Monday, June 16, 2014, First day
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =\\p>Penny spent the night curled up at the foot of my bed.
I had tried telling myself that it was her decision to sleep on the bed, but eventually my worry about her being chilly got the better of me. I retrieved the blanket we’d bought, spread it over her, and climbed back into bed. Now I could sleep without feeling guilty.
She said, quietly, “Thank you, Megan.”
I replied, “You’re welcome Pen… Kitty. Go to sleep.”
She pursued for a few seconds then, shortly, her breathing became regular. My Attention told me she was sleeping peacefully.
But I was right. I did keep poking her with my feet. She never complained and my Attention told me she was thoroughly content.
My alarm was set for six, but I usually wake up before it then lay there waiting for it to go off. I moved so I could see Penny. All that was visible was top of her head and her cat ears.
I’d be leaving her home today, andby our agreement, she’d be spending half her time nude. I reached out to the night stand and got the remote control for the house. I turned up the heat a few degrees then reprogrammed it to keep it that way all day.
We could work out a compromise for the heat during the day, but there wasn’t much I could do about it the night. I never slept well without a blanket over me, so the heat had to be down at night or I got too hot and, again, couldn’t sleep. I reminded myself that she’d chosen this, and she did have her blanket, but I still found I felt just a bit guilty about it. Why couldn’t she just sleep in her own bed? Or even in with me?
The alarm sounded. I rolled out of bed and started my morning routine. While laying out my suit for the day I noticed that she was watching me. Still curled up and not that intense “studying” thing. Just watching.
I said, “I’m going to make breakfast, would you like some?”
“Yes, please.”
“Who will I be serving?”
“I’ll get dressed this morning. Maybe I’ll alternate mornings. We’ll work it out.”
I said, “That sounds all right. Are you still a kitten now?”
“Yes. Do you want me to switch?”
“When you’re ready. I wanted to know before I did this.”
I reached over to stroke her from between her cat ears and down to her tail, putting my hand under the blanket to reach. Then tucked her back under.
She pursued snuggling down and closing her eyes.
“You could do that even when I’m a girl, Megan. I’d like it either way.”
I shook my head and went to take a shower. She was still there, still under the blanket ,when I finished. She’d seen me nude already, but I still feel uncomfortable about it. But the deal was, as much as possible, I treat her like a cat. So, as boldly as I could manage, I came out nude drying myself.
I have to admit, she played up the cat thing right. She watched me, smiling slightly, for a minute or so as I dried myself, then closed her eyes and gave a good imitation of sleeping. I could Sense she was awake, and also that she was quite happy. I paused for a moment looking at her. Whatever else, she did seem to be happy most of the time.
I dressed, said, “Breakfast in fifteen minutes,” and left the room.
She appeared in just about fifteen minutes, wearing the robe and slippers we’d bought for her, and without her cat details. I’d just I finished cooking and filled two plates while she set the table. We talked about nothing of any particular consequence.
She smiled and I was taken again by how cute she was. Her robe wasn’t secured very well. I had an excellent view of her cleavage. It was deep and very inviting. She noticed me looking, sat up straight and slowly opened the robe to show me her breasts. Waited a few seconds, then just as slowly covered herself up again.
I looked up to her face and saw that mischievous grin she’d used before.
“I’ve always wanted to send someone off to work all horny. You are, aren’t you?”
I’d about decided not to answer at all then thought better of it. She didn’t have my Powers, but she’d know anyway. I might as well be honest with her.
“Yes. How do you feel about being able to do that to me?”
“I’m going to finger fuck myself right on this table as soon as you leave. Or… maybe I won’t wait for you to leave.”
She’d finished her breakfast. I watched her hand slide through her cleavage, over her belly, and disappear below the edge of the table. From the motions it was obviously she was lightly rubbing herself.
She asked, “Don’t you want to do this too? You could watch me. And I’ll watch you. You’re wearing a skirt, it would be easy to reach yourself.” A short pause. “Or let me do it.”
We had both finished breakfast so I got up, gathered our things, washed them quickly and put them away.
I turned and watched, for a moment, as she continued to rub herself, then turned away.
I said, “Please stop.”
“AreYou telling me I’m not allowed to masturbate?”
She sounded very formal, and also quite excited.
“No. I’m just asking you not to do it right now. I have to get to work and it’s very distracting. You’re…”
I turned to face her and found she’d turned in her chair to face me and spread her legs. I could clearly see what she was doing.
She said, “Tell me to stop.”
“Please, Penny, stop.”
Again, “Tell me.”
“Please, stop.”
Once more, “Tell me,” emphasizing the word “tell.”
“Penny, stop.”
She did, instantly, stood up, closed and tied her robe, then walked over until she was standing very close to me.
“See? I’ll do whatever you tell me. If you tell me instead of asking me. If you don’t want me to pleasure myself, tell me not to. If you do want me to, tell me that.”
“Penny, I don’t want to tell you what to do. I want you to be your own woman.”
She kissed me quickly on my chin and moved away. Then hit me with a totalchange of subject.
“Are you ready to go? Can I carry your brief case for you?”
I absently corrected her, “That’s ‘May I…’”
She replied, with a smile, “May I carry your briefcase for you?”
“Yes.” she picked it up and we headed through the house to the front door. I don’t, usually, park in the garage during the summer, the driveway in front is shaded. We Walked out to my car, she opened the door for me and waited.
“You’re not my maid or my butler either, Penny.”
“No, but I want to be helpful. You’re paying all the bills.”
I asked, “So you want to carry my briefcase because I’m paying all the bills?”
For almost the first time, she actually looked embarrassed. She looked away.
She said, “No. I want to be near you. I want you to like me.”
“I do like you. Penny, you don’t, um, think you love me, do you?”
“No, I don’t love you. I don’t know you well enough. Yet. But I’m know I’m going to love you.”
“I… I don’t know how to respond to that, Penny.”
“Kiss me.”
“Can… May. May I kiss you?”
I surprised myself by saying, “Yes.”
She did, lightly, not taking advantage of the situation. I sat behind the wheel, she reached past me to put the briefcase on the passenger seat. Her robe had come untied, or she’d untied it when I hadn’t noticed. I got a very nice view of her breasts swinging about below her.
She stood up. “Are you going to play with yourself when you get to work?”
She was doing it again. How did she keep taking control of these conversations?
“I’m not sure. I may have to.”
“Do. You’ll feel so much better.”
She gave me a quick flash of full frontal nudity, then, without closing her robe, spun around and danced up the walk, across the front patio, turn briefly at the door, waved to me, then disappeared into the house. I shook my head again at the wonder of the situation and drive away.
But the flash had worked. Now I really needed to do myself.
My offices are a suite in a down town low rise building. My private office has it’s own attached bath. I said good morning to my assistants, told them I didn’t want to be disturbed for a half an hour, went directly through to the bathroom and “relieved my sexual tension,” as Penny had put it.
There was nothing fun about it. I just pulled up my skirt, pulled down my panties, sat on the toilet cover and banged away at myself until I came. I sat there waiting for my breathing to return to normal.
But as I waited, a picture formed in my head of Penny with her cat earned head between my thighs moving ever so slightly as she licked me. It got more vivid the longer I sat there. My breathing was not slowing, it was picking up. My fingers began rub my clip again and slide in an out of my opening. I could practically hear her purring, hear the wet sounds as she tongued me. So, I pushed myself and came again, much harder. It was far more satisfying this time.
I couldn’t quite keep quiet. A couple of high pitched squeaks had escaped my lips. I found myself coming down and the picture fading away. I dried myself and stood, pulling up my panties.
I washed my hands, smoothed down my skirt, and looked up into the mirror. Those squeaks I’d just let out were fresh in my mind. And I thought, if she’s the cat, am I looking at the mouse?
I was half way home when I recalled that she’d want to be fed as a cat for dinner tonight. She didn’t have a cell phone, but I had hopes she’d pick up the house phone. I dialed and it rang several times. She answered sounding out of breath.
“May I help you?”
I said, “Penny? You sound like a receptionist.”
“Is that bad?”
“No, d…” and I stopped with the word stuck on my lips.
I decided, “What the hell?” and started again, “No, dear, it was just fine. I wanted to know what to get kitty for dinner.”
She made an odd sound, obviously happy with how I’d said that.
“Beef stew, chicken stew, steak tips. Something bite size. It’s hard enough to eat from a bowl on hands and knees without having to chew off pieces too.”
I refrained from suggesting she just eat at the table. I said I’d see what I could do and would be along shortly.
She said, “It is OK to use your gym equipment, isn’t it? I thought it would be OK, but now talking to you I think I should probably have asked first.”
“Not at all. I want you to make yourself comfortable. Just stay out of my office unless I’m there.”
She agreed, made kissing sounds at me, then hung up.
I stopped at a take out place, got us both steak tips, and headed home.
As I got into the front hall, I could hear my treadmill running and hear her feet pounding on it. I went in to see her and found her running, upright, not as a cat, and pretty quickly. She was wearing sneakers, panties, and a sports bra. The bra helped, but she was still bouncing in a most delightful way.
She looked up and I asked, “When do you become Kitty?”
“When I’m done here. Or should I stop? Or do you want me to be a girl longer?”
“No, I just need to know if I should reheat our dinner or not. How long?”
She looked at the tread mill control panel. “Almost done, but I need a shower. Say twenty minutes?”
“Good. I’ll be in the kitchen.”
Penny was, hands down, the most punctual person, man or woman, I had ever met. When see said “twenty minutes” in the gym, I’d checked the clock. When she pushed the door open and entered on all fours, it was as close one minute shy of twenty minutes.
I did warm both our dinners for a few seconds in the microwave. As I stood at the counter filling her bowl she meowed quietly around me, stropping herself against my legs, doing that cat stretch where they walk their paws up your body, and purring.
I found myself smiling and having good memories of my own cat, the only pet I’d ever owned, doing the same things. I didn’tReally like cats, or dogs, all that much. But I’d had that one when I was very young and raised it from a kitten.
I put the bowl down, petted her head, then went to the table to have my own dinner. I watched her as she prepared herself. Her ass was towards me, that wonderful slightly plump curved ass. The tail hung from her anus and was quite furry enough to conceal her sex. As she lowered herself she suddenly jumped back up.
She said “Brrrr!”
I asked what the problem was?
“My breasts press into the floor when I eat. The tiles are cold.”
“Just a moment.”
I went down the hall to the mud room, which was also the laundry, got a terry clothes towel, and returned folding it.
I said, “Sit up, Penny.”
She replied, I’m not a dog, Megan. Cat’s don’t respond to orders.”
I said, “Mine did. If I told her to sit up, she went into that cat goddess pose you see on old mummy movies.”
She considered it for a moment, then sat up in the same pose.I put the towel down where I guessed her breasts would settle when she bent over.
Then I added, “Of course, she never held the pose for more a few seconds. Usually just long enough for me to move something she was about to knock over.”
She said, “So I’ve learned a new trick. Thank you.”
She leaned over again, making it a point to settle her breasts on the towel.
“Much better. Thank you Megan.”
“You’re welcome.”
She started eating as I stood watching. Then I wondered about something my cat had done. I reached down and ticckled her just above her tail. The made that “Brrrrrrp” sound and lifted her backside higher into the air, pressing into my hand. Exactly what my cat, and many cats I’d encountered, did.
I went to the table and started eating my dinner. I watched her, her body moving slightly as she positioned her head to pick up food, then rise up on her arms to chew and swallow, She glanced back and saw me watching.
Before lowering her upper body for her next bite, she reached back, flipped her tail up on her back, then spread her legs slightly. She lowered her upper body again to continue eating. Her outer labia were swollen with arousal, her inner pushed past the outer, and I could just see her cliporis. I managed to not quite choke on my food. I heard her giggle, then wiggle her backside to make the tail fall off and cover her again.
She finished, then sat in front of me looking at me. I used my napkin to wipe a surprisingly small amount of gravy from her face.
I said, “I thought cats groomed themselves?”
“We do. But I like it when you groom me.”
I petted her again, the rubbed her face against my leg, then left the room. I eventually found her sleeping on my bed under her blanket. I stripped down to my panties, put on my sleeping t-shirt.
I leaned over to pet her and caught the faith cent of aroused girl. I was still aroused myself from her flashing me at dinner and that aroma notchedme up to “horny.” Then, as I thought about it, into “very horny.”
“Um, Penny? Did you…?”
“Masturbate on your bed? Yes, I did. You’re all horny now, aren’t you? Do you want me to lick you? I’m very good at it.”
I’d continued to pet her. “I’m sure you are. No, thank you. But I have to… Well, I need to…”
“Do you want me to leave?”
I decided I was in charge of myself. I didn’t need to give in to my body.
“No, it’s alright. Go back to sleep.”
I climbed into bed and went straight to sleep. Like hell I did. I did get into bed. And spent a half hour trying to go to sleep. When I Sensed she was sleep, I rolled onto my back and slide my hand into my panties. I started gently, intending to just take the edge off. But I was far too turned on. Then I imagined her between my legs licking me, and there was no stopping.
I was getting close, very close, when I Sensed she was awake. She hadn’t moved, still curled up, but certainly awake. She was enjoying it that I was playing with myself with her right there. And that put me over the edge. I tried not to cry out, but couldn’t stop it.
Right after passing my climax, I yanked my hand out of my panties and curled up with my back to her. It was humiliating. And excited. And I couldn’t sort out what else.
It was several minutes before I heard her say, “Were you thinking of me?”
“It would be so much more fun if we just did that together.”
I said, “I can’t.”
She replied. “Yet.”
I told, “Maybe.”
“Megan, I had fun today. Even when I was a girl. Thank you for taking me in.”
“You’re welcome, Penny. Go to sleep.”
Friday, June 28, 2014, Patterns
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Over the next eleven days we established a pattern of living together. Along with more compromises. She very much enjoyed sleeping on my bed, so she did that most nights. But also slept in her own room every few days.
Or, more correctly, startedout sleeping in her room. She’d only made it through the night in there once. The other nights, as some point, she joined me in my bed. The first time she asked to join me, saying she was lonely. After that she just quietly climbed in with me.
And not as a kitten, just a nude girl. She never tried to get sexual. Just slept beside me. When I commented that I enjoyed the breakfast conversations, she was usually a girl in the mornings. And, when she was, always carried my briefcase out to my car and kissed me before I left. A few mornings she played kitten and would follow me to the door when I left.
She was careful about the balance and I had nothing to complain about. I was about as likely to find a girl or a kitten when I got home. The girl or the kitten might wander into my Office in the evening. We had established a pattern of living that worked. She, generally, only pressed on the issue of sex after dinner each night. And I could feel I was weakening.
She kept meexcited most of the time. I’d masturbated most evenings sometimes between dinner and bed time. And she usually did at the same time, in her room or in the hall outside my door. I’d eventually given up trying to be quiet. She knew anyway. I was still embarrassed by this, but I guess you can get used to pretty much anything.
And I’d tired up from a dream, about her, thoroughly horny and had, again, masturbated while she slept on the foot of my bed. I wonder if things would have turned out differently if my boyfriend hadn’t been out of town for so long?
Saturday, June 29, 2014, A victory for Penny.
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She’d been a kitten overnight and for the morning but had been a girl since before lunch. I knew she’d be switching back after dinner. I’d wondered out loud why she didn’t just give it up and stay a girl? She’d responded that she wondered why she couldn’t just say a kitten all the time. It was a conversation we continued to have, but most of the tension had gone from it.
As we finished, and she helped me clear the table, I asked when she was switching?
“As soon as we finished the dishes.”
“Oh, you can go ahead. I know you like to kitten around here while I’m doing chores.”
“Really? Thank you.”
She started unbuttoning her blouse as she headed for the door. I was just starting to wash when she came back in the door, with her blouse open, showing her bra and cleavage.
“Or, if you want to, we could masturbate together before I switch. I won’t touch you, you won’t touch me. We don’t even have to look at each other. You’re going to have to do it. We both know it. Let’s have some fun with it.”
I was tempted. But resisted.
“Penny, I…”
“Look, didn’t you ever masturbate with a girl friend, a female friend, when you were like twelve?”
I gasped again and covered me mouth with my hand.
She said, “Wow, how close was that guess?”
I said, “Exact. Mary Becker, one of my teachersdaughters. In the loft of her father’s barn.”
She took a step back towards the door. “Come on, relive the memory. My breasts really bounce around when I get going.”
I still hesitated.
“Come on, Megan. You’ve pleasured yourself twice with me right there. And you’ve see me playing several times. You’ve just never stuck around for the fireworks.”
I wanted to. And something inside me let go.
I said, “No touching?”
She squeaked with joy. “No touching. You’re going to do it?”
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