Parent Counselling

All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I’m hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank receipts of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This is another of those where the story ‘Student Counselling’ was written as a one off but an anonymous email feedback got me wondering if maybe I had been hasty in my thinking. I hope whoever planted that seed in my head is happy with this story. It thinks BDSM and anal sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Rory was stood up which means he was looking down at the mid-thirties mother of two of his students.

“I really can’t thank you enough for the encouragement you have shown to Both of my daughters. I’m Jodie by the way.” Rory was momentarily stunned at how beautiful the woman was as she continued “Kiera has always been a good girl and I’m happyto say that she is doing very well. I miss her terribly being on the opposite coast but I never doubted her brains, it was just the application that she needed and you helped her channel that.” Right now Rory was picturing the older daughter on her hands and knees begging him to take her from behind. He doubted her mother had any idea but that didn’t stop his trousers from tenting.

He would always insist that Kiera had managed her achievements on her own merit, yes, he had given her a number of points but cruelly it was all her own work. Another thing that Rory would always insist on was that he had started sexual relations with her until after she graduated his class.

“It was Jess’s outcome that I had fears over. She isn’t a natural academic but whatever you said to her worked; I’ve never seen her so devoted to a subject in all her years. If you could bottle your success and sell it you’d make a fortune.” Jodi continued. The next image to pop into Rory’s head was of Jess lying face down on his bed, completely naked with her wrists and ankles tied at each corner of the bed. Again, Jess had achieved her result — surpassing her sister — through her own efforts but Rory didn’t need to provide nearly half as many points to the younger sister. What he couldn’t be sanctimonious about was when he started fucking the younger sister; she was still his student but what willing student both in the classroom and his bed.

Jess had had to follow in her older half-sisters academic shadow all her life but on discovering that Rory hadn’t fucked her sister up her butt made the younger sister determined to have something her sibling hadn’t and boy did she need it regularly but seemed this was the impetus that she needed to steer her studies; it was an unusual method even by Rory’s standards but if it got the required results who was he to argue. Jess too had had to move away once she found a job but she regularly sent explicit pictures of herself to Rory andshe would come back often so the two could continue to hook up.

This had led Rory and their mother to this point. Jodie had come onto campus after classes had finished and was presently stood in front of Rory, the handshake had not been disengaged, neither really wanting the contact to end. Rory was amazed at how beautiful the mother was, it was obvious where her daughters got their looks from, his heart rate hadn’t diminished from his mental images of the two girls and the dirty bastard that he was began to consider what he could get up to with the mother.

In order to keep the conversation going Rory replied “I always make it blatantly clear to each new batch of incoming students at the beginning of each new year that I will provide them with the required knowledge but those few that were willing to put the effort in themselves then I’m happy to Reciprocate and your daughters both fell into that category. I will freely admit that Kiera had already warned me that her sisterwas a different prospect and so I changed my approach until we hit on the right formulae.” What he had failed to mention was the right formulae was him dominating Jess to bend to his will which was exactly what she needed.

“It seemed to have worked; I know you gave up your free time to help her, even your weekends. That really is going above and beyond” Jodie responded.

Rory shrugged and replied “I do it because I want the next generation to drive this country forward. Secretly I have high hopes that someone will grasp that nettle and surpass me; others might feel threatened, I on the other hand am happy with my achievements but know there is more to come and I suspect Kiera or Jess or both fall into that category. If I’m being brutally honest, I found the cut and thrust of our discussion quite Gratifying and I suspect that was down to you and their upbringing.” What he didn’t say was ‘I was fucking both your daughters, Jess up the ass, while you thought they were studying.’

“Kiera information me that you are still giving her points even though she has started her way in the world of work” Jodie added.

Rory shrugged “I’m happy to help, as I said, I enjoyed the discussion with both of them. They are both bright girls if very different characters. It’s obvious how proud you are of them; can I ask if the same is true of their respective fathers?”

Jodie turned at that question “I’m afraid I don’t choose men very well. Kiera’s father couldn’t be seen for a cloud of dust once I announced I was pregnant. Jess’s father at least took on another man’s child and we had Fourteen years together before I discovered he’d been cheating on me all those years. There have been others since but I just keep choosing wrong un’s.”

Their hands were still held together in the handshake and so Rory placed his free hand over hers as he responded “Let me assure you that we’re not all like that, although you might need to consult my ex-wife on that one. Hopefully I tell the truth when I say we just outgrew each other.”

Jodie was a little disappointed when Rory eventually pulled his hands clear. He stood a good 6 inches taller than her with broad shoulders and piercing blue/grey eyes and if she were being honest would admit something of a crush on him ‘maybe that was the secret to getting my girls to work hard’ she pondered. “What other man would allow a former student to sunbath on their deck at the beach.”

Rory flinched slightly. “Ah, Kiera informed you of that. I would refer you to my earlier comment, she is a bright girl and it was fun to be in the company of a challenging mind. Plus, I insist it was a reward for her hard work, she had already passed with flying colours at that point.”

“Well, I still think you achieved results with her sister that no-one else could come near to” Jodie responded.

“Part of that was to repay the favour of how her sister helped my average score but once we found the right motivation…” by that Rory means his ereect dick “… the rest she did all by herself. You don’t have any daughters that need coaching, do you?” Rory concluded with a chuckle.

Jodie reciprocated as she similarly chuckled “Only me I’m afraid. It was sad to see them both spread their wings but actually I’d rather have that than have them tethered at home. Who knows this could be the start I need to conclude my own education I just don’t know where to start.”

After what he had done to her two daughters, plus she was attractive herself, Rory felt he had to offer “Well I’ve finished for the day when I pack up. If you are free, why don’t we go for a drink and you can make use of a friendly listening ear while we map out where you want to be and how you can get There.”

“You’d do that for me. That’s so nice of you. I can see why my daughters responded the way they did” Jodie replied. She had secretly snatched a look at the bulge that had tented his trousers earlier and looking so rugged had her knees trembling slightly. ‘Maybe the girls also had a crush on him? Maybe I can succeed where the youngsters didn’t?’ she mused to herself.

“Do you like wine?” Rory asked to which Jodie nodded. “I can think of a half dozen bars that offer a decent red however I’ve just taken a delivery of what is supposed to be a very nice Pinot Noir. If you’d prefer somewhere where we can talk, we could sample the delivery on the comfort of my deck?”

“Oh, that sounds delicious if you don’t mind me taking up both your time and your home” replied Jodie feeling propriety dictated she says it while secretly hoping he wouldn’t be put off.

“Mmmm let’s, see? Good wine and good company watching the sun sink. Nope can’t think of anything else I’d rather be doing.” He scribbled the address on a slip of paper and after packing away he made his way home to await Jodie’s arrival. Yes, he just knew he was going to enjoy some good company.

He hadn’t been home more than ten minutesBefore there was a wrap of knuckles on the door. A quick look through the spy hole showed it was Jodie and so he pulled the door open and stood aside “Please come in” as she stepped over the threshold he suggested “Go and make your way through to the deck area. I’ve already popped the cork so the wine has had chance to breath.”

‘Yes, I’m going to enjoy this evening’ mulled Jodie. On seeing two cane Easy chairs on the deck she asked, “Do you have a preferred seat?”

He did actually, the one on the left but he raised his voice from the kitchen area and said “No, you are my guest therefore you get to choose.”

Jodie was going to take the left hand side but on impulse switched to the right side. Rory placed two glasses down half filled with wine and also the bottle. After taking his seat he reached for his glass held it aloft and said “Cheers” just before taking a quick sniff and sipping a little.

Jodie followed his lead and as the wine washed over her taste buds hereyes shot open and looked over at him to say “Ohhhh, this is delicious.”

Rory smiled and replied “Yes, it is rather good. An old student of mine owns a small but thriving wine merchant and passes on tips when a decent wine comes his way. You see this is the type of payback you get for putting yourself out every so often, it’s gratification enough to see people doing so well but with perks like this? Well, it would be rude to refund. It’s not cheap but this house and fine wine are the few luxurys I partake in.” He failed to say that one of his other vices was the toys and bindings that Jess tried out whenever she was here.

The conversation went on and it led to Rory opening a second bottle. They both knew that she was already near the legal limit to drive and yet neither felt it Appropriate to raise the topic. Their conversation had taken numerous twists and turns with no small amount of flirting from Jodie, the next twist worked its way around to past partners and Jodie had asked “So after you split with your wife, did you miss the company? Have you felt the need to get back on that particular horse?”

‘Now how do I phrase it that I have certain kinds that don’t appeal to many others?’ Rory pondered. His ex-wife had certainly not approved and yet Jodie’s daughter Jess seemed to reveal in the different ways they could play. He was also thinking ‘Kiera Keep me busy last summer and Jess fulfilled every need during the last academic year and so this was only the second time he was allowed to mull over the issue. “I guess I’m not husband material, I’m hopeful there might be someone but my passages don’t always sit well with people so rather than look for a long term partner I’m just looking for the next opportunity to have some fun with little long term aspirations.”

It was obvious from the slight slur in her voice that Jodie was being impacted by the wine as she asked “Mmmm, I’d like to hear more about these passages that put people off.”

Rory winced and replied, “I tend not to mention them to people on our first meeting, especially a mother of two former students.”

Jodie showed her obvious disappointment “Ohhhh, that’s a shame. You presuppose that everyone is straight laced but not all of us are.” This was said with an innocent look on her face albeit with her eyes raised knowingly.

Rory was taken aback by this latest twist. ‘How should he approach this with her being the mother of two former students’ he contemplated ‘At least it’s former students and not current or future students.’ He could see where the girls got their looks from and who knows maybe Jess got her adventurous side from her mother. She was certainly a looker and, by the sounds of it, liked to party and so Rory decided to probe further “So how freaky is this someone we’re talking about willing to go?”

Jodie smiled lopsidedly as she replied, “I’d counter that with asking how freaky do you like to get?”

Rory was enjoying this conversation, irrespective of how unexpected it was. So, he asked “Well how does a ball gag sound for starters?”

Jodie pulled a face and replied, “Not everyone’s cup of tea but in my humble opinion I’d say fairly lame on the kinky scale.”

Rory’s smile spread further ‘This has turned into a very nice conversation’ he mused. “I quite agree, so I’m guessing cuffs wouldn’t be over doing it?”

Jodie decided to propel this conversation when she asked, “Wrist or ankle?”

“Either or both” was Rory’s reply. Judging from her expression she seemed to approve of either or both and so he next suggested “Nipple clamps?”

“Oooooh, nice” she replied fidgeting in her chair. A quick glance at her chest showed the distinctive bumps of her nipples protruding.

Rory went for broke now “Butt plugs?”

“Now you’re talking” Jodie replied as she fidgeted her butt in her seat, “Although I haven’t tried them myself – Yet.”

Rory could tell he was reaching tipping point “Handled properly they can be very enjoyable; I’m guessing you’ve never tried anal beads either?” Her youngest daughter had and it was something she revealed in.

“No not tried any butt play before” Jodie replied although she couldn’t help seeing the evidence disappointment in Rory’s expression and so she added “… yet anyway. Look why don’t we cut the crap and you come and stand in front of me.” Not Wanting to push things too hard Rory slowly stood up and went to stand facing her, Jodie could not miss the nice lump currently tenting his trousers and instinctively ran her palm along the lump before tugging at the zipper to draw it down. She added “Look, we’re both free agents so why don’t we enquire further?” She slipped her slender hand inside the opening and with a little effort encouraged the lump outside. On seeing his dick in all its glory she gasped at its splendour, yes it had been sometimes since she had handled a hard dick but this particular example would top anyone list of delicious dicks.

Rory was watching her reaction intently, first came the smile as the hand worked away at the bump in his trousers, next came the wide eyed expression as she freed his dick and then there was the slow progression as she ducked her head forward while opening her mouth. Finally, as his warm flesh nestled on her tongue there was the curled up end of her mouth as she smiled while giving an approving “Mmmmmm” as her lips closed Around the head of his dick. Both of her daughters demonstrated a skill while providing his dick with a suitable degree of worship and yet they both paled compared to their mother. ‘Was it a case of being more experienced or just a better skill? Who cares, she’s doing a fabulous job’ he mused in his head.

Jodie rolled and flicked her tongue around the half of his dick she could accommodate in her mouth and yet the suction being applied Was equally stimulating. Rory placed his hand on her head, sending her a silent message that he approved of what she was doing. A strange sense of daring had come over her when she asked him to stand in front of her and she was grateful that he had followed her suggestions. She knew she was pretty but it still grasped her to get this kind of reaction from a handsome man. One thing she never doubted was her talent with her mouth; past lovers had waxed lyrically about her abilities but having them curse and quiver while she administratored to their needs was all the feedback she needed.

Today that feedback was an animalistic grunt and a power thrust of Rory’s hips as his come coated her tongue and throat. Jodie gave an exaggerated long suck on his cock as she pulled back, she cast her gaze up to his down turned face and smiled as she swallowed exaggeratedly. “Mmmm, tasty” was her opinion as she felt Rory affectively cares the side of her head.

“I have to say that was a demonstration of some considerable talent” Rory replied. What he didn’t say was ‘Better than your two daughters.’ He smiled down at her as he added “I’d certainly like to try reciprocating that attention if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Mind?” asked Jodie, “Men able to demonstrate proficiency at cunnilingus are indeed a rarity.”

Rory knelt down before her saying “You’ll be the judge of my proficiency but I will admit it is a favourite of mine.” He chuckled to himself as he considered ‘It was with both of your daughters anyway.’ Rory reached up her dress and tugged down on the side of her panties.

Jodie lifted her hips up to aid their removal and once they were pooled around one ankle she widened her legs to present him with one of the prettiest pussies he had laid eyes on. Jodie kept her pussy trimmed and her large fleshy cliporis sat invitingly beckoning his tongue. Rory wasn’t able to disappoint the lady and worked the tip along and around her clip. Jodie raised her legs up and out, drawing them over Rory’s shoulders while cooing “Ohhhh baby, you certainly know how to please a lady.”

Rory looked up at her and his cheats raised in an obvious smile without actually losing contact with his tongue and lips as they worked her over and over. Another thing she liked about him was how determined he was to get her off and so she reciprocated by pressing and grinding her pussy into his determined mouth until she was bucking her hips in climax as her heels tried to beat a tune out on his back. Throughout her bucking and understanding Rory kept at his task until he was certain that she had peeked.

The lady needed a little longer to recover than either of her daughters needed but Rory pressed on with the dispatch as he gently placed her feet back on the ground and while keeping her legs held wide positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. He did at least hold still during her recovery so that he could seek her consent — not that there was ever such a thing with her younger daughter Jess. Jodie came to her senses and her consent came in the form ofHer pushing her body forward so that she impaled herself on his cock rather than the other way around. As his appendage worked inside her she fluttered her eyeselids and groaned approvingly.

This was very much a mutual act and they were both rocking back and forth for both their own pleasure and that of the other. Jodie was the first to peak and Rory was reminded of her daughters as the pussy before him squeezed and gripped at his dick throughout her orgasm. Once it was his turn to climax, Rory had the decrease to gasp “I’m about to come, where do you want it?”

Jodie held on to his shoulders while they rode each other and it took a few heartbeats for her to register what he had said but she did eventually say “I’d love you to come inside me but I think I’d like to taste you again.” With his climax so close Rory pulled back and stumbled to stand to her side so she could crane her neck to take him back in her mouth. She had regularly tasted her own juices from cocks that had until recently been inside her and so Jodie relished the taste while he began to fire off salvo’s inside her sucking mouth.

Once again Jodie made a great deal of approving noises as she took his slick come down her throat before saying “You really do taste delicious.”


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