I set up the party. My masters, Skip and Greg, set the rules. I know, I’d always set the rules before, so that part made me a little nervous. But men have much player fansies than we girls, right? Maybe it was time to give them carte blanche, see where their tastes led us. Maybe I wanted to take the risk of getting more than I bargained for. I wanted the sex slave role, connived every step until now, so it was high time for them to surprise me.
Our menage á trois tryst was now four months along. Mindy’s (my) surprise Sandy weekend pool fuck party was four weeks back, and it was time for a refresher. Even at nineteen, I knew two-dick deals are notoriously short-lived, what with doms needing to dominate. Even a cock-hungry slut like me can’t keep two 22-year-old studs cunt happy forever.
I loved them both. They didn’t have to say it, I could tell they both adored me. Hell, they couldn’t help it. What man can resist having a hot personal whore sex slave sucking up to him day and night? But feelings and favoritism, intentional or not, would eventually get in the way and we’d pair off like vanillas. Somebody was bound to get hurt.
Enter the party plan. It was my idea, gradually introduced to my masters over the past few post-Sandy weeks in snips and pieces. A spurt of cum-soaked suggestions here, a wicked, winded witticism there, an inane innuendo dropped like an F-bomb mid-orgasm, and the boys – men are so thick – eventually got it.
Not surprisingly, they warmed up to it quickly. It was good for them. Best-of-both-worlds kind of scenario. I was to help them select another slave with a sex party.
Sounds simple enough. I could invite over a few select, fave hot-box cock bearers for a little down-and-dirty whose competition. See who scores the most points from the two dude judges. Winner takes all, becoming my little sister slut. Simple.
So what’s in it for me, you ask?
Well, I’m bi, as pussy hungry as any guy, and I can useThe help around the house. And in keeping my Masters happy.
What’s in it for the girls? Women don’t just volunteer step on the auction block for sex slavery these days, right?
Wrong. It’s called marriage. But naturally, once we get the ring we set the rules and who’s a slave to whom?
Pussy always rules. But the dirty little secret is, pussy wants to be ruled too. We want our men to Keep us on a tight lean. We want to be owned. We want to be bought and paid for. Money buys pussy. So all I had to do was find the greediest cunts.
My boys were moving up fast in the corporate world. They each had their own corner offices on the top floor now. Their paychecks had tripled.
I did that. The past month, I set their bosses up with the hottest high-class hookers I knew, and I knew them all, having connections through my mom, the pro. So, pussy made me money. I’m a pimp. Giggling.
Another dirty little secret is that most subs, like me, are actually bossy bitches wanting to be bossed. It’s a vicious circle, this D/s power/control structure/struggle. It’s sometimes hard to tell who’s whom. But when it comes to sex, all women want to be dominated. We need men to take us, in order to feel wanted and needed ourselves.
Best way to take a woman nowadays is the same as always … buy her. No, not cars, jewelry, clothes or other niceties.
Can you say, “Charge it!”? We girls can buy shit on our own. No, to buy us today, pay off our debt. Then keep it coin’, sugar.
So that’s how I found my ho party sluts. A little underwater debt research by the boys, interviews by me, and voila! Six aspiring slaves!
Actually, it was a lot of work. Kept me pretty busy the past month. When I say ‘interviews’ I mean I tested each girl to rate her performance.
How did I ‘rate’ them? Naturally, I brought each home for a sleepover with the boys, then observed their work in bed. Naturally, I also had to get in on the action myself. How else totruly rate a girl’s slavish fuckability, right? So twenty-five candidates winner down to six through extensive sex testing. Yeah, hard work. Giggling again.
Unfortunately, Sandy didn’t make the cut. She loved the fuck party, but wasn’t down for the full-time slavery role. She had a good job, good place to live and not enough debt to make her needy. I could still count on her for a puss party now and then, but not a live-in.
Then there were the personalities. Girls love girls, but we generally can’t stand each other. And wouldn’t you know it, but the candidate with the hottest fuck-me body turned out to be the one I personally liked least, Kathy.
Kathy was tall and leggy with short blonde hair and tits like Venus. Okay, her whole body was like a goddess. With the attitude to boot. The bitch keep whispering sweet nothings to me during her sex slave audition like, “I’m going to make you my slave,” or “Eat my cunt,” and “I’ll squirt in you.” You know, the kind of shitEvery sex slave dreads to hear from a prospective sister slave. God, I hoped the boys would not pick her.
The party started with me answering the door to greet our sex party dolls. I was dressed in appropriate slave attire, of course. Well, more like undressed. I wore only heels, a G-string and my slave collar. The boys took turns holding my lean.
They were dressed in locke pants. It wasn’t long Before the pants tented. By the time the third girl arrived, their cocks had popped fly-free and stood watching us girls like a third eye.
Each of the girls dressed smartly for the occasion too. All wore skin-tight mini-dresses and heels. The shorter ones wore platforms to stretch their legs. Kathy didn’t need them, but she did too, to tower over the rest of us, the cunt.
The girls couldn’t Keep their pretty little hands off the cocks and rocks. It was my job to make them behave and I failed miserably. That means punishment for me.
To receive it, I bent over the back of the couch. Each girl took a turn on my bare ass with a straw. Some enjoyed it way too much. Some giggled their way through with a few tender slapses that barely ticked. Kathy made it sting. Laid the lash right across my mound, the cunt. Afterwards, while rubbing her hand on my burning, pink bottom, she whispered in my ear, “Get used to it, bitch. You’re mine.” Then she slapped my dripping puss hard. Right on the clip. Nearly came. Bitch.
First item on the agenda was the strip-tease/pole dance/lap dance competition. Yeah, the boys installed a stripper pole for me some weeks back. Can’t remember how many times I sucked cock for that, but it was worth it. The girls did a good job, one by one, of performing for the men, the rest of the girls hooting, hollering and cat-calling to egg them on While I served alcoholic drinks to all, the good little service/waitress/hostess. All the girls teased the boys mercilessly, rubbing their shiny pushes up and down on the boys’ hard poles, then enveloping them for a hot stripper fuck. With so many tits in their faces, I was proud of my men for not pumping each slut, in turn, full of man cream. But they held out somehow, though each was red-faced from the effort.
Next came the fuck Mindy competition. I was made to bend over the couch again while each girl in turn strapped on a strapped on a strap-on and plowed my puss with artistic man meat. Some of the girls were clearly novice, unable to even manage the harness, some hammered me well but without really trying to pleasure me. The better ones gave me the reach around, squeezing my tits while they fucked. The best was Kathy, who went last.
Kathy clearly knew how to handle a straw-on. She cinched up like a veteran switch-hitter, buried the shake to the hilt, then mauled my clip with her fingers. The bitch leaned on top of my back, her breath in my ear, one hand pinching a nipple, the other pinching my clip. She stroked until I almost couldn’t take any more.
“Do youwant to cum, Whore?” she said, in my ear, loud enough for everyone to hear.
Whore was my slave name, as shown on my collar. It turned me on every time my Masters used it. It was meant only for them, but smart ass Kathy picked up on it and used it like a dirty word. Just as dirty as she could make it sound. I like it dirty. Like a Pavlovian response, it never failed to tingle my groin.
“Mmmm.” I tried to hold out, not wanting to give this cunt fucker the satisfaction.
But she made it nearly impossible, manipulating all my love buttons at once, struggling harder, deeper, faster.
“Beg me to cum, Whore,” she said, struggling faster.
The friction against my G-spot was punishing it to fever pitch.
“No,” I said, mustering every last ounce of defiance.
She pulled out suddenly, so suddenly it actually popped. The jilly juices drizzled from my empty, gaping slot.
“Oh!” I couldn’t help but cry out from the emptyness, that sudden vacuum and dread of lost fruition.
Kathy slapped the dildo against my swollen shaft. “Beg for the fucking or I will spank your cunt until you squirt, Whore.”
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” The repeated slapping against my hard-nub clip was brutal, painful, but not consistent enough to make me cum, just keep me teetering on the edge. My knees weakened, buckled.
The boys sat on the couch to either side of me. Each pulled one of my legs up at the knee, then held me there, holding my naked ass and cunt gaping for Kathy cunt, adding to my misery and degradation, nay, humiliation in the face of my abuser. My shoulders lie on the men’s muscle shoulders, their man scents driving my mind fuck wild with lust.
My cunt was now running a river. Poor little sis, as I called her – hey, men name their dicks – drooling from those pretty little pink lips held wide open, cock-hungry and pulsing with every punishing puss-smack from that puss-handled penis.
“Oh! Oh! Fuck!” I cried out, in turn from each strike.
“Beg for it!” Kathy demanded.
“Mmmph! No!” I cried, biting my lips to keep my mouth from uttering the words of submission to this sinister whosemonger.
Kathy slipped the head of the knob-headed strap-on inside again, much to my combined relief and chagrin. Relief for the way it satiated my lucky inner woman desires. Chagrin from the knowledge this cunt know how to make a slave’s cunt crave.
Kathy grabbed my hair and pulled, forcing my head to turn.
“Look at me, Whore,” she commanded. “Look at me while I fuck your worthless cock hole.”
Oh, she knew how to press all the right buttons, the bitch. My eyes filled with tears and pled with hers, imploring for relief, hoping for some sympathy, some modicum of respite, no matter how small, from this dike rapist.
I saw none in return. Only a smug, deliberate smile. She began struggling the shake in and out slowly, but slowly building in pace, her pace timed perfectly to stroke my love tunnel nerves to a heat of cock lust. With each stroke, I saw a glimmer of twinkle in her eyes, a self-satisfied grin maligning her gorgeous, high-boned cheats.
She was enjoying the hell out of my humiliation, I suddenly realized, working to win this competition to be my master, not my sister slave, but master of me and all that made me who I was. She would demand nothing less than total submission, making it hurt so good in the process. She would wreck me. She would make me love her for the honor of wrecking me. The way every woman ultimately seeks to achieve superiority and control.
Sis was loving it too much and couldn’t help herself. Looking into Kathy’s eyes as she fucked, held open and bound there by my strong men, I couldn’t help the tingle that gradually built inside me like an electric ticle gone haywire. On remote control, controlled by that controlling bitch, I feel so helpless to stop my own body from reacting naturally and delivering the very humiliation Kathy sought.
“Beg for it, Whore!” Kathy commanded again. Her pumping was driving sis hard towards release now. I couldn’t blown sis for her weakness. Sis wanted, needed release as much as the rest of my body. Sis would give Kathy cunt what she wanted whether I allowed her to or not. Sis was about to lose it on her own.
“No! Please, no!” I begged, begging Kathy to spare me with my eyes. Tears dripped from them onto Skip’s strong, bulging shoulders.
But there was no safe harbor in Kathy’s eyes. No safe harbor from my Masters either, or the other girls. Outnumbered, with neither friend or ally to fall back on, I was fucked.
Kathy knew it. Her grimace turned to an all-out grin.
That did it. The humiliation reaction exploded within me, blowing up all my resistance like a raging conflagration spreading instantly through my entire body. Centering on my loins.
“Beg!” Kathy ordered.
The cunt stopped stroking.
“Oh, God, no!” I cried out, from the shock.
Damn it all tohell, sis needed that struggling like oxygen now.
She slammed that rubber cunt buster all the way in.
“Ungh! Oh, God!” I blurted. The dam burst. “Please, Mistress, may I cum?”
I don’t know where it came from. It shocked the hell out of me too. Never even knew it was bottled up in there, waiting to be uttered. The Mistress title just spilled out. And in that one word, I essentially turned myself over to Kathy.
Kathy leaned over me again, breathing hot in my ear. “Cum, Whore. Cum for your Mistress.”
Oh, girl, did I. Jets of squirt soaked the slippery rubber penis. Kathy kept struggling, fucking the cum out of me.
I groaned and screamed and moaned and panted through what seemed like an eternal orgasm. I didn’t give a fuck about time at a time like that, only that I wanted it to go on and on forever, no matter how humiliating it was.
The other girls laughed with Kathy. They applauded and squealed as I squealed from the fucking from my Mistress’ fuck toy. I was her fuck toy now and didn’t give a shit who knew it as long as she held sway over me like that forever. I was hers and that was all there was to it.
And the bitch knew it too.
“You’re mine,” she said, in my ear.
“I’m yours!” I blubbered, between gasps. I was crying, cumming, gasping, spasming, bawling, fucking and cumming. Out of my mind, out of control, completely under the control of my Mistress. It was the most cathartic, cleaning sensing I’d ever experienced, like finding a new religion, release, release and reward all at once. It was life-changing. My life from then on would never be the same, I knew. I wanted to surrender to the sensing of bliss that washed through my body. I felt drained.
Kathy pulled out.
The men pulled me down onto the couch’s leather seat cushions.
I curled into a blissful, post-coital fetal ball between my Masters.
“Oh, no you don’t, Whore,” Kathy said. “No falling asleep until it’s over.” She slapped my ass cheek. A crack that opened my eyes with a start.
I had this dreamy, fuck-stupid grin of ultimate feminine bliss on my face. I couldn’t think how it could not be over, after the admission I had just made. The new sex slave had been chosen by default, no matter how the guys voted. Not exactly the outcome I expected, but we would see how it worked. After I woke up.
But sleep was not to be. To my squeal of surprise, my men picked me up, then inverted me. They lowered my head to the floor so that I was looking up at them. Skip took one leg, Greg another. Then, like making a wish, they spread my legs wide. They held me there, sloppy red sis gaping for all to see.
“Still one final round to the competition, girls,” Skip said. “The Fuck Mindy contest. Cunt-to-cunt. Make her squirt. Fill her up. Winner takes all.”
Another round of squealing, cheering and clapping restored. The girls chose turns excitedly, all too anxious to begin.
The first girl moverved to straddle me. My gaping puss her target, she brought hers down to touch. Sis was still hyper-sensitized, so the cunt kissing, even gentle as she was, felt more like a burn than a tender brush with a bush.
I lie there, suspended, defenseless, spread eagle against this virtual cunt rape, unable to do anything but moan from the muff mashing.
The first girl rubbed until she came, which didn’t Take long. Evidently, she had been holding back. She frigged herself to orgasm against my meat, but with the burning sensitivity of my entire mound, it was far from the most pleasant girl fuck I’ve ever enjoyed.
The second, jilling herself, squirted before she even touched. She sprayed girl jizz all over my cunt, ass, stomach, tits and face. It drizzled down my ass crack to run down my spine. It dripped from my nips. All the girls cheered.
The third slapped her meat against mine, using the slippery girl lube to slicken her muff-rubbing. Within moments it started to feel so good, that electric ticle sensing building again deep inside of me. The humiliation of being held upside down, powerless to resist, used and abused as a total whore-cunt-fuck-toy by all these hot boxes, was beginning to make my box quiver with delight.
The head rush heated my brain and turned me red-faced. Girl three, four and five each took care of business, banging me with their ball-busters until they squirted, screamed and creamed, in that order.
My muff was a mess. Sticky with muff-milk and dripping my own. Squirt trickled down from my thighs to my hair. My head lie in a pool of puss piss. My hair was all a-muss, soaked with squirt. I think one of the girls even pissed a little for real, such was the stink of slut scent bathing me.
Finally, it was Kathy’s turn to trib. I lie there looking up at her, dazed. She straddled, looking down on me, looking me right in the eyes, those devil eyes seeing right through me to my defenseless inner sub. All my resistantce was gone now. My gaze projected only total submission to my Mistress’ whim.
“Beg,” she said.
I thought barely a moment in my addle-cunt state. “Please Mistress, fuck your unworthy Whore’s cunt. Fill me up. Please. I beg of you.”
“Good Whore,” she replied.
To my surprise, she brought her nether lips down surprisingly tenderly to mine. I guess I expected just a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am cunt beating. The shock of her tenderness made me gasp. In no time I was moaning from her gentle, soothing, slick cunt kissing.
Kathy rocked her hips, I think dancing in time to the music playing in the background, but by then I was too far gone to recognize any external rhythm or beat. Especially with the roar of blood rush in my inverted inner ears. Kathy’s gyrations demonstrated a rhythm of their own inside her cunt-locked slave, manipulating me all the way through, mound to mind.
I think, looking back, that was the moment I realized the bitch truly owned me. She wasJust playing me now, cunt-to-cunt, like playing my instrument with her own. That ownership bliss built up again.
That started sis building up again too. I think all the girls were dancing, cheering, laughing, sucking or fucking, somewhere in the background. It all fell together, part of the whole upside-down, heady head-rush of dominance, humiliation and control I was being subjugated under, under the will of one sub-slut-slave mastering over another. This time, I would not hold back or resist. This time, I wanted it all and I vowed to myself to give her my all.
Kathy’s gyrations increased. I looked up at her, she so beautiful, mesmerizing in her snake-like, slithering, carnal dance against me. The woman hypnotized me with her gaze. All of a sudden, I began to feel an overwhelming, starting sensing of oneness with her, as her cunt and mind melded together with mine.
Our cunt milk mixed, frothing into a whipped cream. I remember only mindless moans, grosses and squeals of delight from each of us as I looked up into her mastering eyes.
She was getting close, I could see, from the way her eyes rolled back in her head. Her eyes fluttered and all at once she was squirting hard.
Oh my fucking God! Her squirt shot straight into my gaping hole! The blast shocked the hell out of me. I was suddenly squirting too, right up into her. I had felt lots of cock squirts inside me, but the force of cunt squirt spraying straight into my womb sent me into a quivering, whole-body, squirt-tastic, never-ending orgasm that just totally fucking blew me away.
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