Pantyhose Tease Ch. 01


Why am I waking up? It’s so early. It is still dark. I need to pee. OK I will pee, but I’m not up yet. It’s way too early. And why do I instinctively grab my cell phone. I know there are not any new messages since last night. OMG! There is a new email. It’s from Him. I told Him no messages on the weekends. What does he want? Should I read it? What sick and perverted thing will he have me performing next? I wonder. No! It will wait. It has to. I have to go to church then lunch with the girls and then Bible Study Class today. It is my day of rest and worship. I can’t look at it.

OK. I admit it. I am curious. I am weak. He knows it. It excites me down there every time he emails me or texts me. I can’t help it. I look forward to it; to his perverse challenges and kinky sexual dares. What will he demand that I do next? All his email said was, “Fuchsia pantyhose, high heels and the shortest skirt you own. After church, make your excuses then head up tomy house!” OMG. I can’t. I really can’t. It’s my day for family and being with my church friends. Then why am I all tingly and mentally going thru my wardrobe to comply with his demands?

I’ll just text him and tell him that it’s not possible. “This is Sunday. I can’t come up there.” Ops. I forget what time it is. “Sry. R U wake?”


“Church and fam day”

“You have no choice. Make it happen!” was his reply. Then a few minutes passed and my phone vibrated again displaying, “Take off your nightshirt. Put on fuchsia pantyhose. Take pix for me in your mirror. Nips better be hard.”

I took a deep breath to calm my excited nerves. I thought about it as I finished what I came in for. I looked in the mirror. Even in the dark, I could see my nipples were already hard. Why did he have this effect on me? I have tried to not see him anymore; to break it off and be a good housewife many many times. But I keep coming back for more. God he makes me so horny. I raised the nightshirt to be sure. He was right. He always is. They were hard and He wanted to see them. I love to show them off. I love the attention they get. They are rather large and are very excited right now. I quietly went to my dresser and retrieved the pantyhose He wanted to see being careful to not waken my sleeping husband. As I went back into the bathroom and closed the door, I decided against complying. He didn’t own me. I am my own strong woman. I am in charge here. “Right Now!!” was the next text on my phone. I jumped and hurriedly put them on and aimed the phone at the reflection in the mirror.

“That’s better!” was His response to my pix. I smiled. I had pleased Him. But why? “Now go back to bed with them still on and nothing else. Spread your legs apart and gently stroke yourself from your ass to your clip and back down.” I did what He instructed. It felt sooooo good. How does He know me so well? “Do not cum until I give you permission!” was his last text as I drifted back to sleep with my hand between my moist legs.


The whole family was there but we took separate cars because I had two more church related activities I had planned on attending. I wore the 5 inch sparkly heels and my shortest white skirt that hugged my ass and rode up my fuchsia colored thighs every time we rose and sat back down in prayer. To my left was a nice looking father with his family adjacent to his left. His 18 year old was next to him and kept glancing my way so I let my skirt ride up a little every time I rose and sat. I smiled inside. I thought my legs were too fat but the dad and son next to me didn’t. I tried my hardest not to look their way but I could still feel their stars. It excited me. My phone was on silent so I glanced at it. He had texted. “Are you almost done with church? Are you wearing what I want?” He always asked multiple questions or two threads of thoughts. I struggled at times to keep up. “Almost and yes very sexy. Askmy admirers next to me.”

“Let your skirt ride up. Show them your ass cheek.”

“I’m in church”

“Now!” he commanded over the silenced phone yelling at me.

I of course did as He instructed. As I rose, I did not pull my skirt down like I normally have to so the bottom of my ass cheek was now exposed. As I sat after the prayer, I pulled down the front of my skirt but not the back. The new coolness on my seat sent shivers down my spine. I knew my whole outer tigh and ass cheek were now exposed to the men on my left. I was dying to see if they were looking. I knew they were. I could feel the heat or was that the mood between my legs?

Oh, how I loved the attention I was getting. It made me so wet to know that they were looking at my exposed ass. All I could think of was what my afternoon was gonna be like once I got to “His” house, I knew he would be alone and it would get hot and wild. Would he be happy that I’m in my Fuchsia hose and new sparkle heels justfor Him? I was hoping to see Him in hose today as that would be so hot!

Why did I let Him use me and torture me like this? This, on my one day to be good, he has me exposing myself to two perfect strangers. And yet it excites me so. I can’t help but to crave his next command. “Tell me if they are looking.”

I texted that they were and it only made me hotter and more turned on that I was being so naughty in church. I could see young son leaning forwards to get a better view of my exposed ass. I caught him staring a few times. I scolded him with my eyes while inwardly dripping with excitement. I am so bad. I am going to Hell for sure.

After another 10 minutes the phone vibrated again. “Make sure that when you exit the row that you smile at both men and brush up Against the young one and see if he is hard.”

OMG in church even? I really shouldn’t. But why was my heart beating so fast that I thought that it might jump right out of my chest? I decided how to best do this task. I looked at my watch as we all rose one final time and said loudly to my family, “I am late. I have to worry. See you later today.” I then said pardon me to the man, then pardon me to the son as I scooted on by them on my way to exiting the row. As I went past young son, I let my open hand brush against his fly and felt what I knew was due to me and my exhibitionism. ‘Wow that is big and hard!’ I thought to myself. I guess I still have got it! I have to get to my car and text Him. He will be so proud. I can’t wait.


I proudly told Him what I felt on young son. He only said good. Took the wind right out of my sails. “On the way yet?” He inquired.


“Drive to VS. Text when there.”

I Wonder what he wants me to pick up? I hope it’s something sexy for me to wear for him. I love modeling for him and what he makes me do. The poses are very sexy. It is so exciting and is our little secret. He promises to never show anyonethe pictures that he is a great photographer and they are not really pornographic, well to me they are not. I wonder if I would really mind. I am just so naughty, secretly.

“At VS,” I texted.

He made me wait. That waiting kills me. My mind goes nuts running thru scenarios and worrying that I won’t please Him or do whatever He asks or demands rather.

“Go in and announcement loudly that you need to buy nylons for your Master. See if they have anything that will fit me.” “Make it loud so it will embarrass you for them to know.” He always tries to test me and see if he has reached my limit of humiliation. I flinch and my stromach knots up, but I always do whatever he asks. It is part of our game; a game that I cannot stand to lose.

Wow this is new. He never has played with nylons before that I know of. At least not with me. I got him two different colors in a queen size. Hope it fits. I wonder what we will be using these for. My mind is racing for ideas.

“Sit in your car with skirt all the way up like in church. Unbutton top three buttons of blouse. Make sure some SUV driver can see you.” I did as he commanded. It felt good to be openly exposed. “Send me pix of open legs.” That was hard to get the right angle but I did it. “Drive here with open legs so that you are ready for me!” OMG I am dripping when he talks like that. I hope that I do not get a speeding ticket.


I drive up to His house way too fast, jumped out and knocked on the door. He always makes me wait, letting the anticipation growth and my breath quicken. I was sure His neighbors would see me standing there with my shirt unbuttoned and my chest on display. Maybe that is why he made me wait and wait. He finally came to the door and let me inside. He stood there looking at me. I was on display for him. I did a very slow pirouette letting Him soak it all in. I wanted His approval of my attire. After all, it was all for Him. He walked up to me and kissed me. I opened my mouth. He assaulted my mouth with his tongue. I loved it. Take me. Take my mouth, I am so yours. His very first words were, “So you gave young son a BJ in the church parking lot?” OMG how did he know? Am I in trouble? Maybe I should have asked him. He leaned forward and kissed me again, even deeper than the last time. God he kisses so intensely, so passwordately. He takes my breath away just with His kisses.

He then grabbed both my wrists and pushed me back up against the front door. I was started as he raised my arms above my head pinning me. He kissed me again roughly taking my mouth. He lowered one of his strong hands to the bottom of my skirt and slide his probing fingers up the inside of my thighs while holdings both of my wrists above my head with the other. Oh God this was hot. I love it when he just takes what he wants. He kissed me hard then my neck then bit my ear lobe. That drives me wild and He knows it. He then whispered in my ear, “You’reVery naughty today. I did not give you permission to suck someone off did I?”

“No. I couldn’t help it. He followed me out of the church to the parking lot. He sorta forced me.” I exaggerated, sorta. I paused my story awaiting his response. Have I displeased Him? I hope not. Will He discipline me? He can be harsh with the spankings and the whip when I disobey. Glad I wore pantyhose to offer me a little protection if He is thinking of reddening my ass.

As his strong, big fingers reached the juncture of my thighs, a shiver ran deep up into my stomach. I loved how He touches me and excites my senses like no other man has ever done before. “Tell me every detail.” he whispered as he rubbed my nylon encased womanhood and kissed my ear, neck and shoulder. I was melting. I was afraid my knees would give out as I moaned and cooed to His touch.

I leaned directly against His ear as I started my story. “I did not see him approach my car as I was texting you and waiting for the long line of cars to exit the church parking lot. He went right up to my window, knocked loudly and signed me to roll it down. I shook my head ‘No’. He did it again scaring me. I locked the doors. He smiled at me and grabbed his crotch. Oh what kinda of monster had I unleashed I wondered? I smiled as I saw that he had a pup tent inside of his khakis. He was grabbing and struggling it. I watched fascinated by this turn of events but still a little scared of what he might do. Maybe I should not have teased him so much inside our place of worship. Maybe this was my payback.”

“Since I would not roll down my window, he started gesturing that I should lift up my skirt and show off my thighs again. Since I was safely behind locked doors and windows I acquired to his request and lifted up off the seat Just enough to raise my skirt. He smiled and then with his two fingers signed for me to open my legs. I knew I shouldn’t since I didn’t wear any panties because I planned on being with you but I did as I was told. Why am I so submissive? He liked the view and then wanted me to stroke it for him to watch.”

“Just like I’m doing now?” he asked as he roughly stroked my mood womanhood on top of my pantyhose.

“Yes just like that. Oh my but it feels so much better with you doing it! So I scooted down in the seat to give him a better view. He moved closer to my window and I saw that he was struggling his hard-on right thru his pants. Well I thought two can play this game. I signed him to lower his fly and stroke it for me. He shook his head no after looking around and seeing some church goers approaching their cars. I lifted one finger in the air signaling to him to wait one. I then lowered the window about one inch so we could converse easier. ‘Please show it to me. I Want to see it.’ I pleaded with my best weepy eyes. He looked around the parking lot once again and slowly whipped it out. That voice gets them every time. It was nice and long but very thin. He stroked a few times and that started to turn me on seeing how hard it was just from my teasing. ‘Bring it here’, I said as I lowered the window another few inches.”

“‘Open your blouse and show your tits to me,’ was his reply. The boy’s got game. I opened the top three buttons and cupped them for him. Pushing them up for him to gaze upon. His eyes widened noticeably. I bent down and licked and kissed my left one. His cock throbbed. I liked the effect I was having on him. ‘Pull them out for me.’ He commanded. I did. Oh God I’m sorry but he was turning me on so.”

“Show me what you showed young son at church!”

“I wish He did not phrase it like that. My top was already unbuttoned so I just lowered my bra and cupped my left breast for Him. I then bent down and kissed and sucked the hard nipple into my mouth. I offered it up to Him. He reached for the wet nipple and rolled it and then pinched it and ran his thumb over and around my sensitive areola. “Oh yessssss. That is just what young son did to me today right thru my car window. It felt great. I was making all kinds of sounds as he got rougher and tormented it harder. You know how much I love that! It was going all so fast the next second I reached up and grabbed his hard cock and started stroking it right thru the window. What a scene!” I bit His ear as I retold this part of my story and reached right into His pants, stroking His hard member the same way I did earlier to young son.”

“Young son then stepped even closer to my car and pushed it right into the opening. I grabbed it just like this. I saw a drop of precum ooze out of his pointed mushroom opening and I thought that cannot go to waste. Without thinking, I licked the drop up before it fell into my car. He moaned loudly. I licked more of the head. He moaned again. I love that sound and that momentary control of a man or boy. I lost my mind and sunk my whole mouth over his rock hard cock and sucked hard. He yelped defenseless. In one swift move he had both of his hands around the back of my neck intertwining my hair in his fingers and started forcedly face fucking my mouth. I was shocked and powerless to move. I tried, honest I tried to back away. I knew what was coming next. He forcedly rammed in and out of my mouth repeatedly until he shot three large hot blasts. I had no choice but to swallow it all so he would release his hold on the back of my head and allow me to breathe. I pushed him away from the window, put my car into ‘drive’ and sped away.”

“You’ve been very naughty and you will be punished.” he scolded.

“I’m so sorry. Please don’t. I will let you cum in my mouth. It’s your mouth to do as you please. Don’t hurt me. Please, please.” I said over and over as I continued to stroke His hardness, hoping to divert His anger and attention to my hand job and away from Him hurting me. He abruptly removed my hand from inside His pants. Oh no, this is not a good sign.

“Cuffs,” He barked and pointed over to the couch. I ran over as fast as could in my heels trying not to fall. They were all there. Every toy he owned neatly laid out on his couch. Some were mean and painful. Some were long, hard and vibrating. Most were going to be used on me by him eventually if not today. I handed him the pair that He requested. He attached first the right then the left fur lined leather cuff to my wrists. He then lifted them Both over my head and attached me to a large hook. I had to stand on my tip-toes because of the height of the hook. I was helpless and scared. Sometimes he could get carried away. He slowly walked over to that same couch and surveyed all of the toys taking His sweet time choosing the instrument of my next punishment. My body shook in anticipation. Why did he make me wait. I was breaking out in a cold sweat. “Close your eyes.” I did as I was told quickly. I did not want to know what he chose. “Whap” right on my lower exposed ass cheek. Again and again altering the leather riding crop on each ass cheek. He paused while I caught my breath. I was tearing up but working hard on not crying out loud. “Whap, whap.” now the insides of my thighs. OMG that hurt.

“OK, OK, OK! I am so so sorry. Really I am. I should have not done that without your permission.”

“Done what? Say it. You are so bad.” “Whap” right on my exposed breast.

“Owwwwwwwww eeeeeeeeeee; That really hurts. I am sorry. I was so wrong to give young son a blow job. I am bad. I should be punished by you. I am so naughty.”

“Whap” right on the exposed left nipple. “Goooooooo ddddddddddd Daaaaaaaaaa mmmmmmmmmmmmn”

“But look how wet you are,” he said as he slid his big hand inside my pantyhose, rubbed my wet slit with two of his large fingers until I had an intense orgasm then pulled them out and shoved them into my mouth. They were soaked with my copious juices. In and out of my mouth he shoved His sex coated fingers until I sucked them clean with tears of pain strreaking down myface. “Wait, wait wait,” I panted trying to catch my breath. This is so hot but so perverted and so painful. I forget how much He could hurt me. I also forgot how turned on I get when He does.

‘What is next?’ I pondered while catching my breath and coming back down to earth.


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