Panzer's Last Stand



“It’s just so weird how I’ve changed.” Panzer grinned at his buddy Stetson Tyll.

“Yeah, I heard you even went off the Prozac.”

Stet guided his 20011 Nissan Altima into the parking lot in front of the Grangerford’s house.

“I never could get why you turned twenty-one and Didn’t drink ’cause your mom preferred you not to.” Panz paused. “And even though you get in by ten to please your mom-“

“Eleven on weekends.” Stetson corrected him. “Except for last weekend when Mommie wanted me to do her manicure.”

“But you’re so happy, man. I remember you had it in the bag to bang Taniquelle Herhily, and Tansi just told my sister that you were a perfect gentleman, and now I know why!”

Panzer couldn’t really believe it.

He’d been fitted for a chatity belt, and the Tyll brothers, Spalding and Stetson had actually taken him to get a good one, with his dad’s Visa.

Dad could be kind of cheap at times, butPanzer’s stepmom, Germaine had agreed with Dad that this was the best purchase to make, even if it was a couple of grand.

“It’s so goddamn frustrating, I mean, I’m twenty years old and I think about sex constantly, but still, it’s more fun in a way to be excited all the time…”

“Then to jerk off or cum on some slut’s tits, and then be bored ‘cos you’re not horny anymore?” Stetson snickered.

“It’s so weird. But though I told Germaine-Mistress Germaine that I want her to advise me when to jerk off next, I’m not hassling her about it…”

Stetson laughed, and looked in the back seat, where Spalding was playing with his Iphone.

“Well, your stepmom and our mom are going to give us a lot of leeway if we help out with the Dr. Grangerford situation, dude.”

Spalding laughed from the back seat.

“Last night we took Doc G. to one of those old fashioned dirty movie theaters, and had him blow all the pervs in the front row.”

“I wish I’d been there.” Panz thought about it.

How revolting that movie house was, cum on the floor, and fags butt-fucking each other, and old straight men playing pocket-pool as they watched the flick.

And last night, Spal and Stet had helped Dr. G. blow every weirdo in the theater, even a couple up in the balcony!

“It’s important that Doc gets his experience with sucking, since he’s going to be performing at his humiliation party soon.”

Stet observed this sagely, and shook his head when Panzer offered him a joint.

“Dude, no. Being drug-free is part of this. Didn’t Germaine tell you that?”

” Yeah, but Maisie smokes weed. She’s doing it now, Bogarting the joint. So why can’t we?”

Stetson put his head in his hands over the steering wheel, and his older brother told Panzer’s comment.

“Fuck, you shouldn’t have started up. Why? Oh, Panzer-“

And then came the evil laughter from the car’s fourth occupation.

“Spally, extinguish my joint, hon. Tongue out,NOW.”

Spalding nodded his head wearily and opened his mouth, and a little white hand with bright blue nails pushed her marijuana cigarette into his tongue.

It sizzled, and Spalding winced, but keep his mouth open until the joint was back in his sister’s handbag.

“God it takes longer when Mom puts out her Viceroys on Daddy’s gums. Close your mouth, Stupid.”

Maisie Tyll opened the right door of the Nissan Altima and stepped out, and of course all three men squinted at her through the windows.

Two of them were her brothers, but they were as hypnotized as Panzer was.

Maisie had colored her formerly russet locks bright platinum, and looked very much like Margaret Robbie, who played “Harley Quinn” and “Tonya Harding” in Several movies.

Maisie slammed the door and walked on six-inch heels around to the sidewalk side of the car.

Clad in a leather jacket open over a pink bustier, Maisie leaned over to Panzer’s window, resting her arm on the ledge.

“Aaw. So Pansy wants to know why Mistress Maisie gets to smoke a doobie while he and the sissy sibs have to abstain?”

Maisie leaned in, her lips very close to Panzer’s smoking face. Her head moved closer in the car, but Panzer dared not move back.

“It’s because I’m stable, Pansy. I’m not some PATHETIC SUBMISSIVE FAGGOT who is wearing nothing but panties, nipple clamps, pink press-on nails and bright, glaring strawberry lip gloss!”

“Go easy on him, Maisie, please.” begged Stet. In the back Spalding knew better than to object, and besides his tongue was singed and digesting Bugler rolling paper eggs.

“Get out of the car, Pansy. Let’s see what we have here. And bring the Antidepressant with you.”

Maisie giggled. “It’s in the glove compartment.”

“I-I’m not ready to be hit by that thing yet, I’ve only been submissive since-“

But the blue nails came into the car and grabbed poor Panzer by the dimple in his cheek. And Maisie pulled, hard.

“Do you really think I am respecting your judgment, Pansy? You’re dressed absurdly to give a one-faggot seminar to one of the town eye doctors on how to suck dick more submissively!”

Maisie breathed inwardly, and her cleavage danced in the bustier.


In her normal voice, Maisie added. “And don’t forget the Anti-depressant.” Maisie smiled evilly.

Spalding finally said. “You should discuss this with Miss Germaine before you-“

Maisie’s lovely gray eyes rolled in her head. “Oh my, Spalding is giving me advice.

Perhaps I should use the Anti-depressant on you again. You cried like a bitch when I used it after you brought me a badly made smoothie yesterday morning.”

Spalding was now silent and trembling. Maisie opened the car door, and reached in again, this time grabbing Panzer’s ear. She pulled hard and Panzer fell out of the car.

“Open the glove compartment, please Stetson. Hand me the whip, please.”

Stetson reached into the glove compartment and pulled the curled Antidepressant out and handed it through the open door.

The Altima pulled out and sped off. Tanya swung the lovely scourge known as the Antidepressant. “God I love this thing.”

Standing on the sidewalk across from her, Panzer looked and felt ridiculous.

“Pansy” was shivering a bit, as he was only clad in panties and stockings and platform tranny high heels.

Panzer had known Maisie was going to go into the Grangerford’s house alone with him, and that her brothers were leaving.

He’d been a little jubilant about this, as she’d done his makeup before they left. Panz had more than a little crush on Maisie.

She’d been so nice, and she’d unlocked his chatity belt and given him a twenty-minute tease before re-locking him, and leaving with the boys.

Now, Maisie smiled at Panz, and suddenly she swung the Antidepressant, knocking off his left nipple clamp, and he shrieked.

Unlikeclothespins, the steel clamps were screwed on to a nipple tight.

It wasn’t the first time he’d wound them, but they’d always been gently unlocked after an hour of “practicing” with them by his stepmother.

When Maisie had mentioned the clamps, she’d been some apologetic.

“I need to make an impact on Dr. Grangerford about what a great submissive you’ve become after only six weeks in slavery.”

Maisie had locked on the Japanese steel nipple clamps.

Spalding and Stetson and their father and their brother Perkins watched silently, as they were all vegetables…but Mother Tyll had laughed good-naturedly.

“Oh my, he’s going down to his knees, dear. That means he might not be able to take the weights you want to put on.” Mrs. Tyll had commented.

WEIGHTS? Panzer had thought dazedly as he rested on his knees, while the incredible surging sunk into his nipples.

But then Maisie had given Panzer a big tongue kiss. “I know Pansy can get up on his pretty heels, and take a little 2 pound weight.”

Maisie had already removed the chatity device and she began tickling the tip of Panzer’s cock until he got very hard.

Then Maisie had gradually pulled her pretty nails and soft fingertips higher and higher until he’d had to rise, grimacing, so she could ticle his cock further.

Maisie had played with his cock more and more, and almost Stealthily had put not two but five-pound weights on each nip…

But she kept stroking, and Panzer had stayed on his feet until getting locked back up and going out to the car for the trip to Dr. Grangerford’s.

She’d even kissed Panzer’s ear and had said, “My husband is now wearing rat-traps, but it took him five months to take what you’re taking right now.”

Panz had not have been happy to hear about the husband, but it didn’t sound as if he was relevant.

Panzer had foolishly said “I’ll take any pain you give out, Mistress.”

She’d been so proud of him, but now Maisie knocked the other clamp off, and Panzer fell to his knees, grabbing his tits and weeping coronavirusably.

Of course his knees were scratched by the sidewalk, and so Panz lay down and rolled in a fetal ball.

“Now I HAVE to use the Antidepressant just to get you off your ass.” Maisie said almost apologetically.

The martinet-scourge came down on Panzer’s left shoulder and then across his stomach, and as she ripped the skin a bit, he shrieked once more.

Then Maisie swung at the panties, and ripped them off Panzer as well.

Finally Panz arose. He was getting more and more excited.

Maisie hadn’t hit him as hard as he thought she would, but he was approximately chasted.

“So now you know why I get to get high and you don’t.” Maisie smiled grimly.

She turned and pointed across the street.

“Look at those normal couples, college students just like you, except the guys are dressed and with girls, going to do something normal.”

Panz lookd through tear filled eyes, and saw the girls looking revolted and the guys LAUGHING at him.

His knees almost buckled. He was supposed to be lording it over Dr. Grangerford, Panz thought. Not being…ugh.

Maisie pointed a blue nail at a rusting Toyota Cellica parked by the side of the road.

“See that? I guess we share the same landscapers, Griggs and Son. Three big, handsome black men, who you are going to nosh on.”

Before Panzer’s upside down stomach could turn, he was distracted by another lash or two of the vicious, ripping of the Antidepressant.

After the thirty (with one to grow on) were administrator, Panzer rose to his feet and endured the nipple clamps being locked on, without even having the comfort of a tease…

Because, of course, his cock was locked Now, and Maisie had dropped the keys on the coffee table.

Yes, be picked up by Panz’s stepmom Germaine when she came to drive him home, after they met at the Tyll house.

But, Panzer’s dick was in what they called a chatity cage, which means that although he couldn’t orgasm, Maisie could rubb the skin through the little bars.

“Baby, how are you doing?” Maisie said this through full but barely open lips. She rubbed Panzer’s dick.

“How’s he doing?” came a yell from across the street. “Your boyfriend’s a pathetic tranny loser!”

A crushed beer can slammed into Panzer’s head. He over heard a familiar giggle.

It was Daphne McCutcheon, who Panz had actually dumped when he realized their relationship wouldn’t go well with his new slave- hood.

He’d dated Tanique briefly after Daphne, but Daphne had been the last girl he’d really made love to, if you could call it that.

“Jesus, Simone…look! Is that Panzer?”

“Daff, you’re kidding. It IS!”

There was a howl. It was Hayden Ingersoll, who up until recently had been kept firmly in “The Friend Zone” by Daphne.

“I can’t believe you went out with this freak, Daphne.”

“Panzer, honey, is that girl got you hostage?” Daphne was such a nice girl.

“You call him Pansy now, Daphne!” Maisie shouted. “It’s all volunteer, shit, if he wants, he can say the safe word “Bumblebee”-

And I’ll get him clothes from my bag and he can go home or leave with you.”

“Leave with us, Panzer!” shouted Simone. “I wouldn’t fuck you now on a bet, but you gotta get away from the lunatic!”

“I’d take you back, even now, Pansy-Panzer.” said Daphne doubtfully. “Did this freaky chick hypnotize you? You’re a great guy.”

“You’d dump me for THAT?” Hayden said, incredulously. In a rage, he throw another beer can at Panzer’s head.

“That chick is probably a space alien.” explained Daphne. “Panz is a sweet guy.”

“You told me he can barely get it up for you.”

“But he’s nice.”

Maisie laughed, as she noticed under the streetlights that Panzer’s dick was about to rip through the chatity cage.

“It’s up to you, hon. I have a bunch of stuff in my tote torture you and the Doctor with, but I also have some clothes. But if you come with me, it’s going to be a rough night.”

Panzer leaned forward, looking at the full, gorgeous lips. Shit she looks like Margaret Robbie as the teenage, hair teased Tonya Harding.”

“I want to serve you, Mistress, and I’d love it if you’d leave your husband for me, ma’am.”

“Would you suck Hayden’s dick before you go inside to do your fellatio seminar, hon?”

Panzer’s dick wilted and his stomach turned.

“Y-yes i-if-if that’s what you want.”

“Fortunately it isn’t. Your friends are walking away…

Daphne’s holding Hayden’s arm. You lost her, hon.”

Through soggy tears, Panzer-no, no “Pansy” said,

“Well, Dr.Grangerford’s mouth won’t teach itself.”

“Right…now you know you have to suck Jyndal Grigg’s dick first and show him how it’s done, and I’ll be whipping your ass while you do it…”

“Awesome, Mistress Tania. By midnight Dr. Shep will be all ready for his humiliation party, I think.”

“Damn right, faggot.”


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