her office. Recognizing his cell phone on the caller ID she said “Hi Jim!” as she picked up the phone. Immediately, she heard “Aaarrrrr! Be at me house tonight when I get home. I want ye naked, and kneeling facing the door, two fathoms in with yer knees spread and yer hands behind ye.” Janet was caught off guard and in her surprise at the abruptness of his message, and she sputtered “Jim, what is this about?”, but he hung up before she got it all out. Janet tried to call him back, but, since her call went directly to voice mail, it was clear to her that he’d turned off his phone.
Knowing that Jim normally arrived home between 6:45 and 7:00, Janet made a point of getting to his house by 6:30 so she’d have plenty of time to get ready. During the afternoon, since she was unfamiliar with the term, she’d looked up “fathom” on and learned that Jim wanted her 12 feet from the door. She pulled the shades in his living room so that no one could see her, then undressed and measured the distance. She was glad the room was dark, so no one looking in through the door would be able to see her.
Just as she got herself into position, the lamp on the end table next to her snapped on, fully illuminating her. She called out “Jim?” but got no response, then looking at the lamp, she saw that he had put a timer on the lamp so it would come on at 6:45. She started to get up to turn it off when she heard the screen door open and a key in the lock. With her heart pounding, Janet settled back into the prescribed position and waited. Jim opened the door wide and stopped in the doorway to gaze at her kneeing before him. After a moment, he came in and closed the door, then hung his coat in the closet and Walked past her to the couch without a word. Jim began opening and reading his mail with barely a glance in her direction.
Janet knelt there waiting for some acknowledgement of her, hoping her obedience would get her a kind word and permission to dress and join him on the couch. As her knees began to ache, Jim looked up at her and said “Aaarrrrr matey! Ye’ve done good. Ye got the distance right, ye followed me directions about how to sit, and ye were here when I told ye. Get dressed and sit up here with me. Ye’ve passed this test.”
Janetwas relieved that she’d passed and she quickly dressed and joined Jim on the couch. They talked about how their respective days had gone and made plans to go out for a light dinner. Then, Jim asked her “What do the rules say ye should be sayin’ when yer captain gives ye an order?” Janet looked at him and thought for a moment, then said “Aye aye, captain.”
“Good. Ye remember.”
Janet said “Yes, I remember. Why–did you think I didn’t?”
Jim was quiet for a few seconds, then he said “And how did ye respond when I ordered ye to be here?”
“I said,” and paused as she thought, then suddenly, very quietly said “Oh no, I asked what this was about.”
Jim said “That’s right. Ye disobeyed an order and ye questioned me command.”
As Janet apologized and promised not to do it again, Jim said “As captain, I cannot allow insubordination. Ye’ll have to be punished to remind ye not to do it in the future.”
Jim paused to give Janet time to understand the meaning ofHis words, then he said “Since this be yer first time, I’ll not be too hard on ye, but ye need to be thinkin’ and rememberin’ the rules. I’m going to spank ye over my knee 10 times for yer disobedience, and yer going to count the strokes. If ye lose count, we’ll start over.”
Janet gave Jim a wide-eyed look and said “You can’t be serious.” Jim said “Are ye questioning yer captain? I told ye yer punishment. You asked to be part o’ me crew and I told ye it would include punishment.” Janet gave him a disgusted look and started to lie down over his knee when he stopped her and said “Yer overdressed. If I be spanking ye, it’ll be on the bare, not through yer pants. Drop ’em.” Janet blushed as she unfasted her belt and pulled her pants and panties down to her knees.
Jim Pulled her down across his lap and looked at the beauty of the upturned ass in front of him. He blew gently across her buttocks and, as she tensed her muscles, she said “Come on, let’s get it over with.” Jim leaned back and said “Are ye ask’ for more? This sounds like insubordination.” Janet quickly said “No, I just want to get my punishment over so we can go have dinner together.” Jim replied “I’m captain here, and I’ll decide when and how I’ll punishment ye.” Janet sent and said “Aye aye, captain.” As she relaxed, Jim slapped her full on the left button, leaving a red handprint. Janet yelped, more in surprise than pain. After a moment of silence, Jim said “I don’t hear ye county’. Was that for practice?” Janet quickly said “One.” Jim waited a second and smacked her right buttock. “Two.” The next blow was across both, which, combined with the other two, left a reddish trail all the way across her bottom. “Three.” Jim gave the next three swats in rapid succession across the soft flesh where the back of her thighs met her buttocks, as Janet hissed at the sting, then counted “Four, Five, Six.” As the redness increased, Jim softly ran a finger over her reddened skin, then gave her two more stokes to each buttock, finishing off the set of 10 as Janet counted.
When she struggled to get up, Jim placed his forearm across her lower back to hold her in place. For a few moments, Jim gently ran his fingers over her skin, then slipped a finger down to her pussy and found it sopping wet. He slipped a finger into her to get it wet with her juices, smelled it, then held it in front of her face. “This has really excited you. Smell it.” Janet sniffed at it wardly, turning her head when it looked like Jim might wipe his finger on her face. Seeing her turn away, Jim told her to clean his finger. She looked at him uncomprehensively for a moment, then realizing he wanted her to lick it clean. She slowly opened her mouth and sucked on his finger, tonguing it as she cleaned it until he was satisfied that she had done her best with it. He pulled his finger from her mouth and helped her stand. Janet had never really liked the smell or taste of her musk and was a little grossed out over having had to clean his finger after he’d dipped it into her. She pulled up her pants, they went to dinner, and Jim dropped her off at her house without saying another word about their scene.
On Saturday, Jim and Janet got together for lunch and to run household errands, starting with a salad for lunch at a nearby fast food restaurant. As they walked into the restaurant and saw the regular cashier wearing a tight ribbed pullover, Jim said “Aaarrrrr! I want ye to be lookin’ at the cashier’s bra and see how it fits her.” Janet was surprised and embarrassed at the idea that Jim wanted her to look at another woman. She wasn’t exactly sure of Jim’s point, and when they got to their table, she said “Jim, what is this about? I’m really not into women.” Jim replied, “I wasn’t asking you to evaluate her for sex, I wanted you to see how she dresses. I assume she doesn’t realize it, but her top shows her bra and breasts clearly. She’s wearing a demi-bra with clothes cups and an inch wide band of lace around the top. The way the bra fits her, her nipples are just barely inside the lace and would be clearly visible if she weren’t wearing the shirt.”
Janet was dumbfounded because she hadn’t noticed any of this even though she had looked at the woman and tried to pay attention as Jim had asked her. “How do you know this?” she whispered, suddenly afraid of being overheard. Jim replied “She dresses this way Every week when we come in. The stretch fabric of her shirt clings to the shape of the bra and makes it apparent. Go buy us a dessert and take a good look, just don’t stare, and for heaven sakes, don’t tell her what she’s showing.”
Janet went and got some cookies for them to share while she checked out the cashier. When she came back to the table, she said “I see what you mean. Why are you pointing it out to me?”
“I want you to get a couple of similar bras. While I love it when you don’t wear a bra, I know you’re more comfortable with support, but the bras you wear cover so much they might as well be shirts. I want to be able to see your nipples and most of your breasts when you’re wearing a bra. If you can find bras that expose your nipples, I’d prefer those, but if not, lace that lets me see your nipples would be acceptable. Oh, one more thing, make sure they are comfortable for you to wear. I want you to want to wear them for me.” Janet blushed, and agreed to look for the types of bras Jim described.
The next Tuesday, Janet was busy with a project at her job when the phone rang. As she picked it up, her boss and a couple of colleagues came into her office for a meeting. Before she had a chance to say anything, she heard “Aaarrrrr! Be at my house tonight when I get home, same conditions as last time.” Janet blushed as she realized he was telling her he wanted her naked and exposed while these other people were in her office. She stuttered “Ah–OK, see you tonight,” and hung up. Needless to say, she was somewhat distracted during the meeting and throughout the rest of the day.
That evening, Janet was at Jim’s house in plenty of time, although, as she nervously played her instructions over in her mind, she realized she had again failed to answer approximately. This time, she knew she would be punished and she expected it to be harder than before because she’d already been punished for it once. Janet fretted over what to do, should she apologize as soon as Jim came in, should she try to ignore it in the hope he wouldn’t punish her again, what should she do? Without thinking, Janet sat on the couch with her face in her hands until she heard Jim’s key in the lock. She jumped and ran to her place on the carpet. The door swung open and Jim came in. He looked at her briefly, then sat on the couch, looked through his mail, and turned on the TV to watch the Evening news.
At the first commercial break, Jim muted the TV and looked at Janet again. “Aaarrrrr! I gave ye an order and ye’ve failed to carry it out. What ‘ave ye got to say for yerself?” All this time, Janet had been kneeing with her head down as she contemplated her failure to give him the proper response. She looked up at him in time to see him stand and start towards the kitchen. “I’m sorry I didn’t say Aye, Aye, Captain, but there were people in my office.” Jim said “That’s one, although methinks it’s a poor excuse. Continue!” Janet looked at him uncomprehendingly as he continued toward the kitchen.
When Janet didn’t say anything, Jim grew “Aaarrr! I gave ye an order to be naked and yer fully dressed. Do ye want to join me crew or not? On most ships, the punishment for mutiny is hangin’ from the yardarms. This ship is different, but the punishment will be severe!” Janet shuddered as she thought what the punishment might be and stuttered as she tried to apologize “I-I-I’m s-s-sorry. I was so upset about not saying Aye, Aye, Captain and being punished for it that I forgot.”
Jim replied “Well I didn’t. Strip!”As Janet quickly pulled off her clothes, Jim went into the kitchen and returned with a long-handled wooden spoon and a tape measure. When Janet got back into position, Jim checked her distance from the door and said “Yer lucky! Ye got back into position in the right place. If ye hadn’t, ye would have gotten five extra.” Jim sat back down on the couch and called her to him. She rose slowly and walked over, knowing what was about to come.
Jim gestured for her to lie across his knees, and when she did, he said “Yer bein’ punished for two transgressions. The first is yer failure to respond properly to the order I gave ye this afternoon and the second is for failing to be in the required position when I walked in the door. Since 10 strokes with me hand last week wasn’t enough to remind you of the lesson, ye’ll get 10 with the spoon for the improper response and another 10 for being dressed when I got here. As before, ye’ll count and if ye lose count, we’ll start over and do it till ye get it right. Got it?” Janet nodded. Jim said “I didn’t hear ye. Did ye get it?” Janet replied “Aye, Captain.”
“Good, now I want ye to kiss the spoon before we start and I’ll want ye to thank me when we finish.” Jim held the spoon down for Janet to kiss, and after she did, he began. Other than counting, Janet was quiet for the first five blows, but by the time Jim reached number eight, she hissed out her breath with each stroke. As Jim continued to swat her with the spoon, he varied the location, intensity, and timing of the blows so she couldn’t predict where, when, or how hard each one would be. When he reached 10, he stopped and briefly massed her buttocks. As she moaned and raised them against his hand, he slid a finger along her dripping slit and brushed her cliporis.
As she moaned and tried to back into his touch, he resumed with a sharp swat, causing her to cry out in both surprise and pain. He paused for a moment, waiting to see if she would forget to count, wheren she remembered and quickly said 11. As his swats reached 14, her ass had turned red and she tried to protect it with her hands. Jim grabbed both her hands with his left hand and held them as he continued spanking. By the time she counted the 20th swat, she was sobbing and tears were running down her cheeses. She struggled to get up, but Jim held her and said “I’ll give you a choice: you need to be Punished for trying to protect yourself with your hands. I can either give you two more swats on the butt, or you can hold out your hands and I’ll swat each one on the knuckles. You decide.” Janet briefly considered getting her knuckles rapped, but decided it would hurt far worse than two more on the ass.
After giving her the final two swats, Jim dropped the spoon and began gently massaging her aching Rear. He squirted a big dollar of aloe vera lotion onto her butt and began gently, lovingly rubbing it in. The coolness of the lotion quenched her fire and his massage of her abusedbackside felt really good and Janet soon began moaning in pleasure. After a few moments of massaging her ass, Jim reached between her legs and traced her labia, then slide his finger across her cliporis. As she began moving her hips in rhythm with his fingers, he reached under the couch and pulled out a vibrator that he turned on and slipped into her vagina. Janet had never used a vibrator before, but she quickly found the stimulation pleasure, particularly with Jim continuing to rub her clip. Two minutes later, she convulsed and screamed out her orgasm. Jim stopped rubbing her clip and turned down the vibrator but left it on, still in her.
As she came down from her high, still exposed and bent over Jim’s knee, he started rubbing her ass again, making large circular motions with her gluteus muscles alternated by feather-light brushing of his finger over her skin. Janet moaned and pushed back against his hands as she started climbing back towards her earlier excitement. As he worked her butt and her excitement built, Jim turned up the vibrator and watched as she became more and more aroused.
As she started to near her peak, he squirted lube in her crack and began rubbing it around. Since Jim had rubbed aloe into her butt earlier, Janet didn’t pay much attention to the slippery liquid Jim was rubbing into her or where he was rubbing it until he pressed a finger against her anus. She stiffened at the unexpected intrusion, but Jim softly told her to relax and let go. As he rubbed her clip with his other hand, she relaxed and his finger penetrated her. Slowly, he worked it into her and finger-fucked her ass while rubbing her clip. After a few minutes of this, Janet stiffened, then convulsed in an orgasm that left her gasping for air. This time, Jim stopped stimulating her, turned the vibrator off, and held her. When she finally came down, Jim gave her a playful swat on the rump before helping her to her feet and sending her to the shower to get cleaned up while he ordered a pizza for their dinner.
By the time the pizza arrived, Janet was out of the shower and drying herself. Jim opened a bottle of wine and poured two glasses, lit candles, and then called her to dinner. When she replied that she wasn’t dressed, he told her to grab his robe from the back of the bedroom door and come before the pizza was cold. She appeared, combining out her hair, and gasped at the contrast Between the elegance of a candlelight dinner with wine and the box of pizza in the middle of the dining table.
As Janet started toward the chair opposite Jim, he slip back from the table and asked her to sit on his knee. When she sat rather gingerly, he gently brushed his thumb across her cheek and said, in his best French accent, “Would Madame like a taste of pizza?” Janet replied heavily and Jim pulled a piece from the pie and held it up so she could take a bite. As she chewed, Jim took a bite from his own piece. As they savored the pizza, Janet relaxedand began to forget the soreness in her ass. After a few more bites, she asked Jim how he came up with this fantasy and where he intended to take it.
Jim replied that it just came to him one Sunday morning when they were together and he’d decided to follow and build on the idea to see where it led them. He didn’t have any clear intention on how far they went, as long as they were both enjoying it. She said he had scared her two or three times during the initial weekend, but he seemed so in control and he had been very careful not to hurt her, and it had been SO stimulating. Now, her butt was sore but she’d also had two amazing orgasms, and she wanted him to know his new manner was really exciting her.
Jim responded with “Aaarrrrr! So ye still want to join me crew, do ye? The interview’s not over yet, but ye’re still the top candidate!” Smiling, Janet asked how many mates he’d interviewed so far for the position. “Just one, but she’s getting’ a through vetting. Now shut upand eat!”
After dinner, they cleaned up the dishes and Jim asked Janet about the rest of her work week. Janet, thinking he might be planning another session, told him that the following day was relatively light, but on Thursday, she had an all-day meeting with some clients and so would have to dress professionally and be on top of her game, then on Friday, she’d need to do follow-up activities depending on the results of the meeting. They continued to talk about her job for a while, then the conversation moved on. By the time she went home, she had forgotten that she told him about her week.
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