Who's on Top? A Twisted Romance

Chapter One: From Vanilla to Spice

Being submissive didn’t come naturally to her. Quite the opposite. That’s why it took us time to get there, but also why it appealed to us. Her work is fast-paced, high profile, demanding long hours and intense commitment. If it took her attention away from me sometimes (often) I understand. She and I started out at the same company, and for a time, our roles and Responsibilities ran parallel. A business magazine even published an article about a few of us who looked likely for future leadership, or, from another view, were on a collision course. (No more about that; the last thing I want is for readers to figure out who we are.)

I had my first sexual fantasy about her literally the night after we were introduced. I love brunettes, and her green eyes attended me. Her rosy complexion and full lips completed my ideal. From the first hello, she came across as relaxed but not cocky, engaged but laid back, smart but interested in what you had to say. I wanted to know her better. And biblically. I won’t deny it was lust at first sight, but more than that, I needed to be with her.

She came from the Midwest, where she’d acquired a surface reserve that hinted at unexplored depths. Back in high school I used to build fansies around women I was too intimidated to talk to. I got over that, until I met her. If she looked interested in my opinion in a meeting, I’d be happy all afternoon. If she asked me a question, I could make a whole evening out of it. In the meantime, we’d exchanged less than a dozen words one-on-one.

She’d barely been in the job a month before the CEO put her in charge of an important project. She managed it with such poise we all assumed she’d led similar endeavors in the past. Then a rumor started going around the office that she’d been recruited almost directly out of college and was younger than any of us thought.

One day I took the opportunity to study her face while she made a presEntry. She could’ve looked the same as a teenager and might change very little in another decade. Probably means she got carded in bars, but that was the only downside I could see. That, and the fact people who look young often aren’t taken seriously at work. Clearly not a problem in her case.

When that project landed successfully, largely due to her steady hand, the company throw a big party with oceans of Champagne. I knocked back three flutes in the first ten minutes and felt buzzed. On my way out of the men’s room I bumped into her on the way to the ladies’. We both laughed. And, for the first time, we started talking. After five minutes, I deadpanned, “I know you have important matters to take care of,” nodding to the bathroom door. She looked me in the eye and asked if I’d wait.

Hell, yeah, I would. When she went through the door, I sprinted into the other room, grabbed two glasses of champione, and dashed back in time to hand her one as she emerged. We closed, and I knocked back a big slug. She sipped. We found a corner away from our colleagues and keep chatting. She emphasized a point by laying her hand on my shoulder. The modest touch sent tingles through my body. When she let it stay there, I nearly melted.

My mind raced seeking ways to justify asking her out, but company rules forbade it. And I warned myself to not get carried away. Colleagues had mentioned she’d initiated some “get to know you” one-on-ones. She hadn’t done it with me yet, so this was likely nothing more than that. We bounced from topic to topic, led by her. What movies do you like? What books? Sports? Maybe she had a checklist to help connect with people in shorthand — a useful skill in business (“hey, your team kicked mine’s butt last night” can be a good icebreaker).

Others reported finding the chats a little formal; she came across to them like a manager ticking off boxes. Our conversation felt warmer, more personal, like she was generally interested in meand pretty open about herself. We discovered a shared love of horror movies, for example. The cheeseer and gorier the better, we agreed, and made each other laugh naming off some real doozies (CHUD, anyone?).

Her fondness for b-grade bloodbaths seemed at odds with her quiet, straightlaced persona. It certainly suggested she had a dark side. Maybe having an outlet to experience victim chaos Completed her restraint in real life. More important to me at that moment, it feel like something she wouldn’t tell just anybody. That made me feel special. But I’d been drinking a lot and assumed she had, also. Not that she acted tipsy. I took her for a person who maintained self-control, even when drunk.

Colleagues occasionally came by to congratulate her. Her hand left my shoulder as soon as Anyone appeared. Promisingly, it went back when we were alone again. Finally, some folks who’d clearly downed even more championne than I had barged in to recruit us for karaoke in the conference room. They were too sloshed to accept any answer except, “See ya there.”

When they left, she muttered, “Oh, shit.” A casual remark, but I’d never heard her curse. I doubt any of us had. At the office she spoke as politely as a school teacher and as incisively as a lawyer. Apparently, she didn’t like karaoke. “Wanna make a break for it?” she asked.

Down on the street, we suddenly became tongue tied. She solved our dilemma by pushing me against a building and kissing me. We spent a couple of minutes exploring each other’s open mouths with our tongues. She told me her apartment was a three-minute walk (so that’s why nobody could ever beat her to the office in the morning). Would I like to go there? I must’ve agreed a little too enthusiastically, because she stepped back and said, “Don’t make any assumptions.”

I nodded, as soberly as I could manage, and said I only hoped we could finish our debate over whether John Carpenter was an auteur unfairly dismissed by elitist critics or a hack who wouldn’t have a career if you took away the buckets of fake blood. (I can no longer remember who argued which position.)

In her apartment — nice, not fancy; enough room, barely — I sat on the sofa and launched into my analysis of Carpenter’s The Thing. She listened courteously as she kicked off the low-heel pumps she always wore to the office, then padded over and sat on the other end. I kept nattering on until she plopped her bare feet into my lap. The touch of her naked soles on my wool-clad thighs shut me up. I guess I stared at her.

“Didn’t you say Pulp Fiction was in your top five?” she asked, looking at me expected. It took my liquided-up brain a second to recall that film’s famous dialog about foot massages. The obvious conclusion was that she wanted one. On the other hand, the topic of the scene was whether an out-of-line foot massage was grounds for a brutal murder. Maybe she was warning me not to touch. Hands on or hands off? The factshe was low-key toying with me felt cool.

I tenatively wrapped my right hand around her left foot and pressed my thumb into the pad under her toes. She throw her head back and told. Yes! I spent several minutes doing a number on her feet. When she cool to say how nice it feel, I quoted Samuel L. Jackson’s line from the movie, “I got my technique down and everything. I don’t be tickling or nothing.” She made noises I guarantee nobody at the office had heard from her. I tenatively worked my way up her ankles and shins. Her happy sounds continued, so I did too.

After enjoying my ministers for a while, she sat up and kissed me. We locked on her couch like teenagers with parents in the next room. It took me a good ten minutes to get to the over-the-clothes caresing of her breasts. She planted kisses along my chin and down my neck but no lower. After half an hour, we’d had a great work out, but her feet were still the only bare body parts in the room.

I know that,biologically speaking, blue balls aren’t a thing, but mine reached. The bulge in my pants felt like the most obvious thing in the world. She paid no attention. If we’d gone as far as we were going to, I could live with that. But I had to get home so I could jerk off.

That’s when I felt her hand on my crotch. At first it just laid there. Outside my pants. Not moving. But wonderful. Warm. I will my dick to stay calm, but it swelled even further against her palm. She closed her fingers and squeezed. I loved the attention but was a little distracted by the effort not to cum in my pants. It would be messy and embarrassing and another thing I hadn’t done since high school. Fortunately, she wasted no time unbuckling my belt, opening my zipper, and lifting out my cock. I have to say, it enjoyed the fresh air.

She ran her finger from tip to balls and then slowly started stroking. I closed my eyes in bliss, refusing to let the constant mantra of don’t-come-don’t-come-don’t-come in my head ruin it. I still had my eyes shut when I felt her moist lips sliding over my shake. I could tell immediately she was an expert. She’d swirl her tongue around the glans, then lick the shake up and down like a lollipop, then plumge my whole cock into her mouth. When she sensed I was about to spurt, she’d ease off, let me settle, and then start again, driving me thrillingly insane.

She let me know she was ready to finish me off by picking up her pace and bobbing her moist lips up and down while fisting and pumping the base. My ejaculation began deep inside, rose gradually to the surface, and gushed into her waiting mouth as a blissful sight poured out of mine. She used a squeeze and release move to take my load slowly, increasing my pleasure and letting her swallow every drop. My orgasm went on forever.

When I was drained, she licked her lips and looked up, shyly. “Was that OK?” she asked with a giggle, as if there was any doubt. She brought her face close to mine andhovered. I got the feeling she wanted to kiss me, but maybe she worried I might not want to lock lips with a pair that had just been feasting on my ejaculate. I leaned in and gave her a password smooth. I tasted myself in her mouth. It was hot.

When we finished, she got to her feet and looked down at me. “Tonight’s been great,” she said. That sounded like my cue to leave, and though disappointed, I couldn’t complain. I started doing up my pants. She’d licked my cock so clean it didn’t even feel messy.

“Gotta use the bathroom,” she said.

“Should I…?” I pointed to the front door.

“Wait. Won’t be a long.” She padded off through the door to the bedroom, leaving the door open. I heard another door click inside. The en suite. Okay, we’d gone a long way for the first time, and at least she wanted to say a proper good night. I stood up and waited. I’d never even took my shoes off, so no complicated logistics. I tried to think of things to say in parting that wouldbe sexy or sweet or even businesslike (we were colleagues, after all). I had nothing.

Turned out I didn’t need to worry.

I heard another click from inside the bedroom. A few seconds later, she appeared in the doorway. In the low light, it took me a moment to realize she was stark naked. Damn, did she look beautiful. Some guys claim to know whether a woman’s a C cup or D or whatever. I can only say she had Goldilocks breasts: not too big, not too little, just right. Her stomach was flat, wait tapered. Hips exactly what they should be. And her legs — well, the modest, professional pants and skirts she wore to the office deprived her co-workers of one of life’s great joys.

“Going to bed now,” she said. I guess I’m a cautious type; I still thought that might’ve mean good night. Until she added, “Join me?” before disappearing into the room. I followed seconds later to find her stretched out invitingly on the bed, arms above her head, lifting her breasts proudly, toes poInted like a ballet dancer’s, reaching for me. I stripped, then caresed her feet — the first place I’d ever touched her — and ran my fingers up her toned shins and thighs. She showed and spread her legs.

She’d given me incredible oral pleasure and I yearned to return the favor. I buried my nose in her neighborly trimmed public hair. She tasted wonderful as my tongue explored, then gasped and shuddered when I found the spot.

I took my time, flicking her clip and kissing it before sliding my finger between her engaged labia, releasing a flood of pent-up wetness. As she compromised and groaned (the happy moans she’d made when I massed her feet were nothing in comparison), I slipped another finger inside her and began making come-hither strokes on her soft walls. “Oh my god,” she said, over and over, a whisper at first and gradually louder, sounding both surprised and pleased.

Her pussy got even juicier. Soon I couldn’t resist penetrating her beautiful asshole with my slicked-up fingerprinter. I’d been too carried away to ask her consent, and as it slid in, I worried she’d object. Instead, she started a chorus of “yes, yes, yes.” I plunged my fingers deeper and licked her clip even more vigorously. She started shouting, “Oh, my fucking god. OH, MY FUCKING GOD.” (So, the “shit” she’d muttered back in the office no longer seemed like a big deal.) Her vagina walls began to tremble and clutch, massaging my fingers. At the crest of the wave, she exploded in the loudest, most convulsive orgasm I’d ever witnessed.

I practically leave up onto her, the head of my hard cock instinctively finding her silky wet portal, twitching with excitement. She put her hands on my chest and said,


Uh, oh.

She smiled, gazed into my eyes, and drew a deep breath before she spoke. “Let’s appreciate the moment. Take it slow.”

Oh. My. God. This. Woman.

I rubbed the tip up and down her pussy lips. Whether the slippery fluids were my secretions or hers didn’t matter. I leaned in, and my cockhead began to split open her labia. Her lips slide around my glans and closed me inside her. She groaned and took hold of my hips in strong hands. “More,” she whispered. I let her guide the pace as I slide steadily deeper until my balls bumped against her perineum. I sawed.


I made a few, gentle thrusts. She slapped my ass, laughed, and said, “Fuck me.” I pulled almost all the way out, then plugged back in hard. She wrapped her legs around mine, intensifying the friction. Then she throw them open, inviting me deeper. I sat back on my heels, grabbed her ankles, and yanked them onto my shoulders. Her sexy feet rested on either side of my head. As I slammed into her, I kissed one sole, then the other. Leveraging her ass a few inches off the mattress, I pounded her over and over, loving the loud slaps of our frenzied bodies.

The sloshing sounds coming from her sopping pussy put porn to shame. “I can’t believe how wet you are,” I moaned.

“I can’t believe how good you feel inside me,” she groaned.

The blow job she’d given me earlier turned out to be the gift that kept on giving. My drained balls let me experience this pleasure without coming too quickly. Every nervous ending from my head to my toes tingled sensitively. My cock had never gotten as hard as it was right then; it would’ve been painful if it hadn’t felt wonderful.

Time stood still while I pounded her pussy and her ecstatic cries and moans caresed my eardrums. At last, my testicles announced the adventure of my second orgasm of the night.

“Can I… May I…?” I grunted.

“Yes, please,” she said, an urgent plea. “I want it.” A demand.

The dam within me burst. I began hosting her cervix with my cream. As always, my second orgasm felt even more incredible than the first. I emptied myself and collapsed.

The fluids we’d explored so freely and the ways we’d wrestled had messed her bed up royally. We slept in it anyway. There’s a cliché that says women are wide wake after sex but men are sleepy. She was snoring the minute her head hit the pillow. (Yes, she snores. Since I sleep well it doesn’t both me, and it’s good to know she has an imperfection or two.)

So that was our first sexual encounter. Pretty vanilla, but it instantly took its place as my peak sexual experience to date, partly due to my shock it Even happened.

That surprise would pale in comparison to the ones yet to come.

I tired alone.

It was her place, so she couldn’t have gone home. She might’ve already headed to the office, but five in the morning would’ve been early even for her. Then I heard the sound of the shower through the bathroom door. She came out wearing a terrycloth robe, barefoot and soaking. (I’d soon learn she never towels off but likes to, in her words, “drip dry.”)

I looked for signs of gladness or regret about the night before. She wore what most folks call a “poker face,” though I thnk of it as her “office expression.”

“I could get us bagels,” I volunteered, though my dishheveled, groggy appearance and the sexual juices dried on my body suggested I wasn’t as ready to go out as I tried to sound. She opened the door to the living room and padded out in her robe. Since she had something on, I pulled my shirt over my head and grabbed underwear from the floor. Yeah, I looked nice.

In the few seconds I’d taken to get semi-decent, she’d removed a platter of scrambled eggs and buttered toast from the warming oxygen in her kitchen, which occurred a nook off one side of room. God, she can cook? (Not really, I’d discover, but breakfast remains a specialty.)

I joined her at the table and helped myself to the tantalizing food she’d obviously whipped up before dawn. She poured coffee. We ate in silence. She said she needed to leave for the office soon, but I should take my time. The door would lock on its own. I mentioned having to go home first, since I couldn’tbe seen wearing the same clothes the morning after an office party. (Though I promise you no one would’ve guessed correctly whom I’d gone home with.)

Then she turned seriously. “I have a confession,” she said. My stomach tightened. “Yours wasn’t exactly the first…” she paused to choose the right word… “penis I’ve had in my mouth.”

My gut relaxed. She was making a joke. “Yeah, I figured that. Listen, if you want me to send thank you notes to the guys who let you practice just text me their addresses.”

Her eyes said she wasn’t finished. “But it was the first penis inside … me.”

It took a minute to sink in. “You’re… were… a… a…”

“Yes. I mean, I suppose I should add ‘technical’ to that word, since as you suspended, I’d done… I think the popular term is ‘everything but.’ My community was very conservative growing up. I went to one of those colleges where you sign a pledge not to … do certain things. But, you know, young people find ways to havefun.”

What should I say? I hadn’t knowingly met a virgin since my freshman year of college, and that first time had been less than spectacular.

“I’m honored,” I said. “But are you… sorry? I mean, we’d both been drinking…”

“I had two sips of the champion you brought me.”


“I knew what I was doing. And I wanted it. Very much. I couldn’t be happier.”

“So, you took advantage of me,” I said, deadpan. She looked concerned, until I burst out in laughter. Then it hit me. “Shit,” I said, suddenly serious. “I wasn’t wearing a condom.”

“I’m on the pill to regulate my period. Like my mom says, ‘That bitch can be a real brat’. Last night I was glad to be prepared. I mean, I didn’t plan it. But…wow. Yeah. So glad.” She leaned over and we kissed. It was quick, sweet, not erotic, like a thank you to a friend. Then she went on to tell me that what happened between us would be a chefheed memory, but we’d both worked hard to achieve our positions,and company policy strictly forbade “special relationships.” We couldn’t go on doing this.

There are times in my life when something big happens, and I’d expect to panic or get angle, but instead, I become utterly calm. This occasion was like that. I could’ve freaked out over the idea that an experience beyond my wildest dreams would never be repeated. What I did was calmly nod. “I feel exactly the same way,” I lied.


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