Ervin felt his cock, bouncing on the leader tests, as he got out of his car. It was such a funny old house that Isely lived in…
She charged by the hour, claiming on her taxes that she appraised antiques.
But her credit card “charger” was next to her bed…
It had been quite a week, Ervin reflected as he climbed the steps onto Isely’s porch.
The Prince Albert piercing didn’t always annoy him, except when he had to turn creatively so no one saw his locked junk in the showss at the Athletic Club.
But his secretaries were such flirts! Tarli was always modeling her latest knit sweaters, and Vernelle, despite her formidable typing speed, was often stoned at work, and would give Ervin long hugs when she was feeling tender.
Once, after Ervin had given Vernelle an advance on her salary, or a loan or something so she could bail her brother out of jail, she’d sat on his lap and kissed him loudly, unaware that her cute little tush was playing hell withthe cruel piercing.
And of course in the street, especially on the corner of Buttermilk Boulevard and Kasabian Avenue, it was girls everywhere!
Checking their phones, bouncing asses, some in office garb, those short skirts and spike heels.
And the Rollerbladers in crop tops swung around Ervin as he negotiated curbs… “Sorry, Pop” and they’d twitch their hot little butts at him.
At night, after he’d had a gin or two, Ervin would watch femdom porn on his computer and try not to twiddle with his dick, which of course was locked in a loop. It could get hard, very, very stiff, but since it couldn’t elongate, the feeling was not the best.
Still it was terribly arousing to be put in this position. And, as Isely said, it was a good thing that he wasn’t at home wanking up a storm, right?
Ervin put a hand on the porch railing. Last week, Isely had taken Ervin out for a tease, but only after she’d cuffed his hands to this very rail and exercised a new purchasese, the “Licorice Whip” which was a formidable fiberglass riding crop.
“I’m just trying to make you a tough man, Ervin–you’re such a sissy!”
Ervin had been worried that the neighbors might see him, naked, covered with long welts, connected by the cuffs to the damn rail, but there was a big wall around Isely’s house.
After the whipping, Isely had cuffed the loop around Ervin’s cock to the railing, so between the handscuffs and the chatity piercing, he’d been forced to stand, his hands near his balls for an hour while she watched “The View”.
Ervin had not been able to sit down, and he’d felt ridiculous.
But afterwards, Isely had given Ervin a big kiss, and she’d knocked fifteen days off his ninety-day sentence. This means he might get to jerk off some time next month! It had been many days.
Ervin knocked on the door, and Isely opened up after a moment. Oh she looked so cute in her “Errant Kitten” hot pink belly shirt.
Ervin had never seen Isely’s tits, but they must be big, he thought, since they pulled her little tee up so he could see her prominent navel.
“Ervin, baby!” Isely jumped into Ervin’s arms and throw her arms around his neck, and wrapped her legs around his waist.
Then she kissed him. A long, tongue-y kiss, which she said she didn’t do for all her clients, just the special devotees.
Oh, it was so wonderful!
Ervin rubbed against Isely and moaned. “I missed you so much. I wish you’d had time to go to the opera with me on Wednesday.”
Isely giggled. She jumped down. “No, I had to go to a monster truck show with this big idiot I’m fucking. You might meet him, Ervin. He needs to get blown while he’s going down on me.”
Ervin’s stomach turned, but his cock squeezed in the piercing.
Five minutes later, after Ervin’s Visa had been processed, he was standing naked in front of Isely while she carefully cuffed his hands behind his back.
Ervin watched as Isely carefully unlockedThe ring connecting the underside of his cock. It had been a tough week, certainly, but not as tough as when Isely had once attached a two pound weight to the loop and made Ervin carry it for six horrible days.
“But you’re so sedentary, Ervin. You’ll never notice.” she’d said.
Ervin’s penis sprang free, and Isely bent over and kissed the tip with her glossed lips.
“I’m glad you remembered to shake, Ervin. You know I like a bald crotch.”
The metal loop was still in Ervin’s cockhead, and Isely twisted it playfully, and giggled.
“You want a little treat?”
Ervin nodded fervently. He knew it wouldn’t be an orgasm, but a man could hope, couldn’t he?
Isely leaned back and pulled off her pink top. Oh God, there were her boobs, or at least her cleavage, bouncing out of a frilly bra…
“One of my other um, friends bought me this lingerie set, but I’m punishing him by not letting him see me in it. I told him I am going to show it to all myother subs first.”
Isely turned at Ervin and waved her barely covered tits at him as she continued to stroke his penis.
Squirting a little lube in her palm, she ran the heel of her hand up and down Ervin’s cock and stuck her tongue out at him impudently.
“You like my cleavage, don’t you Ervin? I bet you’d like to kiss it, right, rub that little snub nose of yours between my bulging boobies.”
“Oh, please, Isely, could-can I?”
Ervin could never believe how inarticulate he got when Isely teased him.
He’d gone to Amherst on a debating scholarship, for God’s sake. As a big, macho FBI profiler, he scared serial killers to death and tested neoliantly on the stand.
But when he was with Isely, he turned into a frickin’ moron.
“I think I might let you, but only if you do something for me.”
Isely wounded at him again. She whistled, and a shy Asian youth, just ugly with a harelip came into the room.
“This is In-Sook, Ervin. He is arecent émigré, and my landscaper. He watches you strut in here week after week, all muscled and crew cut and that good shit, and he’s developed a crush on you. He wants you to go to bed with him.”
Ervin paled, and In-Sook grinned. He had two teeth, or maybe three.
“Don’t worry, you can’t get hard, I know that, you’re a big heteroro. In-Sook wants to fuck you in the ass, and have you lick your shit off his dick afterwards.”
Isley giggled.
“And then I’ll let you kiss my bare breasts, maybe.”
Weeping for the first time since his youth, when Ervin’s mom had passed and Pop had given him five minutes to cry and get over it, the big FBI profiler took the hideous Asian’s hand and they went into the bedroom.
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