Mrs Thomson walked pensively into the college as she was attending another discipline session under the new college rules that involved parents in discipline matters. Mrs Thomson had failed to ensure her daughter had done her homework on four separate occasions and three was the limit before being summoned to the school.
Natalie Thomson was thirty-seven and was wearing a summony floral dress that was sleepless and had a hem halfway down her thigh. She stood outside the Secretary’s office and re-read the letter one final time confirming she had to attend the college at two-thirty in the afternoon and she looked at her watch and it was two-twenty-five so that was okay. She then read the tariff which was a spanking and three strokes of the cane. Ouch, she thought, as before this regime started, she hadn’t been spanked since she was seventeen and had Still never been caned.
As Natalie was about to enter, she did give a final thought to the punishment she was about to receiveive and reminded herself that last night when she was in bed, she realized that she was actually turned on by the thought of being distributed by the Headmistress, Mrs Saunders. She found Mrs Saunders attractive and had used her vibrator and made herself cum three times since getting the letter as she played over in her mind being across her knee again and spanked, and even came once fantasising about being caned. She had had submissive feelings for some time, and so didn’t have any of the qualms other parents had when the scheme was introduced, and had already been spanked by the headmistress three times.
Natalie took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
“Come,” came the response from inside.
Natalie walked in to find several parents already there. On the far wall adjacent to the Headmistress’s Study there were four chairs and all of them were occupied, and one more parent who Natalie knew was Jessica Rogers was standing next to the chairs. Natalie knew that Jessica was also there to be disciplined and, of course, so were all the parents on the chairs.
Natalie went up to the Secretary, Mrs Smythe, and joked, “It’s busy today.”
Mrs Smythe gave Natalie a wearisome look, and replied, “Yes indeed, Mrs Thomson, there is a backlog as you can see.”
Natalie could see what Mrs Smythe meant. She knew that Jessica had been due to see the Headmistress at two-fifteen and that the parent closest to the door, Simone Howe, was supposed to have been seen at one-thirty. She was going to ask why the delay when the door opened and a girl dressed in college uniform came in, who Natalie recognized as Lisa Barton.
Lisa went over to Mrs Smythe. Natalie did think she looked rather attractive in her green and white gingham dress with the zip down the front and wide white belt, and, as a senior, she didn’t have to wear the regulation short socks but wore trainers with inner socks.
Mrs Smythe looked up and said with a tired smile, “Oh good, Lisa, thank you for helping out.”
“No problem, Mrs Smythe,” Lisa replied happily.
Natalie liked Lisa who was a friend of her daughter’s and was often around at her house and Lisa and her daughter were the same age at seventeen. Natalie thought Lisa had an attractive haughty attitude and a voice that was expected to be obeyed, although not by her of course as she was a mum. However, it was a voice Natalie often played over in her mind when she thought about being distributed and had even masturbated a few times picturing herself across the teenager’s lap which was a real turn-on for her actually.
Mrs Smythe handed Lisa two pages and said, “Over to you. Room Four is free.”
Lisa took the papers and looked at the top of each. She then looked up and said, “Mrs Thomson and Mrs Rogers, please can you both come with me.”
Natalie was surprised at the request as she knew there would be a wait for Mrs Saunders but she was happy enough to stand.
Jessica walked over to Natalie and said in a bored voice, “I hope there are chairs where we are going.”
Natalie smiled at Jessica. “I hope so, but isn’t Room Four a Punishment Room?”
“I doubt it unless another teacher will be waiting for us there,” Jessica replied. She smiled and added with a grin, “Mind you, if Lisa is to deal with us maybe it won’t hurt so much?” Jessica had also been spanked a few times by the headmistress.
“Can we go please,” Lisa ordered in what Natalie thought of as her ‘Obey me or else,’ tone of voice and feel a wave of flutters across her pussy as she remembered masturbating just the other night thinking about Lisa. To be fair, she pictured a naked Lisa who was giving her tongue sex rather than being an unusual precision, but she smiled to herself as she Walked behind Lisa who was striding quickly down the corridor and in particular thought she had a rather nice bottom, and how she had masturbated several times picturing herself across Lisa’s lap although neverexpected either of those visions to actually happen.
They arrived at Room Four and it had a ‘Vacant,’ sign up. Lisa flicked it to ‘Occupied,’ before opening the door and walking in.
Jessica followed first and when she got in gave Natalie a look with a scrunched-up face which didn’t need any words as Natalie had been right that this was a Punishment Room.
Natalie looked around and saw two high-backed chairs which she supposed were for teachers to sit on to spank the students. To the side was a table wait high at the near end and sloping upwards slightly which she knew was the caning table and against the wall was a two-door cupboard and, just as she started to wonder what was inside, Lisa opened the doors and Natalie caught her breath as she saw the array of canes and paddles and straps.
Lisa took out a hook-ended cane and a small paddle, although as Lisa put the paddle on the table Natalie could see the head wasn’t actually all that small.
Lisa looked atNatalie and Jessica and ordered, “Please remove your knickers and roll your dresses up above your waists and hold them there so your naughty bare bottoms are on show.”
Jessica blushed as she asked, “Erm, Lisa, is a teacher coming in to deal with us?”
Lisa gave a deliberately wicked smile as she said firmly, “I’m a precision, Rogers, and so once authorised by the Headmistress can deal with Parents under the scheme. It also means you have to address me as Miss Barton.”
Natalie blanched at the statement but also nearly came at the thought of actually being distributed by the teenager and calling her Miss Barton was a real turn-on as well. Lisa calling them by their surprises was also a turn-on, so it looked like one of her visions about Lisa was going to come true as she would very soon be across her lap.
Lisa looked at both women and ordered, “I said remove your knickers and hold your dresses up above your waists so your misbehaviour adds a stroke each to your caning.”
Natalie and Jessica suddenly jumped into action. “Sorry, Miss Barton,” they both said as they yanked their knickers down and stepped out of them and they both yanked their dresses up above their waits so their pussy’s or bare bottom were on show at all times and looked at the preferred waiting for her next order.
Lisa pointed to her lap and looked at Jessica and ordered authoritatively, “Please get across my lap, Rogers.”
“Yes, Miss Barton,” Jessica replied as she stepped across and stood to Lisa’s side.
Natalie kept a firm hold of her dress above her waist as she saw Lisa point to her lap and Jessica obediently bend down across her lap. It looked so strange as Lisa was in a college dress and she had an adult across her lap and was rubbing her bottom. Natalie then Remembered, of course, that once Lisa had finished spanking Jessica it would be her turn to go across her lap.
Lisa looked down at the adult bottom across her lap with a smile as she had spanked a few parents already and never ceased to be surprised at how obedient they seemed to be. So here was another mum and just a few feet away yet another mum who was standing holding her dress up above her bare bottom and her pussy on show about to watch her spank the first mum and knowing it would be her turn next, followed by the cane for both of them, of course.
Jessica felt Lisa’s hand rubbing her bottom which was rather nice except she knew the pain would soon follow and she would have to suffer the paddle as well before she would be allowed to get back up and, even then, there would still be the cane with the additional penalty stroke already added. In the meantime, she accepted both the hand rubbing and also the close-up view she had of Lisa’ bare legs and was watching out for her leg muscles to tense to tell her the spanking was about to start.
Lisa rubbed with her hand but knew the instruction was that she should use the paddle only with the women across her lap. She was happy enough with that as although she enjoyed spanking bare bottoms with her hand, she knew today was about discipline, and the way to make the most impression was to go straight to the paddle.
Natalie gasped when she saw Lisa pick up the paddle as she had expected Lisa to warm Jessica’s bottom up first with a hand spanking. Her bottom also of course. However, as Lisa landed the first spank on Jessica’s bare bottom and Jessica cried out, she knew that wasn’t going to happen.
Jessica gasped as the first spank landed. She saw Lisa’s leg muscles tense and expected her open palm to land on her bare bottom but, instead, she knew it was the paddle as no one could spank that hard with a hand. So as the spanks continued to land Jessica was soon struggled and squirming around on Lisa’s lap and the tears quickly welled up in her eyes.
Lisa was quite focused as she knew how to spank adults and had no qualms when she heard Jessica’s gasps. Nor did she feel any sympathy when she heard Jessica let out a sob and was sure her tears would soon follow, which they did judging from the crying sounds Jessica was making soon afterwards.
Natalie was swallowing hard as she looked open-eyed at the severe spanking Lisa was dishing out. She looked on Lisa now as quite the discilinarian rather than the teenage school precision, and a girl who had to be reckoned with. She also knew that no matter how hard she spanked and caned her today she would be masturbating tonight as she played all of this over in her mind when in bed.
Natalie was shaken out of her thoughts as she heard, “Get up, Rogers, and go back and face me with your hands on your head. No rubbing or you will get extra cane strokes.”
Jessica eased herself up from Lisa’s lap but was crying and her tears were running down her face. She so wanted to rub her bottom but heeded the threat of extra cane strokes if she did and so stepped back across the room and turned to face Lisa as she got to Nataleie and already had her hands on her head.
A moment later Lisa ordered, “Come here, Thomson, and get across my lap.”
It was Natalie’s turn to be obedient so she went over to Lisa and as she arrived saw Lisa point to her lap. Moments later Natalie had her full weight across Lisa’s lap and she too was looking at the backs of the teenager’s legs she had imagined this sight so often and Now it was real she was quite taken with her legs. However, she had little time to enjoy the sight as she saw Lisa’s calm muscles tense, and the next moment she let out a cry as the paddle spanked down on her bottom.
Lisa looked down at Natalie’s bottom and smiled. She had been to Natalie’s house so often but had never imagined she would have her across her lap, and, not just that, but she had just landed the first spank with a heavy wooden paddle. As she did, she wondered how she would be welcomed next time she came over, and wondered whether this would come up in the conversation. She wouldn’t start it she told herself as she landed spank after spank all over Natalie’s bare and now quickly reddening bottom.
Natalie struggled as she squirmed around on Lisa’s lap and kicked her legs as this was a much harder spanking than she had expected when she got the letter. She had expected to have to go across the Headmistresses lap but other than a scolding she anticipated only some light spanks, but this was very different and as the tears streamed down her face, she knew she would look on Lisa very differently after today as this was a girl to be wary of for sure.
The spanks ended as quickly as they had started, and Natalie heard Lisa order, “Get up, Thomson, and go to the caning table and stretch your arms to the far side.”
Natalie eased herself up from Lisa’s lap and, still crying, stepped over to the caning table and bent over. She easily reached the far end of the caning table but held on firmly as she now expected the cane strokes to hurt much more thanthe paddle.
“You too,” Lisa ordered Jessica, and moments later she too was bent over the caning table clapping the far end.
Natalie and Lisa looked sideways at each other as they were almost touching and their arms were stretched in front of them, and they both gave the other knowing looks that this was going to hurt.
Natalie heard Lisa pick up the cane and swish it twice. It was scary she told herself but she admired the focus that Lisa had in dealing with two adults as she was certainly acting in a very mature manner and as someone well beyond her seventeen years, which made her seem so sexy as well.
Lisa positioned herself and tapped the cane first on Jessica’s bottom and then on Natalie’s enjoying the gasp she got from each woman. “Four each including the added stroke.”
Jessica groaned at the statement but Natalie just accepted it. She had a new respect for the teenager and didn’t feel she should question her decisions.
Jessica could just see Lisa’s legs and saw the muscles tension and the next moment the cane landed on her bare bottom and she cried out.
Natalie heard the cry and knew she was next, and, as expected, the next moment the cane landed on her bottom and she gasped but clung onto the far edge of the table.
Jessica was still gasping as the second stroke landed on her bottom and just like with the first stroke she struggled to hold on to the far end of the table but Actually found the second stroke easier to cope with. The pain was greater but she must have been getting used to it, she reckoned, or maybe the spanking with the paddle made the cane easier to handle.
Natalie gasped with her second stroke but was also coping better than with the paddle. She reckoned that the spanks with the paddle were constant whereas there were gaps between the strokes of the cane and although not long ones she acknowledged as she heard Jessica cry out after her third stroke.
Lisa saw the third red wheel appear onJessica’s bottom and took the one step necessary to be in position to give Natalie her third stroke. After giving Natalie another hard stroke of the cane she lingered long enough to watch her third wheel appear as well.
Lisa stepped back and looked at Jessica’s bottom. It was red with three cane wheats but even so knew she should make the last stroke the hardest, which she did and was rewarded by the loudest cry so far from Jessica. The welt appeared and it was fiercer than the other three, so, as she stepped across and raised the cane she was single-minded as she gave Natalie her hardest stroke and was again rewarded by her loudest cry.
Lisa looked at both red and welded bottoms for a moment before ordering, “You can get up, ladies. Your punishment is over for today.”
Natalie and Jessica eased themselves up and turned to look at a still stern-faced Lisa.
“You can rub your bottoms,” Lisa said.
Natalie and Jessica’s hands rushed to their bottoms and they rubbed feverishly as they stepped from foot to foot.
Lisa enjoyed watching the spanking dances for a short while before ordering, “You had better get your knickers back on, ladies, as there are two more adults waiting for me back at the Heads Study.”
Natalie reached for her knickers and quickly stepped back into them gasping as the elastic bit into her sore bottom. At least Jessica gasped as well she heard and so didn’t feel so bad.
“Mush muscle, ladies,” Lisa said trying to get the two women out of the punishment room.
“Sorry, Miss,” Natalie said as she straightened out her dress.
“Don’t you have something to say to me, ladies?” Lisa demanded.
Natalie knew and immediately replied, “Sorry, Miss. Thank you for spanking and caning me, Miss Barton.”
Lisa had a very satisfied look on her face as she looked at Jessica who quickly said, “Thank you for spanking and caning me, Miss Barton.”
“OK, ladies, best you leave now, and don’t forget to do your one hundred lines and bring them into the school office by Friday.”
“Yes, Miss Barton,” they both said groaning as that would be a chore for them when they got home.
Natalie stepped towards the door and stopped when Lisa said, “See you on Saturday Mrs T.”
Natalie blushed as she turned and replied, “I look forward to seeing you then, Lisa.”
Jessica smiled but stayed silent as she continued to rub her bottom, and even as she stepped out of the punishment room she was still rubbing, but stopped when the first college girls walked past and grinned, clearly giggling and whispering to each other about their red tears-filled eyes.
Natalie and Jessica quickly walked towards the exit to the car park. When they were a way away Jessica said in a whisper, “She was some tigress.”
Natalie replied, “She was doing her job and doing it well. We earned the discipline and she had to give it to us.”
“Wow, you are calm about getting your butt dealt with like that,and we are bound to suffer it again,” Jessica said in an amazing tone.
“It wasn’t so bad, was it?” Natalie asked with a smile.
“You enjoyed it?” Jessica asked but didn’t need an answer as she saw Natalie blush, and Jessica admitted, “I suppose it had its good points.”
Natalie bit her lip as they passed the nurse’s station. “It looks empty,” she said.
Jessica looked around and saw no one was around and quickly urged, “Come on, then.”
Moments later both women had their dresses back up above their waists and knickers around their knees and their fingers running along the other’s pussy lips.
“That was such a turn-on,” Natalie gasped into Jessica’s ear.
Jessica was gasping erotically as she replied, “That’s what I Thought. I just didn’t reckon you would think the same, but it was so much better than having the Headmistress deal with us.”
They kissed with their tongues entwined in Natalie’s welcome mouth and both slide their fingers inside theother’s pussy and gyrated as they both moved towards climax and each came together in glorious orgasms.
The whole thing only lasted a few minutes and Jessica and Natalie were smiling as they walked towards their cars.
Natalie sat in her car for a while trying to get comfortable, and as she did, she thought about Lisa and how dominant she had been and it made her so sexy in Natalie’s eyes. She did wonder About Saturday, though. Her daughter was now going to be away for the weekend and until Monday evening in fact, as it was a public holiday. Natalie was wondering if she should tell Lisa, and she was still thinking about it as she drove home pondering the one hundred lines she ought to do. She smiled at the thought of maybe not doing the lines and have Lisa discipline her again. Maybe.
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