Pierced and Chained Chastity

“Did you do what I asked?” asked my husband.

“Yes,” I said, pressing the phone against my ear to hear him above the city traffic.

I shifted my rolled yoga mat over my shoulder as I maneuvered through the people on the sidewalk before entering our apartment building.

“Make sure you’re fresh for me,” he said.

“I will, honey.”

“See you when I get home.”

I walked into our apartment clearly understanding the importance of my husband’s request. After all, it is our three year wedding anniversary and we were celebrating one whole happy year since our marital meltdown caused by our mutual infidelity. Down the hall to our bedroom I went, stripping off my hoodie, bra top, and yoga pants now stinky from a hot yoga class, to step into a long, hot shower.

Drying in the mirror, I gazed at my hairless vagina, freshly waxed this morning before yoga class. It was absolutely smooth as per my husband’s directions. It made me look younger than my thirty years.I’d look better with a boob job but Johnathan always says no. My tits do sit up nicely. And after I have a baby, they’ll be the full C cups I want, at least so say my mom.

Dressed in a new dress and heels, make-up perfectly applied, I brushed out my hair fresh from hot curlers until my brown tempers glistened as they bounced around my shoulders. Perfect. I heard the key in the door and went to greet him.

“Hey, sexy,” he said.

“Hey Mr. Sexy.”

He gazed at me with horny eyes. His lips held a mischievous curl, his tell sign that I’m in for a surprise. I arched my eyebrow to meet his smile. With Johnathan, you never know what to expect but I trust that he knows what’s best. It keeps our marriage fresh and alive. I’m ashamed to says it but we’re added to our drama.

He said, “I got something for you.”

“Oh yeah. What?”

“Wait and see.”

“What did you get me?”

Johnathan’s fingers pulled down the dress zipper as he backed me into our bedroom. With the dress on the floor, my lacey red panties and bra now on display, I slide back onto the bed, towards the thick black leather cuff restrains which remains attached to our headboard. We got into the lazy habit of leaving them there, which I now only remove on days the cleaning lady comes to clean. He lost over me as he slipped my wrist into one restraint, taking his time to lace it up, and then straddled me to strap in the other. His hard-on straining against his pants pressed against my lips, leaving a smear of lipstick on his pants fly. Finished, he moved down over me, covering me with the full length of my body and I wanted nothing more than to cares his shoulders. I want to wrap myself around his body, run my legs down the length of his legs but I remained perfectly still and restrained, leaving my fingers flexing in the air. This is part of my torture.

He leaned over to the nightstand to pull out a pair of small silver scissors and proceeded to cut my bra strap.

“Hey,” I said. “That’s LaPerla.”

“Go buy some more,” he said, snipping the other strap before cutting up the center.

He slowly peeled it from my body, tossing it aside. He snipped away my panties as well and stared at my waxed pussy. Our door buzzed and he hit the control panel on his nightstand to let the person in. Fright came over me as I wondered who he invited to Our game.

“Your jewelry is here.”

He covered me with bedcovers before leaving the room. I struggled to free my spread arms from the cuffs but they remained secure to the headboard. The sound of the front door opening and closing, Johnathan’s voice coming down the hall with an accompanying set of footsteps sent me into a near panic. He popped into our bedroom with a small red box in his hand.


“Happy anniversary,” he said, opening the box.

Anchored to the velvet was a little gold padlock with an accompanying key and a small gold chain with hoops soldered onto to eiter end. It was far too small for a necklace or even a bracelet.

“Arthur, can you come in now.”

I cringed against the headboard as a heavily tattooed hipster with a handlebar mustache entered our bedroom.

“This is Arthur. He’s a piercing artist.”

Arthur opened up his structured leather bag. He snapped on a pair of latex gloves then proceeded to unwrap a stainless steel tray on which other wrapped sterilized violent instruments were laid out.

Johnathan said, “Now that you’re going back to work, I want to make sure you don’t screw around me. If anyone see’s your pussy, they’ll know you’re off limits. And they’re not getting in, unless it’s anal and I know how much you like that.”

Arthur dropped two gold rings onto the tray. Johnathan whipped the covers off me. My knees clenched together.

“Open your legs. Open your legs or I’ll restrain them open. Open your legs.”

My legs slowly opened a little as Arthur pulled up a chair to the bed, setting the tray beside my hip.

“You said you wanted to get you pussy lips pierced.”

About an inch from the top of my slit, Arthur swabbed the whole area with alcohol and marked the holes, making sure they were symmetrically matched. My clip flinched at the exposed to the air and the heat of a stranger’s eyes as Johnathan looked on. Arthur took the piercer, holding my labia between his thumb and finger.

He said, “You’re going to feel a little pinch.”

It shot through my flesh. It didn’t hurt. This guy was good, very professional and nonchalant about staring at a woman’s exposed genitalia. But I’m sure he’s being well paid for his home visit. In a quick fashion, he replaced the piercing bar with one gold hoop, snapping it closed and spinning it in the tight hole in my flesh. His fingers gently pinched the other labia and I closed my eyes as the steel cylinder pressed against my skin. My naked clip jerked under his breath. A quick pinch and it was done. He hooked in the gold hoop and swabbed the area with alcohol before he snapped off his gloves. Arthur packed up his bag, giving instructions as Johnathan escorted him out.

I looked down at my naked pussy and its two little hoops. Johnathan returned, his eyes still gleaming with excitement as he sat on the bed.

“And now for your chatity chain.”

He removed the chain and lock from the box, looped the chain through both pussy hoops, then pinched the chain ends together. He threaded the lock’s shadele through the chain’s end rings and closed the lock. The metal padlock lay smooth and cold against my naked clip. He strung the key onto the long gold chain which he placed around his neck.

“If the hoops rip your labia, you break the chain or the lock, you’re in trouble. I will see it as a sign of Infidelity. Understand?”

“Yes,” trembled from my lips.

He lifted the lock to flick his tongue across my clip. He did it again, a quick torturous flick. My hands wriggled against their bonds as my toes curled and uncurled.

“Johnathan, oh, I’m going to cum.”

“Cum for me baby,” he said, slipping his finger in my tight wet hole. “Cum for me.”

Spasms trembled throughout my pussy as it jerked around his finger pressed up inside of me. He withdraw his finger slick with my cream. The lock and chain fell flat against my throbbing clip as he left the bed and the bedroom, going down the hall to rummage in the fridge for a beer. He was pacing himself as he has something new to play with.


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