Date : Wednesday 6th October 2010
Time : 7:30pm
Location : A flat in the City
I straightened my tie and by back simulateneously before I turned the door handle. I was still in my work clothes and was well aware that by now I was not only afraid of some body odour but was looking a little dishevelled. I didn’t really care that much, I didn’t need to look smart for these Whores.
I opened the door and walked confidently in, like I owned the place. The blonde, Carmen, was on one side of the room looking really tarty in a pink corset and panties outfit and white suspenders, white the brunette, Donna was on the other side of the room in all black lingerie. Both looked pretty bored. I walked between them and spoke to both.
“Well? Are you two whores ready to service me? Ready to suck my cock? Ready to clean my ass with your tongues and get your own asses fucked? Because you’d better be, that’s what I pay cunts lie you to do!”
I was as obnoxious and objectiveonable as I possibly could be and I was already sporting an erection from speaking like that to the two students.
Carmen put on an obviously fake smile and came across towards me.
“Yes sir, we can’t wait, you can put it in any hole you like, you’ll have six to choose from. Won’t he Donna?”
The sultry brunette nodded and came to stand just behind her blonde colleague. Both were fit as fuck and in their early twentyties, both young enough to be my daughters. I liked them young.
“Fucking right I can bitch! Now let’s see about payment shall we.”
I took my wallet out of my pocket and made a show of removing a twenty pound note but deliberately dropping it at my feet.
“Oops, that was clumsy, why don’t one of you pick it up for me….using your teeth!”
It’s bound to be nastily degrading to get down on all fours like a dog and pick up a punters money and I grinned as Carmen did just that. Holding the note between her teeth she started to rise and I got in one last put down.
“That’s right slut. That should just about cover the both of your for the hour should……”
I broke off as the young blonde drive her knee up between my legs and connected solidly with my scrotum. My mouth shaped into a circle and all the wind rushed from me as I dropped silently to my knees and then onto my side, my hands covering my crotch way, way too late. The Two girls were on me in an instant, kicking me, slapping me and then begging to tear off my clothes.
“Fucking asshole, we’ll show you who the bitch is” spat Donna as she pulled my tie off extremely.
I was winded and offered little resistance as my shirt and tie disappeared and Donna wound the tie tightly around my wrists behind my back. As I felt it knotted again and again I sensed I was Helpless. With a surge of adrenaline I tried to get up. I made it to my knees but that unfortunately left me wide open as Carmen launched a kick with her heeled shoes that again caught meflush in the nuts. That was it for my resistance, this time when I fell over I did nothing as the tarts undid my belt, hauled off my shoes and trousers and came to the pair of frilly white panties I had been wearing all day at work. That certainly brought plenty of comments.
“Ha! Look at his babe! The fat fucking perv, gets his kicks wearing women’s knickers!”
Carmen laughed then doubled my belt over and slashed it across my stomach.
“Fucking worm, fuck us in the ass? I don’t fucking think so. There’s only one asshole getting fucked tonight and that’s you!”
I found A burst of energy from somewhere and wriggled and struggled but stopped suddenly as Carmen calmly curled her right hand around my already throbbing balls and slowly tightened her grip until her long fingernails started to dig in.
“Enough! Any more and I will rip this pathetic thing right off!”
Donna had taken the chance to don a pair of knee high, siletto heeled boots and she peered downand added.
“Yeah and after she’s done that I’ll squash them under these dickhead!”
They made a convincing case so I just lay there and looked up at them as Carmen grabbed my hair and hauled me up by it so I was on my knees again. Christ, she nearly tugged out a chunk of my scalp with it and I yelped for which I got a hard slap to my face.
“Shut up wimp! You speak when we tell you and other than that you keep fucking quiet, understanding?”
I didn’t have much option so I nodded slowly.
Carmen spat right between my eyes and as I blinked out saliva she slapped me once again across the cheese.
“From here on you say ‘Yes Mistress Carmen’ or ‘Yes Mistress Donna’, understanding bitch?”
“Yes Mistress Carmen.”
That seemed to please her and the blonde reached into her mouth and pulled out the chewing gum she had casually been chewing since I had entered and pressed it into the thick that of black public hair above my crotch.
“We’ll leave that therefor just now. Donna, look at the state of those boots, I think they could do with a good cleaning, don’t you?”
The brunette, smiled as she agreed and before I knew it I was having my face pushed down to them and being told to lick them clean.
My head was pushed down and within seconds I found myself being forced to lick the length and breadth of Donna’s boots. Carmen watched for a moment before announcing.
“I’ll go and get my boots as well, I think I trod in some dog shit earlier and they could do with a clean!”
I made to lift my head to protest but found Donna placing the sole of her other boot on my head and pushing my face back down before I could do or say anything. I resumed licking with my mind racing. Seconds after she had departed the blonde returned wearing a pair of victim looking boots. I tongued Donna’s to a shine before they were replaced in front of my face by Carmen’s.
“Don’t both with the top of them shithead, you can just clean the sole and heel!”
This was so degrading and humiliating and I tested my bonds again but the knot around my tie held firm so I had little option but to bow my head and lick Carmen’s soles. I think she had been kidding about what she had trodden in that day but it was no less disgusting licking her soles as the two witches laughed and mocked me.
“Look at him! What a pathetic fat wanker!”
“Yeah and have you seen that thing between his legs, like a baby carrot! In all my time on the game I’ve never seen such a small dick!”
I burned with shame at this talk and my actions, but what could I do, I was still recovering from the blows between my legs and being tied up left me entirely at these two bitch’s mercy. Once she was satisfied I had licked the soles of her boots clean Carmen thrust the long, thin heels of her boots into my mouth almost as if I was being forced to give them oral sex.
“Yeah suck it clean bitch! Take it all the way! Choke on it you pathetic cocksucker!”
I gagged and was nearly sick and Carmen finally relented, removing her foot from my gasping mouth. They backed off and left me gasping and drooling as they lifted a duffel bag up and dumped it on the bed that dominated the room. Carmen pulled several items from it and laid them on the bed. She handed Donna what looked like a white shoe lace with a slipknot tied at one end. The brunette came over to me and bent over in front of me, offering me a tremendous close up view of her bounteous cleavage. But while I stared at that she neatly looped the knot around my aching balls and pulled it tight. I gave a squeal of protest but it cut no ice and she pulled on it back towards where Carmen stood. I had no choice but to shuffle uncomfortable after Donna and that disappoint was not aided when I saw Carmen lift a strap on dildo from the bed and step into the harness before adjusting it around her crotch.
“Please Mistress, I …”
My pleading was cut off by a slap to the face and a pull on the lace by Donna.
“Save it bitch, we don’t care! And you’d better not make any noise when I put these on!”
In Donna’s hands now were a couple of vicious looking metal crocodile clips. She snapped them to demonstrate the spring on them then fitted them onto my stiff little nipples. How could I not scream through that? Answer was I couldn’t and I got a couple more slaps for my trouble Before Carmen jammed an orange ball gag in my mouth and tied it off, muffling my protests. The clips hurt like hell but I couldn’t do anything about them so I just knelt there pathetically while the chatted for a while until I was silent.
“That you did fag? Good. Get up and lay on the bed face down, it’s time for that ass fucking you were threatening when you came in shouting the odds like a big man.”
So there I lay, my nipples feeling like they were on fire, the lace around my balls pulled tight, unable to speak or move my hands and awaiting an ass fucking. If I could have, I would have begged them to stop, begged them not to do this, but I couldn’t and I guess that was the point. Carmen, at least, dripped some oil into my ass crack and along the length of her strap on.
“Should have fucked him dry babe, serve the fucker right!” commented Donna as her friend got on the bed on her knees behind me.
Donna was smoking a cigarette now and coolly blew a mouthful of smoke over my anguished face just as Carmen mounted me and plunged her plastic dick right into my tight asshole. I shouted into the gag incoherently and both girls laughed at my plight before Carmen really started into a punishing rhythm. I was feeling indescribable sensings for that ten minute ride. Carmen held little back as she ass fucked me, she ploughed in and out like a piston. While she was doing that she also had the loose end of the lace around my nuts in her hand and she continuously pull don it until my nuts felt like they might burst with each tug. The clips on mynipples were being rubbed uncomfortable with the back and forth motion of my fucking and they were digging deeper and deeper into my nipples and to top it off when Carmen finally stopped fucking my ass Donna stepped in and casually stubbed her fag out on my ass cheek!
As Carmen stepped back Donna grabbed my hair and literally hauled me off the bed by it until I landed awkwardly on my knees before them. The first thing evidien to moth of them was that I had an erection.
“Look at that thing Carmen! Even stiff it’s fucking tiny!”
“Yeah, but babe that means he got off taking a dick in his ass! That makes him a fag that likes hard dicks in his ass! Now prick, I’m going to remove your gag and you are going to do three things. First, you are going to thank your Mistress for fucking your ass, second You are going to tell us how much you enjoyed being fucked and last your are going to beg to suck my dildo clean. Understand? Good because if you do or say anything other than that I am going to tie the other end of this lace to top of the door and hang you by your balls!”
She sounded suitably convincing so when she did remove the gag from my drooling mouth I decided I had better get it right.
“T-Thank you Mistress for fucking my ass, I loved it. I loved taking you thick, hard cock in my ass as you so rightly said it turned me on. Please Mistress let me lick your dildo clean, please let me suck your cock.”
“I bet it’s not the first cock you’ll have sucked is it bitch?”
“No Mistress.”
“No, I bet you’re quite the little cock sucker aren’t you? I bet you like nothing better than hanging around public toilets hoping to suck some other perverts dick, don’t you?”
I swallowed nervously and nodded at her Words. I stared at the stained dildo that had come straight from my ass and slowly, reluctantly opened my mouth. Carmen smiled and moved forward impaling my mouth on her dick. Donna moved behind me and grabbed my head and between the two of them then gave me a face fucking for the ages. As Carmen thrusted into my mouth and stood the tip of the dildo against the back of my throat Donna would push my face onto it and hold it there until I was choking and gagging on it and spittle and drool was spilling from the corners of my mouth and dripping onto my chin and torso. The taste was vile too and eventually when the relented I had to fully deal with that as I was made to lick and suck the plastic completely clean.
“What a good little cocksucker you are, but I bet you need something to take away the taste of your shit don’t you?”
I nodded and leant back as Donna dropped to her knees and started to wank me off. Carmen took off the strap on and left the room only to emerge with a large soap spoon and in seconds such was my state of arousal that I came into the spoon. Donna sneered as She took the spoonful of cum and held it up to my own lips then tipped it in. I held it in my mouth for a moment, showed themThen swallowed it.
Carmen then bent forward and reached into my mat of public hair and ripped the piece of sticky chewing gum out. She held it up for me to see. It was disgusting a grey blob with my hair stick all over it. My crotch pulsed where she had torn it out from before she popped it in my anguished mouth.
“Chew it asshole, chew it then swallow it!”
My mouth felt like hell by Now with all the disgusting tastes it had endured and I could easily have been sick but I did as she commanded and chewed it before somehow managing to swallow it down.
“Dry mouth shit head? I think we can rectify that, can’t we babe?”
“Yeah, I was needing to go for a while now!”
Carmen took up the end of my ball leash and tugged on it, forcing me to follow her on my knees. It was awkward and sore as the corridor was all laminate flooring before they led me into a tiled bathroom. Carmen jerked the lace all the way, it was too tight now, my balls ached and burned but I dare not complain. Carmen positioned me in the walk in shower and stood over me.
“Open up asshole and make sure you drink plenty of this.”
I had never tasted piss before but I did what I was told, after all I was in no position not to. The sexy blonde leaned back and arched her hips and strained. I looked up and opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. Her piss came in a fast flow from her. I t hit the back of my throat before I even realized it and despite my best efforts I gagged and had to clsoe my mouth to swallow. All that did was to cover my face in her piss. They laughed at me and that only increased as I battled to re-open my lips and taste more.
After Carmen was down Donna stepped in and took over, this time she actively aimed all over my body not just my face, covering my body in a yellow sheen as If she was marking me.
When she was done I knelt there, battered and defeated. Kneeling, covered in their piss and happier than I had been in years. My fantasyhad been acted out almost to perfection, unfortunately both girls had drawn a line under shitting on me.
“Thanks, girls, that was terrific. Everything I wanted and more, I’ll be sure to give you positive feedback. Now could you turn on the shows and undo my wrists and I’ll get ready to leave.”
The prostitutes smiled at me as hey released me and turned the shower on.
“I hope it wasn’t too disturbing for you?”
They laughed and assured me it hadn’t been and I guess it hadn’t being paid to beat up and abuse a pervert can’t be that bad work, can it?
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