It was an odd mix between a Capricorn male and an Aries female. In their 25 years together, their bond grow and became better with each passing year. Both were ambitious in their jobs and they found that living in separate houses enabled them keep enough distance between them that they could approach each other with an enthusiasm often lost by those who see their lover every day.
While Janet wasn’t his first love, she opened Jim’s heart and helped him grow from an immature youth into a kind, gentle man. For his part, he kept her grounded by looking out for her moods and pushing her to relax when the pressures of her job caused her to forget to take care of herself. Over the length of their relationship, as so often happens, their sex life had cooled to the point of near extension as they focused more on their love and less on lust. Partly, this happened because the hours they spent together each weekend didn’t allow time for much spontaneity, and partly, it came from horMonal changes as he aged.
In his 50th year, Jim discovered the cause of his imbalance and, as he began treatment, his libido returned. One Sunday morning, after they had finished reading the paper, he announced that he wanted to change their sex life from once a year, whether they needed it or not, to at least weekly. Jim also asked her to become more proactive about sex, to dress in more revealing clothes, to flash him occasionally, and even to stroke him through his clothes to tease him. Janet smiled at the thought, but also quickly made it clear that this was a radical change for her and she would have to work into it. Meanwhile, he began studying sexuality and dispatch, both to lure her back to bed and to become a better lover.
One of Jim’s lifelong fans was to dominate a woman, to have a sex slave who would do whatever he asked of her, without question. As a teenager, he and his high school girlfriend had experimented with bondage. While Jim never enjoyed inflicting pain for its own sake, he had learned that a well-timed slap on the rump or even turning his lover over his knee and spanking her could be a real turn-on to them both. When he suggested tying Janet up in the early years of their relationship, she balanced, saying she wasn’t sure she could trust him and that she’s not into pain, so he dropped the idea. When similar results happened with other fans he suggested, he quit asking and their sex life stayed routine and conservative. It remained the one area they could not communicate about.
Recently, however, with his newly awakened libido, Jim blindfolded Janet as they started to make love and she both accepted being blindfolded and commented that she trusted him implicitly. He gently led her to the bed, and lovingly ravished her, and while she didn’t think the blindfold helped or hindered her sensings, he was thrilled.
As his libido increased, Jim started looking for ways to explore his sexuality. At age 50, he felt that part of life had passed him by and he needed to take action in order to reclaim it. Janet cooperated when he suggested making love and invited him back to bed a few Sunday mornings when he had gotten up before she awoke, but the sex quickly began to seem repetitive. They always began with a lot of kissing, then he would take the lead as he kissed his way around her head, neck, and her upper chest. Eventually, he would Come to her breasts and spend some time kissing and sucking on them before kissing his way to her abdomen and her thighs. About the time he started kissing her vulva, she would slide down the bed and pull him into a 69 position. This wasn’t totally ideal because Jim wanted to concentrate on licking her pussy, but Janet usually got distracted and just held his cock as he sucked her lips and painted her cliporis with his tongue until she moaned in a violent, shuddering orgasm. When her orgasm was finished and she was too sensitive for further clitoral stimulation, Jim wou shift off his knees and she would suck him until he came in her mouth. Each enjoyed the power they felt in bringing the other one off, but they repeated the same pattern each time they made love.
The plan
One Sunday, as Jim was reading the newspaper with Janet, he was struck with the idea of staging a pirate abduction as the theme for a week of sex. If he could dress like a pirate, talk like a pirate, and play the role, she might get off on its silliness and go along with it while he indulged his fansies of control. He would need to arrange it all, renting a hotel room and getting all of the props, but it would allow him to introduce some bond into their sex life, and maybe he could see if Janet’s passivity about sex indicated a hitherto unrecognized submissiveness. Buoyed by this thought, he began scheming.
Since abduction is the first step and the theme, Jim focused on it first. He would need to look like a pirate. This means a costume with a hat, puffyshirt, breeches, and perhaps a waitcoat. He would also need an eye patch, a cutlass and a flintlock pistol that he could shove into a wide silk belt, as well as a Jolly Roger flag to fly on his car. The Internet quickly provided several sources for all of these things, especially since plastic toy weapons would help provide silliness.
In addition to the pirate costume, Jim needed some basic bondage gear. Again turning to the Internet, he found some padded wrist and ankle restraints for a reasonable price, which started him thinking about how he would actually employ them. The wrist restraints, along with the blindfold he’d used before, would be enough to take Janet from the house to the car and get them started on their way. Once they reached the hotel, he would need a way to secure her in the room while maintaining the pirate theme. More searching online brought him to door restraints, which fit over a closed door and provide a place to clip wrist cuffs. This could serve as his ship’s mast, where he would bind her for the crew’s (his) enjoyment. He also found straws for tying her to the bed.
One more issue bothered him: No pirate scene is complete without someone walking the plank. How could he make her walk the plank? After mulling it over for a couple of days, Jim came up with a solution. Now that he had fleshed out the pirate theme and bondage, he set about planning the rest of the Weekend to include sightseeing and a show.
The execution
While Jim wanted the details of the abduction to be a surprise, he knew he needed to coordinate a weekend excursion with Janet and let her know enough that she wouldn’t fight him. He booked a hotel in a town near the bay, and mailed Janet an invitation telling her she had been selected for a fantasy weekend. Based on their recent weekend excursions, she knew this means a weekend with quite a bit of sex and some other activities they enjoyed. Two days later, she came home to find a note stuck in her doorwarning that pirates had been seen in the neighborhood and people should be on the lookout for suspicious activity. The day before they planned to leave, she also found a note calling for crew interested in manning the Blue Bull to come to the local docks for interviews.
Friday Evening
On Friday, the start of their weekend, Jim called Janet to tell her he would be a little late and she should wait at home until he came to get her. Meanwhile, he dressed in his pirate costume, parked his blue Ford Taurus (the Blue Bull) around the corner from her house, and let himself into her house to await her arrival. When Janet arrived and went upstairs to freshen up, Jim emerged from his hiding place, pulled his cutlass from his belt and positioned himself to block her from coming back down.
Janet gasped when she saw him, then burst into peals of laughter at his appearance. Jim waited for the laughter to subside, and then he spoke:
“Avast me lady! Ye’ll not be comin’ this way till I’m ready.” Janet giggled again.
“Aaarrrrr! ‘Ave ye packed yer sea bag? Are ye ready to go?”
“I’m ready when you are.”
“Well, git myself to the bedroom an’ let me see what yer wearin’.” Janet backed up the steps and went into her bedroom as Jim followed, holding the cutlass to her back. When she turned to face him, he held the cutlass point to her throat and looked her over.
“Ye look over dressed. Take off yer shirt.”
After a moment’s hesitation, Janet pulled her sweatshirt over her head and dropped it on the bed.
“Jest as I thought, take off yer bra and put this on.” Jim handed her an old, rather hurt shirt that buttoned up the front. Janet blushed as she removed her bra and put on the old shirt, buttoning it up to the neck. The shirt fit her loosely, and without her bra, her breasts bounced noticeably with every step she took. Jim competed to the top three buttons with his cutlass and said
“Yer still over dressed. Unbutton ’em ‘r I’mcuttin’ ’em off. I want to see yer melons when I look at ye.” Janet stared at the floor as she unbuttoned the designed buttons. “Now, turn around.” When Janet turned, Jim blindfolded and cuffed her wrists, snapping them together behind her. Jim led her to the car, which was flying the Jolly Roger and helped her in, refasting her hands in front of her, through the seatbelt. Once he was in, for safety reasons, he removed the blindfold and released her hands.
As they got underway, Jim explained the rules for the weekend: 1. The purpose of the weekend was to have fun and do things they’d never done before. 2. She could trust that he would not physically hurt her or expose her in public. 3. She should remember that they were going to be away from home, so she shouldn’t worry about seeing anyone they knew or having anyone find out what she’d done this weekend. 4. If the entire scenario became too much for her, all she had to say was “Red Flag,” and he would stop everything, releasese her, and they would end the scenario. 5. If she was uncomfortable, in pain, or wanted him to slow down or decrease the intensity, she should say “Yellow Flag,” and he would stop to find out what changes were needed, make the necessary adjustments, and resume. 6. They would stop their play when they were in public, so they could enjoy the activities they had planned, but when they were alone, they would continue playing their scenario. 7. At the end of the weekend, he would provide time to discuss it with her to find out what she liked, what she didn’t, and whether she would be willing to do anything similar in the future.
To be sure she understands, he asked her to repeat back the rules, especially the stop and slowdown words. Then he continued in his best pirate voice: “Aaarr! Ye be me prisoner now. It’ll go easier for ye if ye cooperate, but if ye don’t, yewl be walkin’ th’ plank.” Janet chuckled at the cliché.
When they arrived at the hotel, Jim checked his costume to be sure everything was in place, then grabbed Janet’s arm and sauntered to the front desk. “I be Cap’n Pike and we be checkin’ into me room.” The clerk snickered and handed him the keys. Once in the elevator, Jim reclipped Janet’s wrist cuffs and blindfolded her. When the door opened, he picked up their bags and led her to the room. He inserted the card in the door, opened it, then, putting his cutlass tip at her back, said “You go first, me lady” and pushed her into the room. Turning on the lights, he checked the room and placed the door restraints on the bathroom door. Backing her up to it and securing her, he said “Aaarr! Me lady, ye’d best be quiet here. I’m tyin’ ye to the mast while we git underway. If any o’ the crew both ye without me permission, it’ll be 20 lashes for them, but if ye make a fuss, it’ll be you who gits the 20 lashes.”
Janet was still blindfolded and a little stunned at what Jim had done. He’d paraded her through the hotel lobby and up to the room as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Further, the unaccustomed freedom of her breasts made her very aware that anyone watching would know they were planning something kinky. Before she could say anything, Jim removed the blindfold so she could see she was facing a full-length mirror.
As she looked at herself in her restraints in the mirror, Janet realized she was in Jim’s power in a way she’d never allowed before. “Aaarr! Ye be gettin’ a good look at ye self don’t ye now. Since yer me captive, let me tell ye ’bout life on me ship.”
“Fer the rest o’ the weekend, yewl wear what I tell ye and not wear what I tell ye not to. We’ll play here and we’ll go out. When we go out, I’ll be tellin’ ye what ye can wear and if ye complain, ye’ll get a taste o’ me ship’s cat.” At that, Jim pulled out a fearsome looking cat o’ nine tails. The cat was actually made of soft leather, but since he’d never hit her or even threatened it, Janet suddenly wondered if she was in deeper thanshe wanted to be.
“Enough talk! Now that we’re underway, it’s time to see what I’ve got. Ye look and carry yourself like a noble woman. Let’s see how noble ye really are.” At that, Jim stepped up to her, grabbed her shirt where it opened, and ripped it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. Janet gasped as she realized the shirt was ruined and that she was bound, and now topless except for tattoos. Jim then stepped forward again and unbuckled her pants. Janet tried to hold her knees together to keep them from falling, but he cached as he pulled out a feather and began to ticket her. She forgot about her pants as she squirmed to avoid the feather, until Jim grabbed them, along with her panties and yanked them to her feet.
Jim turned and walked across the room to sit in a chair where he could see both Janet and her reflection, then he turned on the TV. As he started to review the adult pay-per-view movie listings, he watched Janet as she tried to figure out where to look. She would look at herself, bound to the door with her clothes hanging off her body, then at the TV, then at a blank spot on the wall. Jim appeared to be ignoring her, so she struggled against her bonds, until it became obvious that she couldn’t break free. Finally, Jim got up and walked back to her. For a moment, she looked relieved that he was paying attention to her, then he picked up the cat and softly dragged the tails across her breasts. “Aaarr! Me lady, ye don’t look so noble after all. In fact, ye look like a common wench. I wonder how well you dance,” as he held the cat menacingly.
Janet shuddered at the thought that he would whip her, especially her breasts, and she started to protest when he yelled “Silence! I didn’t give you permission to speak!” As her mouth snapped shut, she wondered again about what she’d gotten herself into. She trusted Jim, but this behavior was new for him and she wondered if giving him power over her would turn out to be a mistake.
As she started to regain her composition, he took her face in both hands and kissed her roughly. Jim ran his hands over her body, feeling her neck, cupping her breasts, and running his hands over her butt. As he ran his fingers over her, he tweaked her flesh, pinching a nipple here, squeezed an arm there, pulling her hair behind her neck, and ending with a loud slap on her ass. She jumped at both the sensing and the noise, and when she did, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her again. Almost before she could process what he’d done, he dropped to his knees and started massaging her legs. Starting at her feet, he lightly ran his fingers up the insides and down the outsides, first to her knees, then a little higher with each repetition, until his fingers came to the tops of her thighs. She assumed the next repetition would bring him into contact with her sex, but this time, as he neared the top, his fingers flared outward and up onto her abdomen.
Jim continued moving his hands overher lower body while avoiding her genitals until she started to whimper and moan. As she began trying to thrust her pelvis towards his approaching fingers, he stopped, leaned away from her, and asked her what she wanted. “Touch me,” she said.
“I am touching you,” he said as he put his finger on her foot. “What do you want?”
“Touch me!”
“You know …”
“I don’t know. Where do you want me to touch you?”
“My ah …”
“My vulva,” she said as she blushed.
“Aaarr! We didn’t bring yer car and I’m not goin’ back for it.”
“No, no, no, my pussy!”
“Oh, why didn’t you say so.” Jim immediately leaned in and licked her from her vaginal entrance to her clitoris. Janet moaned aloud as he licked her again and again, first around her vulva and then, pointing his tongue, up under her clitoral hood. She shivered as he went to work on her in earnest, sucking on her lips and licking her clip from every angle. As she neared her clitoralimax, he slipped a finger into her and started massaging her G-spot. Suddenly, her entire body shuddered as her climax hit her and she gushed into his waiting mouth. He continued lapping up her juices until she collapsed in her bonds and began pulling away from him in hypersensitivity. Jim stood up and unhooked her wrists, then carried her to the bed and gently laid her on it. They cuddled for a while, then drifted off to sleep.
Saturday Morning
In the morning, Jim awoke first, as he usually does, and while Janet continued to sleep, he prepared the room for the morning’s activities by quietly attaching tethered cuffs to each of the bed’s legs. He put on his eye patch and set the Jolly Roger on the night stand, then pulled a long feather from his bag and began to ticke Janet with it. Janet awoke with a soft moan, but when she looked at him, she gasped and burst out laughing. Jim took advantage of her distraction to attach the cuffs to her wrists.
When she realized sheCouldn’t get out of bed, Janet called “Yellow Flag! I need to pee.” Jim stopped and disconnected her cuffs from the tethers, and rejoined them behind her back. As she sputtered about how he should free her because she really had to go, he helped her up and escorted her to the bathroom, lifting the lid and helping her to sit. She thanked him and told him he could go.
Instead of leaving, he said “Aaarr! If ye gotta go, ye’d better go. I can’t risk losing me prisoner! If yer thinking yewl escape over the side when I’m not lookin’, ye’d better think antin.” as he sat on the edge of the bathtub to watch. Janet did what she could to hide her embarrassment, and, eventually, released her bladder. Jim continued to watch, and when she was done, he helped her stand and wiped her dry. By this time, Janet’s face was red from the top of her head to her nipples.
Jim marched her back to the bed with his cutlass point at her back. When they got to the bed, Janet decided this was her opportunitynation to resist, so she began to fight to keep him from putting her back down and tying her to the bed. After some struggle, Jim tackled her onto the bed and got her right wrist cuff tethered again. As she continued to struggle, trying to unfasten the cuff with her left hand, he eventually got the her other wrist tethered. Even though she had some ability to move, she couldn’t get her hands together to remove the cuffs. Jim then cuffed Her ankles so she was loosely spread-eagled on the bed. She didn’t quit struggle until all four limbs were secured and she had tested each one to see if she could pull it loose. Jim also blindfolded her so she couldn’t see what he was about to do.
Although embarrassed by his invasion of her toilet, Janet began to trust again that Jim really wasn’t going to hurt her. In the process, she relaxed and began to feel more comfortable with giving him control. Just as her body started to settle, he stroked the feather along her jaw line. She shivered andhe waited, watching her reaction. When he saw her body relax, he stroked her with it again, this time, drawing the edge of the feather across her throat. She obviously flinched at the feeling as she thought of her throat being slit. For the next several minutes, each time she relaxed, he drew the feather across her breasts, first the underside of one, then along the side of the other, then across the top, then the underside of the other. Jim Keep varying his strokes, avoiding her nipples, but each time, waited for her to relax before touching her again. As Janet began to pant and then to moan, Jim kept tickling her, slowly spreading his strokes across her upper body, including her chest, her neck, and her face.
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