Who's in Charge? Pt. 02

In the morning things were a little scary. Janet couldn’t remember everything in complete detail, she knew something had happened between her and Simon. She was laid on the bed in her room still fully dressed.

She remembered they’d had sex downstairs on the sofa and the missing buttons on her blouse and soreness from her tender pussy confirmed it. She was ashamed of herself for letting it happen, he was her daughter’s husband. As much as she wanted to try and forget it, she couldn’t deny that she had enjoyed it. So much so that a part of her wanted to do it again. It had been so long since she had felt a man inside her and none of her previous husbands had ever made her like that. He had taken her with such intensity, it sent a shiver through her remembering it. She lay there, trying to picture it all in detail in her mind, but only bits and pieces came back to her. One thing did stick in her mind, how hard he had thrust himself inside her and that he was in charge.

As she lay there with her eyes closed thinking about the previous night, she heard her daughter in the next room. She froze, opened her eyes and listened. Was Simon telling her what happened? That intense shade returned. Again she heard her daughter, but she wasn’t speaking, she was moaning. He was having sex with her daughter after he had ravaged her the night before.

“Is he putting her in her place too?” She Wondered, though she doubted it.

She had never really respected him before, yes he was good to her daughter. But there was just something that had irritated her about their relationship, but today she was starting to see him in a new light. Her hand moved down her body and found her already moist pussy. Thinking about the previous night had aroused her and now she was listening to him in action again. She timed her hand movements to her daughters moans, fantasizing over the previous night. She stopped suddenly in horror as a flood of guilt overwhelmed her. She felt her wetvagina, she couldn’t believe she was being like this. What was happening to her. She lay there, lost in thought listening as her son in-law had sex with her daughter.

Simon had hurt horny as usual. Unlike Janet he could remember clearly what had happened and had enjoyed fucking Janet hard. Laying there next to his wife, Janet’s daughter, just made him even more aroused. His cock was so hard it was Actually starting to hurt. Bev was laying on her side, sleep, facing away from him. He edged closer to her, forcing his penis between her closed legs until he felt her warm entrance. He slowly moved his hips back and forth, sliding the tip of his hard cock between her lips. He pulled back, then pushed a little more of his swollen head inside her. Gradually inserting more and more of himself into her. Her body’s natural reaction to his tender invasion was to lubricate his entry with her juices. When half of his cock was inside of her, she moaned and pushed back on him, sliding therest of his hard shake inside her. He slowly made love to her from behind, not rough like he had been with Janet. He kissed her neck gently as he entered her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer to him. She locked her fingers between his as she matched his movements, pushing back onto him over and over until she came.

“Fuck!” She groaned.

Simon immediately stopped.

“What’s wrong?” He asked concern.

“My head baby. Its killing me and you making me cum like that didn’t help.” She said clutching her temples.

“I’m sorry baby, can i make it up to you tonight once this hangover is gone?” She asked reaching for his hand and squeeze it. “Please?”

He really didn’t want to, but knew her well enough to know that she wouldn’t stop him half way Through without a good reason. He kissed her neck.

“Ok but you’re gonna make it up to me later.” he said pulling out of her and spanking her arse lightly.

“What time is it?” She asked turningaround to face him.

He looked at the clock. “6:42 am” he said and then rolled onto his back.

“I suppose I should get ready for work, and I need coffee.” She said as she slide out of the bed, grabbed her dressing gown and headed to the bathroom.

As Simon lay there listening to Bev run the shower he heard movement in Janet’s room. Remembering last night he found himself getting a little concerned. Did she recall last night? If so, how would she feel about it now she was sober?

“You’ll find out soon enough!” He said to himself, not willing to start worrying over it.

Simon had loved Bev ever since he’d first laid eyes on her and he had never cheated on her before last night. Yes the thought had briefly crossed his mind. Not because he wasn’t happy, far from it, but because he needed more sex then he was getting. Before Bev’s mother had moved in 13 months ago he had the option of at least watching a porno and getting a little relief. However since he had agreedto letting Janet stay, her presence had put a stop to that. So he was feeling more and more sexually frustrated as the months passed. He enjoyed sex with Beverly, but there were things he craved to do to her that he knew she wouldn’t allow. So he held back, leaving him feeling a unsatisfied. Simon lay there staring at the ceiling, still as horny as he was when he first woke.

When Janet heard Bev and Simon talking she knew they were done. She heard someone go into the bathroom and decided to get up herself. She was a little nervous over how things would be after last night, for all she knew he had told Beverly what had happened, though a part of her seriously doubted it. She thought she should tell Beverly herself, but thought better of it.

Janet took off her torn blouse and throw it in the bin. She Couldn’t help but smile when she looked at it crumppled in the bin, she had never had a man do that to her before. She removed her underwear, lifted her dressing gown off the back of the bedroom door and put it on before leaving her room.

As Janet walked past her daughter’s bedroom she couldn’t help but look inside. She saw Simon laying in bed half covered up staring at the ceiling, she stopped for a second. He was hard, she could see his erect cock poking up through the sheets. She quickly averted her gaze and carried on walking. She smiled to herself, he really was insatiable she thought and felt her pussy get moist. As she walked down the stairs she heard the bathroom door open.

Janet walked into the front room to check if there was any evidence of last nights antis. The room had been tidied, though she did find a button that Simon had missed. She put it in her pocket and went into the kitchen to put the kettle on.

She was sat at the table in her own world when Bev walked in.

“Morning Mum.” Bev said, making Janet jump.

“Sorry mum, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Bev apologized

“Morning Beverly, its ok, i was just thinking.”She said getting up and pouring Bev a cup of coffee. Janet was nervous and couldn’t make eye contact.

“You OK mum?” Bev asked as she stirred two sugars into her coffee.

Yes, I’m fine. I think I’m still half sleep. You?”

“Yeah I’m fine. Well, besides a hangover from hell. What time did we get in last night?”

“Honestly I’m not to sure, it was pretty late.” Janet said still looking at her coffee.

“Ok. I can’t even remember getting to bed last night.” She said sipping her coffee.

“Simon carried you up, which was sweet really. I think he was worried you would fall down the stairs or something.”

“Aw. That’s why I love him.” Bev said smiling. “I know you don’t like him mum, but give him a chance. He is a good man.”

Janet recalled Simon saying something similar last night, but still couldn’t piece it all together. Bev took her silence as stubbornness, she knew her mum had never liked him, despite Simon trying with her.

“Seriously mum, you’re staying in his home now.” Bev said. Janet could hear the warning in her daughter’s statement.

“After how he was last night Beverly i can honestly say I’m seeing him in a different light. I can see why you love him, and its obvious he loves you just as much.” Janet said truthfully.

Bev got up and hugged her mum. “I’m so glad to hear you say that mum.”

“Hear what?” Simon chimed in as he walked into the kitchen. Though he had already overheard the conversation.

“Oh, nothing, me and mum were just having a girl chat.” Bev said returning to her seat.

“What time you starting today babes? You’re not even dressed.” Bev said looking at her husband in just his dressing gown.

“Think I’m going to have the day off, maybe go down to the gym and burn off some energy. Its not as if i do it all the time and the garage will manage without me for a day.” He said getting a glass and then some juice out the fridge.

“OK, well try not to over do it.” Bev said looking at him and winding.

He smiled at her knowingly and sat down to pour his drink.

“So how did you sleep last night Janet.” He asked looking at her. “Better then i have in years, thank you.” She smiled tenatively at him.

He grinned back. “That’s good.” He said before taking another sip of his orange juice.

“How’s Your head beautiful?” He said looking at his wife who was staring at her mother in surprise.

“Still hurting, hopefully it will be gone soon. Anyway I should get moving before I’m late.” She got up and kissed Simon on the cheese. “Save some energy for me later baby” she whispered in his ear.

He smiled, “Don’t worry.” He replied.

She walked over to her mum. “I’m not.” She said smiling back at him.

She kissed her mum’s cheese. “What was that for?” Her mum asked.

“For trying.” She said with a smile and left for work.

Simon and Janet sat in silence for a moment.

She kept looking at him, wonderfulring if they were going to talk about what happened.

“So what do you remember about last night?” he asked suddenly.

She was already looking at him. “Bits and pieces. I remember us on the sofa.” She said confirming what he suspected.

“That’s good.” He said looking at her. “Do you remember the rules?”

She hesitated for a second at the bluntness of the question. “That you’re in charge.” She said submissively.”

He smiled at her.

“And to remember my place.” She added. Now it was her turn to smile. She felt that guess creep in as she looked at him. She wanted him. She shouldn’t be doing this, but she couldn’t stop.

“And where’s that?” He asked as he leaned back in his chair. She could see his eyes looking at her chest.

“Depends on the position you decide.” she said, spreading her legs and brazenly putting her hand between them. She was wet.

She could see the look in his eyes and it was arousing her even more. He wanted her and her body was screaming for him.

Simon was getting aroused looking at her, he could see what she was doing and even though he felt guilt over what had translated last night, he couldn’t help thinking about taking her right there on the table. “Janet I love Bev, I do. I had never cheated on her before last night. It shouldn’t of happened and in truth I could of being a lot rougher with you.” Janet’s hand was Still between her legs, she had been subconsciously rubbing her clip and moaned at the thought of what he had just said.

“And what could you of done?” She asked in a low husky voice. She tugged the belt to her dressing gown, allowing it to open, revealing her breasts and erect nipples. All thoughts of Bev evaporated from her mind as they were replaced with erotic images of him dominating her. She knew she shouldn’t be thinking this way, but she couldn’t help it.

“Degrade you… spank you… fuck you up your arse… piss on you.” He said almost growing it, pausing a second before saying each one and watching her reaction.

He watched her obviously shiver as she moved her hand faster, as they both imagined him doing those things to her. He was hard and couldn’t take it any more. He got up and walked over to her.

“Get up.” He ordered.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him, she could see the lust in his eyes. As soon as she got up he bent her over the corner of the table. He Pulled her dressing gown tie out and bound her hands behind her back tightly. Then removing his own dressing gown tie, he told her to open her mouth. When she did as instructed, he gagged her with it and tied it behind her head.

His cock slipped into her easily she was so wet. He buried himself all the way into her, making her moan. The corner of the table was pressing against her clip, rubbing it as he pushed into her and it didn’t take her long to cum.

His aggression seemed to return, he wasn’t angry with her, but his primary instincts took over. This wasn’t love making, it was animal lust and desire. He continued to pump into her, sliding his cock between her legs as he held the fabric binding her wrists. Her spanked her with his free hand as he ploughed his hard cock inside her as deep as it would go. He spanked her again with the palm of his hand, hard. It stung and she cried out into her gag. He spanked her arse over and over, until he turned her buttocks a deep red. She stood there, bent over the kitchen table, tied up whilst he fucked her viscously. She couldn’t stop him even if she wanted to, all she could do was stand there and take his throbbing dick inside her. He was showing her who was in charge, just as he had the night before and she was letting him. Enjoying every second of it, every inch of his erect cock as he slide it in and out of her. She came again, even harder. Her knees were going weak and she felt like she was going to collapse. He grabbed the back of her neck firmly, pressing her against the table and holding her inplace. She felt like a rag doll, unable to do anything accept allow him to do whatever he wished to do to her.

He removed his hard shake from her pussy. She could feel how wet she had made his cock as he pushed it between her bum cheats. She was still very aroused when the head of his lubricated cock entered her tight arse. Janet gasped in shock. Forcing it into her backside, he held her there against the table and began to use his mother in-laws tight bottom. He fucked her slowly, pushing in a little bit, pulling out, then pushing in a bit more until she was bent over with his hard pulsing cock buried up her arse. Once he was fully inserted into her rear end he waited, allowing her to adjust to his intrusion as he mentally took a picture of the scene before him.

Janet had never had a man’s penis up her bottom before, she had never been sure she would like it. It hurt, having him penetrate her like this, but she couldn’t stop him. She stood there, bent over the kitchen table, her wrists tied up and gagged. His complete and utter domination of her was arousing, feeling so helpless and even though it hurt, she wanted to cum while he used her like this. Surrendering a part of herself that she had never given to any man before. Giving him the one thing she had left that was for him and him alone.

He fucked her slowly at first, sliding the full length of his cock out and then burying it back in. His speed increased slowly, as he began to ram himself up her backside harder and harder, until he was fucking her stretched little arsehole like he had her pussy. She had no choice but to stand there as he sodomized her. The corner of the kitchen table still between her legs, rubbing her clip as he violent her arse. A mixture of pleasure and pain course through her, she had never experienced anything quite like what she was feeling at that moment. She felt so helpless, yet so aroused she could feel the wetness on her thighs. He was hurting her and pleasureingher at the same time.

Simon was lost in the intensity of it, using his mother-law’s virgin bottom as hard and deep as he could. The woman who had spent years putting him down, had willingly bent over in front of him and allowed him to fuck her. He pressed down on the back of her neck as he felt all the years of built up aggression towards this woman. Ramming his cock so violently between her parted cheeks she would grunt, which just aroused him even more. He was getting off on making her take his swollen cock where it shouldn’t go. He couldn’t treat Bev like this, though a part of him craved it. Wanted to put his wife in the same position and abuse her body like this, but his love for her made him hesitate. But now he could give in to the darker side of his nature and use her mother instead, treat her how he had wanted to treat Bev at times. The realization of his new situation, and the thoughts of all the things he could do to Janet pushed him over the edge. He came with a grunt, spraying her bowels with his cum.

Janet lay on the table, her arse aching from abuse, waiting for him to untie her. He stood there, looking at her, admiring the sight of her bent over the table, tied up, with his cock still between her cheeks. He spanked each of her already red cheeks twice more, making her cry out before he finally removed her bonds and gag. As she stood there bent over the table, feeling him pull his wet flaccid cock out of her sore arse. Once she was free of her bonds she turned to face him.

“Get on your knees.” He said.

She looked at him, reluctant to do what she knew he wanted. He was treating her like some cheap whore and she didn’t want to degrade herself like that.

“You wanted this, remember. I told you exactly how things would go. Now get on your knees.” He said looking at her angrily.

She dropped to her knees. He was right, she had wanted to be treated this way and now he had started, he wasn’t going to stop until he was satisfied.

She took his cock in her mouth, rubbing it with her hands and sucking it. Cleaning it with her mouth like the dirty whore he wanted her to be. Her mind was blank, she wasn’t thinking, just accepting her place.

This was what she was, this was how he expected her to behave. She had no say, she could only obey and by surrendering to that knowing, bring her a sort of peace she couldn’t explain. In that moment, the only reason she was on the planet, her only goal in life, was to please him and do as he commanded.

She obediently did as he wanted, sucking, licking and struggling his penis until he was hard again. Janet was more aroused then she had ever been in her life. She knew it was wrong, but that seemed to turn her on even more. The naughtiness of feeling her fingers cares her clip as she committed This filthy act intensified her desire for him.

He pulled her up by her hair and laid her on her back on the table. Spreading her legs and raising them up on his shoulders, he slid his cock into her pussy. She heard the squelch as he entered her wetness. His degrading and controlling treatment of her had aroused her so much her body felt on fire. He fucked her pussy again, reaching down to squeeze her breasts and nipples as he pounded into her. Driving his cock into her so hard the table was shaking.

“Who’s in charge?” He asked.

“YOU!” She cried as he asserted his dominance over her body.

“You master!” She said as he rammed into her.

He reached between her legs and touched her clip which sent her flying over the edge.

Moaning out her pleasure as wave after wave shot through her body like electric charges. Her orgasm ripped through her so violently that everything went black for a moment. She came round to him fucking her with everything he had until he ejaculated inside her.

When he finally pulled out of her, he stood there looking down at her on the table. She looked up at him, she was smoking, so was he.

“Follow me.” He said.

She groggily got up off the table and followed him upstairs to the bathroom on shaky legs.

“In the shower and get on you knees.” He commanded.

She was confused and physically drained, but did as she was told.


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