Penny and Megan Pt. 03

Sunday, June 15, 2014, Compromises

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I woke with a start. The room was dark. I hadn’t turned on my night light. I could see the sky was just barely starting to turn pink. I’d woken several times when Penny had moved on the other side of the door. This was different. The door was no longer pressing up against my back. She’d moved away from it.

I looked for her with my Attention. She was in her room and in a decisive state of mind. I wondered if she felt as stiff as I did. I stood up and started stretching. One of the things about having these powers is that, for the most part, people rarely surprise you, even if you’re sleep. I mean in the “Where did you come from?” sense. You can be surprised in the “What the hell are you doing?” sense Just like anyone else.

So, I know she standing on the other side of the door. I sat on the floor cross legged and waited. And thought. I’d treated her badly last night. She didn’t know about my using Powers on her, of course. But I’d still treated her badly. I’d have to apologize. I wondered if she’d still cooperate with going out shopping today? She needed clothes, at least. She knocked on the door.

She said, “Megan, please let me in. We have to talk.”

I considered my options. She was right, we needed to talk.

I said, “It’s open, come in.”

The door swung aside to reveal her standing, on two feet, wearing the t-shirt I’d put her to bed in last night. Her collar and ears were missing.

I said, “Oh!”

The t-shirt came down to mid-thigh on her, since I was so much taller. It looked like a t-shirt dress. She smiled, pulled up the hem to show me she was wearing panties, then turned quickly all the way around to show me she wasn’t wearing her tail. She smoothed down the shirt again. There had been nothing provocative about her “flashing” me. She was simply showing me how she was dressed.

She said, “Megan, my mother…”

I cut her off, “Penny, wait a moment, please. I want to apologize for last night. You hadn’t done anything to justify my getting so angry. I was really afraid of… I’m not sure what. The unknown maybe. Letting my feelings control me. Anyway, I apologize.”

She said, “Thank you. I shouldn’t have tried to sneak up on you like that. That’s what I did when Deena wouldn’t pay attention to me. Usually it worked. She’d pet me, and I’d purr and after a while we’d have sex. I know you’re not interested in me…”

“Penny, I am interested in you, but I’m not going to…”

“Yes, Megan, I understand. I think.”

I said, “Let’s move on from that. I’ll try to be more patient. What were you saying?”

She started over. “My mother used to say that compromise is When nobody is happy, but they’re not as unhappy as they’d be without the compromise.”

I actually smiled at that, and she smiled back.

I said, “I’ve heard something like that myself. Some of us think it’s the very root of law.”

She sat, alsocross legged, a few feet in front of me. Showing her panties. She saw me look down and adjusted the t-shirt to cover herself.

She said, “Sorry about that. It wasn’t intentional.”

I nodded.

She said, “I have a compromise to propose to you.”

I waited.

“Basically, I’ll let you try to make me into a girl, half the time. And you let me be a kitten, the other half.”

I said, “Penny, doesn’t mean the second half of the time you’ll be trying to make me into your mistress?”

She said, “Owner, yes, of course.”

I said, “I don’t want to be your owner.”

She replied, “And I don’t want to be a girl. See? Neither of us is happy!”

She continued, “I’ll wear clothes, stand up on two feet, do chores around the house. I’ll even get a job. You said you could help me with that. I’ll let you teach me to be a girl. And I’ll really try to cooperate. But you should probably keep in mind that I was a girl, and a woman, for twenty years before I decided to be a kitten. I know how to be a girl. Maybe you can teach me to be happy that way. But I doubt it.”

I said, “What made you decide to… No, that’s for later. If we agree.”

She said, “Yes, but you have to think about this. I know what it means to be a girl. You don’t really know what it means to own a kitty girl. You have to treat me like a kitten. If we were going to have sex it would be more complicated, but since we’re not…”

I asked, “What do you mean then?”

She said, “When I’m a kitten, you’ll treat me like one. You’ll pet me, and let me lay on your lap, you let me sleep on your bed. Not in it, on it. And you’ll have to learn to dominate me. I’ll teach you.”

“You said no sex? Isn’t that a lot of it?”

“For some people it is, but it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes it’s frequently, but it’s more about taking care of someone and being taken care of. When I’m a kitten, I’m totally dependent on my owner.”

“As for sex, I’ll wait and satisfy myself. Ican also have sex as a girl, you know.”

I considered, then asked, “What do you hope to accomplish by all this?”

“I want you to see that I’m a kitten because I like it. I like it way better than the life I was living. I’m pretty sure I’ll like it better than whatever you have in mind for me.”

She continued, “Or I did like being a kitten. I don’t think I Really realized how badly Deena treated me until you took me away from her. And I’m sure you’d never treat me like Deena did. I’ll enjoy being your kitten. I think in a month or two you’ll be ready claim me as your own.”

I asked, “And if I don’t?”

She looked at me for quite a few seconds. If it wasn’t for my long practice at dealing with other lawsers, I’d have looked away.

She said, “I think you already want to. You just can’t bring yourself to do it. Yet. You’re afraid of the unknown.”

I asked, again, “If I don’t?”

“I can move out. Or we’ll continue on the half-and-half basis. We’ll worksomething out. But I bet I’m going to win.”

No, she wasn’t stupid.

I said, “Let’s get breakfast. Can you cook?”

She stood up, pulled me to my feet, and turned to the door, smiling.

“Sort of. You could teach me.”

We walked down the hall, with her leading the way. I was watching her ass, her hips, sway back and forth as she carefully put one foot directly in front of the other, like a runway model. There was something familiar about her that I couldn’t put my finger on. My memory is generally excellent, but it wasn’t coming into focus for me. Different hair style? Very different context?

I asked, “Are you doing that on purpose?”

She didn’t even pretend she didn’t know what I was talking about.

She just said, “Yes.”

Then after a moment, “Is it working?”

I thought, “tricky.” Do I pretend, when I obviously know exactly what she means? No, but I couldn’t bring myself to say, “yes.” I didn’t say anything. But I didn’t stop watching eiter.

We went down the stairs in silence, she hadn’t looked back at me. She stopped suddenly with her hand on the kitchen door. I almost ran into her, stopping just inches behind her.

She asked, “Should I check?”

And only then turned to face me. Being a foot taller I had to lean my head far forward to look her in the eye. And she had to lean far back to do the same to me. As she turned, her breasts slip across my chest, a bit below mine.

Those eyes bore into me.

I licked my lips and told myself to take a step back when what I really wanted to do was kiss her. I did neither, looking into her eyes, and also down the collar of her t-shirt. The shirt was too tight creating amazing cleavage.

I felt her finger, just one, touch my inner thigh and stay there, motionless, for several seconds. Then slide up under the hem of my t-shirt, moving slowly. I wasn’t sure if it was to be sensitive or to give me a chance to move away. Maybe both? Whatever it was, itDid turn me on and I didn’t move.

She reached the leg opening of my panties and traced the edge up nearly to my hip, then down between my legs and part way up my ass. I still didn’t move. I licked my lips again. I was taking short shallow breaths. She wasn’t even smiling. She just looked at me.

The fingers moved across the fabric to stroke my cotton covered labia, rubbing very gently. gasped and finally took that step back.

I heard my own voice, with lust in it, say, “Penny, no.”

She brought that finger up and held it between our faces, and pushed the kitchen door open with her other hand. Light streamed out the door and her finger glistened. She put it in her mouth, pushed the door open and walked into the kitchen.

She looked back at me for just a second, letting me see her sucking on her finger.

She said, “Nice.”

Then she said, so brightly that it seemed like another person, “So, what shall we make?”

What followed was an absolutely normal morning. Just an older woman teaching a younger one to cook. If there was anything odd it was that we were both wearing only panties and t-shirts. Mine just barely covering my ass, hers considerably longer since it was one of mine.

She did know a bit about cooking, but had apparently never prepared breakfast before. We did eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. She made little mistakes, but learned quickly. Eventually, we were giggling over burned toast and dropped eggs. I hadn’t giggled in as long as I could remember. I wasn’t sure I ever had.

She completely lived up to her side of the agreement. She learned what I taught her, or certainly tried. We talked about what sort of work she wanted, talked about the future as if the kitten issue didn’t exist. One topic she would not discuss at all was what she’d done for a living before she dropped out.

We dressed her in one of my skirts and blouses and I dug up a pair of flip-flops for her that I used around the pool sometimess. She looked awful. And really adorable. It put me in mind of a little girl trying to dress up in her mothers clothes. I found that “mother” connection a bit disquieting. Well, we’d be getting her into proper clothes right away.

We started with underwear. Just ordinary serviceable things. Then clothes, casual mostly, since it seemed we’d agreed that I’d try to set her up in the mail room in the building where my offices were. But also some around-the-house things, a bikini for the pool or if we went to the beach, and a couple of dress up outfits. While she was trying on those she asked about lingerie to go with them.

I agreed, so our next stop was a chain store that seems to be in every other mall. Catalog things mostly, but some quite nice. Some of it rather kinky, but she didn’t resist when I steered her away from those.

When I noticed the ensemble my last boyfriend had given me, and mentioned it, she decided to get that in her sizes. I had the feeling something significant had happened, but wasn’t sure what. It went well with the more formal of the two dresses, so I didn’t object.

We were in the changing room. She was putting her new regular underwear back on while I put the lingerie on it’s hungers. She tried to get me to get some for myself, but I refused.

She said, “Well, someday.”

I said, “Penny, why are you so sure you’re going to win?”

She said, “Because you think I’m so cute. And you want me.”

I said, “Even if that were true, I don’t let things like that make decisions for me.”

She said, “Maybe you should. You’re not happy, Megan.”

“I’m happy, Pen…” I broke off as I caught up with what she’d said.

“How did you know I think you’re cute? I never said so.”

“You were pretty upset last night. You talked in your sleep. And I had my ear up against the door all night listening to you breathe.”

I stood there with my mouth open. I wondered if I’d said anything about Powers. But I couldn’t, at that moment anyway, figure out how to ask without giving things away.

I said, “You listened to me sleep?”

She said, “Of course. I was lonely and you wouldn’t let me in.”

“What else did I say?”

“You think my ass and breasts are amazing. You keep thinking I’m a talking cat. You think you’re too tall. You think your breasts are too small. You think your hips aren’t wide enough.”

I pulled myself together. “Uh, alright. That doesn’t change anything.”

“No, but it does tell me you want me. And you don’t really understand what that means. You’re afraid of the unknown. Afraid not to be in control. I want you to be in control. I’m going to teach you how. And when you know how, I think you’ll take me.”

I changed the subject, “Let’s get you some shoes, then we can go home.”

“All right, Megan.”

She’s said that “Megan” as if she were saying “Mistress.”

And damn it, I was getting wet again.

We got her some track shoes, slippers,a pair of heels to go with the dresses, a pursuit and some of the usual things. I asked about her drivers license. It turned out it was one of the few things she still had, though it would expire in a few weeks. We’d have to take care of that too.

We packed things up, got back in my car, and headed home.

“Penny, you said half of the day as a girl, half as a kitten. When do you switch? Noon?”

“No, that’s not fair to you. You’re going to be working most of the day. I was thinking, I’ll be a girl half of the time I’m alone then again half of the time I’m with you. And a kitten on the same basis. OK?”

“That sounds fair. So, you’re going to be with me all day today. We got up before dawn, and I have to work tomorrow, so I’ll probably go to bed early. You’ll switch at noon today. Right?”

“That’s what I was thinking. But it doesn’t have to be exactly, it just has to be fair. I’ll switch after lunch today. I want to be feed as a kitten at least once a day, so we cando dinner. Uh, my bowls. Deena kept them. Can we get some more?”

I hesitated. I was driving, but I could see her looking at me in my peripheral vision. Well, I’d just spent hundreds of dollars for her to be a girl. I could spend some for the kitten. We went to a chain pet store. She said that most real cat things don’t work, being too small, so we’d have to get dog things. A set of bowls, shallow ones, with a paw print pattern on them. But the place mat was for cats.

I asked if she wanted a new collar, but she decided.

“Megan, collaring me, buying one and putting it on me, is symbolic to some pet people. I’m one of them. It would mean you’re taking possession of me. Do you want to do that?”

“Hmmm. I see. No I guess I don’t.”

She added, “…yet.”

I rolled my eyes at her, but didn’t object.

We were looking at a large dog bed and a blanket with paw print pattern on it.

I understand the blanket, she might get chilly sleeping on my bed, but asked about the bed.

“I might not spend every night on your bed. Do you really want me there when your boyfriend spends the night?”

“Oh, my boyfriend.”

“Right. Would you shut a real kitten out of your room when your boyfriend came over?”

“Probably not. But…” And I stopped there.

“Yes. There’s that ‘but,’ isn’t there? What would he think of me curled up nude at the foot of your bed?”

I chuckled. “He’d love it. He ogles curvy women all the time.”

She said, “Right. So let’s not give you anything to feel jealous about. I’ll stay out of sight when he’s over. It’s a big house, and you gave me a room with it’s own bathroom.”

She changed the subject, “The Other reason for a kitty bed is to let the kitten part of me claim some floor space. Wherever we put it, that place is mine as a kitten.”

We bought it.

We got home around one and had lunch. I was getting a bit nervous about her switching. And she was getting anxious. As I mentioned,we rarely turn our Attention all the way off. As a consequence, we’re a bit more aware of others emotional state then most people are.

She was watching me fidget. “Do you want to have sex?”

I jumped, surprised. “What? What brought that up all of a sudden?”

“It would relax you.”

“I told you that having you doesn’t feel right to me. I want you to be self reliant.”

“Fine, then I’ll have you. You don’t have to do a thing.”


“Yeah, I didn’t think you’d buy that. But it’s put the idea in your head, hasn’t it?”

“Are you wet?”

I should have lied. “None of your… alright, yes, I am.”

“You have been all day, and that suggestion just made you more so. Right?”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“Megan, I’ve been very close to you several times today. And given what I’ve been doing for the last few years, I’m very familiar with what a wet pussy smells like.”

I sat therestaring at her.

“I can help you with that. I’ll even stay a girl to do it. I’m very good.”

I was sure she was. I looked at her a bit longer. The mental picture of her head between my thighs becoming clearer by the second. But…

“No, Penny. Thank you, but I’m going to do what I think is best.”

“You’re going to masturbate later, aren’t you?”

My breath caught. She was certainly direct. I again considered lying, but, first, I hate to lie and, second, I was sure she’d know I was lying.

“Thinking about me?”


“Can I watch?”


“I’m going to be a kitten by then. Would you let a real kitten watch?”

Unfortunately, I knew the answer to this one. I’d had a kitten, and later a cat as it grew up, when I was young. And I had not shut it out of my bedroom to pleasure myself, unless it was being annoying.

So I said, “No. Except when it tried to get involved.”

“‘When…’ Oh, you’re speaking from experience. You agreed to treat me like a kitten. So?”

“I don’t know if I can do it with you watching. You admitted you’re also a girl when you’re a kitten.”

“Touche. All right, I don’t want you frustrated. If you can’t, I’ll leave the room.”

I almost shouted, feeling frustrated, “But that’s almost as bad! You’ll still know I’m doing it!”

She leaned in and whispered, “And you’ll know that I’m masturbating thinking about you doing it.”

She said up straight again, “Would that makes you hot?”

“You couldn’t. You don’t have hands when you’re a kitten.”

“Tricky, Megan. But I’ve been doing this a long time. There are ways even without hands. You should watch. You’d learn something.” Pause. “And you didn’t answer the question.”

“Yes, it’s making me hot. And embarrassed. And I won’t be able to help thinking about you when I’m… when we’re… oh damn!”

“Do you want to watch me while you do it?”

“No. I mean, yes, but I’m not going to.”

“You can always change your mind.”

She looked at the clock. “Well, time to change. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

She left, already unbuttoning her blouse. I wondered if life was going to be a series of conversations like this until one of us gave in? Or maybe neither of us ever would, and we’d go on like this forever? And, would it be so bad if she won?

I was standing at the sink, washing the dishes, when she came back into the kitchen. Nude, tail, ears and collar. She came directly up to me and rubbed her face up my leg and purred. I went stiff.

She sat back and said, “You’re supposed to pet me when I do that. Or shoo me away. Depends on what you’re doing. You said you had a kitten. What did you do when she did things like that?”

I took a deep breath and said, “You’re right. I’m sorry. This isn’t going to be easy for me. Besides, my hands are wet.”

“Oh, right. Deena made me to all the housework so we never had that problem.”

I thought it over,Then said, “I have an idea. Please go out and come in again.”

She exited, waited for the door to settle down, then came in and did it all over again. This time I reached down and touched her nose with my wet finger.

I said, “Not now, Penny. I have to finish these dishes.”

She beamed with joy and walked around me, stropping my legs with her body and purring.

After a minute or so she stopped, moved a few feet away from me and sat looking around for a moment. Then stared at me, like any cat will do when it wants something. I looked at her and she looked from me to the floor several times.


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